Sam Louwyck

Sam Louwyck

Рождение : 1966-01-01, Bruges, Belgium


Sam Louwyck


Meanwhile on Earth
Elsa, 23, has always been very close to her older brother Franck, an astronaut who mysteriously disappeared 3 years earlier during a space mission. Elsa cannot grieve and her life is on hold. One day, she is contacted from space by an unknown life form who claims to be able to bring her brother back to Earth. But there is a price to pay…
James Ensor, de man achter het masker
Лили и море
Оставив всё позади, Лили сбегает на край света, чтобы воплотить в жизнь свою мечту – рыбачить в Северных морях. Ей удается уговорить Йана, капитана траулера, дать ей шанс и позволить присоединиться к команде рыболовов. Лили – единственная женщина на борту, и рыбаки прозвали ее «воробышком». Но за хрупкой внешностью скрывается несгибаемая воля, и вскоре Лили с помощью смелости и решительности завоевывает уважение всей команды и право на иную, свободную жизнь...
Дом памяти
An older man begins to work in a modern dairy factory. He feels distant and does not identify with the place, the people and even the society. Little by little, he is approaching cows and oxen, transforming into an animal and returning to his ancestry.
Harry Ledoux
Жизнь богатой издательницы и ее мужа-романиста меняется с появлением в их загородном особняке загадочной молодой женщины.
The Companions
Jorgen Ampe
At 19, passionate about street art, Naëlle (Najaa Bensaid) is forced to follow a reintegration project with other young people, her last chance to avoid being separated from her loved ones. Touched by the young girl, Hélène (Agnès Jaoui), the site manager and her instructor, introduces her one day to the Maison des Compagnons de Nantes, a world of traditions that promotes craftsmanship excellence and transmission between generations. Alongside Paul (Pio Marmai), a companion stained glass artist who agrees to take her for training in his studio, Naëlle discovers a universe with codes very different from hers that could give new meaning despite her difficulties in life. Naëlle will carve a place for herself in the fascinating world of stained glass and will realize that the Companions' values are not just empty words.
The Enemy
L'homme qui parle sept langues
Prominent politician Louis Durieux is accused of having murdered his wife, found dead in their hotel room. The case blows up into an intense media storm. Is he guilty or innocent? Nobody knows. Perhaps not even him...
Her Way
Marie, an independent sex worker and activist, dreams of a bright future for her son. She decides to enroll him in one of the best cooking schools in France.
10 Songs for Charity
Beaten and hardened by life in a Nigerian ghetto, Charity leaves for Europe to work as an illegal prostitute. She is saddled with her younger sister Happy, whom she ruthlessly initiates into the world of prostitution. Happy resists her fate, jeopardizing Charity's dream of becoming rich. Together with other unregistered women they endure hardship, exploitation and humiliation with resilience and song, until one day it all becomes too much and they revolt, singing their fury from the rooftops.
Чистое место
Брат с сестрой живут в тайной, скрытой от посторонних глаз, общине. Внутри нее действуют жесткие правила и четкая иерархия, во главе которой верховный гуру. Однажды тот предлагает сестре возможность приблизиться к себе и оказаться в высшем кругу. Другие могут лишь мечтать о таком. Но брат ни за что не хочет расставаться с сестрой. Он должен придумать план, как воссоединиться с ней. И, возможно, единственный способ сделать это — переиграть самого верховного гуру, перед острым умом которого преклоняются все до единого.
Несколько переплетающихся историй из фантастического мира: два сборщика трупов объезжают полуразрушенный город; в дверь к пожилой паре, в одиночестве проживающей в новом многоэтажном доме, стучится незнакомец; отец рассказывает маленькой дочке на ночь сказку о жадном бизнесмене, который получает необычное предложение.
