Felice Andreasi

Felice Andreasi

Рождение : 1928-01-08, Torino, Italy

Смерть : 2005-12-25


Felice Andreasi


Un posto tranquillo
Frate Vittorio
Fortezza Bastiani
Prof. Monti
Five young men wait for something at the end of their teenage towards maturity.
La collezione invisibile
La regina degli scacchi
Two Friends
Two Sicilian friends, Nunzio and Pino, share the same apartment in Turin. Nunzio works in a factory but is laid off because of his illness. Pino, on the other hand, is a mysterious man and he is always traveling because of his work. Nunzio would very much like to know what his friend is doing for a living but Pino will not tell him. Nunzio spends his free time the best he can in his friend's absences. He ends up falling in love with Maria, a commercial employee, whereas his health condition deteriorates...
L'ultimo rigore
Johnny the Partisan
After the 8th September 1943 north of Italy is occupied by Germans. Italian army collapsed and the soldiers are escaped to the mountains trying to set up a resistance. Many civilians did the same and Johnny, an English literature student, is among them. Johnny avoids to band together the red partisans (communists) and tries to be part of the azure bands (former regular soldiers). But in both cases he is deluded by the partisan bands and discovers that the partisan war is less poetic and genuine that he thought. At one point anyway the partisans free Alba from Germans. When the city falls again in German hands Johnny escape with Ettore and Pierre. But, one after another, German army and Italian fascists captures the partisans and Johnny will pass the winter alone and isolated. He then finds the way to participate to one of the last attack to occupants, in fact the war will be over two months later.
Хлеб и тюльпаны
Домохозяйка Розальба отправляется с мужем и детьми на автобусную экскурсию. Неожиданно она остается одна в придорожном кафетерии. Пытаясь добраться домой, героиня волей случая попадает в Венецию — город ее мечты. Обретенная свобода дарит ей не только новые ощущения и приключения. На этом пути Розальба находит радость и любовь. Теперь все в ее жизни будет иначе.
Padre Luca
Il caso Fenaroli
Avv. Carnelutti
Based on the true crime known as Mystery of Via Monaci or The Fenaroli case.
Papà dice messa
Bonus Malus
Padre di Marco
The life of a rootless insurance agent starts falling apart.
A Soul Split in Two
Store security guard Pietro spends his days catching shoplifters, his weekends visiting his children who are in custody of his ex-wife, and his nights thinking about new ways to flirt with the store's makeup consultant. His malaise psychosomatically manifests itself in nosebleeds, outbursts of anger, visions, etc. One day, he sees a young Gypsy girl steal something from the store and lets it slide: he can't explain why, but she caught his eye. Pietro and Pabe – that's her name – warily start to hang out, knowing each other more and more, until something begins to blossom in them. Could their shared dream for a new, more compassionate life finally be at their fingertips?
Il caso Martello
Antonio / Sebastiano Martello
Musica per vecchi animali
The Story of Boys and Girls
At a farmhouse, a large family cooks mountains of food for the next day's engagement party for Silvia and her city fiancé, Angelo. Her parents feud about infidelity; an aging salesman who rents a cottage from them arrives with a young French woman; in Bologna, Angelo's mother frets that her son is marrying beneath him; his sisters are less critical. Early the next morning, the four of them go by train to the farmhouse, joined by Angelo's married, unpregnant sister. The day-long dinner is riotous, couples display affection and impatience, children chase angels. Angelo's family stays the night, and his sister Linda has a visitor. A silver elephant makes the perfect gift.
Strana la vita
padre di Nora
A psychologist acquires wife and lover of a friend of him. But he has two more relationships yet. What will he do with four women following him?
Il volatore di aquiloni
Urca (Renato Pozzetto), a young man living in the mountains of Lombardy, takes off with his hang glider to go to finally see the sea. During the voyage flying over Milan, but just as he was admiring the city from an attack of coughing and is forced to crash-land in the San Siro stadium. He discovers the city that his elderly mother had recommended to avoid at all costs, falling in love also noting its strengths and its shortcomings.
Золотые руки
В довольно непростой для семейного бюджета период конструктор Андреа Феррини, как назло, лишается работы, в то время как его жена, наоборот, получает повышение. Неудовлетворённость падением семейного авторитета заставляют инженера кардинально сменить имидж и место работы.
avvocato Mercier
Начало века. Belle Epoque. Прекрасная Эпоха. Время, когда в мире искусства изумительно сочетались изысканность с манерностью, демократичность с элитарностью, утонченность с декадансом. И какие только таланты не появлялись в артистической среде...Зажмите носы, любители нежных ароматов! Заткните уши, поклонники Баха и Генделя! Закройте глаза, читатели исключительно подцензурной литературы! Речь пойдет об артисте, который проповедовал раблезианское отношение к жизни и искусству.Пужо был артистом редкой квалификации. Его звали Артист-Пердун.
