Atsushi Yamatoya

Atsushi Yamatoya

Рождение : 1937-06-19, Mikasa City, Hokkaido, Japan

Смерть : 1993-01-16


Japanese film director, screenwriter and actor.


Atsushi Yamatoya


Holy Theater
(archive footage)
It’s said that people die twice. The first death is a physical one and the second, true death comes when there is no one to remember that person.
Под северным сиянием
Начало ХХ века. Чтобы выкупить свою невесту, проданную в гейши, японский охотник Гензо отправляется в Сибирь. Там его ждет встреча с новой любовью, а также с самым верным другом Бураном. Рожденный от собаки и волка Буран становится вожаком лучшей упряжки на севере. Дружба Гензо и Бурана спасет жизнь многим людям, в том числе любимой Гензо.
Догура магура
После попытки убийства невесты некий молодой человек попадает в лечебницу. Врачи считают, что его проблемы с рассудком передаются из поколения в поколение и берут начало в древних азиатских суевериях. Оказывается, один из его далеких предков убил свою жену, пытаясь доказать власть любви над похотью. Более того, он зарисовал весь процесс разложения трупа. Эти рисунки и будят в его потомке глубокие воспоминания. Или же это игра, придуманная двумя врачами, пытающимися свести друг друга с ума?
Догура магура
После попытки убийства невесты некий молодой человек попадает в лечебницу. Врачи считают, что его проблемы с рассудком передаются из поколения в поколение и берут начало в древних азиатских суевериях. Оказывается, один из его далеких предков убил свою жену, пытаясь доказать власть любви над похотью. Более того, он зарисовал весь процесс разложения трупа. Эти рисунки и будят в его потомке глубокие воспоминания. Или же это игра, придуманная двумя врачами, пытающимися свести друг друга с ума?
Desperate Pursuit
In the desert of Egypt, Kurata, the CEO of the Japanese corporation Tokokaihatsu, is killed by a sniper. After the news reaches Japan, the CEO's lawyer, Yamamoto, receives a visit from two men that attempt to steal the deceased CEO's will. This is witnessed by two detectives, Tsuzuki and Ōnuki, but they fail to catch the perps. Yamamoto hands the detectives a set of keys before he stops breathing. Tsuzuki and Ōnuki now have to investigate Kurata's murder...
Demon Within
The story is about a Journalist who becomes infected with a Japanese demon. The demon incubates in the mans stomach before Violently tearing its way up and out through the Journalists mouth (Complete with mouth splitting wide open). As soon as the Demon is "born" it is snatched away by a mysterious stranger. The Journalist (Yes, somehow he survived) soon discovers that the man who grabbed up the demon is in fact a former infectee who has developed a taste for the little demons, In fact they taste so good that when a person eats their flesh they then instantly become addicted to it.
Люпен III: Легенда о золоте Вавилона
Под Манхэттеном найдены непонятно как там оказавшиеся древние таблички. Их текст гласит, что перед войной с персами в Вавилон пришел Бог и спрятал все золото страны на юге Месопотамии. Вавилонская Башня, не библейская, а из чистого золота, становится очередной целью Люпена, в конкурентах у которого на этот раз Нью-Йоркская мафия.
Капоне пролил много слёз
Начало 1930-х годов. Исполнитель традиционных баллад нанива-буси Каиэмон Тотюкэн с чужой женой уезжает в Америку. Они надеются добиться славы и успеха, вдвоем исполняя свои баллады: он будет петь, она — аккомпанировать. В Сан-Франциско они останавливаются в гостинице «Иокогама Хаус», которую патронирует местная японская мафия. Однажды Косомэ, спутница Каиэмона, проигрывает в карты саму себя и становится проституткой в этой же гостинице. Каиэмона прогоняют, и он бродит по улицам в японском костюме, исполняя свои баллады. Японский гангстер Ган Тэцу приводит как-то раз Каиэмона в клуб, где в него влюбляется певица Лилиан, обожающая все японское, особенно самураев. Тэцу скоро становится главой японской мафии. Ей противостоит Фрэнк Капоне, брат знаменитого гангстера Аль Капоне, работающий в связке с китайской мафией. С объявлением сухого закона Тэцу начинает тайно делать сакэ.
