Before the T.I.C and the Clappers crew were formed, the members worked for a ruthless Yardie boss, Beverly. One of the boys, Jay has ambitions to set up on his own. He has no money, his car keeps getting towed away, every move he makes to get money and lift himself out of the everyday struggle is unsuccessful. Inspired by his high-flying girlfriend, Selene, he sets about laying the foundations for his own organised crime ring. Things are going seemingly well until he is arrested and Beverley discovers his hidden ambition. An ill-fated robbery after a stint in jail and a trip to Jamaica tears the crew apart. All their actions are being monitored by an undercover police officer who goes by the street name ‘Gunz’, who has been deployed by the Met Police to ingratiate himself with the crew. With the same grit, humour and action sequences as its’ predecessor, ‘THE COME UP’ promises to follow ‘THE INTENT’ in becoming an instant cult classic but with international reach.
Teddy Bruckshut
A raw urban drama about two friends raised on the dangerous streets of Kingston, Jamaica. Biggs and Wayne take on the "Shotta" way of life to survive. As young boys, they begin a life of crime, eventually moving to the US where they begin a ruthless climb from the bottom. They remain bound to each other by their shottas loyalty as they aggressively take control of the Jamaican underworld.
Недавние сорванцы и отвязные хулиганы со временем превратились в самых крутых парней района. Они разучились доверять друг другу. Бандитские связи и шальные деньги развратили их души, сделали каменными сердца. Теперь эти парни живут по особым правилам и соблюдают только свои законы. И когда им, объятым пламенем уличной войны, придется выбирать между жизнью и смертью, чистой совестью и предательством — каждый из них покажет свое истинное лицо.