Masanobu Ando
Рождение : 1975-05-19, Kanagawa, Japan
Masanobu Ando (安藤 政信, Andō Masanobu, born May 19, 1975 in Kawasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan) is a Japanese actor and director.
For his second film, in 1996, he won the Film Academy of Japan's Best New Actor Award, starring in Takeshi Kitano's Kids Return.
Ando has extensive experience in both Japanese television drama and film and has played a large variety of different roles: mentally challenged (Innocent World), bank robber (Space Travelers, Drive), doctor (Transparent), ninja and samurai (Red Shadow), even a corpse (Monday). Out of all of Ando's characters, he is best known for his role as Kazuo Kiriyama, the heartless, psychopathic killer in the controversial film, Battle Royale (2000). He also played an art forger in the low-budget Battle Royale parody Tokyo 10+01 (2003).
As well as acting, Ando has been in Japanese ad campaigns for the popular Japanese snack food, Pocky, Toyota, and for DoCoMo mobile phones.
In 2003, he directed his first film, Adagietto. Sehr langsam, starring Japanese actress, Kumiko Aso. The short is included in Hiroyuki Nakano's Peacedelic compilation called Short Films. In it, he also stars in the short, 県道スター (loosely translated to "Prefectural road star").
In his spare time, he enjoys photography and shopping
Description above from the Wikipedia article Masanobu Ando, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia
Ryunosuke Tatsumi
The blackest and most evil painting in the world. In pursuit of its mystery, Rohan Kishibe, a manga artist with a special power, visits the Louvre in France. There, a number of horrifying events await him...
Yoji Tamura
Tomiko, a middle-aged woman, waits patiently for her husband, who disappeared thirty years ago, to return. She lives alone in a declining fishing village, and continues to search tirelessly for her husband. One day she meets Nami, whose husband has also disappeared.
A lonely researcher doubting his own existence builds an android which looks exactly like himself.
Shinsaku Takasugi
Бродяга по имени Химура Кэнсин, который в прошлом был известным ассасином Хитокири Баттосаем — первоклассным убийцей, чья катана отправила на тот свет множество людей. После очередной войны Хитокири решает оставить свое ремесло и обещает, что больше не убьет ни одно живое существо. Он путешествует по стране в поисках тех, кому он смог бы помочь, чтобы хоть немного искупить свои грехи. «Бродяга Кэнсин: Начало» — первая часть приключенческого боевика, снятого по мотивам одноименной манги Нобухиро Вацуки.
Five loosely connected storylines concerning the secrets and lies, the fears and tears, and the puerile potty jokes that punctuate the characters' daily (and in one eerie case, nightly) encounters.
Akira is the legendary killer known as the Fable. Following the order of his boss and due to being overworked, he lives peacefully with his partner, Yoko, as ordinary siblings. Akira still works part-time at design company Octopus with CEO Takoda and employee Misaki. CEO Takoda and Misaki are unaware of Akira's background as an assassin. Meanwhile, Utsubo is a representative for an NPO. But, Utsubo works with contract killer Suzuki to set people up for extortion purposes. They target someone at design company Octopus.
Kenichi Kitamura
A man suicides causing ruin for his family, reasons are unknown, but his son will decide to take revenge after a succesion of events.
Yuji Kiba
Akemi is unable to get over the death of his girlfriend, but a book leads to his encounter with Akane, a woman with a wonderful smile. He gradually falls for Akane, who soothes him with her positive outlook and cheerful disposition, but Akane has a boyfriend who has a limited amount of time left to live.
Hiroki Shinkai
A medical team is dispatched to the patients on a helicopter to provide medical care in the field as soon as possible. One day, four young physicians are assigned to this latest medical system. The doctors experience traumatic medical situations, deal with personal ambitions, witness the fragility of life, and they grow personally and professionally.
