Dieter Wien

Dieter Wien

Рождение : 1934-10-13, Gdańsk, Poland


Dieter Wien


Reife Leistung!
Herr Mohn
The Trace Leads to the Silver Lake
Cornel Brinkley (voice)
Однажды юная принцесса играла у колодца с золотым шаром, и случайно уронила его в колодец. Горько заплакала юная дева и пообещала исполнить любое желание того, кто поможет ей достать любимую игрушку со дна колодца.
Рождественские сказки
Перед Сочельником пути многих людей пересекаются. У каждого из них в этот день своя особенная история ... Врач детской поликлиники с радостным сердцем покидает больницу утром 24 декабря. Родители маленького Матиаса снова помирились. На прощание привратник преподносит ей шоколадного Деда Мороза, которого часто следует проходить в этот день: при той или иной мимолетной встрече, в качестве милого жеста для других. Судьба играет немного Кнехта Рупрехта и раздает его дары. Два одиноких сердца спешат спастись от праздничной суеты. Несчастный случай сводит их обоих вместе. За бутылку игристого вина в этом испуге сладкий шоколадный мужчина меняется на разведенного мужа Ильзы, которого каждый год в одно и то же время тянет обратно к семье на колени.
Der Bärenhäuter
Mit vierzig hat man noch Träume
Werner Grademann
Im Spiegel
Direktor Eckstein
Family Gang
Film by Horst E. Brandt.
Die lange Ankunft des Alois Fingerlein
Die Heimkehr des Joachim Ott
Columbus on the Havel River
An eleven-year old girl goes on a sailing trip with her parents who don't know much about sailing.
Hiev up
The crew of a small Saßnitz fisherman has problems with the "making a cultural socialist life". In order not to lose the competition prize again in the future, they want to show the organizer a collective weekend with all the trimmings. And they really do not mind ...
Bruno Kappel is an established attorney in Hamburg who, in earlier times, belonged to an anarchistic student circle. His former girlfriend Karin Kunze is still a member of this scene. Bruno, who still has left-wing beliefs, becomes her attorney. But when Karin gets into a shootout with the police, she has to go into hiding. The prosecuting attorney Baller has also been a former member of the anarchistic scene. He does not want his past to be revealed by Karin′s apprehension and prosecution. Thus, he asks Kappel to find Karin and sneak her out to a foreign country.
Das Raubtier
After a wolf had killed a sheep in their village, 12-year old Roland and his friend Hugo keep track of the predator. Roland wants to build a trap to capture the wolf alive. His father, on the other hand, wants to kill the animal with the hunting collective. Thus, father and son become rivals. Whereas his father takes leave from his job to lie in wait for the wolf, Roland ditches school and tinkers with his trap.
Ottokar, the World Reformer
A funny story about fifth grader Ottokar who is always ready to fight for justice.
Вторая любовь
Mr. Zander
Главный герой - слесарь автомастерской Петер Папенбольдт - всё свободное время отдаёт занятиям с детьми в секции гимнастики добровольного спортивного клуба. В его секции с увлечением и отдачей занимаются дети разного возраста. Начальство уговаривает Папенбольдта перейти на настоящую тренерскую работу, бросить свою секцию, заняться подготовкой профессиональных спортивных кадров... Но постепенно Папенбольдт понимает, что не может обмануть преданные детские сердца.
Dr. Biebermann
This episodic comedy explores love in all its varieties.
Daniel Druskat
The five-part feature, based on the novel by Helmut Sakowski, focuses on the friendly but also rival relationship between Druskat and the self-righteous Max Stephan, an old pal with different attitudes towards life and socialism . Druskat came to Mecklenburg as a refugee after World War II, became an integral part of the community, but also repeatedly caused a stir. Since the death of his wife he lives only with his daughter Anja, although there were enough women who wanted to be with him. Now he´s chairman of the LPG, the "volutary" federation for agriculture and animal husbandry. One evening, two men from the public prosecutor's office come to pick him up. He seems prepared, but Anja doesn't know why. Her first way leads her to Max Stephan, LPG chairman in the neighboring village. She happened to be there during the last argument between them, Max threatened to literally destroy Daniel. Did he carry out this threat? In conversations with the villagers, she gradually learns the truth.
