Jeremy Kewley


The Legend Maker
Roy Rogers
A professional forger comes under threat from a predatory crime ring in Ian Pringle's first feature in more than two decades.
Monster Pies
Script Consultant
Mike has felt alienated and alone for as long as he can remember, until a new boy arrives at his school - awakening feelings and a world of possibilities he'd never before dared to dream of.
Monster Pies
Mr. Allen
Mike has felt alienated and alone for as long as he can remember, until a new boy arrives at his school - awakening feelings and a world of possibilities he'd never before dared to dream of.
Yes Mum
Associate Producer
A heart-wrenching phone call from Andrew to his mother.
Detective Tike
Serial killer Kirby Jackson has buried three people alive and is being interrogated about another - a 6 year old girl. Detective Tike must extract the girl's whereabouts in time or she will become Jackson's fourth victim. Will Jackson cooperate, or is he just having fun?
These Empty Streets
While on the lookout for her missing son, Susie has an intimate encounter with his friend.
Underbelly Files: Tell Them Lucifer Was Here
Det. Snr Sgt Graeme Collins
Tell Them Lucifer Was Here depicts the tragic murders of Victorian police officers, Gary Silk and Rod Miller which occurred in 1998 and shows the enormous efforts of the Lorimer Task Force in leading the manhunt for their killer or killers.
Bani Ibrahim
Hafiz, a Palestinian-Australian doctor, is faced with the dilemma on whether to save the life of his fugitive brother intent on committing a suicide attack.
Da Kath & Kim Code
Marriat (uncredited)
The squabbling mother and daughter, Kath and Kim, embark on an excursion into the unexplored crannies of life at Lagoon Court, Fountain Lakes.
The X Team
Gordon Mays
Members of a secret op unit of the national security agency of the United States of America is called in when a kidnapping occurs during a helicopter tour in New Zealand. The helicopter driver being an ex-member of the X-Team.
Deputy Sheriff Richards
Американская семья, путешествуя по невадской пустыне на автомобиле, решает свернуть с намеченного маршрута и отыскать заброшенный шахтёрский посёлок, указанный на их старой карте. Не придавая значения странностям, происходящим вокруг них, беспечная семейка беззаботно продолжает поиски города призрака. Что ж, их ожидает самая жуткая и самая кошмарная, а быть может, и самая последняя экскурсия в их жизни!
The Craic
Warm-up Man
When Fergus and Wesley get in the bad books of a local rough in their home town in Northern Ireland they decide to flee to Australia. After making a new life for themselves in Sydney they soon outstay their visas and must go on the run again, this time from the immigration officials.
Two Girls and a Baby
Gary Stewart (voice)
Catherine and Liz want to have a baby - well, Catherine does anyway. Doesn't she realize this will change everything? Probably not. Spending hours on the phone with the sperm bank doesn't leave a lot of time to think about family matters. A humorous drama dealing with the current debate on the very real issue of gay and lesbian couples starting families, IVF programs and the evolving community attitudes towards these changes. A buoyant and entertaining journey through dial-up sperm banks, relationships and baby clothes.
Maurice Reitman
Amy's father, Franco, was a popular rock musician accidentally electrocuted while performing on stage. The psychological trauma leaves Amy mute and deaf. So the 8-year-old is brought by her mother, Tanya, to Melbourne to diagnose the reasons for her continued silence.
Бешеный пес Морган
Криминальная драма, основанная на реальных событиях. Деннис Хоппер в роли знаменитого австралийского бушрейнджера Моргана (1830-1865). Действие происходит в Австралии, в 1850-е годы. Ирландец Дэниэль Морган, как тысячи его соотечественников, приезжает в Даунандер, в поисках лучшей доли. Золотая лихорадка в разгаре, и Дэниэль надеется обогатиться достаточно скоро. Однако вместо шикарного собственного дома с видом на океан он получает тюремный срок на 12 лет за мелкую кражу на дороге. Так внезапно для себя он оказывается вне закона, отчаянный и сломленный произошедшим. Каторжные работы – сами по себе нелегкое дело, а в условиях постоянных издевательств – тем более. Морган полон желания отомстить виновникам несправедливого срока, и сразу после выхода из тюрьмы приступает к реализации задуманного. Он направляется в штат Виктория, чтобы совершить собственное правосудие и дать понять обидчикам, что преступником он стал только из-за них...