Guillermo Gil

Guillermo Gil

Рождение : 1943-01-01, Tehuacan, Puebla, Mexico

Смерть : 2008-05-29


Mexican actor Guillermo Gil participated in 51 plays, 49 feature films and 19 soap operas, as well as teaching at the Centro de Educación Artística (CEA). He died at the age of 65, a native of Tehuacán, Puebla, and a graduate of the School of Theatrical Art of the National Institute of Fine Arts (INBA). Juan Guillermo Sánchez Bolaños, his real name, stood out in the acting field thanks to his participation in theater and film productions, which earned him the Virgina Fábregas medal in February 2001, awarded by the National Actors Association (ANDA), for more than 25 years of uninterrupted career. He founded his own theater company which he named "San-Gil", in honor of his late father's name, Don Guillermo Sánchez. He was a teacher for seven years in the acting and theater workshop at CEA, and served as stage director at the experimental and amateur level in 108 plays.


Guillermo Gil


Вырви это сердце
Действие происходит в 1930-х годах спустя два десятилетия после Мексиканской революции. Каталина Гузман рассказывает историю своей жизни и своего брака с амбициозным генералом Андресом Асенсио. Соблазнив её и женившись, он занимает пост генерал-губернатора, а она выполняет роль светской дамы. Полностью отдавшись политической карьере мужа, Каталина преданна ему, несмотря на его любовницу и детей, которых ей приходится воспитывать. Зрелой женщиной она влюбляется в молодого дирижёра и левого активиста Карлоса Вивеса, который становится её самой большой любовью и трагедией.
Magdalena is fifteen, but unlike many girls her age, her life is apathetic and somber, due to the abuse she receives from her father, a hopeless alcoholic, and her strange passion for Carlos, a neighborhood thug. A series of complex characters parade through Magdalena's life looking for themselves, such as Gabriel, the homosexual brother, and Huker, a violent judicial policeman who has an important secret. A portrait of the emotional depths of the strange and terrible Mexico City.
A group of beings permeated by the lack of love, guilt, pain and a desire for revenge, meet on the day of a storm at a cantina in the mythical town of Parián, a place where all roads and all destinies converge. There they find consolation for their woes in mezcal and in the distress of the others.
A Wonderful World
Cara de Rata - padre de Rosa
A fairy tale about the political and socioeconomic realities of Mexico.
Тайна Тринидада
Хоакин Агирре — инженер, который умирает после того, как большая часть его жизни прошла в поисках останков испанского галеона XVIII века, который затонул в Мексиканском заливе, и в котором находилось большое сокровище во внутреннем помещении. Хоакин завещает, чтобы этот корабль искал Хуан, сын, который родился во внебрачной связи. Это злит его остальных детей, которые будут делить наследство между собой. Хуан почувствует необходимость снова взяться за работу, которую его отец не смог закончить, и продолжать поиски загадочного корабля.
Don Emilio
Futuristic movie about Alejandro, a gifted left-handed child marble player who must win a competition as the entire town's hopes - and money - rest on him.
Dark Cities
Adapted by writer/director Fernando Sariñana from the stories by Juan Madrid, Ciudades Oscuras (Dark Cities) tells a story of interwoven lives in the seedy underbelly of Mexico City. The several different story lines concern hooker Lola (Dolores Heredia); her drug addict son Fede (Diego Luna); her friend Zeze (Zaide Silvia Gutierrez); Zeze's daughter Susana (Jimena Ayala); and junkie Vicente (Roberto Sosa). Also on the scene are two corrupt cops (Alejandro Tommasi and Jesus Ochoa) and one good cop (Odiseo Bichir), while Chicken (Hector Suarez) and Casimiro (Alonso Echanove) each tell their separate stories to the same bartender (Demian Bichir). ~ Andrea LeVasseur, Rovi
Los maravillosos olores de la vida
Закон Ирода
В маленьком мексиканском городке молодой простак, член партии PRI по имени Хуан Варгас назначен временным мэром после того, как предыдущий мэр был убит разозленными жителями. Недостаток средств не позволяет ему работать на благо города и тогда попросив помощи у своего начальника, секретаря председателя партии, он получает томик конституции Мексики и револьвер — ему сказано, что единственный закон — это закон Ирода: «поимей их до того, как они поимели тебя».
