Masaru Nakamura

Рождение : , Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan


Screenwriter. Born 1968.


Первая любовь
Молодой боксёр со смертельным диагнозом Рэо встречает девушку по вызову Монику, которая из-за наркотической зависимости должна разным неприятным людям. В течение одной ночи в Токио парочке придётся удирать от коррумпированного полицейского, якудза и киллерши, посланной китайской триадой.
The Usuke Boys
In an age where domestic wine making had a series of failures in the difference between European climate and soil, a group of young people learned and grew from the ideals of Asai Usuke, a pioneer in Japanese wine. Okamura quits his job and plans to make wine by renting some land to raise grapes with the help of Itoh and Uemera and other college classmates. Meanwhile, Shiroyama starts cultivating wine grapes at a fruit grape farm owned by his wife's family. Taking over his family winery, Takayama overcomes his parent's objection to him raising wine grapes. Undertaking Asai's wine training, they start to make wine.
God's Puzzle
A set of twins -- one a hard-working student and the other a drifter -- team up with a dropout to unlock the secrets of the universe and to build one of their own.
Сукияки Вестерн Джанго
Через несколько сот лет после печально знаменитой битвы в заливе Данноура (1185) в далекой японской горной деревушке нарастает напряжение. Одетая в белое банда Гэндзи (из клана Тайра) и одетая в красное банда Хэйкэ (из клана Минамото) вступили в жестокое противостояние, порожденное слухами о спрятанном золоте. Когда в деревне появляется безымянный странник, обремененный темным прошлым, но мастерски владеющий искусством стрельбы, и Гэндзи, и Хэйкэ задают себе вопрос, на чью сторону он встанет. Битва за власть, предательство, похоть и любовь переплетаются, пропитывая землю кровью. Историческая война между кланами вновь обретает жизнь в формах «спагетти-вестерна».
Дороро: Легенда о воине
48 демонов-мадзинов узнали о том, что у самурая Дайго Кагемицу родится ребенок, которому предстоит стать Мессией. Тогда они предложили самураю власть над всей Японией, если он отдаст им 48 кусков от своего сына. Самурай согласился, демоны получили свое, а останки маленького Мессии были сложены в люльку и отправлены по реке. К счастью, люлька попала в руки талантливого целителя Дзюкая, который не только спас ребенка и вырастил его, но также снабдил чудовищного ребенка необходимым количеством протезов. Много лет спустя выросший Хяккимару взял в свои стальные руки стальной меч и отправился на поиски мадзинов, чтобы, наконец, вернуть себе собственные руки, ноги, уши, глаза и все прочее.
Like a Dragon: Prologue
In 1970s-era Japan, three children, Kazuma Kiryu, Akira Nishikiyama, and his younger sister, Yuko Nishikiyama, are raised together in Shintaro Kazama's Sunflower Orphanage. In the summer of 1980, Yumi Sawamura, a young girl whose parents were accidentally shot and killed during a gang's shootout, joins them in the orphanage. Following a yakuza tradition, the honorable Kazama secretly raises orphans whose parents he has directly or indirectly killed. In return, the children love him as a father and he eventually inducts the teenage Kiryu and Nishikiyama into the Dojima Family, a Tojo Clan affiliate of which he is a senior officer.
Big Bang Love, Juvenile A
An unknown future. A boy confesses to the murder of another in an all-boy juvenile detention facility. More an exercise in style than storytelling, the story follows two detectives trying to uncover the case. Homosexual tension and explosive violence drives the story which delivers some weird and fascinating visuals.
Dragon Head
Teru Aoki (青木 輝) is on a train to Tokyo after a school trip. A disaster occurs which partially destroys the train and blocks a tunnel. When Teru awakes, he finds all his classmates and teachers are dead.
Живым или мертвым 2
Двое наемных убийц, друзья детства, случайно оказываются в родных местах после неудачного покушения. при этом обоих разыскивают якудза с одной стороны и, наркодилеры, с другой.
岸和田少年愚連隊 超特別篇 I had a dream
Tadon and Chikuwa
A film based on two short stories by Shiina Makoto. Tadon is the story of a cab-driver who spends his days listening to his passengers' conversations. Chikuwa is about a writer who faces a creativity bottleneck.
Young Thugs: Nostalgia
Nostalgia is Takashi Miike’s favorite film of his considerable body of work. Including biographical elements, Nostalgia centers around the home and school of a young boy, whose family mix the violent and dysfunctional with the comic and the loveable. Though containing elements of the sudden and shocking brutality that many associate with this director, Young Thugs – Nostalgia is more concerned with a child’s moment of leaving the internalized world of fantasy, and passing on eagerly to the next stage of life. A wonderful, touching, startling vision that is uniquely Miike’s.
A Giant Monster Appears in Tokyo
A large, dinosaur-like monster has risen from Tokyo Bay and attacked the city. As the government collapses into chaos, the people of a rural town in Fukui Prefecture, from whose perspective we see the entire movie, watch as the events unfold on TV. Some decide to run for their lives, some take it as a sign of the apocalypse, some go completely crazy, but most of the townspeople wait and watch, and wonder where the monster will head next.
A Giant Monster Appears in Tokyo
A large, dinosaur-like monster has risen from Tokyo Bay and attacked the city. As the government collapses into chaos, the people of a rural town in Fukui Prefecture, from whose perspective we see the entire movie, watch as the events unfold on TV. Some decide to run for their lives, some take it as a sign of the apocalypse, some go completely crazy, but most of the townspeople wait and watch, and wonder where the monster will head next.
A Giant Monster Appears in Tokyo
Original Story
A large, dinosaur-like monster has risen from Tokyo Bay and attacked the city. As the government collapses into chaos, the people of a rural town in Fukui Prefecture, from whose perspective we see the entire movie, watch as the events unfold on TV. Some decide to run for their lives, some take it as a sign of the apocalypse, some go completely crazy, but most of the townspeople wait and watch, and wonder where the monster will head next.
After his daughter Mai is killed in an auto accident, a genius programmer recreates her in the form of a computer program called AI. His jealous brother-in-law, wanting to get his hands on the technology for profit, sends his client to steal it and Mai’s father is killed in the process. Learning of her capture, Mai’s old friends race to free AI from her captors so that she won’t fall into the corporate clutches that threaten to erase her soul.
The Bird People in China
Wada, a salary man, is enlisted to venture off to China to investigate a potential Jade mine. After his arrival, Wada encounters a violent, yet sentimental, yakuza, who takes the liberty of joining his adventure through China. Led on their long and disastrous journey to the mine by Shen, the three men come across something even more magical and enticing.
Young Thugs: Innocent Blood
A Takashi Miike film that is, to a degree, autobiographical-- Young Thugs: Innocent Blood follows three friends through their first year after leaving high school. Having robbed their teacher on their last day, Ryoko gets a job in a hair salon, while the two boys settle down into a career of enforcement and protection.
The Way to Fight
Dangerous street fighter Kazuyoshi Tamai finds out that his rival, Takeshi, is the leader of a gang responsible for a series of assaults. Kazuyoshi is ready to face off against Takeshi, but comic challenges keep his nemesis out of reach. It's not until years later -- when Kazuyoshi becomes a championship boxer and Takeshi is a pro wrestler -- that they meet again in a battle that pits two combatants with very different fighting styles.
1994 sequel to Satoru Kobayashi's "The Blind Cat".
1994 sequel to Satoru Kobayashi's "The Blind Cat".