Застенчивая девушка Жанна работает ночной смотрительницей в парке развлечений. Она живет с властной мамой, с коллегами не общается, личная жизнь не складывается. Жизнь Жанны расцветает всеми красками, когда в парке появляется новый аттракцион «Джамбо». Это любовь с первого взгляда.
A heroic-fantasy musical.
Stella is a failed actress who loses her ability to laugh after sustaining a brain injury. Without humor, she feels she 'cant function anymore. Her neurologist advices her to meet Frank, a geologist-driller-blaster who works in a stone quarry and suffers from the same syndrome...
Страна снов
В ночь самой странной свадьбы в истории кинематографа босс гротескной банды нанимает каменного холодного убийцу, чтобы принести ему палец увядающей, наркозависимой джазовой легенды.
Не состарится
Dumb Dumb
В небольшой набожный городок прибывает банда убийц и воров и начинает сеять смерть и хаос. В плюсе остаётся только местный гробовщик, хоронящий жертв. Но в итоге он должен решить, что для него важнее — сохранность семьи или деньги.
Before Dark
Olaf, an engineering student, lives with his father Vincent. Once a renowned architect, now suffering from early Alzheimer’s disease. Olaf is struggling, because he wants to keep seeing Vincent as the man who knows everything. In the run-up to the birthday party Olaf organises for his dad, their surroundings grow darker; a concrete wall casts a shadow over their house from the garden and Vincent’s condition is deteriorating. Olaf will have to realise that living together in the present is more valuable than persistently clinging on to what used to be.
Jan Dekkers
Бывший телохранитель ради своей дочери вынужден внедриться в опасную криминальную организацию.
Клео и Поль
Man with Stick
Трехлетние брат и сестра потерялись в огромном Париже. Клео и Поль пытаются найти себе друга, чтобы вместе играть и дружить.
Baba Yega: The Movie
One of the Baba's disappears from the face of the earth and his friends find him back. In doing so, the Baba's take it on against the evil Cordelia Zen, witch is trying to deprive all children of their spontaneity and joy of life.
На износ
Mike Paterson
Молодой гонщик по имени Тони не видит жизни без мотоциклетных гонок. Однажды ему выпадает шанс выступать за «Дукати», но для этого ему нужно усердно тренироваться. Но дело усложняет Лейла, бывшая подруга нашего героя, которая попала в переплет. Чтобы вытащить подругу из беды, Тони соглашается поработать на наркоторговцев. От этого всего у Тони идет кругом голова, заставляя его работать буквально на износ.
Going on a safari is a dream for many. For middle-aged couple Linda and Troyer, it turns into a horribly real adventure when they get left behind in the wilderness.
Love Over Distance
A successful, city-based construction manager finds herself reconsidering her cosmopolitan life choices when her employer relocates her to a folksy seaside town.
Страсть и верность
Prison Manager
В жизни хладнокровного гангстера появляется молодая красивая гонщица из аристократического общества, лучшая в своем деле. Страсть вытесняет профессиональные интересы, но криминальное прошлое повсюду преследует их. События развиваются стремительно, ставя под угрозу жизни героев.
Jean Broucke
'Cargo' brings the raw story of three brothers who own a family business in the fishery and are trying to save it from destruction. The passion for their profession but also for their loved ones, however, drives them to desperate actions.
A disrupted family and a farm in decay. A sick brother and a hopeless future. In the road movie Malik, the paths of outsiders Ben and Amir cross, in extreme conditions and in an unexpected way.
Ce qui nous tient
The father
Alex is fifteen years old. Back from boarding school for the weekend, he reconnects with his little country village and his family, a family which seems to care more for its dogs than for Alex. This of course annoys him. He's better off without them. He's better off down at the cross-country motorbike track with Kader and the turning bikes. But he's obliged to take his grandmother's dog with him and it disappears into the forest.