Locke the Superman
When the villainous Lady Kahn starts building an army of super-powerful espers, Colonel Ryu Yamaki is dispatched to recruit the most powerful superhuman in the known universe to help oppose her. Unfortunately, the esper known only as Locke has either never heard the "with great powers come great responsibilities" speech or he simply doesn't care, and he refuses to leave his peaceful civilian life herding sheep. However, when Lady Kahn makes a preemptive move to take Locke and Ryu out of the picture, the irritated superbeing quickly changes his mind. Now the bad guys are about to learn that starting a fight with someone with super powers that include teleportation, a nearly indestructible force field and space martial arts was a very big mistake!
The Adventures of Gamba
Gamba, an adventurous mouse, embarks on a journey with his childhood friend Bobo. They gather experienced mice sailors at a harbor. They encounter Chuuta, a mouse who has been injured and in need of help. He appeals for Gamba and Bobo to assist him in defending the island of Yumemishima and its inhabitants from the cruel and wicked weasel Noroi.
Drifting Clouds
Retired samurai Kumosuke lives quietly, not to say idly, in Edo (old Tokyo) with his wife and two children, a young boy named Shinnosuke and an infant girl, Ohana. While he nominally runs a courier business to earn a living, he seems to spend most of his time smoking his pipe, drinking sake, and chasing women. The arrival of a Shinsengumi squad led by a young swordswman, Ichimonji Hyougo, disrupts this peaceful routine, forcing Kumosuke to defend himself.
Хэйдзо Сэкигути – старый охотник на медведей. На его лице огромный шрам, оставшийся после схватки с гигантским зверем. В это никто не верит, и все считают, что таких гигантских медведей в природе не существует. Сын Хэйдзо очень переживает за отца и в душе очень гордится им. Давно прошло время, когда на жизнь можно было заработать только охотой, и сыну частенько приходится уходить на заработки в поле. Вскоре приходит сезон охоты на медведей. Хэйдзо чувствует, что где-то рядом есть медведь, и выходит на охоту…
Joshigakusei: shūdan bōkōjiken
When the '70s ended the anger of young people rose, differences in social values ​​occurred between adults and young people, and the word "generation" began to be widespread among the young people.,The film depicts a group of young men and women who are forced to flee their homes after committing a murder. The screenplay is written by Wataru Hino (a pseudonym of Atsushi Yamatoya), wherein he asks whether these young people are sick or sensible.
Star of David: Beauty Hunting
The film portrays the life of Tatsuya, a young man of proper descent whose outward respectability hides his urges for rape and torture. This handsome rapist seduces women, then brings them to the basement of the mansion he inherited from his well-to-do parents, where he indulges in lengthy sessions of sado-sexual violence. Based on manga by Masaaki Sato.
The Fang in the Hole
A police detective tries to investigate the mystery of a victim who was shot in the head, but no bullet was found.
Люпен III: Тайна Мамо
Знаменитый аферист, Арсен Люпен Третий был казнён... Но оказывается что он до сих пор жив, и даже сам Люпен не знает как это получилось. Во время попыток выяснить как он остался жив, Люпен и его команда попадают в историю с клонами, Фуджико и миниатюрным гением-безумцем, пытающемся разрушить весь мир...
Puppets Under Starry Skies
A young Japanese man finds himself in the company of a strange, effeminate gay man and a girl with a seedy sexual history and who even now is pregnant again. They share a predisposition for drug use and spend time together in an old house. He refuses the advances of the gay man, who then commits suicide. When a gang administers a beating to him, his father re-enters the scene and takes him home, along with the girl. However, the girl has decided to have her baby, and she goes to live with its father.
