Toru Nakamura

Toru Nakamura

Рождение : 1965-09-05, Inagi, Tokyo, Japan


Toru Nakamura (仲村 トオル Nakamura Tōru, born September 5, 1965) is a Japanese actor. His real name is Tōru Nakamura (中村 亨 Nakamura Tōru). Nakamura co-starred in Bok Geo-il's 2009 Lost Memories along with Jang Dong-gun and in Lou Ye's Purple Butterfly with Zhang Ziyi and Liu Ye. He co-starred in Junji Sakamoto's 2010 film Strangers in the City with Manami Konishi.


Toru Nakamura


帰ってきた あぶない刑事
Toru Machida
Love Mooning
Takashi Takizawa
Hiroshi, who runs a mental clinic, has never recovered from the shock of his wife’s suicide. One day, Ayako, a mysterious patient comes to his clinic….
As a Father of Murderer Son
Fujii Tomoyasu
Keiichi Yoshinaga, who works for a major construction company receives a sudden phone call from his ex-wife, Junko Aoba. She tells Keiichi that their second son, Tsubasa, who lives apart, has been arrested for murdering his classmate. Keiichi immediately meets Tsubasa, but for some reason he keeps silence. Since Tsubasa shows no signs of reflecting upon his conduct, he is possibly going to an open trial. To overcome this situation, Keiichi consults a lawyer Kyoko Kanzaki who has a child of the same age.
Признание убийцы
Toshio Sendo
В 1995 году молодой следователь Ко Макимура пытался схватить серийного убийцу, на счету которого было три жертвы, но потерпел фиаско. Маньяк убил его наставника, после чего сбежал, затаился и преступлений больше не совершал. 22 года спустя после этих событий, когда истёк срок давности, и привлечь преступника за содеянное уже было нельзя, человек по имени Масато Сонэдзаки публикует книгу мемуаров под названием «Я — убийца», где признается во всех совершенных преступлениях. Книга становится национальным бестселлером, писатель — звездой и любимчиком прессы, но следователь Макимура не сдаётся.
Zen and Bones
The story of Henri Mitowa, a 93-year old Japanese monk, who wants to make a movie based on his own life.
64: Part 2
Shinji Futawatari
1989 is the 64 Shouwa year in the Japanese calendar, thus the unsolved girl kidnapping-murder case is called "64(rokuyon)" that got up in this year in Criminal Investigation Department in the Prefectural Police Department. And 14 years were over as the prefecture's police to be unsolved greatest stain, and statute of limitations approached it. In 2002, Yoshinobu Mikami, an ex-detective who was assigned as the investigator of the "Rokuyon" case 14years ago, moves as a Public Relations Officer in the Police Affairs Department against his will. As a newly assigned Public Relations Officer, he was troubled with the relation between the reporters, new case has occurred. And that new case traced "Rokuyon" case exactly.
64: Part 1
Shinji Futawatari
1989 is the 64 Shouwa year in the Japanese calendar, thus the unsolved girl kidnapping-murder case is called "64(rokuyon)" that got up in this year in Criminal Investigation Department in the Prefectural Police Department. And 14 years were over as the prefecture's police to be unsolved greatest stain, and statute of limitations approached it. In 2002, Yoshinobu Mikami, an ex-detective who was assigned as the investigator of the "Rokuyon" case 14years ago, moves as a Public Relations Officer in the Police Affairs Department against his will. As a newly assigned Public Relations Officer, he was troubled with the relation between the reporters, new case has occurred. And that new case traced "Rokuyon" case exactly.
Saraba Abunai Deka
Toru Machida
Something Like, Something Like It
Bar owner
Master Shinkome asks Shinden to find a former disciple, Shintoto, from his rakugoka (comic storytelling) family. Shinden visits ex-disciples in his search for Shintoto.