Дикие мальчишки
The Captain
В начале 20 века на острове Ла-Реюньон пять подростков из хорошей семьи, одержимые оккультизмом, совершили жестокое преступление. Голландский капитан берет их в вынужденный круиз на своем ветхом паруснике. Измученные порядками капитана, пятеро мальчиков готовятся к мятежу. Их цель — сверхъестественный остров богатый флорой и колдовскими силами.
Подростковый ипохондрик и его не менее своеобразная мать, отец и сестра-подросток отправились в бурную поездку из Амстердама в Испанию, когда член семьи тяжело заболел.
When Grey Is a Colour
man met vleugels
A young girl struggles to reconnect with her older brother as he moves back home after a failed suicide attempt.
Death by Death
Beach firefighter
A man's hypochondriacal relationship with his mother.
Dirty Wolves
Galicia, Spain, during the Second World War The life of Manuela, a mysterious miner who was branded a witch, changes with the arrival of an Allied commando, in charge of sabotaging the production of tungsten, a vital mineral for the continuity of the war effort of Nazi Germany.
Marriage Broker
История о девушке по имени Лиз, которая пытается сбежать от своего темного прошлого и скрывается от преследования дьявольского проповедника.
Амбициозный, но неопытный Джо, к тому же незрячий на один глаз, принимает своего старшего брата Франка на работу в небольшой бар «Belgica» в Генте. Вместе у них получается превратить некогда скромное заведение в самый популярный клуб страны — танцы, музыка, девочки, драйв и очень много денег. Слава и деньги вскружили обоим голову и стали причиной взаимного недоверия, ревности и драматических столкновений. На фоне бара «Belgica» рассказывается вся история жизни двух братьев, взлета и падения их совместного бизнеса, да и их самих.
After a stormy night, 50ish Marco's mistress 20ish Vali decides that it is time to settle accounts with her lover.
Les Cowboys
Drama about a father and son who set out to find their missing daughter/sister with the help of an American headhunter.
Rising Voices
Le curé
A handful of migrants without papers decide to start a hunger strike. Day by day, overcoming the violence that they inflict upon themselves, they discover the greatness of their true cause. From this realisation they learn to affirm their common humanity.
The Drifter
Fortress Europe has collapsed. North-Europeans are forced to migrate. Lucas, a middle-class man gets stranded in a coastal village in search of a passage to a brighter elsewhere. Through the difficulties and dilemmas he faces, BRAK explores how far the end justifies the means and how the price we are prepared to pay, can turn a sacrifice into betrayal. This debut fiction film by documentary filmmaker Laurent Van Lancker mixes contemporary realities with predictions of a possible nearby future. BRAK is based on a novel by Elvis Peeters and filmed on location in real settings (refugee camps and the abandoned city of Doel, Belgium).
Ограбление дома для двух братьев окончилось неудачно. Дэйву, одному из двух грабителей, удается сбежать, оставив своего брата Кеннета позади. Четыре года спустя Кеннет выходит из тюрьмы и возвращается домой. У Дэйва нормальная жизнь, и он пытается помочь брату. Однако у Дэйва есть одна проблема. Как сказать Кеннету, у которого горячий нрав, что он спит с его подругой Сильвией?
Несмотря на ночь
L'homme à la voix métallique
Музыкант Ленц покидает Англию и отправляется на поиски своей возлюбленной Мадлен, исчезнувшей в Париже при таинственных обстоятельствах. Встреча с медсестрой Элен, оплакивающей смерть сына, и компанией, снимающей снафф-муви, становится для Ленца началом болезненных отношений, полных скорби, страсти, ревности, саморазрушения… и освобождения.
Belgian Disaster
Belgian Disaster.
When Thanatos meets a lonely birdwatcher, a special friendship ensues. But he knows in advance that a farewell will be inevitable.
Maxime and Mélanie are a typical teenage couple. Like most lovestruck fifteen-year-olds, they can't get enough of each other and they think they'll be together forever. But when Mélanie becomes pregnant, their worlds are rocked.
