Paul Maxwell

Paul Maxwell

Рождение : 1921-11-12, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Смерть : 1991-12-19


Paul Maxwell (12 November 1921 – 19 December 1991) was a Canadian actor who worked mostly in British cinema and television, in which he was usually cast as American characters. In terms of audience, his most notable role was probably that of the ex-GI groom of Elsie Tanner in the character's 1967 wedding in the soap opera Coronation Street. In the 1960s, Maxwell appeared in many TV series produced by ITC Entertainment, such as Danger Man and The Baron. He also voiced North American characters in series filmed by Gerry Anderson's production company Century 21, most prominently the leading character of Colonel Steve Zodiac in Fireball XL5 (1962) and the supporting character of Captain Grey in Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons(1967). Maxwell also starred as the "Man with the Panama Hat" in the film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989), as a C.I.A chief in The Pink Panther Strikes Again (1976), and as General Maxwell Taylor in A Bridge Too Far (1977). His real passion, however, was theatre; he starred in the West End several times, with roles in Twelve Angry Men and the musical Promises, Promises. After the Second World War, Maxwell married Mary Lindsay. The couple had one daughter, named Lindsay.


Paul Maxwell


This Is Supermarionation
Steve Zodiac / Captain Grey (voice)
A compilation of the best of Supermarionation in High Definition. Sit back and enjoy some rare treats on a journey through Supermarionationland. Parker, Lady Penelope and Brains are your hosts, introducing some of the very best episodes from the Supermarionation archive as well as news items, commercial breaks with tie-in adverts and much more. Stand By For Action! - Four Feather Falls: Gunfight on Main Street - Supercar: False Alarm - Fireball XL5: Space City Special - Stingray: Pilot - Thunderbirds: Terror in New York City - Captain Scarlet: The Mysterons - Joe 90: Hi-Jacked - The Secret Service: More Haste, Less Speed
Barrington Cabot
Amidst the thaw of glasnost, the Kremlin discovers that two Soviet agents, sent to England under deep cover in 1965, have been “lost.” A beautiful and ambitious Russian agent, sent to London to track them down, becomes embroiled in a tangle of CIA, KGB and MI-5 plots and counterplots as the two lost agents, now utterly assimilated, try to avoid detection.
Перри Мейсон: Дело о вынужденном обмане
Capt. Calvelli
Американскому офицеру морского флота Дэвиду Берману удается попасть в Париж, чтобы найти скрытого нациста Кругмана, который убил его дедушку и бабушку и покалечил его мать. Ему удалось найти свидетеля, но как только она поговорила с Дэвидом, она убежала и была убита. В ту ночь она была похищена скрытой организацией и сказала, что Кругман скрывается под новым именем Феликса Альтмана. Дэвид идёт в санаторий для встречи с Альтманном, но Альтманн расстрелян, и Дэвид связан с преступлением. Как старый друг семьи Перри и Кен отправляются во Францию, чтобы помочь, но теперь Перри должен не только освободить Дэвида, он должен узнать секреты, которые скрыты более 45 лет, секреты, за которые безусловно некоторые люди, готовы убить...
Индиана Джонс и последний крестовый поход
Panama Hat
Третья часть невероятных похождений прославленного археолога и искателя приключений Индианы Джонса. На этот раз бесстрашный Индиана разыскивает самую таинственную реликвию в истории человечества - Святой Грааль. В этом археологу помогает его отец - профессор Джонс старший.Теперь под бдительным оком своего отца и при помощи своих верных талисманов, неизменной шляпы и хлыста, Индиане предстоит совершить много благородных подвигов и потрясающих открытий.
Marcus Welby, M.D.: A Holiday Affair
Dr. Wallace
Robert Young brings his Marcus Welby alter ego to television for one last time. Having retired, the good doctor takes a trip to Europe alone and falls in love with an American divorcee who is caring for a blind dancer.
A spy is looking for his old colleague who now works for the other side.
The Vision
Bill Freed
Veteran broadcaster James Marriner is persuaded to front a new big budget national family TV channel. But he begins to suspect that the channel is a front for something much more sinister and political.
Cloud Waltzing
Andrew Tolliver
Journalist Meredith travels to Europe to do a story on vineyard owner Francois De Paul and won't stop until she learns his secrets.
The Last Days of Patton
Lt.Gen. Geoffrey Keyes
As a result of General George S. Patton's (George C. Scott) decision to use former Nazis to help reconstruct post-World War II Germany (and publicly defending the practice), General Dwight Eisenhower (Richard Dysart) removes him from that task and reassigns him to supervise "an army of clerks" whose task is to write the official history of the U.S. military involvement in World War II. Shortly thereafter, on December 9, 1945 (a day before he was to transfer back to the United States), Patton is involved in an automobile accident that seriously injures his spinal column, paralyzing him. As he lies in his hospital bed, he flashes back to earlier pivotal moments in his life, including stories his father told him of his grandfather's service during the American Civil War which inspired him to attend the United States Military Academy at West Point, his marriage to his wife Beatrice (Eva Marie Saint), and his championing of the use of tanks in the United States Army.
Van Leuwen
Капсула с Элен найдена спасателями после многих лет блуждания в космосе. Ей сообщают, что планета L.V. 426 колонизирована, и ей придется вернуться туда, где начался ее кошмар, ибо связь с колонистами прервалась. И вот в составе группы космического десанта Рипли отправляется на проклятую планету. Но теперь их там поджидает не один Чужой, а тысячи. Кто сможет выжить в этой войне: чудовища, способные только убивать, или люди, способные мыслить?
Сильнодействующее лекарство
