Walter Beck

Рождение : 1929-09-19,


Der Streit um des Esels Schatten
The philosopher Democritus has a toothache, so a dentist from ancient Abdera sets off for his house. En route, he gets into a fight with a donkey driver. This conflict eventually causes all of Abdera to go crazy. Just when the city is seconds away from having a civil war, Democritus' apprentice shows up to ease the city's tensions with a gift.
Der Streit um des Esels Schatten
The philosopher Democritus has a toothache, so a dentist from ancient Abdera sets off for his house. En route, he gets into a fight with a donkey driver. This conflict eventually causes all of Abdera to go crazy. Just when the city is seconds away from having a civil war, Democritus' apprentice shows up to ease the city's tensions with a gift.
Kai from the Box
Kai, a young boy, living in 1923 Berlin tries to convince an American businessman that he can market his chewing gum better than anyone else in town.
Однажды юная принцесса играла у колодца с золотым шаром, и случайно уронила его в колодец. Горько заплакала юная дева и пообещала исполнить любое желание того, кто поможет ей достать любимую игрушку со дна колодца.
Однажды юная принцесса играла у колодца с золотым шаром, и случайно уронила его в колодец. Горько заплакала юная дева и пообещала исполнить любое желание того, кто поможет ей достать любимую игрушку со дна колодца.
Der Bärenhäuter
Der Bärenhäuter
Film by Walter Beck.
Film by Walter Beck.
Принц за семью морями
Перед смертью королева — мать попросила у феи, чтобы ее младшего сына полюбила девушка, для которой он стал бы единственным счастьем. Фея была мудра и потому… превратила юношу в дикого зверя. Ведь за красавца-принца любая пойдет, а за того, кто у всех вызывает ужас, — только та, которая его действительно полюбит.
Принц за семью морями
Перед смертью королева — мать попросила у феи, чтобы ее младшего сына полюбила девушка, для которой он стал бы единственным счастьем. Фея была мудра и потому… превратила юношу в дикого зверя. Ведь за красавца-принца любая пойдет, а за того, кто у всех вызывает ужас, — только та, которая его действительно полюбит.
Des Henkers Bruder
Des Henkers Bruder
Das Raubtier
After a wolf had killed a sheep in their village, 12-year old Roland and his friend Hugo keep track of the predator. Roland wants to build a trap to capture the wolf alive. His father, on the other hand, wants to kill the animal with the hunting collective. Thus, father and son become rivals. Whereas his father takes leave from his job to lie in wait for the wolf, Roland ditches school and tinkers with his trap.
Das Raubtier
After a wolf had killed a sheep in their village, 12-year old Roland and his friend Hugo keep track of the predator. Roland wants to build a trap to capture the wolf alive. His father, on the other hand, wants to kill the animal with the hunting collective. Thus, father and son become rivals. Whereas his father takes leave from his job to lie in wait for the wolf, Roland ditches school and tinkers with his trap.
Trini avenges the torture of his uncle by a landowner’s son. Trini and his fellow peons destroy the landowner’s home and overpower his guards with the help of Emiliano Zapata. Zapata is killed in a conspiracy before Trini can warn him.
Trini avenges the torture of his uncle by a landowner’s son. Trini and his fellow peons destroy the landowner’s home and overpower his guards with the help of Emiliano Zapata. Zapata is killed in a conspiracy before Trini can warn him.
Sleeping Beauty
On the occasion of their daughter's birth, the king and queen give a lavish feast. Among the guests are twelve fairies who endow the infant in the cradle with all good qualities. As the king loathes diligence, he does not invite the thirteenth fairy - the fairy of diligence. A captain lets her slip into the castle and she casts a spell on Sleeping Beauty, wishing death upon her. The twelfth fairy transforms and mitigates the spell. On the day she turns fifteen, the princess is to sink into a hundred-year sleep after pricking her finger on a spindle.
Sleeping Beauty
On the occasion of their daughter's birth, the king and queen give a lavish feast. Among the guests are twelve fairies who endow the infant in the cradle with all good qualities. As the king loathes diligence, he does not invite the thirteenth fairy - the fairy of diligence. A captain lets her slip into the castle and she casts a spell on Sleeping Beauty, wishing death upon her. The twelfth fairy transforms and mitigates the spell. On the day she turns fifteen, the princess is to sink into a hundred-year sleep after pricking her finger on a spindle.
Der rote Reiter
In 1920, Michael, the son of a German laboring man, decides to travel to Russia. As "red horseman" he wants to support the socialist revolution and fight for the welfare of the working class. The journey towards the east turns out to be both a big adventure and a severe ethical test for the young man. He has to escape the German Armed Forces and ends up at a traveling circus where he falls in love with Fanny, a dressage rider. He overcomes the temptation to stay with her at the circus and - after briefly joining a gang of teenage thieves - he eventually boards a ship heading east. Aboard the ship he finds out that the seamen are transporting weapons for the hostile members of the White Army.