История о грусти и печали
Спортивный журнал нанимает не самую известную модель, чтобы та в рекламных целях приняла участие в профессиональном турнире по гольфу. Но Рейко неожиданно оказывается слишком талантливой спортсменкой и выигрывает чемпионат, мгновеннно становясь знаменитой. Но у славы всегда имеются две стороны, а поклонники могут оказаться чересчур назойливы. Вместо того, чтобы пожинать плоды удачи, Рейко оказывается один на один с большими проблемами. Ведь работодателям тоже не слишком нужна слишком яркая «звезда».
Tree of Youth
Takeshi, bound to be an outlaw youth, boards at the home of his female schoolmate who works at the family restaurant in devil-may-care Akasaka.
Case of the Disjointed Murder
In the summer of 1947, various men and women gather at a mansion in the countryside at the invitation of Kazuma Utagawa. They are artists, novelists, poets, painters, playwrights, actresses, etc. Then the murders begin, one after another. The incident seemed to have no continuity...
The Sacrificial Offering
Many are the romantic stories of beautiful stewardesses who have dreamed and become modern Cinderellas. Yumi, though, has no such dreams. She loves Shimada, a very ordinary, young man and hopes to marry him one day. However, during the flight to Tokyo, the Petroleum Minister of a certain country sets eyes on Yumi, the loveliest girl ever hired by JAL, and is more than pleased with what he sees. When Yumi is approached, she declines instantly but everyone seems to gang up to bend her will to theirs and soon the newspapers report that Yumi has accepted the Petroleum Minister's proposal.
Banned Book: Flesh Futon
The film is based on 17th century Chinese erotic novel by Li Yu best known as The Carnal Prayer Mat. Mio is a struggling writer who writes a pornographic book entitled Flesh Futon which becomes a surprise best seller. With his newfound wealth, Mio begins indulging in the nightlife, excusing his activities to his wife by saying it is for research. Mio's reputation comes crashing down when a prostitute reports that his penis is like a "guppy". More bad luck follows. His book is banned, and his wife puts him on a short leash. At the height of his misfortune, his house is robbed. Mio meets the robber who turns out to be the Japanese folk-hero Nezumi Kozō. The two become friends, and Kozō introduces Mio to a doctor who can perform penis-enlargement surgery. With his new equipment, Kozō and Mio become frequenters of the red-light district, until the real Nezumi Kozō appears, and evil luck returns to Mio.
Love Doll Report: An Adult Toy
Roman Porno from 1975. Nobutaka Masutomi stars as a doctor who develops a robot love doll to keep a team of Antarctic researchers company, but is displeased with the result despite the product’s success. His desire to create a more realistic doll leads the doctor to model one after an attractive college student (Maya Hiromi). Naomi Oka co-stars, and the screenplay was by Atsushi Yamatoya, who had directed the subgenre’s most notorious cult film, Koya No Dacchi Waifu, in 1967.
Trapped in Lust
A delirious roman porno re-imagining of Seijun Suzuki's 'Branded to Kill'. Directed by Atsushi Yamatoya and scripted by Yôzô Tanaka, both 'Branded to Kill's' screenwriters and Suzuki's regular collaborators.
Trapped in Lust
A delirious roman porno re-imagining of Seijun Suzuki's 'Branded to Kill'. Directed by Atsushi Yamatoya and scripted by Yôzô Tanaka, both 'Branded to Kill's' screenwriters and Suzuki's regular collaborators.
Farewell to Rock'n Roll
There is an ongoing war between two Girl Gangs, the Akabane 100 Club and the Ikebukuro Cavalry. Yukiko, the "Bankaku," or chief bodyguard of the Akabane, is released from reform school and sets about to finish an ongoing one-on-one grudge match with the Arab Falcon and the whole Cavalry gang. With a theme song by 1970s Japanese "Group Sounds" band Carol, and live performance. Rock and Sukeban unite for an extraordinary and cool piece of filmmaking.
Naked Rashomon
Roman Porno from 1973.
The Kingdom
A popular poet, Goku, becomes depressed when his editor jokingly suggests that he is a sell-out.