Yu Kuroha, a female detective from the Kanagawa PD Mobile Unit, discovers bodies of fourteen men and women frozen to death in a rental container. When the wills of the dead persons were found, her boss decides to treat the case as a simple group suicide. But Kuroha persists that they have to find the leader who assisted this mass murder. She finds out that the number of wills outnumbers the bodies by one. One person did not commit suicide…! Kuroha is a skilled sniper but also a delicate woman who takes refuge in cyberspace. The drama portrays her gaining maturity as a person and a detective by solving the mystery of a group suicide by standing against the mastermind of the case.
Tales of the Bizarre: 2014 Fall Special
Five bizarre tales for the fall of 2014. ***Surprise ***Hashiru Toriteki ***Mirai Dorobou ***Hieru ***Fanamo
Climbing to Spring
Takashi Asakura
Toru grew up in alpine countryside around Mount Tate. As a child, he resented the yearly trek up the mountain with his father to prepare their mountain hut for the summer season of climbers. When Toru grows up, he leaves his hometown and enters the working world as a stock trader. One day, Toru receives word that his father has passed away. He returns to Mount Tate once again, and becomes conscious of a new calling. But, does Toru have what it takes to follow in his father footsteps?
Team Batista the Movie: The Portrait of Kerberos
Keisuke Shiratori
Physician Kohei Taguchi and Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare investigator Shiratori soon become involved in major reforms to the death investigation system of the country and localities when a letter arrives threatening the destruction of Tojo University Hospital and Kerberos Tower in 3 months. Before the pair are able to uncover the truth, an unprecedented rash of suspicious deaths occur which can’t be explained through autopsy. On the day of the AI (Autopsy Imaging) Center’s opening and introduction of a revolutionary new MRI machine called “Leviathan”, further incidents rock the medical community.
Maruyama, The Middle Schooler
Katsuyuki Maruyama
Katsuya Maruyama (Hiraoka Takuma) is a middle school student boy full of obscene thoughts. He then meets Tatsuo Shimoi (Tsuyoshi Kusanagi), a single father who moves into the same apartment complex. Tatsuo Shimoi is a bit of an enigma: he doesn't get along with the housewives in the apartment complex and doesn't appear to work. Through his encounter with the mysterious single father, Katsuya grows as a person.
A Chorus of Angels
Teacher Kawashima Haru takes a position on a remote island off the coast of Hokkaido, where she takes charge of six students. However, she is later forced to leave after an accident occurs. 20 years later, Haru learns that one of her former students has committed a crime, and eventually returns to the island once more.
Strangers in the City
Kazuo Hatano
Former high school teacher Kazuo Hatano (Toru Nakamura) reunites 12 years later with Masako Tezuka (Manami Konishi). Masako Tezuka was his former high school student whom he married after her graduation. Their marriage became a scandal & the couple divorced ...
Saraba Itoshi no Daitoryo
With the recession still occurring in Japan and the area of Osaka thought to be hit hardest by the economic downtown, Osaka's gubernatorial election occurs. The surprise winner of the election is Sekai no Nabeatsu (Atsumu Watanabe). Three months into his gubernatorial term and with little help from national government, Sekai no Nabeatsu declares Osaka an independent country and takes office as its first President. The Osaka Police then receives a message warning of an impending assassination attempt on the President of Osaka. Police Detectives Hayakawa (Daisuke Miyagawa) and Banba (Kendo Kobayashi) then set out to search for the criminal group. Can the bumbling detectives protect the president? Will there be a future for the country?
I Give My First Love to You
Dr. Takahito Taneda
As a child Takuma is diagnosed with a heart condition that requires care from a cardiologist. He soon becomes friends with his doctors young daughter Mayu while being treated at the hospital. One day Mayu overhears her father saying that Takumas condition is serious enough that he most likely wont live beyond the age of 20. Takuma isn't aware of this himself, however, so at 8-years-old he makes a promise to marry Mayu when they turn 20. Later in life, Takuma becomes aware that he wont be able to keep this promise and he begins distancing himself from Mayu in hopes of protecting her.
