Chris Ashworth

Chris Ashworth


Chris Ashworth


В вине
Its a special night for the Buoitton Family. Charles and Linda, extremely wealthy couple, invite their closest friends and family members to dinner. Before dinner is served Charles raises the glass for a toast to his family and falls face forward on his plate DEAD. Linda confesses that she had poisoned him and she had poisoned everyone in the room to get the money. The guests have one choice: Kill one person among them and take the blame for both murders to get the antidote or - DIE in one hour. What follows is an hysterical exchange between the over stressed members of the group who, in an attempt to establish who should die and who should be the killer, reveal all the skeletons in the closet they have been hiding from each-other for years.
EXTRAORDINARY tells the amazing story of ultra-marathon runner and college professor David Horton, his wife, Nancy, and their attempt to finish their marriage race well. Although proud of his incredible athletic accomplishments and the impact he has on his students, David's family continuously pays a high price for his years of competitive running. Following his open-heart surgery and irreparable damage to his knees, Nancy is ready for Dave to hang up his racing shoes for good and focus his boundless energy on their family. Instead, feeling called by God to "inspire people one last time," Dave sets off for a 2,900-mile race across America
Hero of the Underworld
Dylan Berrick is the polished and skillful Overnight Manager of the Century Grand, one of the most classy and upscale hotels in the city. After a shocking night, when a woman named Holly is nearly beaten to death in the hotel by her boyfriend Davis, Dylan takes it upon himself to seek out Holly and become her savior, rescuing her from the drug underworld that he himself is familiar with.
Глубоководный горизонт
Coast Guard Commander
Эта лента расскажет о последствиях взрыва нефтяной платформы Deepwater Horizon, произошедшего в 2010 году в Мексиканском заливе и ставшего причиной второй по масштабам экологической катастрофы в истории США.
Military Personal
Шестеро друзей-студентов собираются вместе на выходные, где им приходится бороться за свою жизнь после террористической атаки, превратившей местных жителей в яростных зомби...
Космические воины
Cosmonaut Yuri
Пять детей выигрывают поездку в космический лагерь NASA и вынуждены действовать, когда на космической станции возникают проблемы.
Ray Earl
After stealing money from a restaurant, Daniel and his girlfriend Missy wake up in a car wreck.
Терминатор: Да придёт спаситель
2018 год. В мире наступила война с машинами. Джон Коннор — человек, чья судьба — возглавить Сопротивление электронному мозгу Скайнет и армии Терминаторов. Но в будущее, с верой в которое он возвращён, вклинивается таинственный Маркус Райт: незнакомец, чьи последние воспоминания рисуют камеру смертников. Коннор должен понять, кто такой этот Маркус и с какой целью пожаловал к людям. И на фоне подготовки Скайнетом решающего удара, Коннор и Райт отправляются в путешествие, приводящее их в самую сердцевину взбунтовавшейся операционной системы, где открывается ужасная тайна, кроющаяся за потенциальным уничтожением человечества.