Haruma is an up-and-coming photographer who is getting full exposure at a photo exhibition in a Tokyo photo gallery. Rei, a beautiful curator at the Yamanashi Prefectural Art Museum, is fascinated by the photos she sees and calls Haruma to request a photo-shoot with an intimate part of herself as the subject. The only rules to this shoot are that no questions must be asked and Rei will be given the negatives. Haruma is initially surprised but goes along with the job, however, Haruma’s pregnant girlfriend Natsumi grows frustrated over being kept in the dark about their work and jealousy develops in their relationship as passions blow up.
Kamimura Ren
Kazuya Takajo was a promising soccer player. At the age of 23, he was selected for the national A football team and he bought a house to live with his fiancé Miki Nakagawa. One day, Kazuya Takajo gets into a car accident and becomes paralyzed and falls into deep despair. Kazuya goes through rehab on the strength of his wife's love. Yet, he becomes frustrated by those opposed to his marriage with Miki and others who give him pity looks. He also can't find anything to replace soccer in his life. Kazuya then witnesses a wheelchair basketball game at a gym.
Hajime Gakuto
A classmate from Ushijima's middle school days, Takemoto, shows up. He was a kind man, but now is jobless and without a home. Adrift and unable to borrow money from Ushijima, Takemoto heads for Seiai Home where he can stay while doing work.
Yasunori Ochi
When Sonoko enters a traditional Japanese arranged marriage with Amamiya facilitated by her parents the resulting union is loveless including the functional and goal-oriented sex. When the husband and wife move for his work she falls for her husband's boss and takes on the role of a betrayer.
Keizō Tokiwa
После просмотра странной видеозаписи над двумя девушками нависает проклятье. Чтобы избавиться от него, они отправляются в заброшенный дом. Подруги провоцируют столкновение двух смертоносных демонов и становятся свидетелями их эпической схватки.
After her brother's death, Alice leave France for Japan and takes refuge in a small village just above the cliffs. Her brother Nathan said to her before he died that he finally founded peace there thanks to a certain Daïsuké. Following his footsteps, Alice will in fact find herself, in a strange and hostile but warm place.
Хоши Изуми ещё только учится в школе, однако в прошлом возглавляла небольшую группировку якудза. После того, как она отомстила убийце своего дяди, банда была распущена. Теперь Изуми живёт обычной жизнью - учится в школе, подрабатывает в кафе менеджером. Однако, спокойная жизнь длится недолго, и опасность снова настигает Изуми.
Seiji Shikine
Seiji is a third generation "Gosei kai" gang member. He works to build up the group's strength. Meanwhile, a journalist investigates a case that occurred 19 years ago. He meets Hayato, Daisuke and Asami.
Japanese man
In 2015, Tsai Ming-Liang was once again invited by the Hong Kong International Film Festival to make the opening short film. This time, he selected Shibuya station in Tokyo as his main filming location and invited the famous Japanese actor Masanobu Ando to appear alongside Lee Kang-Sheng. They sleep separately at a capsule hotel and cleanse themselves at a public bath. Their fatigued bodies yearn for sleep but restless minds keep them for falling asleep. "No No Sleep" won the Best Director Award at the Taipei Film Festival.
Дзинко и Мотоко – подруги со времен учебы в университете. До них доходит слух, что одна из их школьных подруг, Мики, едва не утонула в море и, по всей вероятности, это была попытка самоубийства. Девушки решают посетить Мики в больнице. К ним присоединяется Хараки, которую Дзинко встречает в библиотеке. Ей поручают вести машину. Мики живет на севере, в городе, про который говорят, что там всегда дует ветер. Три девушки отправляются в свое маленькое ночное путешествие. Для каждой из них это повод окинуть критическим взором прошлое и начать новую жизнь.
Shuji Yamura
Yuria discovered the pleasure of tying herself up in her university days, and resumes the pursuit in order to relieve work stress. She starts a blog to describe the sensation of rope on her skin, and becomes acquainted with a cross-dressing bondage aficionado. Eventually, she grows bolder in practicing her hobby, and begins to wear bindings under her suit while at work.
