Mónica Villa
Рождение : 1954-12-16, Buenos Aires, Argentina
An experienced commercial pilot is forced to collaborate with his country's intelligence services to avoid being punished for a serious fault he committed on the job. He is quickly plunged into an underworld of intrigue and extortion that will put his life at risk and he will pay a very high price to escape from it.
Pocha Ojer
During Christmas dinner, an Argentinian family finds out that their millionaire uncle has died. His relatives speculate about his generous inheritance, but everything changes when a woman arrives at twelve and introduces herself as the deceased's wife. The head of the family, desperate about the possibility of losing everything, hides the body and forces the others to simulate a kidnapping. The plan is that, this way, the inheritance would be returned in the form of ransom payment. A bag of money appears and the plan seems infallible, but it falls into crisis when everyone wants to take their part.
Nelly Peralta
Víctor, Juan, and Manuel, three petty thugs who work for Roselli, a local mobster, are sent to find the architect of a robbery who escaped with the loot. The task seems simple enough, but they find a twist in their plans, caused by a violent and fatal mistake of theirs. Now, with Roselli breathing down their necks and his attempts to remedy the irreparable, they cause a riot with eccentric and violent characters who cross paths in what was the lair of their initial objective, added to the greed for hot money, experimental drugs and shootings, which will become a grave for three.
Professor Leguizamón (segment "Pasternak")
Гэбриела Пастернака обижали многие, с кем сводила его жизнь — девушка, учитель музыки, профессор в консерватории, дантист. И вот все они, на свою беду, оказались вместе с ним в одном самолете… Ночью в придорожной закусочной официантка узнает в посетителе ростовщика, который много лет назад довел до самоубийства ее отца. А у поварихи, в прошлом отсидевшей срок, для мести такому гаду сразу нашлось средство — крысиный яд… Городской красавчик ехал на своей мощной Audi по пустынной дороге и решил обогнать старый Peugeot, но сидевший за рулем провинциальный упырь решил не уступать. И вот уже кровавый итог бессмысленного соперничества не за горами…
Это история о маленькой девочке — Наталии, которая мечтает стать звездой, и горит желанием выбраться из своего маленького городка Такуарембо в большой город, на пути к своей мечте — выиграть местный конкурс красоты. Спустя года мы видим суровую реальность: она работает в Буэнос-Айресе туристическим гидом в парке с религиозной тематикой.
A hot summer in a small town. The lives of many characters intertwine as a Preacher comes to town to give them hope.
Susana De Musicardi
Nora and Antonio organize a prestigious celebration and invite their humble relatives.
Madre de Josefina
Amalia is an adolescent girl who is caught in the throes of her emerging sexuality and her deeply held passion for her Catholic faith. These two drives mingle when the visiting Dr. Jano takes advantage of a crowd to get inappropriately close to the girl. Repulsed by him but inspired by an inner burning, Amalia decides it is her God-given mission to save the doctor from his behavior, and she begins to stalk Dr. Jano, becoming a most unusual voyeur.
Miss Zamildio
Leonor, a widow in a small South American town, gives birth to Charlotte, a dwarf. The mother not only provides a rich childhood for her daughter, she erases any clues her daughter might see that would lead her to think she is different (mother burns books such as "Snow White" and destroys lawn statues of gnomes). In short, she doesn't want to talk about it. The mother succeeds in creating a modern-day Rapunzel: Charlotte becomes an accomplished young woman who captures the heart of Ludovico. But then, the circus comes to town.
Lucila Expósita
Laura Regueira is wrongly accused of the murder of her boyfriend, he was killed by a band of thugs the night they were sharing a romantic moment. In the woman's reformatory Laura, besides of having to endure the life of prisoner, will have the chance of prove her innocence, with the help of a police officer who believes she's innocent Laura has the chance of uncover a band involved in drug traffic. These delinquents also use the women captive in the penitentiary as prostitutes.
A prostitute falls in love with a painter with whom she believes she can save her life.
A prostitute falls in love with a painter with whom she believes she can save her life.
Мама Кора — старушка 80-ти лет, у неё трое сыновей и одна дочь. Мама живёт со старшим сыном и его женой и делает их жизнь невыносимой. Однажды Кора уходит из дома посидеть с ребёнком соседки, не предупредив никого из близких. Все четверо детей Коры ищут её. Ошибочно опознав в морге тело другой женщины, семья готовится к похоронам. Во время всей этой суеты выясняются многие подробности отношений внутри семьи.
The relationship between a doctor and a depressed young patient in a public hospital.
When the new don discovers that sadistic mobsters were responsible for the death of his young son, he wreaks a deadly revenge.