Jérôme, a senior executive, has just left his company. Determined to never work for nobody else ever again, he attempts to set up his own company, come what may, even ignoring the reluctance of his wife Laura. Ugo, their 11-year-old son, is a tennis player and a promising champion. To reach his goal, he must make it into the Roland Garros national training centre. Just like his dad, he’s willing to do whatever it takes to make it. Together, Ugo and Jérôme will realize that not all rules can be bent in the quest for success.
Отец-консерватор хочет любой ценой оградить дочерей от опасностей современного мира. Четыре сестры, старшей из которых 14, живут в собственном сказочном королевстве на итальянской ферме и продолжают семейное дело — производство меда. Но это лето будет особенным для всех. В глубинку приезжает теледива, которая снимает в этих краях реалити-шоу «Страна чудес». Встреча с ней открывает для девочек прекрасный новый мир.
Let me survive
A mother and young daughter are coerced into joining her ex-husband on a stolen yacht bound for the west coast of Africa. Five days into the journey a raging storm engulfs them, forcing the family to abandon the yacht. Trapped in a tiny life raft with little food or water they find themselves pitted not only against the elements but also against each other. Based on a true story.
The Way of All Flesh
Tibo has a serious condition: boredom. He works as a nurse on a palliative care floor, and all he can think of lately is money. Once and a while, he tries to break the routine by placing bets with his co-workers on the last breath of dying patients. All in vain. One day, his colleague Anouk asks him for a favor. Whether Tibo would like to spend the day with Frans Claeskens, the only patient without any friends or family, because today Frans will undergo euthanasia. A big ask for everyone who knows the racist and perverted Frans Claeskens.
Странный цвет слез твоего тела
Женщина пропадает без вести. Её муж исследует странные обстоятельства этого исчезновения. Она ушла от него? Или умерла? Он решает выяснить это, и с этого момента его жизнь наполняется обилием кошмара и насилия…
Nine year-old Thomas spends most of his days at the flea market closely observing the Wheeling's and dealings of the market's sellers . His desire to be one of them leads him to embark on a one-night adventure that overwhelms him.
Une chanson pour ma mère
William S. Burroughs
"Our homage to the man whose ability to change whilst remaining himself has been a massive influence on us. There are many legends in the music industry but for us, there is no greater than the mighty Dave. We've included all things Bowie, whether that is original songs, covers, backing vocals, production work or reworks we made, to attempt to give you the full scope of the man's genius. "For the visual side to this mix our friend Wim Reygaert (who also made the amazing film for Into The Vortex) came up with the most ambitious film for RSWX, taking us on a fever dream time travel through the man's career starring the amazing Hannelore Knuts as Dave. We've got to extend a special thank you to the cast and crew and everyone involved for putting so much time and energy and heart and soul into this amazing film, it is a pure labour of love for the phenomenon that is Bowie." - Soulwax
The Fifth Season
Villagers find their situation growing increasingly desperate when their community becomes engulfed in an endless winter.
The Letter
A young Russian travels to Belgium to achieve his boyhood dream of becoming a pro cyclist. His team boss pressurizes him into the use of doping products. Slowly but surely, he loses his grip on reality and is drawn into the dark side of the sport
Marc Dekuyper
К молодому скотоводу Джекки Вэнмарсениллу приезжает недобросовестный ветеринар, чтобы заключить теневую сделку с печально известным западно-фламандским торговцем говядины. Но убийство федерального полицейского, и неожиданное столкновение с тайной из прошлого Джекки, приводят в движение цепь событий с далеко идущими последствиями. Захватывающая трагедия о судьбе, потерянной невиновности и дружбе, о преступлении и наказании, но также и о противоречивых желаниях и необратимости судьбы человека.