Children Who Don't Know War
A trio of high school students, Ichiro, Hiroshi, and Reiko, try to give a demonstration against the suspension , but they are ignored by the students and embark on an unreliable journey.
Sweet Scent of Eros
Yukie, Koichi and Akira are rogues looking for a place to crash. They move into a house which Etsuko (Kaori Momoi) inherited from her parents. Soon after getting settled, the hippies slip into a communal lifestyle. They eat, have sex, and generally share everything together.
The Naked Seven
Scantily clad female warriors battle thieves to save a small village. Director Yasuharu Hasebe crossed the Seven Samurai legends of Shichinin No Samurai with his own popular Naraneko Rokku series and dressed it up with some of the most popular softcore pinup queens of the day.
Sex Hunter: Wet Target
While rotting away in jail, Okamoto learns of the death of his beloved sister, Natsuko. Violently assaulted by a group of U.S. military men during a drunken joyride, she was found dead by local authorities. Haunted by the tragedy, Okamoto escapes from jail to hunt down and kill those who destroyed the life of his sister. What he uncovers during his investigation is much more horrifying than he could ever imagine...
August: Scent of Eros
A department store girl is robbed of her cash register by a boy, but for some reason she cannot forget the boy's mysterious eyes, and time passes. One day, she discovers the eyes by chance, and relentlessly pursues the boy.
Dead Blossoms
After having served a prison sentence Oman is released only to find that her sister is in the clutches of a group of Yakuza lowlifes. Once again Oman has to take action.
Nagasaki Butterfly
Oman travel from Shanghai to Japan in search of her mother, only to be betrayed by her companion and sold to a brothel, where she becomes a geisha and gambler.
Wet Sand in August
Several high-school friends spend their final summer together indulging in sex and leisure; their halcyon days are soon coming to an end.
Women Hell Song
The roaming outlaw Okayo, also known as Benten due to the prominent tattoo of the Buddhist Goddess of Love emblazoned across her back. On the run from her persecutors, who seek to claim the tattoo and its skin canvas as a bounty, Okayo finds a safe haven in the arms of the mysterious shakuhachi (bamboo flute) playing Seigaku, himself tattooed with the image of Kisshoten, the Goddess of Prosperity.
Sign of the Jack
Hanamura, widely known in gangland a professional trouble shooter has the sign of the Jack tattooed on his chest. His follower is his sworn partner Kurahara. They attempt to help the Towada-Gumi gang against its rival group the Kamioka-Gumi which is seeking the chance to conquer the Towada-Gumi in collusion with Noda, a big shot in the town operating a real estate firm.
Рок бродячих кошек: Сексуальный охотник
Байкерша-одиночка Ако на задворках Синдзюку знакомится с девчонками из банды красавицы Маки. У Маки назначена дуэль на ножах с соперницей из другой стаи, но та привела на помощь толпу бандитов-чернорубашечников. Если бы не молчаливое вмешательство Ако, инцидент мог бы закончиться плачевно, но кровопролития все же удалось избежать. Ако стала тусоваться вместе с «кошками», выступая у них в роли альфа-парня, и вскоре оказывается втянутой во все их проблемы.
A Woman in Revolt
Kunitaro Nakamura
The manager of a supermarket is flooded with huge financial problems. Driven by desperation, she commits a series of murders.
Wet Peony
Mari is playing her white guitar on a high ground in the wilderness . She came to visit the grave of her mother, but the grave has been removed. She is watched by Kuro through the finder of a rifle. Kuro, a former member of the Kuwata gang, is mute after his tongue had been cut out by Kuwata’s men in a lynch. He came to the wilderness to take revenge. He captures Mari and handcuffs her with a string from her guitar...
Wet Peony
Mari is playing her white guitar on a high ground in the wilderness . She came to visit the grave of her mother, but the grave has been removed. She is watched by Kuro through the finder of a rifle. Kuro, a former member of the Kuwata gang, is mute after his tongue had been cut out by Kuwata’s men in a lynch. He came to the wilderness to take revenge. He captures Mari and handcuffs her with a string from her guitar...
