Gunter Lamoot

Gunter Lamoot


Gunter Lamoot


Portrait of a Disappearing Woman
Worn out by everyday routine, fifty-nine-year-old fishmonger Sabine decides to leave her fish shop and ventures into the world outside of her countryside village. Her quickest escape, the village school bus, brings her to the Museum of Fine Arts in Ghent, where a museum audio guide helps her find the elevation she unknowingly sought.
22nd of May
Sam wakes up, gets ready and goes to do his daily job. And then the unexpected happens. A bomb explodes in the center of the shopping mall where he works. He drags himself towards the entrance to save the victims. One by one he pulls them out, until something terrible takes place. In complete hysteria he runs off till he falls down from exhaustion. A woman's voice makes him raise his head. She's one of the victims he saved. She wants to know why the suicide bomber did it. This encounter projects him back in history and even in a surreal world. Thereafter he runs into everyone he saved and feels that their defeat shows many parallels with his own. Even his confrontation with the wrongdoer isn't that straightforward as he thought it would be and confronts him with the fact that guilt and innocence can be pretty much alike.
De Gids
Mompelaar is a man who lives with his ever present and overbearing mother; he appears to be entirely introverted and have a speech impediment that sees him entirely incomprehensible. He heads out into the woods and finds himself at the place where several brutal murders appear to have occurred. He tidies up a bit and carries on, coming across a group out for a nature talk which descends quickly into horror and religion.
Jan Verbeek
Очень тяжелая жестокая фламандская драма об успешном бывшем ударнике Дризе, в дверь которого постучали трое музыкантов, акцентирующих внимание на том, что они калеки. Вокалист полуглухой, гитарист — лысый громила с сексуальными комплексами, насилующий и убивающий женщин, живущий на потолке собственной квартиры, басист — гомосексуалист, чей невменяемый отец находится дома на привязи… Эти люди начинают играть в рок-группе, которая благодаря экс-драммеру добивается мнимого успеха. Однако Дриз счастлив не поэтому. Его радует перспектива до конца уничтожить и без того полумертвые мечты и амбиции сборища неудачников и морально неполноценных людей…