Checkout Clerk
During a blizzard in 1964, Dr. David Henry delivers his son Paul with the help of nurse Caroline. But when Henry realizes his wife is also carrying a girl with Down syndrome, he hands the second child over to Caroline without his wife's knowledge. Henry's fateful decision yields grave consequences for his family over the next 20 years.
Joey's Son
Abel Grey is sent to investigate the death of a boy from an exclusive local school, who is found floating in the river. Fearing scandal, the school insists it was suicide. But after discovering from the boy's girlfriend, Carlin, that he was being badly bullied, Abel suspects that a dangerous schoolboy initiation has gone horribly wrong and he secretly solicits the help of a sympathetic teacher, Betsy. He is warned off the investigation by his boss, as the school is a generous benefactor to the Police benevolent fund. Abel, however, cannot let the case go, not only because his own brother committed suicide years before, but also it seems that the spirit of the dead boy is leaving them clues as to what really happened that night.
School Kid
Фильм рассказывает о 13-летнем мальчике по имени Эмерсон, который умен и развит не по годам. И не мудрено - ведь его воспитывают и обучают дома родные мама с папой, настоящие хиппи. Однако из-за проблем с математикой Эмерсону приходится записаться в школу. Одноклассникам трудно принять свободомыслящего паренька, пишущего романы и обожающего Шекспира. Общий язык ему удается найти с учителем литературы - однако тот оказывается геем...