チーム・バチスタ第2弾 ナイチンゲールの沈黙
Гора Цуруги: Хроника геодезических пунктов
Usui Kojima
Гора Цуруга, расположенная в префектуре Тояма, возвышается на 2999 м над уровнем моря. Она известна своей неприступностью, и с древних времен считалась священной. Поэтому вплоть до 20 века, гора оставалась белым пятном на топографических картах Японии. Но в 1907 году военное командование призывает Сибасаки, известного топографа, и приказывает взойти на гору Цуруга, чтобы произвести геодезическую съемку. Сибасаки в компании с Тёдзиро, местным проводником, и группой смельчаков берется выполнить это опасное задание и установить на вершине горы тригонометрический пункт (тригопункт) — специальный геодезический знак, служащий опорной точкой для геодезических измерений на местности.
Сиськастый волейбол
Kenji Horiuchi
В среднюю школу приходит новая учительница, и ей тут же предлагают курировать волейбольный клуб мальчиков. Но, как оказалось, эти мальчики никогда в волейбол и не играли-то, да и сама Тэрасима-сэнсэй не особо в нём разбирается. И вот, чтобы убедить ребят тренироваться и постигать азы волейбола, ей приходится заключить с ними сделку: если парни выиграют хотя бы один матч стартующего школьного чемпионата, она обнажит им свой бюст.
К-20: Легенда о маске
Kogoro Akechi
История произошла в 1949 году в вымышленном городе Тейто, где аристократы монополизировали большую часть материальных благ. И тут появляется некий К-20 — таинственный человек-призрак со способностью изменять свою внешность, которому однажды удаётся переубедить полицию, подозревавшую в совершении преступления акробата цирка Хеикичи Эндо в том, что тот не виновен…
Nagai Nagai Satsujin
Kohei Kono
A man’s body is found in the suburbs of Tokyo. The dead man was hit by a car and his head beaten by the reckless driver after the accident. The dead man had a wife named Noriko. She likes fancy things and she has a lover named Tsukada. It's also learned that the dead man was insured for 300 million yen. The media and the public look at Noriko and her boyfriend Tsukada with suspicion, but they have perfect alibis. Then, Detective Hibiki, who is in charge of the case, and Private Detective Kono become involved in a series of mysterious murder cases.
Девушка из Шаолиня
Yûichirô Ôba
Рин — способная, с большим потенциалом ученица выпускается из школы Шаолиня и возвращается в родной городок в Японии. В ее планах: вернуться в додзё дедушки и двигать в народ искусство кунг-фу. Но оказывается, что её учитель перестал заниматься кунг-фу и открыл китайский ресторанчик, а заброшенное додзё поросло мхом. Рин знакомится со своей сверстницей подрабатывающей в ресторанчике и та предлагает Рин вступить в их университетскую команду по лакроссу, где она сможет найти новых учеников и восстановить додзё. Рин соглашается и начинает тренировки с командой. Но она и не подозревает, что ректор университета имеет на обладающую удивительной силой Рин свои планы.
The tale of hardship, love, determination and life of Mineko, a young maiko (apprentice geisha) in the Gion district of Kyoto.
The Kiss
One day Kyoko watches television and sees a man turning himself in to the police after murdering a family. Something within Kyoko connects with the man, as she recognizes a similar soul. Despite the worries of the killer's lawyer, she approaches the killer and the two start corresponding.
Tokyo Tower: Mom and Me, and Sometimes Dad
Adapted from the bestselling Japanese autobiography of the same title, this gentle coming-of-age drama concerns an adolescent boy, Boku - Masaya, torn between the inherited recklessness of his father Oton and the inherited responsibility, wisdom and emotional strength of his mother Okan. Following a period of intensely rebellious behavior, Boku learns that his mom has contracted cancer; suddenly, his mother comes to live with him in Tokyo the entire emotional landscape of his life is altered.
Love Never to End
Toru Irie
He is Kikuji Murao (Etsushi Toyokawa), a former best-selling novelist who has had a decade-long dry spell that has reduced him to university teaching and magazine hackery. After divorcing his wife (Reiko Takashima) and leaving behind his teenage daughter (Shihori Kanjiya), he meets Fuyuka Irie (Shinobu Terajima), a housewife and mother of three who is a longtime fan.
