Monty Maizels


История о типичной австралийской семье, счастливо живущей возле аэропорта. В связи с расширением территории последнего их заставляют покинуть свой дом. Но они не отдадут его без боя!
Closer and Closer Apart
Uncle Renato
Adultery tears apart a long-standing friendship. Based on the opera La Cavalleria Rusticana.
A teenage girl has to terms with her family and herself when her mother falls critically ill. She decides to leave school to look after her family, which turns outto be an enormous challenge, as she has to deal with her father’s fanatical religion, her brother’s experimentation with drugs and homosexuality, her desire for the wrong boy, and her younger brother and sister’s inability to cope with the family’s instability.
Hollywood Ten, Melbourne One
Ross Franklyn
In 1950 in the USA ten communist filmmakers were jailed. The same year Frank Hardy faced a long prison sentence in Australia for writing a novel. An experiment in documentary form working in the border region between narrative/fiction and documentary/fact.
Inanimate Objects
A man is constantly thwarted by the presence of inanimate objects.