Betiana Blum

Betiana Blum

Рождение : 1939-07-23, Charata, Argentine


Betiana Blum


Брачное приложение
Семейная пара переживает кризис. Они решают использовать приложение, которое начисляет или вычитает баллы за каждое доброе дело, которое они делают друг для друга. Это кажется решением проблемы, пока одержимость накоплением баллов не выходит из-под контроля.
Los bastardos
Безумное сердце
Фернандо - потрясающий отец, который отлично относится в равной степени к двоим своим семьям. Но однажды он допустил серьезную ошибку, результатом которой стало то, что семьи объединились.
Шалом, Тайвань
Харизматичный и еще молодой раввин по имени Аарон, управляющий районным еврейским сообществом в Буэнос-Айресе, любим прихожанами, но испытывает финансовые трудности. Отчаявшись, он отправляется в поисках пожертвований на свое богоугодное дело аж в далекий Тайвань, где встречает нескольких людей, которые даже раввина могут научить житейской восточной мудрости, например, бизнесмена, который раздал все свои деньги, чтобы вместо мирской суеты собственноручно выращивать чай на плантации.
El día que me muera
Dina Foguelman
Dina has not seen her three children for many years. They escaped their excessive control and live abroad. She can't get over her aerophobia to go visit them. She can't take it anymore without seeing them, and with his friends she sets up a mock of his funeral to force them to come and see her, but her plan will unleash madness. Who would think that this plan will work?
Heart of Lion
After she loses her mobile phone, a lawyer receives a call from the person who found it. They talk and hit it off very quickly. But she's in shock when she sees that he's very short.
Las chicas del 3º
Road July
Lion's Heart
Ivana Cornejo is just getting used to being single again after her divorce three years ago. After an exasperating call from her ex-husband, she throws her cell phone away. Fortunately, the man who finds it calls her to return it, and to her amusement they have an instant rapport. The man on the other end of the phone is León Godoy, a renowned architect with a charming voice and a charismatic personality. They schedule a date so that he can return the cell phone. When León arrives, Ivana is surprised: he is everything she had imagined, except for one unexpected and startling detail... he’s only 4'5" tall.
Otro corazón
Strangers in the Night
When Martín and Sol try to solve the enigma of a missing neighbor, they will discover that nothing is what it seems, that your hearing can trick you just like your imagination and that your heart is a double-edged weapon.
Waiting for the Hearse 2: The Party is Over
Nora De Musicardi
Nora and Antonio organize a prestigious celebration and invite their humble relatives.
Дотянуться до небес
Эта история начинается в Новогоднюю ночь. У группы друзей существует традиция, из года в год одновременно осуществляемая в Аргентине и в Испании: ровно в полночь в Буэнос-Айресе и в пять часов утра в Мадриде, каждый из них запускает воздушный шарик с написанным на листочке бумаги и прикрепленным к нити желанием.
City in Heat
A group of friends in their 30's meet at a bar in Buenos Aires everyday. They used to hang here as students, laughing at the world, and now they still dream of changing the world from the cafe's table. Unable discuss politics or football, the only thing they can talk about is women. When one of their friends commits suicide, a female from his past shows up to confront old feelings.
За несколько дней до коллективной гей-свадьбы сплетаются судьбы пятерых женщин, чьи сыновья готовятся вступить в брак. Судья Элена отвечает за церемонию, хозяйка гостиницы Магда — за прием гостей и банкет. Правда, свадьба под угрозой срыва из-за забастовки в отеле. Другим матерям тоже не сладко: нимфоманка Райс больна, состоятельная Рейс сходит с ума по жениху ее сына, Офелия на грани банкротства. Три дня жизни этого блистательного женского ансамбля, такого разного, но в чем-то похожего…
El mar de Lucas
The Damned Rib
Four women decide to go together to have fun at a men's strip show. On the trip, the taxi driver pays attention to their conversation where each one tells the others her ideal of a man. Since then, he decides to pass himself off as the ideal man.
Secret of the Andes
Mother Lola
Cusi is a 20th century Incan boy who lives in a high mountain valley with an old llama herder named Chuto. Chuto raised Cusi in a traditional Incan fashion, although the Spanish culture was prevalent in Peru since the conquest of the Incan Empire. Although eager for adventure, Cusi is still drawn to the home he has known all his life. Cusi sets out from his home to try to find a family, but discovers that Chuto is all the family he needs.
Stolen Moments
1947, in Patagonia, in a little village on the seaside. An abandoned house on the beach shelters Letty's dreams, her loneliness that only Miguel, a very young pianist, may share with her. Tomas, her husband, loves Letty and eagerly defends her against all the village, while she keeps playing her part of a 'femme fatale' with a romantic past and a very adventurous file. But on a windy day, a handsome and strange foreigner appears, coming from the sea, a man just as those Bette Davis used to fall in love with. For Letty, reality begins to look like the most incredible dreams of her. But this will call the police inspector's attention. With that mysterious spy, Letty will be involved in a story that will end as those stories she was so fond of when she was going to the movie theater of her little willage.