История рассказывает о Рюске Кинуте, неудавшемся актёре с серьёзными долговыми проблемами. Его ростовщик поручает ему работу в команде, работающей с одной из бандформирований города. Однако, когда команда начинает работать на обе банды, то оказывается втянутой в небольшую войну. С этих пор жизни Рюске и его коллег грозит опасность, и адвокат им не поможет.
Genji Kojima, Constable at Tonbara clan
After the uprising at Wushe, Mona Rudao faces a guerrilla war against the militarily superior Japanese and Seediq clans. He and his followers must fight for their dignity and honor so that they can truly be "Seediq Bale" or "real men." Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale - Part 2: The Rainbow Bridge is Part two of the two-part, four-hour Taiwanese edition of the film Warriors of the Rainbow.
Genji Kojima, Constable at Tonbara clan
An indigenous clan-based people living in harmony with nature find their way of life threatened when violent interlopers from another culture arrive, intent on seizing their natural resources and enslaving them. Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale - Part 1: The Sun Flag is Part one of the two-part, four-hour Taiwanese edition of the film Warriors of the Rainbow.
The Mute
Мясник Шао Саньлян полюбил красавицу Мэй Нян и поставил перед собой цель завоевать ее сердце. Он продает мясо, однако его часто пытается оскорбить и унизить один боец ушу. Шао Саньлян, который долго не мог достичь своей цели, решает совершить самоубийство, но неожиданно получает сказочный кухонный нож.
Ryuichi Tanaka
Биографический фильм, посвященный жизни Мэй Ланьфаня (1894-1961), китайского актёра-певца пекинской музыкальной драмы, режиссёра, педагога, художника и общественного деятеля, который прославился исполнением женских ролей.
Через несколько сот лет после печально знаменитой битвы в заливе Данноура (1185) в далекой японской горной деревушке нарастает напряжение. Одетая в белое банда Гэндзи (из клана Тайра) и одетая в красное банда Хэйкэ (из клана Минамото) вступили в жестокое противостояние, порожденное слухами о спрятанном золоте. Когда в деревне появляется безымянный странник, обремененный темным прошлым, но мастерски владеющий искусством стрельбы, и Гэндзи, и Хэйкэ задают себе вопрос, на чью сторону он встанет. Битва за власть, предательство, похоть и любовь переплетаются, пропитывая землю кровью. Историческая война между кланами вновь обретает жизнь в формах «спагетти-вестерна».
Detective Wakamiya
Детектив Кейко Кирисима сталкивается с двумя загадочными случаями самоубийств. Кажется, каким-то образом оба эти происшествия связаны между собой: жертвы набирали на своих мобильных телефонах один и тот же номер - «0», перед самой смертью. Позже, жена одной из жертв рассказывает, что когда они спали вместе, было похоже, что во сне на ее мужа кто-то нападал. Кейко и ее коллеги посещают комнату, в которой все это происходило, ища ключ к разгадке тайны этих двух самоубийств. Там они находят информацию о человеке, так называемом «кошмарном детективе», который может попасть в сон другого человека. Кейко просит его помощи в расследовании, но он отказывается. Зная, что нет никакого другого выхода, Кейко приближается все ближе к правде и решает сама набрать смертельный «0»...
История восхождения маленькой деревенской девочки на пьедестал красавицы Хигураши-ойран, которой восхищались все без исключения. С детсва она обладала не простым нравом, что вызывало много сложностей и провоцировало появление завистников и недоброжелателей. Но, не смотря на это, красавица-куртизанка смогла подняться до статуса ойран, оставив позади всех конкуренток. Постепенно, она становится самой популярной женщиной Квартала. Богатый и влиятельный самурай изъявляет желание выкупить ее и сделать своей женой. О чем еще может мечтать куртизанка? Но вот есть одна проблема…. она беременна и с ребенком расставаться не хочет.