As the highly pregnant Susanne crashes through the doors of the hospital emergency entrance, thoroughly unprepared for the birth ahead, she begins to panic. In a fit of hysteria – the contractions are just setting in – she has an vision: she need not worry, this child is predestined. Twelve years later, Susanne is looking forward to a fresh start. After years of abstention, she is hoping for a steady relationship. But her son, whom she since the vision believes to be a genius, is writing unreadable essays in school and his teacher wants to put him in special ed. Susanne and Jonathan wrestle for their life.The film is a collaboration between the director Johan Carlsen and Cornelia and Christopher Kwanka, a mother and son living in Berlin-Lichtenberg. Conny and Christopher act out scenes from Johanʼs childhood and their own experience. They play Johnny and Susanne, a mother and son fighting for recognition and balance. (Johan Carlsen)
Nightly meetings imply a return. A return that should make a departure a whole lot easier.
22nd of May
Sam wakes up, gets ready and goes to do his daily job. And then the unexpected happens. A bomb explodes in the center of the shopping mall where he works. He drags himself towards the entrance to save the victims. One by one he pulls them out, until something terrible takes place. In complete hysteria he runs off till he falls down from exhaustion. A woman's voice makes him raise his head. She's one of the victims he saved. She wants to know why the suicide bomber did it. This encounter projects him back in history and even in a surreal world. Thereafter he runs into everyone he saved and feels that their defeat shows many parallels with his own. Even his confrontation with the wrongdoer isn't that straightforward as he thought it would be and confronts him with the fact that guilt and innocence can be pretty much alike.
Lost Persons Area
A man trying to keep himself afloat and marry the woman he loves sees all that's dear to him threatened in this drama. Marcus (Sam Louwyck) works as a maintenance man for a Belgian power company, keeping lines and electrical towers in repair along a thinly populated area with a few low-income neighborhoods scattered across the plains. Marcus has been living with his pretty girlfriend Bettina (Lisbeth Gruwez) for quite some time; she runs a diner, and they have a nine-year-old daughter Tessa (Kimke Desart) who seems to live in a world of her own. Marcus's boss is Hungarian émigré Szabolcs (Zoltan Miklos Hajdu), and when Marcus is seriously injured on the job, Szabolcs steps in to do his work. However, after meeting Bettina, Szabolcs decides to move into Marcus's personal life as well as his professional life.
A Day in the Life
Mario and Tom are two street punks who want to rob a bank. They ask the young Turkish Emin to be their driver that day. Emin can use the money and accepts, but he doesn't have a getaway car.
Ivan Van Dorpe
Очень тяжелая жестокая фламандская драма об успешном бывшем ударнике Дризе, в дверь которого постучали трое музыкантов, акцентирующих внимание на том, что они калеки. Вокалист полуглухой, гитарист — лысый громила с сексуальными комплексами, насилующий и убивающий женщин, живущий на потолке собственной квартиры, басист — гомосексуалист, чей невменяемый отец находится дома на привязи… Эти люди начинают играть в рок-группе, которая благодаря экс-драммеру добивается мнимого успеха. Однако Дриз счастлив не поэтому. Его радует перспектива до конца уничтожить и без того полумертвые мечты и амбиции сборища неудачников и морально неполноценных людей…
Nicky breaks both of his feet, and asks his cousin Carlo to stand in for him during a footballmatch. But when Carlo is picked up on the day of the match, he gets in the wrong car.
Any Way the Wind Blows
Antwerp, at the beginning of June. On a sunny Friday, eight people dream of having a different life. There's wind and music, police and paranoia, gossip and fighting. There's an old virus, an astrayed frisbee, a dead horse, and a mysterious person called Windman. In the evening there's a party …
Oh My God?!
A young girl wakes up in the trunk of a car. This is not how she imagined her birthday...
A film about the things of life: girls, boys, scooters… Anyway, you know how it is.
A motorcyclist draws a red line in the middle of the desert. The line must never be broken, nor be passed.
Two men take a journey through crowded Parisian streets, interacting and disrupting everyday life.
Rien ni personne
Johannes 'The Printer'
A young girl seeks revenge against Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, for the death of her father.