Un Embrujo
In the Yucatan coast of the thirties , Elisha, a boy of 13, is initiated into the art of love by Felipa , his schoolteacher. After discovering the relationship, Felipa runs away from the village , leaving Elisha mired in nostalgia. Forced to marry another woman and lead a routine life , recalling the years passed Eliseo romance with Felipa until ten years later, the woman returns , removing his wounds and changing forever the life of Elisha , his family and the whole town
Luces de la noche
On a whim, a retired gentleman decides to track down an old girlfriend from decades back.
Tres minutos en la oscuridad
Four childhood friends decide to play a prank on an aunt of one of the four. Two enter the house and two others remain waiting in the car. When the alarm goes off, the two waiting in the car escape, leaving the other two to escape on their own. After that, the friends begin distrusting each other wondering what really happened during those three minutes in the dark inside the house.
Jonah and the Pink Whale
Bolivia's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1995
Sin remitente
A lonely, aging postal worker finds himself the victim of a cruel practical joke in this pessimistic Mexican drama. The trouble begins when crotchety postman Andre begins complaining about his young neighbor Marianna's propensity for playing loud music every time she entertains a lover. To get back at him, Marianna begins sending him anonymous love letters. The old man is intrigued by the mysterious letters and hires a cheap detective to find their author. The detective is convinced the perpetrator is Teresita, a veteran hooker who joins in on the scheme to earn a little extra cash. Andre's friend and colleague tries to warn Andre that it is all a game, but his friend is in love and will not listen. Meanwhile, Marianna attempts to woo Luis Felipe, a hard, unfeeling tabloid journalist who has her take grisly pictures of murder victims for him. Both Marianna and Andre are destined to meet an unpleasant fate at the story's end.
Никто не расскажет о нас, когда мы умрем
История несчастной алкоголички Глории Дукью, бедной проститутки в Мехико. Первые кадры с ней – оральный секс с несколькими барыгами, когда они толкают наркотики. Что-то идет не так и два коррумпированных правительственных агента и местный бандит погибают. Она улетает в Мадрид, в родной город…
Two Crimes
After being falsely accused of a murder, Marcos runs away to the small and quiet town of Cuevano. There he finds that the family matters are more complicated than his.
A Trickle of Blood
Leon has a crush on Ofelia, so he decides to steal money from his father and cross the country looking for Ofelia who traveled to Guadalajara. On his journey, Leon goes through many adventures and takes the final step from childhood into adolescence.
Viva San Isidro
Chepe Chamaco
The Queen of the Night
Gato Linares
The legendary life of Mexican singer Lucha Reyes is the basis of this fictionalized biography ( or as director Arturo Ripstein puts it "an imaginary biography"). Lucha Reyes was an unconventional, and sexually liberated woman, most famous for her "cancion ranchera" style singing. Her story begins in 1939, where at 33 she still lived at home with her mother, Dona Victora, the madame of a renowned Mexico City whorehouse. Lucha marries the liberal Pedro Calderon and then buys a beggar's daughter. She becomes the mother to this child, Luzma. Lucha craves lasting love like junkies crave heroin. But for her loyal daughter, she never finds it and in the end no one can help her.
La señorita
Violent death of a loan shark investigated by diligent policeman.
Días de combate
Pancho Ventura
A novice private detective is on the trail of a serial strangler in Mexico City.
В далеком 1785-м году три друга-офицера соперничали за сердце красавицы Хертрудис Боканегра. Спустя тридцать лет их судьбы разошлись: Мигель Альсате, некогда надеявшийся на руку и сердце девушки, остался на военной службе; ветреный красавец Эстебан Диас, который на недолгое время покорил ее сердце, стал вольнодумцем и инсургентом; Педро Адвинкула, в которого была безнадежно влюблена лучшая подруга Хертрудис Пилар, стал ее мужем и отцом ее детей. Но в Мексике начинается гражданская война. Муж и старший сын женщины не могут остаться в стороне и присоединяются к сторонникам независимости. Вскоре в дом Хертрудис приходит известие об их гибели...