Freezing Point
Keizo Tsujiguchi
The young daughter of Keizo Tsujiguchi, a respected physician who runs his own hospital, is found murdered. Keizo secretly blames his wife Natsue because he suspects her of having an affair with his colleague Murai, and having been too distracted to keep proper watch over the child. Being a proud man, he does not accuse her directly, but concocts, instead, a twisted revenge against her. Pretending it is to comfort his devastated wife, Keizo arranges for them to adopt a baby girl. What he hasn't told Natsue, is that the baby is the orphaned daughter of the murderer, a tragic day-laborer who has hanged himself while in police custody. He plans to reveal the child's origins after Natsue has given her heart to the child-- when it will cause the greatest possible hurt.
Blue Swallow
The instructor of a flight school
Park Kyung-Won, dreamed of flying since she was a little kid. To achieve her dream of becoming a pilot, Kyung-Won, at the age of 26, travelled to Japan and enrolled in an aviation school. While studying at the aviation school, she supported herself by driving a taxi. One day, Kyung-Won picks up a male passenger, who turns out to be a Korean exchange student Ji-Hyeok. Ji-Hyeok is attracted to her and what she was trying to accomplish. Although he begins to court Kyung-Won, Ji-Hyeok leaves to enlist in the army. A few years later, Kyung-Won flies her first flight and becomes a pilot. Her accomplishment is well received Korea. Meanwhile, Kyung-Won takes under her wings, fellow female Korean aviation student Jung-Hee, who wants to follow in Kyung-Won's footsteps. Also, Ji-Hyuk is discharged from the army and is commissioned as a officer in a aviation school. Ji-Hyuk and Kyung-Won meet again and soon realize their feelings are as strong as ever.
Madamada Abunai Deka
Toru Machida
Umineko - Inseparable
Hirotsugu Akagi
The shock of her fiance's sudden dissolution of their relationship causes university student, Miki, to lose her voice. While recuperating in a hospital in her hometown of Hakodate, she learns of the tragic life of her deceased mother, Kaoru, from her grandmother.
Musume no kekkon
TV remake of Ozu's 'Late Spring'
Пурпурная бабочка
Hidehiko Itami
Дин Хуи — член «Пурпуной бабочки», могущественной группы сопротивления в оккупированном японцами Шанхае. Неожиданное столкновение вновь объединяет ее с бывшим любовником Итами. Любовником… и офицером секретного подразделения полиции, единственная цель которого — уничтожение «Пурпурной бабочки».
Tales of the Bizarre: 2003 Spring Special
Hosted by veteran comedian Tamori, "Bizarre Tales 2003 Spring Special" presents five tales. 1. Kao wo Nusumareta (My Face was Stolen) - starring Inagaki Goro 2. Rental Love - starring Iijima Naoko 3. Oikaketai (I want to Chase [Him/Her]) - starring Kyono Kotomi 4. Chozeikin Taisaku Satsujin Jiken (Countering Excessive Taxation Murder Case) - starring Nishimura Masahiko 5. Kage no Kuni (The Country of Shadows) - starring Sakurai Sachiko
2009: Lost Memories
Shojiro Saigo
There are breakpoints in the history, the result of a single event may change the whole course. In 1909, an assassination attempt of a Japanese governor fails. Now, in 2009, Korea is just another state of Japan's Empire & Seoul has become a major city. A Korean resistance group fights for liberty, independence & the restoration of true history. Two cops, Japanese & Korean, investigate the group.
Eiji Katsuno
Mitsuko, a thirty-something Japanese secretary, lives a very simple life devoid of ambition. She has an affair with Eiji, a rich, arrogant and newly divorced businessman who is intrigued by her retiring personnality but she quickly breaks up as he repeatedly tries to make her change her lifestyle and values. While Eiji ponders the reasons of the breakup, Mitsuko falls for one of her neighbours, a young slacker who has the same approach to life as her. But Mitsuko's new lover is fascinated by Eiji's power and social status... A triangle that will inevitably leave one of the characters "unloved".