Secret Hot Spring Resort: Starfish at Night
This humorous film provides a fascinating insight into Japan’s pornographic underworld, following a band of itinerant smut-peddlers, consisting of Hisao, his wife and main model Saku, and their partner in crime Tori, as they arrive, penniless, at a hot spring resort and attempt to make their money selling nude photos, staging live sex shows and screening homemade blue movies.
Hikisakareta burū firumu
A story about the betrayal and desire of gangsters turning into a nightmare with kites and 8mm film.
Violent Virgin
A bunch of young hipsters kidnaps a loving couple and keeps them trapped in a barren landscape. To the sounds of free jazz they are performing various experiments with the couple. In the distance is a yakuza gang keeping track of the youths. Who are really experimenting with whom?
Violent Virgin
A bunch of young hipsters kidnaps a loving couple and keeps them trapped in a barren landscape. To the sounds of free jazz they are performing various experiments with the couple. In the distance is a yakuza gang keeping track of the youths. Who are really experimenting with whom?
The Notorious Concubines
Dark, cynical Japanese epic brought to U.S. in a dubbed version by shlockmeister Harry Novak. Still, this gory, sexy epic is made with style and interesting for to compare to "Yojimbo" and other masterworks of the form.
The Pistol That Sprouted Hair
Shirō raids the office of the organization that attacked his lover, wreaking havoc and escaping with a stolen handgun. In retaliation, the organization hires two killers to get rid of Shirō. The duo begin to develop a strange kinship with their target...
The Pistol That Sprouted Hair
Shirō raids the office of the organization that attacked his lover, wreaking havoc and escaping with a stolen handgun. In retaliation, the organization hires two killers to get rid of Shirō. The duo begin to develop a strange kinship with their target...
Blue Film: Estimation
The film depicts the plight of a female office worker whose boss introduces to the world of pornographic films.
Inflatable Sex Doll of the Wastelands
A wealthy real estate investor is forced to watch the rape of his girlfriend and then is sent a film showing the fact. He hires a hitman, Sho, and shows him the film, so that the detective can get rid of the criminals. But the boss of the criminal band is Ko, Sho's archnemesis, who raped and murdered his girlfriend.
Inflatable Sex Doll of the Wastelands
A wealthy real estate investor is forced to watch the rape of his girlfriend and then is sent a film showing the fact. He hires a hitman, Sho, and shows him the film, so that the detective can get rid of the criminals. But the boss of the criminal band is Ko, Sho's archnemesis, who raped and murdered his girlfriend.
Рождённый убивать
Ханада — киллер N 3 в Японии, и это место его вполне устраивает. У него немало денег, фешенебельная квартира, красивая жена и страсть к запаху свежесваренного риса. Но происходит с киллером обман-дурман в виде девушки, похожей на индианку.
Рождённый убивать
Theme Song Performance
Ханада — киллер N 3 в Японии, и это место его вполне устраивает. У него немало денег, фешенебельная квартира, красивая жена и страсть к запаху свежесваренного риса. Но происходит с киллером обман-дурман в виде девушки, похожей на индианку.
Рождённый убивать
No. 4 Killer Ko
Ханада — киллер N 3 в Японии, и это место его вполне устраивает. У него немало денег, фешенебельная квартира, красивая жена и страсть к запаху свежесваренного риса. Но происходит с киллером обман-дурман в виде девушки, похожей на индианку.
Birth Control Revolution
The insane gynecologist, Dr. Marukido Sadao (Marquis de Sade), theorizes that a woman is unable to become pregnant if she is writhing in intense pain during intercourse. He sets about testing this new method of birth control by torturing women during sex.
Season of Betrayal
A press photographer returns to Japan from the war in Vietnam after losing his friend and fellow photographer on the battlefield.
Season of Betrayal
A press photographer returns to Japan from the war in Vietnam after losing his friend and fellow photographer on the battlefield.