Kaoru, a wealthy woman whose youth is fading, abandons the hustle and bustle of the city to live a peaceful life in a house on the coast. There she takes care of an old deaf, dumb and blind man as if he were an insect, a child or a pet. He can’t do anything for himself, so she feeds him and accompanies him on his walks. This strong mutual dependency offers Kaoru an escape from society and allows her to free herself from restrictions imposed by common sense.
Follows the ups and downs of four female friends in Tokyo looking for love and trying to cope with the responsibilities in their lives.
The film follows Nanba, a shunned outcast who doesn’t have a girlfriend, any money or prospects, a turnaround from his glory days in high school when he played on the baseball team; his former teammate Ishioka, who is now a policeman because of an elbow injury; and baseball fanatic Eiko, a hopeless alcoholic who spends more of her time drunk than sober. The three share an intense love of baseball — and their destinies are forever intertwined.
Shiro Kazuki
An unknown future. A boy confesses to the murder of another in an all-boy juvenile detention facility. More an exercise in style than storytelling, the story follows two detectives trying to uncover the case. Homosexual tension and explosive violence drives the story which delivers some weird and fascinating visuals.
Японский военный блокбастер про то, как террористы захватывают военный корабль, на котором расположено американское секретное оружие. Их цель – уничтожить Токио, чтобы, стерев с лица земли старую империю, начать возрождение новой Японии.
Takashi Nohara
Shin is a professional voyeur who provides live camera feeds of everything from the street corner to the public toilet. He is also afflicted freakish phenomenon known as synesthesia - a glitch in his wiring puts his five senses in a blender and spits out something close to insanity. A high-profile murder propels him into a psychological odyssey in pursuit of Picasso - a serial killer, snuff peddler and fellow synesthete - who leaves deadly hidden messages in his victims' blood that only Shin can decipher. Lulling his victims into a trance with a spellbinding video game, Picasso leads Shin down a mysterious, hypnotic trail of death.
Tatsuo Sorayama
Asuka is an aspiring model who moves to Tokyo to pursue her career. She moves into a small apartment with a friend of a friend, Kasumi. A bizarre murder occurs in the hotel across the street. The body was mutilated and repositioned into a lurid work of art. After this, a string of murders start happening all around the two girls, as if some crazed serial killer was following them. At the scene of each crime, the perpetrator leaves a black lip print, and is subsequently dubbed "The Black Kiss.
Hoping to catch a girl's attention, high school students Ken and Adama cook up an ambitious plan. They plan a festival that combines film, theater, and rock music, and develop their project into a school road block. This plan however catches the attention of television stations and newspapers, and soon even the cops became involved in this teenage adventure.
One of a gang of karaoke loving middle aged women is murdered by a young man. Her friends track him down and kill him. His friends track them down and kill the killer ..... and it escalates!
Omnibus of six short films: Return; Ken-do star; Hana to oji-san; Adagietto Sehr, langsam; Nakayoki koto wa yoki koto ka na; Slow is Beautiful. Third installment of "SF" series produced by Hiroyuki Nakano.
Omnibus of six short films: Return; Ken-do star; Hana to oji-san; Adagietto Sehr, langsam; Nakayoki koto wa yoki koto ka na; Slow is Beautiful. Third installment of "SF" series produced by Hiroyuki Nakano.
Kodama Makato
Kenichi Asakura is an uptight, hyper-square salesman. One day, three bank robbers commandeer his van. They are in hot pursuit of their fellow robber who has snatched the money. Unfortunately for the bank robbers, Asakura never drives over 40 km/h speed limit even under the extreme situation.
A group of 11 criminals are trapped in a warehouse with bracelets. The 11 learn that they are part of a game where the prize is 3 million yen and a clean record. The object is to reach the Baron's house. However, the obstacles they face involve hunters with laser guns who will go after the contestants. It seems as if this game is fun...however, the game proves to be a battle of life and death.