Tokyo Raiders
When a private eye, a jilted bride and a mysterious stranger join forces to track down an elusive mobster, there's more than trouble in the air.
Полиция будущего
История происходит в Гонконге, над которым витает дух обреченности, особенно с той поры, как город терроризируется такими безжалостными людьми, как Ред Тайгер. Но полицейский инспектор Чан Чунг-минг намерен поймать Красного Тигра. И для этой цели он отправляется в полицейскую академию и подбирает трех курсантов с целью заслать их в банду…
Abunai Deka Forever The Movie
Toru Machida
Abunai Deka Forever TV Special '98
Abunai Deka Returns
Toru Machida
Голоса павших студентов: Последние друзья
Фильм начинается с современного игрока в рэгби, Цуруи, который получает сильный удар во время игры и просыпается в 1943 году, в униформе, готовым отправиться на фронт. Он теряет всякие воспоминания о комфортных 90-ых.
Blue Tiger
Gena is a sweet and dedicated mother to her little son. One day, whilst shopping with him for a halloween mask, her son is accidently shot through the chest by a Japanese Gunman, trying to kill an opposing gang of bus operators. Gena notices that the gunman has a picture of a blue tiger on his chest. She is turned into an obsessed person and has an identical red tiger etched into her skin. She then tracks down the killer and plots his death. This leads her into the world of the Japanese Mafia
The Shootist: Final Episode
Matsushita decides to make a new journey by meeting a fateful woman, Askako, while being chased by a hitman and the police. What awaits him at the end?
New York Cop
Allegedly based on a true story, this film follows the life of Toshi, a Japanese man living in America and working with the New York City police. After being recommended for undercover work, Toshi decides to go after a gang lead by Hawk. Hawk and Toshi soon become friends, although Hawk's second-in-command, Tito, is suspicious of the newcomer. Will Toshi be able to bring the gang down, or will his cover be blown before he can finish the assignment?
A man tries to mend his past by helping his best friend’s sister.
The Shootist 3
The biggest crisis has come to Matsushita, a shootist who has passed through numerous shrines!
Путь к новой Японии
Фильм посвящён жизненному пути одного из известных японских просветителей Японии 19 века — Фукудзава Юкити. Выходец из самурайской семьи, рано осознавший несправедливость феодальной системы, отправляется в Америку изучать английский язык. По возвращении он начинает преподавать язык в школе самурайского клана, которому он принадлежал. Главы клана, обеспокоенные распространению западных идей, закрывают школу, и Фукудзава Юкити открывает новую школу Кэйо, будущий университет Кэйо. Все свои силы он вкладывает в просветительскую деятельность за проведение в Японии реформ по западному образцу и созданию Новой Японии.
Saito Dosan: Rage of Power
Nobunaga Oda
During the age of warring clans (Sengoku Jidai), many samurai lords sought to unite the country under their banners by becoming the supreme leader. One of the first to vie for power in this way was Saito Dosan, the 'Viper'. His son-in-law, Oda Nobunaga, did in fact unite the nation after subduing all of his enemies, yet falling at last to the treachery of one of his most trusted generals. This story is a pre-cursor to those later events as the brilliant military strategist Saito Dosan rises to power and notoriety as a great lord in his own right. Directed by Kudo Eiichi and with a tremendous supporting cast that includes Nakamura Toru as Oda Nobunaga and Chiba Shinichi as Akechi Mitsutsugu, battle scenes of awesome power and a unique view of Japanese history, this is a marvelous production highlighted by the action scenes done by the Japan Action Club (JAC).
A yakuza boss's daughter starts a pirate TV broadcast.
The Shootist 2
Sequel to 'Sniper THE SHOOTIST'
Shingo's Ten Duels
Musasabi no Genta
The classic tale of the shogun's illegitimate son Aoi Shingo is told in three parts as he strives to become the greatest fencer in Japan, while his father Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune seeks to reunite with his lost son. When the secrets of Shingo's birth are revealed to him, it sets off a series of events that bring him to cross swords with members of the shogun's inner circle in a series of duels that could change the destiny of Japan.