Playa azul
Difficult Days
Ignacio Cruz, secuestrador
Two shareholder brothers close several factories due to economic problems, except for their chemical plants.
El Secreto
An unseen person enters a taxi late at night. Suddenly the taxi driver is stabbed with a large metal knitting needle. From there we meet our female killer. Catalina is a very plain Jane looking young lady. She wears some geeky glasses and usually dresses very conservatively. She lives with her grandmother and they both seem to loathe men. Catalina’s grandmother mentions that her late daughter/Catalina’s mother was troubled by men and that cost her her life. Catalina and her mother resemble each other. At night, Catalina awakens by the vengeful spirit of her mother to advise her to go out and kill men. The kind that only want to take advantage.
Pedro Páramo
The third film version of the popular Mexican novel, about a wayfarer who travels to a mysterious arid village, to meet the father who long ago abandoned his wife.
Hernández Pimental
One woman lives waiting for her son who is a sailor. She hasn't seen him for years although he writes to her a lot. The woman shares the letters and her grief with a co-worker and friend. This last woman begins to idealize her friend's son.
New World
Fray Antonio
Towards the end of the 16th century, the Spanish conquerors living in the New World faced a serious problem: the evangelization of the indigenous people, who did not understand or accept Christianity due to their unshakable faith in their own religion. The court of the Inquisition cracks down on heretics and the natives prepare for a general uprising ...
The Bricklayers
Valverde, policía
When a worker is found murdered on the construction side, the investigation swiftly turns from things criminal to the political circumstances surrounding the building itself. Widespread corruption and neglect by the builder himself are seen to have brought the situation about. Much of the movie is filmed using hand-held cameras, and the majority of the dialogue is in the difficult-to-understand and very slangy Spanish dialect of Mexico City's bricklayers.
Chin-Chin el Teporocho
Rogelio’s story, a young man of humble origin in the neighborhood of Tepito, who falls in love with the daughter of a wealthy grocer, Michelle, but his marriage to her will be a failure and he will end up as a one more drunk.
The Heist
Policeman (uncredited)
In Mexico City's infamous Lecumberri prison, three drug-addicted convicts celebrate getting drugs from one of their the mothers. They are found out and locked up in the "apando," the dreaded punishment cell. Protests over the treatment of those held in the cell lead to a bloody confrontation.
Policia del ejercito
Мексика 1960-х годов. Группа студентов отправляется в небольшой город Сан-Мигель Каноэ. Там их по ошибке принимают за коммунистов-подстрекателей, из-за чего они становятся жертвами травли невежественных местных жителей.
События на руднике Марусиа
В фильме чилийского режиссёра Мигеля Литтина показывается одна из тёмных страниц истории Чили – жестокое подавление восстания рабочих на селитряных рудниках. Будучи в изгнании во времена правления Пиночета, Литин снимал этот фильм на севере Мексики, где климат и пейзаж соответствовали северу Чили – именно тем провинциям, где и происходили описываемые события. Сценарием к фильму послужил роман Патрисио Маннса, написанного им на основе рассказов очевидцев массовых убийств и пыток, происходивших в начале ХХ века, когда хозяевами Чили фактически являлись иностранные капиталисты. В целях адаптации к телетрансляции и, наверное, из морально-этических соображений из фильма были вырезаны сцены насилия солдат над задержанными рабочими и их жёнами в камере пыток, что в некоторой мере преуменьшает понимание эмоциональной составляющей борьбы за свои права и достойную жизнь.
Simon Blanco
Onésimo's henchman
The peasant and revolutionary Zapatista Simon Blanco still in arms but Zapata is dead. Simon with his lieutenant Andres visits his mother and his girlfriend in his hometown. The cacique Onesimo and his brother, the commissioner Martial put ambushes but he eludes them.
Esa mi Irene
A 43 minutes short film filmed in Mexico in 1975