Der rote Reiter
In 1920, Michael, the son of a German laboring man, decides to travel to Russia. As "red horseman" he wants to support the socialist revolution and fight for the welfare of the working class. The journey towards the east turns out to be both a big adventure and a severe ethical test for the young man. He has to escape the German Armed Forces and ends up at a traveling circus where he falls in love with Fanny, a dressage rider. He overcomes the temptation to stay with her at the circus and - after briefly joining a gang of teenage thieves - he eventually boards a ship heading east. Aboard the ship he finds out that the seamen are transporting weapons for the hostile members of the White Army.
Клад на дне озера
Бывшие эсэсовцы, которые в конце войны стали свидетелями сброса в озеро сокровищ, пытаются достать их со дна. Однако эти планы были сорваны группой детей, которые помогали полиции ловить преступников… Знаете ли Вы, что... : Фильм снят по мотивам книги Хорста Безелера «Совиная ложбинка» («Käuzchenkuhle»).
Клад на дне озера
Бывшие эсэсовцы, которые в конце войны стали свидетелями сброса в озеро сокровищ, пытаются достать их со дна. Однако эти планы были сорваны группой детей, которые помогали полиции ловить преступников… Знаете ли Вы, что... : Фильм снят по мотивам книги Хорста Безелера «Совиная ложбинка» («Käuzchenkuhle»).
Turlis Abenteuer
The puppet boy Turli, who was only recently been carved from wood by the toymaker Kasimir, suddenly springs to life. Turli has nothing but nonsense on his mind and wreaks chaos everywhere he goes, although he is actually supposed to attend school.
Turlis Abenteuer
The puppet boy Turli, who was only recently been carved from wood by the toymaker Kasimir, suddenly springs to life. Turli has nothing but nonsense on his mind and wreaks chaos everywhere he goes, although he is actually supposed to attend school.
Король Дроздобород
Гордая и строптивая принцесса высмеивала всех женихов, которых предлагал ей отец. В наказание он решил выдать дочь замуж за первого мужчину, который войдет в их замок. Таким счастливцем оказался один из отвергнутых ранее женихов, переодетый нищим музыкантом.
Король Дроздобород
Гордая и строптивая принцесса высмеивала всех женихов, которых предлагал ей отец. В наказание он решил выдать дочь замуж за первого мужчину, который войдет в их замок. Таким счастливцем оказался один из отвергнутых ранее женихов, переодетый нищим музыкантом.
When Martin Was Fourteen
Martin′s and his girlfriend′s Kathrin′s childhood comes to an abrupt end in 1920, when their Mecklenburg village is drawn into the events surrounding the Kapp putsch. By accident, Martin discovers a charge of weapons that land owner von Bröder had put away for the reactionary forces, and gives them to the workers in the city. When the village starts to organize a strike against the putsch, soldiers arrive at the village to hold down the residents of the village.
When Martin Was Fourteen
Martin′s and his girlfriend′s Kathrin′s childhood comes to an abrupt end in 1920, when their Mecklenburg village is drawn into the events surrounding the Kapp putsch. By accident, Martin discovers a charge of weapons that land owner von Bröder had put away for the reactionary forces, and gives them to the workers in the city. When the village starts to organize a strike against the putsch, soldiers arrive at the village to hold down the residents of the village.
Drei Kapitel Glück
Ev and Peter fall in love at first sight. Peter studies dentistry in Leipzig and is eager to work in the country. There is an unfilled dentist vacancy in his home village. Ev, on the other hand, is drawn to the city. Being a commercial artist, she sees no chance to find a job in the country. This conflict becomes the first real test for their relationship.
Drei Kapitel Glück
Ev and Peter fall in love at first sight. Peter studies dentistry in Leipzig and is eager to work in the country. There is an unfilled dentist vacancy in his home village. Ev, on the other hand, is drawn to the city. Being a commercial artist, she sees no chance to find a job in the country. This conflict becomes the first real test for their relationship.
Der neue Fimmel
Der neue Fimmel
Claudia is a self-confident girl who spends time in a Young Pioneer camp and wants to prove that she can keep up with the boys in a scouting wide game.
Claudia is a self-confident girl who spends time in a Young Pioneer camp and wants to prove that she can keep up with the boys in a scouting wide game.
Die Schönste
13-year old Thomas Berndorf, the son of the rich business man Alexander Berndorf, becomes friends with Hannes Wille, whose father works as foreman. They get to know each because Hannes sometimes is allowed to polish Berndorf′s Mercedes 300. They make a bet whose mother is the most beautiful. Hannes assumes that Mrs. Berndorf is only admired for her expensive jewellery. Thus, he suggests that Thomas should steal a collier from his mother. Out of solidarity, he also robs a golden brooch from his mother. At home at the Berndorfs, a severe crisis threatens Thomas′s parents′ "marriage of convenience", and financial hardships are following on the theft.