Beate Bille

Beate Bille

Рождение : 1976-11-17,


Beate Bille
Beate Bille


En forudsigelig fortælling om magtesløse mænd
Мистериум. Охотники на фазанов
В 1994 году двое детей близнецов были найдены зверски убитыми в летнем загородном доме. Ряд фактов указывал на причастность к делу группы молодых студентов, но расследование было прекращено, после того как местный отшельник признал себя виновным в этом инциденте. 20 лет спустя это дело попадает на стол Карлса Мёрка, который начинает подозревать, что в нем что-то не так...
Матильда обеспокоена положением дел в мире со всем его загрязнением окружающей среды, бедностью и социальным неравенством. Она решает основать детективное агентство с целью помогать самым уязвимым членам общества.
Wallander 16 - Kuriren
After the murder of a motorcyclist, an investigation reveals that bikers are being used as drug couriers from Denmark to Sweden and that the killing was part of a cartel power struggle.
Take the Trash
Jesper Jensen is a successful IT salesman who stops at nothing, even if it means backstabbing his best friend. Being number one in the company and having a beautiful wife and a lovely home, Jesper seems to lead a perfect life, but one day his arrogance and self confidence hits him in the face like a boomerang and he loses everything overnight. Jesper is sentenced to do community service at a recycling center with the odd and funny characters Dion, Theodor, and Lotte. At first he looks down on these people and doesn't want to be associated with them. When he begins to loosen up, however, he discovers that he can learn a lot from their straight forward and honest approach to life.
The film deals with unexpected and unexplainable loss. Due to an accident, the life of a happy family turns into a larger-than-life tragedy.
Daisy Diamond
A tragic story about Anna who dreams of one thing only: making it as an actress. She moves from Sweden to Copenhagen to pursue her dream. But fate has something else in store for her. Though she struggles to give her 4-month-old daughter a good start in life, she ultimately fails to unite her dream of acting with a safe and loving environment for her child, culminating in a desperate act that has fatal consequences for Anna and her daughter.
Остров потерянных душ
14-летняя Лулу переезжает в маленький провинциальный городок со своей матерью и младшим братом, готовясь к спокойной и размеренной жизни. Они и подумать не могли, как ошибаются! Однажды ночью в брата Лулу вселяется древний дух и сестра невольно оказывается втянута в опасное приключение. Вместе со своим приятелем Оливером и ясновидцем Ричардом Лулу вынуждена противостоять сверхъестественным силам, собирающимся по округе с сумасшедшей скоростью…
Kalle, a nice middleclass kid, who because of a debt and old friendship ends up as a 'fidibus', a gofer, for the hash baron Paten. But only until Paten is anything but innocently jailed and asks Kalle to mind the store while he is gone. No one touches Paten's money, Paten's car or, least of all, Paten's girl, Saby, who is dumber than water.
Little Man
Young Matthias was in school assignment to write an essay on any subject. The boy decides to go with the responsibility to implement it - he wants to make a guide to communicating with girls. But where to get the information he needs? Can the attitude of boys and girls be defined by rules? So Matthias decides to conduct his own research.
The Quiet Love
Two very different love stories cross each other in warm and magical way. A humanistic and yet mysterious film about love and death near the German/Danish border.
A college professor abandons his family and his career in order to champion his mistress, a student radical accused of killing a policeman.
Bare Holger
Последняя миссия банды Ольсена
Holm-Hansen's Girlfriend
Прошло 18 лет, наши герои постарели. Эгон Ольсен из тюрьмы угодил в психушку, где над ним проводили эксперимены. Он почти оглох и носит слуховой аппарат. Кельд вообще передвигается только в инвалидной коляске. Даже Бенни стал намного серьёзнее... Но встретившись, герои решают еще разок тряхнуть стариной...
Angel of the Night
Rikard's Wife
Rebecca has inherited her grandmother's Gothic mansion and brings both her best friend an her boyfriend for a weekend. While exploring the crypts they discover an old dusty book, which describes the life of a vampire. As the story unfolds, it becomes apparent that the vampire was Rebecca's great grandfather, Rico.
The Art of Success
In the old days, things were different. Art, too. It assembled and passed on human experience and knowledge. But in today's Denmark, something else is wanted from art. It has to experiment and break new ground. It is almost a political requirement. The more conventional the politics, the harsher the politically correct requirements for the artist. Sliced up, rotting pigs are not enough anymore! Art must move on. But how can the poor artist surpass his predecessors and become a success?