At the heart of this true story is Damien Oliver, a young jockey who loses his only brother in a tragic racing accident, hauntingly reflecting of the way their father died 27 years earlier. After suffering through a series of discouraging defeats, Damien teams with Irish trainer Dermot Weld, and triumphs at the 2002 Melbourne Cup in one of the most thrilling finales in sporting history.
Hitchhiking home to a family she's never known, Heidi meets Michael. In the stunning orange groves of country Australia, they embark on an adventure, discovering their secrets and lives may be better shared.
Cassie Hoffman
In a climate change ravaged world in 2012, after 240 days without rain Sydney has only two weeks of water left. When the city is then ringed by severe bushfires, the question becomes, how do you fight fire when you have no water?
Rachel Barber
15-летнюю Рейчел — умницу, отличницу и гордость родителей, после урока в школе танца бойфренд сажает на трамвай, в конце пути которого её должен встретить отец, но на конечной остановке Рейчел в трамвае не оказывается…
Street Angel
When Doctor Pangea, "the world's deadliest geologist", escapes from prison with plans to destroy Earth as we know it, the city turns to its unlikely champion: 14 year old homeless girl - and kungfu skateboarding superhero - Street Angel! Short film based on the comic of the same name.
2nd Witch
Macbeth, loyal to his crime boss, Duncan, is told by witches that he will one day take over. Driven by their prophecy, he and his wife plot to kill Duncan, and takes the leadership of the gang for himself. Maintaining his power will require more murder and violence, finally driving his surviving enemies to unite and destroy him. A sexy, high octane retelling of this classic story.