Cameron Harris


Во время убийства в поезде метрополитена, один полицейский теряет сознание и после этого у него обнаруживается шум и звон в голове. Он не помнит, что случилось и пытается понять, как это вылечить и что с ним произошло. В тоже время расследование этого трагического события начинает касаться его самого.
The Brush-Off
The political adviser to Australia's Minister of the Arts investigates the suspicious death of a disgruntled artist.
An amusing and entertaining film, "Stiff" showcases David Wenham as Murray Whelan, political fixer and amateur investigator. An adaption of a Shane Moloney book it provides a view into the political workings (or lack thereof) of a Brunswick (Melbourne, Australia) Local Member's office.
Take Away
Tony Stilano and Trev Spackneys both own, live over and work in adjoining take-away fish shops in Melbourne. Although they have fallen into a habitual rivalry based on a cause long forgotten, the pair unite when the multinational fast-food outlet "Burgies" unveils a new store directly opposite the twin fish & chips shops.
When dwindling membership and increasing overheads makes a local bowling club a prime candidate for a takeover, it's all hands on deck to save the club, in what turns into an epic battle where young meets old, greed meets good and people rise to the occasion in extraordinary circumstances.
The Craic
When Fergus and Wesley get in the bad books of a local rough in their home town in Northern Ireland they decide to flee to Australia. After making a new life for themselves in Sydney they soon outstay their visas and must go on the run again, this time from the immigration officials.
Amy's father, Franco, was a popular rock musician accidentally electrocuted while performing on stage. The psychological trauma leaves Amy mute and deaf. So the 8-year-old is brought by her mother, Tanya, to Melbourne to diagnose the reasons for her continued silence.
The Rat Tamer
Casting Director
In this Aussie prison drama directed by Kate Woods, no one can explain why inmate Kevin Jones (Hugh Jackman) arrived at Blackstream Penitentiary with brain damage and horrible bruises on his body -- least of all Kevin. Can a jailhouse psychologist (played by Deborra-Lee Furness) help Kevin regain his memory, or will it take an act of violence to bring out the truth? This "Correlli" TV series pilot "The Rat Tamer" was later released separately on DVD as a feature.