Elizabeth Tulloch

Elizabeth Tulloch

Рождение : 1981-01-19, San Diego, California, USA


Elizabeth Andrea "Bitsie" Tulloch (born January 19, 1981) is an American actress. She is known for her roles as Juliette Silverton/Eve in the NBC television series Grimm, and as Lois Lane in The CWArrowverse shows, including the television series Superman & Lois. Tulloch was born in San Diego, California, and grew up in Spain, Uruguay, and Argentina. Tulloch goes by "Bitsie", which is not a contraction of her given name, Elizabeth, but a homage to her oddly-nicknamed grandfather, a World War II bomber pilot, who was also involved in the 1961 Goldsboro B-52 crash. When Tulloch began acting she was credited as "Bitsie" and continued to be until 2017 when she decided to start using Elizabeth instead, explaining: "I still go by Bitsie. I still introduce myself as Bitsie to people I meet. But, it sort of worked when I was in my mid-20s and I was just starting acting. And now I'm in my mid-30s, and I felt like, for billing purposes, I wanted to go back to Elizabeth. I was doing a movie... and it actually hadn't even occurred to me. And the producer was, like, "Hey, we noticed it's Elizabeth when we were filling out your legal papers. Is that the way you want billing?" And I just thought about it, and I called my agent and my manager, and they were like, "Yeah, you know, that's not a bad idea. You are older now. And Bitsie is, obviously, a very kind of cute name. It's cutesy." So, that's really all it was about. It's not like I introduce myself as Elizabeth now. It's just for billing, going forward." Tulloch is of Scottish and Spanish ancestry. Tulloch has stated her first language was Spanish although she no longer considers herself completely fluent. Her paternal grandmother's family is from Renfrewshire and her grandfather's family originated from the area around Kirkwall, both in Scotland. In an interview with BBC News, she reported that "we think the first Tulloch came to the US around 1880 and the Kerrs came in the early 1900s. After returning to the U.S., she went to middle and high school in Bedford, New York. Tulloch graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University with a double major in English and American Literature and Visual and Environmental Studies. Tulloch's first acting credit was as R2-D2's "girlfriend" in R2-D2: Beneath the Dome, a mockumentary produced by George Lucas telling the life story of the fictional robot R2-D2 from the Star Wars film series. She starred as "Sally" in the premiere of Sam Forman's play, Quarterlife, which opened at the Pico Playhouse in March 2006. The Los Angeles Times wrote, "Superbly performed... the scene at the end of the play, between Sally (Bitsie Tulloch) and Jack (Clark Freeman), was heartbreaking and beautiful... The lead actress, Bitsie Tulloch, [was] absolutely brilliant." She was in Lakeview Terrace directed by Neil LaBute, opposite Samuel L. Jackson, Kerry Washington, and Patrick Wilson, and worked with Barbara Hershey on a film called Uncross the Stars. In the fall of 2009 she filmed the romantic comedy Losing Control. Tulloch voiced one of the characters, a wolf called Sweets, in Alpha and Omega, a 3-D computer animated film, which was released in September 2010. ... Source: Article "Bitsie Tulloch" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Elizabeth Tulloch
Elizabeth Tulloch
Elizabeth Tulloch


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Uncross The Stars
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R2-D2: Beneath the Dome
Bitsie Tullock
Mockumentary telling the never before told life story of the fictional robot R2-D2 from the Star Wars film series. The movie was made as a fun project by the cast and crew of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Using interviews, fake archive photos, film clips, and behind the scenes footage the "true" story was told of Artoo's life.