Abenteuer mit Blasius
vynálezce Georg Prantl
Ten-year-old Frantisek is traveling to Leipzig to visit his German friend Egon. On the train, he shares the compartment with three men. One of them, the bearded, hefty Blasius is polite but at times acts very confused. At the end station the two boys meet, but they must first of all get rid of Blasius, who lifts them up together with their luggage and carries them away. Leipzig is packed with tourists who have gathered for the famous Fair. The eccentric bearded fellow deals effectively with the traffic jam in front of the station. Blasius's fellow travelers from the train - inventors Prantl and Pirwitz, are at the fairground, boasting of their new invention and claiming it to be the greatest surprise of the entire Fair.
Schwester Agnes
Das liebe, alte Haus
Die sieben Affären der Dona Juanita
Дело об убийстве Церник
Dieter Neltner
Недалеко от станции Берлин - Бух в Панкове найден труп. На место происшествия выезжает опергруппа во главе с советником Штюгнером - шефом отдела по расследованию убийств. Труп обезображен кислотой и опознать его не удается. Молодой сотрудник крипо Хорст Крамм берется за свое первое серьезное дело.
Объяснение в любви к Г.Т.
Dr. Müller
Руководитель одного большого исследовательского проекта должен будет объясниться в любви доктору Гизе Тониус.
Sleeping Beauty
Neuer Hauptmann
On the occasion of their daughter's birth, the king and queen give a lavish feast. Among the guests are twelve fairies who endow the infant in the cradle with all good qualities. As the king loathes diligence, he does not invite the thirteenth fairy - the fairy of diligence. A captain lets her slip into the castle and she casts a spell on Sleeping Beauty, wishing death upon her. The twelfth fairy transforms and mitigates the spell. On the day she turns fifteen, the princess is to sink into a hundred-year sleep after pricking her finger on a spindle.
Der Weihnachtsmann heißt Willi
Five-year-old Peter and his older brother Hans drop the Christmas present for their parents in the middle of the road and it gets flattened by a car. Deeply distressed, they go to a Christmas fair and buy a lottery ticket with their remaining money. To their delight, they win a washing machine! Peter is especially excited when Santa Claus shows up and promises to transport the machine for him, but the old man instead vanishes with the boys' gift. Hans is convinced that Peter has been conned and chases after the fleeing Santa. But Peter simply cannot believe that Santa Claus could be anything other than kind and helpful.
Verdacht auf einen Toten
Film by Rainer Bär.
Time to Live
The communist and resistance fighter Lorenz Reger, who after the war put all his efforts in the creation of a socialist German state, learns that he has only a short time left to live. Nevertheless, he wants to take on one last difficult new task: He wants to restructure a large firm which has run deep into the red numbers. In a short amount of time, Reger manages to establish mutual trust between the employees and the new management. Furthermore, he motivates the employees with his personal interest for their concerns.
Клад на дне озера
Бывшие эсэсовцы, которые в конце войны стали свидетелями сброса в озеро сокровищ, пытаются достать их со дна. Однако эти планы были сорваны группой детей, которые помогали полиции ловить преступников… Знаете ли Вы, что... : Фильм снят по мотивам книги Хорста Безелера «Совиная ложбинка» («Käuzchenkuhle»).
Baron Münchhausens Tochter
Dr. Kunze
Die Toten bleiben jung
A depiction of class conflicts in Germany between 1918 and 1945. The Spartacist Erwin is shot by officers in 1918, and his pregant working-class bride Marie begins a new relationship with social democrat Geschke. Erwin's son Hans grows up to be a communist like his father, leading to bitter hatred between him and his Nazi step-brother, while Geschke becomes increasingly resigned to the political situation in Germany. The three aristocratic officers who shot Erwin many years ago meet again during the Kapp Putsch, but their support for the Third Reich eventually leads each to their deaths.