Prof. Fortis
Человек-обезьяна, найденный где-то в джунглях Конго, перевезен в Милан и назван Бинго-Бонго. Одна лишь Лаура, женщина-антрополог, верит в человеческие качества этого необузданного полу животного, и их привязанность друг к другу даже перерастает в любовь.
Stormtroopers II
A group of misfits form an army in an absurd war.
Il sommergibile più pazzo del mondo
Cristoforo Passero, Il Capitano
L'esercito più pazzo del mondo
Ministro della Difensa
In an unnamed village there is a barracks where improbable soldiers have been recruited, who are up to all sorts of things. From a completely wrong flag-raising to a kidnapping, we certainly won't get bored: the two kidnappers ask for an escape route to the Caribbean, where they can move with the blackmail money, but things don't go as planned.
Никто не совершенен
Владелец небольшого винного завода, Гуэррино Кастильони, несколько лет назад похоронивший жену, практически утратил интерес к жизни. Во время одной из бессмысленных ночных поездок по городу он знакомится с очаровательной моделью Шанталь. Молодые люди влюбляются друг в друга и практически сразу женятся. Шанталь помогает Гуэррино вернуть вкус к жизни и начать все сначала, но семейная идиллия длилась недолго…
Любовь в вагоне первого класса
Oscar Della Rosa
Кармело отправляется на поезде в Калабрию, со своим маленьким сыном по имени Мальком. Кармело останавливается в вагоне первого класса в купе, уже занятым супругами Делла Роза и привлекательной Беатриче. Беатриче отвечает взаимностью на ухаживания Кармело, но каждый раз, когда они пытаются предаться ласкам, им это не удается. Потеряв терпение, Кармело на первой же станции высаживает Малькома.
How to Lose a Wife and Find a Lover
Dottor Rossini
Alberto deceived by his wife, goes to some place in the mountains to escape. There he meets a woman who was there for the same reasons that he was.
Dottor Gatullo
A young busker goes around in Milan with his saxophone, whereby he always plays the same tune and he experiences surrealistic adventures throughout the big city. Meanwhile, a wealthy woman from the local "jet set" falls in love with him.
Io tigro, tu tigri, egli tigra
Il Generale (1° episodio)
Three short stories full of absurd Italian humor. Episode 1: Oddjobs man Elia is hired to be a waiter and soon finds himself caught up in a plot to knock off his mistress (in more ways than one). Episode 2: Della is convinced that aliens are on their way to consume the world and before long ends up a guinea pig on a spaceship from the planet Phobos. Episode 3: Roberto becomes a Bersaglieri in the Italian army and nearly causes a war between Italy and Switzerland over a packet of cigarettes.
Le braghe del padrone
The young Vittorio Pieroni throws himself from a railway overpass when a train is passing by; escaped suicide and rescued by an ambulance, remembers the circumstances that led him to commit that gesture
Невезучий папарацци
Клик — бульварный фотограф, за которым гоняются то бандиты, попавшие в объектив на месте преступления, то разъяренные женщины, также оказавшееся в поле зрения журналиста. Однажды во время столкновения с полицией Клик познакомился с начинающим писателем Гуанзироле Пальмамброджо…
Il Sergente
A handful of recruits prepares for a war that nobody knows about the purpose or the motive. The field commander is a general who plays with a Marx puppet and lives in a luxurious palace that looks like a cabin from the outside. His orderlies are a captain who lives in Arabic dress in a curtain and a sergeant in training who does not shine for intelligence. Continuing training between various and grotesque accidents until the order arrives for the front. And then?
Дамы и господа, спокойной ночи!
Нам предлагают насладиться прямым эфиром идиотского канала 3TG в компании неотразимого ведущего. Сегодня в программе: выпуск новостей с сосредоточенным ковырянием в носу; урок английского языка со стриптизом и смертоубийством; телефильм «Бомба» о комиссариате городка Монтенеро, где раздается зловещие тиканье; познавательное интервью с профессором Шмидтом, предлагающим здоровый каннибализм в качестве средства от перенаселения; драматическая история генерала, пропустившего военный парад из-за аварии в санузле, а также увлекательное игровое шоу «Злой Рок-ометр», победителя которого ждет смерть от электрошока!
Come ti rapisco il pupo
Ispettore Sessa
Luna di miele in tre
Hotel director
Close to the honeymoon, hotel waiter wins a stay in Jamaica with a pin-up. Direction directed by Carlo Vanzina, with the star of "Deep Throat".
The Suspect
Fascism has forced the leadership of the Italian Communist Party to settle in Paris. In Italy arrests of militants are decimating the organization, so Emilio is sent on a mission in the area of Turin, to put out of harm whistleblowers.
Permettete signora che ami vostra figlia?
Peppino Lo Taglio
Gino Pistone is an actor in a local theatre, but his plays aren't successful. But then he gets a genius idea: to make a play on the love story of Benito Mussolini and Claretta Petacci.
Fiorina the Cow
Compare Michelon
Plenty of fun erotic stories in the spirit of the "Decameron", united by one constant hero - unlucky cow Fiorina.
Jus primae noctis
Frate Puccio