Emma Fletcher


Black Mail
A high-octane thriller in which London-based actor Chinda becomes embroiled in a sextortion lawsuit brought by a criminal oligarch and digital fraudster.
Sweet As
Production Design
With problems on the home front, 15-year-old Murra is on the verge of lashing out. That is, until her policeman uncle thwarts her self-destructive behaviour with a lifeline: a “photo-safari for at-risk kids”. Murra isn’t entirely convinced, but she soon joins cantankerous Kylie, uptight Sean, happy-go-lucky Elvis, and camp counsellors Fernando and Michelle on a transformative bus trip to the Pilbara. On the trail, the teens learn about fun, friendship and first crushes, as well as the forces of ‘reality’ that puncture the bubble of youth.
Послесвадебный разгром
Production Design
Продолжение похождений бедовых друзей-англичан в Австралии. На сей раз незадачливой троице Дэвиду, Тому и Грэму предстоит через всю страну перевозить гроб с покойным приятелем после того, как их самолет делает непредвиденную высадку в глухой глубинке.
Рыжий пес: Самый верный
Art Direction
История о дружбе и приключениях мальчика и единственной в своем роде собаки, которая вырастет и станет легендой Австралии. Когда одиннадцатилетнего Мика отправляют к его дедушке на отдаленную ферму в Пилбарах (Западная Австралия), он готовится к унылой и скучной жизни. Но вместо этого находит приключение и дружбу с единственной в своем роде рыжей собакой, которая изменит его жизнь навсегда.
Bad Girl
Production Design
Bad girl Amy is given one last chance by her adoptive parents, who think her friendship with local girl Chloe is a step in the right direction. But when Amy discovers that Chloe harbors a dark secret, she finds herself fighting for her life
Production Designer
An ex footballer embroiled in a scandal returns hometown clear his name and reignite an old flame.
Веруя в экологическую чистоту
Что такое "экологически чистые" продукты? Это действительно лучшее, или просто маркетинговая афера?
Art Direction
A group of young vigilantes seeking revenge for a sexual betrayal fall far from grace. When the truth is out they find themselves on the dark side of justice.
A&E Nurse
A doctor allergic to the human touch finds his salvation in writings tattooed on the body of a dead poet.
Summer Coda
Production Designer
Hitchhiking home to a family she's never known, Heidi meets Michael. In the stunning orange groves of country Australia, they embark on an adventure, discovering their secrets and lives may be better shared.
Last Train to Freo
Art Direction
Two thugs from the Perth suburb of Midland catch the last train to Fremantle. When a young woman boards the train a few stops later, they begin talking and find out not everyone on the train is not who they seem to be.