The Shootist
Former policeman Matsushita Hiroshi is a professional marksman shootist. When his keen eye catches his target in the dry urban darkness, the hard, breathless action begins.
Roppongi Banana Boys
A stylish light comedy about the “Banana boys”— two boys who were born and raised in Roppongi who are still growing up.
Ещё более опасные копы
Toru Machida
Така и Юдзи находят доказательства, которые могут помочь им раскрыть дело 15-летней давности. Беда лишь в том, что срок давности истекает через 4 дня. Как обычно вооружившись шутками, детективы бросаются в бой.
Iemitsu, Hikoza and Isshin Tasuke - A National Crisis: Edo Castle in Danger
Isshin Tasuke / Tokugawa Iemitsu
Yagyu Jubei, the finest swordsman in the land, is called upon to bare his blade to help Iemitsu keep his post. Meanwhile a fishmonger named Isshin Tasuke who bears an amazing resemblance to Shogun Iemitsu may be called upon to put his life on the line by acting as the Shogun's double. At the same time, the tragic story of Banzuiin Chobei and Mizuno Jurozaemon is unfolding.
Be-Bop Highschool: The Power
Toru Nakama
A heated argument between middle school thugs leads to a fierce war between two rival high schools when Toru's girlfriend, Shoko, gets involved.
Love and Action in Osaka
Toru Yubari
Despite his efforts of living a normal life as a banker, the life of Toru, the only son of the Yubari Family, becomes disrupted by trouble brought on by his father. When his father’s battle against his rival group the Miike Family ignites, Toru becomes more involved in the turf war than he wished for.
Be-Bop Highschool Pt. 5
Tôru Nakamura
With thugs under gang leader Shingo attempting to make a name for themselves, Toru and crew must brace for an all-out war between their two schools.
Вновь и вновь опасные копы
Toru Machida
Така и Юдзи ловят торговца кокаином Огату, чтобы выйти на след его работодателя - короля преступного мира Нагаминэ. Но Огату сначала отпускают из-под стражи, а затем он просит защиты у полиции. Так Така и Юдзи снова оказываются впутаны в передрягу, выбраться из которой им, как всегда, помогут только... шутки!
Memories of You
University student Akira meets the lovely 14-year-old Yumi, whom he had tutored years ago. Her mother is told by her doctor that the schoolgirl has leukaemia and has only 6 months to live.
Be-Bop High School: A Dunce Rhapsody
Toru Nakama
College student Mayumi takes a mutual interest in Hiroshi, but their happiness is cut short when two thugs expelled from school eye the new couple.
Опасные копы
Toru Machida
Террорист по имени Хёдо вломился в исследовательский центр и убил профессора Накано, который разрабатывал лекарство от рака. Детективы Такаяма и Оосита из участка «Минато» отправляются на его поиски, а значит, нас ждут опасные погони, каскадёрские трюки, море шуток и длинноногие красотки. То есть всё то, за что миллионам зрителей полюбился сериал Abunai Deka.
The Shinjuku Love Story
Ichijoji is a street punk who stumbles across Mari and her cat. Mari and Ichijoji immediately fall in love but are chased by both yakuza and corrupt cops.
Be-Bop High School: A Delinquent Student March
Toru Nakama
A sly prep school thug uses his girlfriend to lure Hiroshi and Toru to a fight, but the scheme escalates to an all-out war between everyone involved.
The Gentlemen’s Alliance
Etsuko, a female college student, tries to beat the con artists at their own game after she gets scammed one after another.
Be-Bop High School 2
Toru Nakama
Teen thugs Hiroshi and Toru get caught in a street war when their prized school trousers are forcefully taken from them by punks from a rival school.
Be-Bop High School
Toru Nakama
An upbeat, action-filled drama that depicts the lives of two obnoxious high school students, Koji and Toru, who are caught in exciting and dangerous adventures involving their fellow students. Based on the best selling comic series, “Be-Bop High School” has gained popularity among the young audience, and become an icon of Japan’s pop culture in the 1980’s.