The secret warriors of feudal Japan were the ninja. Sent on impossible missions, the ninja were trained to work in shadows, gather information and defeat the enemy to build a world of peace. Akakage, Aokage, and Asuka are rookie ninjas under the tutelage of Shirokage. Their life is a series of perilous missions that entail intrigue, deception and intimidation.
Kenichi Satomi
A young, good-hearted doctor Kenichi suffers from a rare syndrome whereby his feelings cannot be hidden. Such people are known as "satorare" and their well-being come under special government protection.
The late Kinji Fukasaku directed "Battle Royale" - his 60th movie - at the age of 70. This film follows the shooting of the film.
Kazuo Kiriyama (Boy #6)
Такого еще не было, но будет! Очень скоро! Родители лишатся работы, а дети выйдя из под контроля, учинят террор и массовый бойкот взрослым. Ответная мера: «Королевская битва» — санкционированная правительством жестокая игра, в которой неуправляемых школьников заставят участвовать под дулами армейских автоматов.На необитаемом острове 42 подростка будут 3 дня безжалостно уничтожать друг друга, чтобы победить. Только одному игроку разрешено вернуться на большую землю живым. Невозмутимый распорядитель зловещей игры — школьный учитель Китано. Свое имя дал герою исполнитель этой роли всемирно известный культовый актер и режиссер Такеши Китано. Кровь льется рекой, но учитель Китано гарантирует не только соблюдение условий игры, но и ее условность.Юные герои гибнут, точь-в-точь как в компьютерной «стрелялке». Вот только мораль фильма не виртуальная. Из безумного электронного будущего она обращена в сегодняшний день.
An abundance of footage from the shooting of Battle Royale and cast and crew discussions.
Mitsuo Kondo
A simple funeral turns a man's world Topsy turvy. He wakes up in a posh hotel room, totally clueless about how he got there. Slowly, he recalls what happened a day before.
Makoto Fujimoto
Three bank robbers, who declare themselves to be Space Travelers, take six persons as hostages when they are surrounded by the police. Among the hostages, there is a terrorist with a hidden bomb. In order to escape, the robbers ask the hostages to pretend to be part of the gang. Surprisingly, the hostages soon enjoy doing so. On that strange day, the bank becomes a tropical paradise...
Japanese horror film with four segments.
Toshiyuki Yoshioka
A railway stationmaster at a dying end-of-the-line village in Hokkaido is haunted by memories of his dead wife and daughter. When the railroad line is scheduled to be closed, he is offered a job at a hotel, but he is emotionally unable to part with his career as a railroader. His life takes a turn when he meets a young woman with an interest in trains who resembles his daughter.
Satoru Suzuki
В результате взрыва после газовой утечки в штабе якудзы, в руки застенчивой, робкой медсестры и простого скромного клерка из фирмы по прокату автомобилей попадает портфель с пропитанными кровью пачками денег. Дикие погони, преследования и забавные спасения отважного дуэта от гангстеров, желающих возвратить похищенное, вызывай настоящий адреналиновый драйв у главных героев, которым это начинает нравиться, хитрая комедия о грабителях против грабителей.
Japanese film directed by Ten Shimoyama.
Making of Takeshi Kitano's movie Kids Return.
Синдзи и Масару не принадлежали к числу самых прилежных учеников. Они были из тех ребят, которых даже спустя долгие годы после окончания школы многие из нас вспоминают со страхом. Любимым делом неразлучной парочки было издеваться над учителями, изводить одноклассников и отбирать у них деньги. Преподаватели махнули рукой на нелегкое дело перевоспитания юных оболтусов, но ни что не длится вечно. Теперь Синдзи стал боксером, а Масару — якудза.
A young girl befriends an infant T-rex after her palentologist father nurtures a lair of lost dinosaur eggs.