TV Movie A woman starts working for a prestigious pharmaceutical company that's developing a new miraculous cure. Soon, she discovers what a devious and cut-throat business pharmaceutical industry can be.
Розовая пантера наносит ответный удар
CIA Director
Инспектор полиции Клузо своим непрофессионализмом довел коллегу до сумасшествия. Тот сбежал из больницы, захватил в заложники главного психиатра, взорвал здание ООН и даже пытался собрать атомную бомбу. И все это только для того, чтобы убить Клузо…
Shadow of Fear
A rich woman, an industrialist's wife, finds her home nearly destroyed and with menacing phrases painted on the walls. Besides calling the police, her husband calls his security manager, an ex-cop, who hesitates before accepting the task of protecting her and finding the responsible party.
Mr Baxter
A young boy struggles to overcome his speech problem and strained relationship with his parents.
And No One Could Save Her
The life of young newlywed, Fern O'Neil, is turned upside-down when her husband is called home to visit his dying father in Ireland. When she fails to receive a phone call from her husband, she contacts the airline and discovers he was not on the plane. Further investigation reveals that her husband is not who she thought he was. Her search ultimately takes her all the way to Ireland, where her sanity and, of course, her story come into question.
Madame Sin
A CIA agent is used as a pawn in an insane woman's plan to steal a Polaris submarine.
Зеркальная война
Молодой поляк сбежал с корабля, чтобы попросить политического убежища в Англии. На парня сразу же насели спецслужбы и вот он уже едет в Восточную Германию, чтобы проверить истинность одного странного фотоснимка, запечатлевшего ракеты там, где их быть не должно. Он входит в игру. Игру без кавычек. Профессиональным разведчикам и Запада, и Востока, как выясняется, нет дела до парня, фотоснимка, ракет и прочей политики. Их интересует только победа в игре: кто кого перехитрит? Шахматы, одним словом. А люди — пешки...
The Man Outside
Judson Murphy
Bill MacLean is a former CIA agent living in London. He had been fired when he stuck up for one of the men in his command who turned out to be branded a Russian defector. The embittered ex-agent combines forces with another operative to deliver a top Russian secret police official for a price. Before he can deliver the Russian, a trail of corpses and double crosses changes his plans. When his partner who concocted the scheme is murdered, MacLean returns the check to the CIA. They offer him his old job back, but the proud man refuses.
Thunderbirds are GO
Captain Paul Travers (voice)
When the launch of a mission to Mars goes awry due to sabotage, International Rescue is requested to assist in the mission's second attempt.
Jim Perkins
After a warehouse fire, museum director Grove and assistant Pimm find everything destroyed, only one statue withstood the fire mysteriously undamaged. Suddenly Grove is lying dead on the ground, killed by the statue? Pimm finds out that the cursed statue has been created by Rabbi Loew in 16th century and will withstand every human attempt to destroy it. Pimm decides to use it to his own advantage.
City of Fear
Mike Foster
A Canadian reporter gets mixed up in Cold-War politics, romance and espionage in Eastern Europe.
Человек посередине
Major Smith
1944, Индия. Убийство американским офицером британского сержанта ставит под удар сплоченность американо-британского альянса в преддверии решающего наступления. Справиться с этим кризисом и и предотвратить раскол в рядах союзников поручается боевому офицеру с юридическим прошлым (Роберт Митчум). Но вскоре он обнаруживает себя между молотом и наковальней: между интересами коалиции и Правосудием.
Логово Дьявола
Bud Fredericks (uncredited)
Вы можете не верить в привидения, но вы не можете отрицать ужас! Дом на холме имеет репутацию злого. Загадочный особняк в Новой Англии стал местом нескольких жутких убийств. Но когда четверо человек проводят там ночь, они оказываются в ловушке привидения. Антрополог д-р Джон Марквей, ищущий способ опровергнуть легенду, наследник особняка Люк Сандерсон, экстрасенс Тео и Элинор Ванс, у которой тонкая связь с разумом, медленно осознают, что все истории правдивы. Теперь кричите, и вас никто не услышит, бегите, и последуют шаги. Мертвые не успокоились в доме на холме!
Shadow of Fear
Bill Martin
An American returning home from Baghdad and seeing his girl in Britain on the way agrees to take a message to the secret service. Once in London he is picked up by the gang involved, who have by then killed the original Middle East agent. He escapes, but he and his girl friend are a marked couple as they retreat to Seaford on the south coast to act as bait in an MI5 plan to catch the thugs.
We Joined the Navy
Commander Spelling U.S.N.
Lt Commander Badger, RN: an exceptionally likeable fellow, the Artful Bodger has one besetting sin a shining honesty which compels him to say the right thing at entirely the wrong time! When untimely remarks to some new recruits are splashed across the tabloids, the rush is on to find him a new posting somewhere far away.
Follow the Boys
Four women create mayhem as they follow their Navy partners around the Riviera.
Freedom to Die
Craig Owen
Paul Maxwell plays Craig Owen, an incarcerated criminal whose cellmate holds the secret to the valuable contents within a safe deposit box. When the cellmate dies, Owen breaks out of jail in search of the stash. Unable to open the box, the fugitive abducts Linda (Felicity Young), the dead man's daughter. Tension mounts as the girl plays for time to prevent her own demise.
How to Make a Monster
Jeffrey Clayton
When master monster make-up man Pete Dumond is fired by the new bosses of American International studios, he uses his creations to exact revenge.
Кровь Дракулы
Mike, assistant coroner
В респектабельной школе для девочек сумасшедшая учительница использует полученный в Карпатах медальон для экспериментов над новой ученицей.