Noche de ronda
Under Flag
Argentina: 1969: Major Molina has been sent to a military outpost in southern Patagonia to investigate the brutal murder of soldier Lito. The harsh weather conditions of Patagonia reflect the strict and cruel way in which the Colonel Hellman and his officers direct the garrison. Gradually comes to light that Lito was drugged by a fellow, Reppeto, and therefore was unable to participate in an unexpected military exercise at night. For his "disobedience", Lito was beaten to death. Molina seeks justice, aided by the deceased's family and the village priest. However, he is forced to abandon the case when the military forces take the power in Buenos Aires. Years later, with democracy finally restored in Argentina, the case will be reopened causing the abolition of military service and the military justice system.
Living Together
Two single men in their late forties spend regular weekends in a semi-derelict house on the Paraná river delta near Buenos Aires. However, when a girl asks for shelter from a storm, both men are forced to re-evaluate their lives and their friendship.
I Don't Want to Talk About It
Leonor, a widow in a small South American town, gives birth to Charlotte, a dwarf. The mother not only provides a rich childhood for her daughter, she erases any clues her daughter might see that would lead her to think she is different (mother burns books such as "Snow White" and destroys lawn statues of gnomes). In short, she doesn't want to talk about it. The mother succeeds in creating a modern-day Rapunzel: Charlotte becomes an accomplished young woman who captures the heart of Ludovico. But then, the circus comes to town.
Los insomnes
Small stories linked by a group of children who at night in Buenos Aires wander through the city and mingle with their families in an abandoned building
Te Amo
A single pregnant teenager goes to live with her uncle, a mediocre entertainer in a seedy cabaret.
Sin querer, queriendo
An unscrupulous journalist confronts another journalist more idealistic than him.
В ожидании перевозки
Мама Кора — старушка 80-ти лет, у неё трое сыновей и одна дочь. Мама живёт со старшим сыном и его женой и делает их жизнь невыносимой. Однажды Кора уходит из дома посидеть с ребёнком соседки, не предупредив никого из близких. Все четверо детей Коры ищут её. Ошибочно опознав в морге тело другой женщины, семья готовится к похоронам. Во время всей этой суеты выясняются многие подробности отношений внутри семьи.
Condemned to Hell
Silvia is incarcerated in a corrupt women prison and forced to participate in drug distribution. When she refuses she is punished and her sister murdered. She will try to get free and get her revenge.
Rosa de lejos
Acto de posesión
Raquel's not able to have children, so she and her boyfriend manipulate another young woman into bearing his child.
Un toque diferente
Las turistas quieren guerra
Alberto and Jorge are employees of a refrigerator, who one day see a bus where several beautiful tourists flirt with the guide who drives them and think that being guides will give them many love affairs. They manage to meet with the owner of the tourism company and his partner (Frías Garmet and Gamarro Salas, respectively), who hire them immediately, promising them a quick promotion in the company. In reality, Frías Garmet and Gamarro Salas are planning a scam of great magnitude, and they need two unwary to indisting them.
La noche del hurto
A World of Love
A little girl's paternal grandparents want to take her away from her maternal grandfather, a kind puppeteer she adores.
Los irrompibles
Dorys Clayton
The story of a pair of bumbling detectives Uruguayan undertaking the mission to go to the aid of an orphan and very rich heiress to Argentina. It will be very easy to deal with the thousand and one difficulties awaiting them on the road. Clashes with bandits plaguing the region and that will go back more than once, will not be the only danger.
Bodas de cristal
Accused Women
Terrifying story, based on a fact occurred in Buenos Aires, early 1967, and reported in "La Nación" and all the other newspapers, after the death of a woman interned at the Instituto de Detención para Mujeres (Detention Centre for Women). Doctor Vallejos, the magistrate in charge of the inquest, gets enmeshed in personal intrigue, organized corruption, lust and vice in which apparently all the penitentiary personnel and an organized gang of dangerous inmates are involved, operating withing the prison itself.
Carmiña: Su historia de amor
Set in the 1930s, the eldest son of a wealthy family falls in love with a young woman who emigrated from Spain and works at home as a maid.
La sartén por el mango
While a bachelor party is being held in an apartment, the death of one of the hired girls exposes the fears of men.
Семейный скандал
A veteran popular singer comes to town with her daughter in order to achieve success in television. She introduces her daughter to a contest winning one of the top prizes. At the same time, a veteran politician is campaigning to scale the governor's office.
Sombras en el cielo
The meeting of a famous star and a mortally ill film director, to shoot his latest movie. During his career he made disasters, but now, incurably ill, he wants to express something worthwhile before dying.
Tells the irruption of a John Lennon impersonator, whom a stunt manager presents as the real idol, deceiving a famous television host who plans fearsome revenge.