Убийство в понедельник
Полицейский комиссар слишком быстро идет по следу убийцы профессиональной проститутки, волею случая оказавшейся в центре крупной аферы, и поэтому ему подписывают смертный приговор в тот самый момент, когда он почти распутал весь клубок. Однако, его помощник — тоже, не смотря на молодой возраст, имеет незаурядные дедуктивные способности, и тоже очень быстро идет по тому же самому следу…
We Are Getting Divorced
Johannes Koch
Monika and Johannes are married. With increasing frequency, their son Manni becomes the focus of their arguments. Since the two cannot agree to a compromise, they decide to break up. The ten-year-old Manni is supposed to spend four weeks with Monika followed by four weeks with Johannes on an alternating basis. They want to prove to each other who has the better parenting skills. The plan fails, however, because Manni is very good at playing his parents off against each other. When Monika and Johannes finally see through their son’s game, they realize that their way of life does not lead to better parenting and they conclude that good parenting can only be achieved if they work together.
The Banner of Krivoi Rog
Lehrer Peters
In an act of friendship and solidarity between two mining towns in 1929, the locals of Kriwoj Rog, Russia, give their flag as a gift to the locals of Bergstedt, Germany. This quickly takes on a symbolic meaning for the miners in Bergstedt as the Nazi party demands that this Soviet gesture be erased and the flag be replaced with their own. The miner and communist party functionary Otto Brosowski (Erwin Geschonneck) publicly declares it his duty to defend this flag against every danger, and he keeps his promise despite his family being threatened by torment and torture.
Бегство в безмолвие
Во время строительных работ в небольшом городке в Тюрингии было обнаружено захоронение неизвестного в форме СС с огнестрельными ранениями. Учитывая, что никаких боевых действий в этом месте не было, а рядом с телом была обнаружена старинная золотая монета, для расследования необычного происшествия прибывают два инспектора полиции, капитан Штеттер и лейтенант Хоффманн. Вскоре им удается выйти на след таинственного преступления, произошедшего двадцать лет назад, но тот обрывается вместе с убийством владельца земельного участка, на котором был найден труп. Понимая, что новое преступление тесно связано с гибелью неизвестного эсэсовца, полицейские ищут улики в воспоминаниях старожилов и архивных документах.
An idealistic teacher is shocked to discover her pupils are already cynical and opportunistic. Her colleague soon grows resentful when she uses new and challenging techniques to help her students overcome obstacles.
The Rabbit Is Me
Staatsanwalt Hoppe
The Rabbit Is Me was made in 1965 to encourage discussion of the democratization of East German society. In it, a young student has an affair with a judge who once sentenced her brother for political reasons; she eventually confronts him with his opportunism and hypocrisy. It is a sardonic portrayal of the German Democratic Republic's judicial system and its social implications. The film was banned by officials as an anti-socialist, pessimistic and revisionist attack on the state. It henceforth lent its name to all the banned films of 1965, which became known as the "Rabbit Films." After its release in 1990, The Rabbit Is Me earned critical praise as one of the most important and courageous works ever made in East Germany. It was screened at The Museum of Modern Art in 2005 as part of the film series Rebels with a Cause: The Cinema of East Germany.
Голый среди волков
В основу картины положены подлинные события, происшедшие весной 1945 года в Бухенвальде. В прибывшем из Освенцима составе старый польский заключенный привозит в чемодане маленького еврейского мальчика, которого немедленно прячут члены подпольного комитета лагеря. Немецкая администрация узнает об этом и путем применения бесчеловечных репрессий требует его выдачи. Но сломить сопротивление узников не удалось, вспыхивает восстание…