Hiroshi Saito

Рождение : , Tokyo Prefecture, Japan


Hiroshi Saito is a Japanese screenwriter born in 1959.


Tamio Akanishi works at a public office in Yokohama. He is going through one of the worst periods of his life, having been left by his fiancée. One day, his boss tells him to take care of a big, white dog, abandoned by its previous owner. Tamio begins to live with the dog, who doesn't bark and only makes a sound that sounds like "haw", and thus he names it Haw. While living together, the connection between the two deepens.
Книга призраков
В руки к трём друзьям, ученикам средней школы, попадает загадочная книга, из-за чего ребята переносятся в сказочный мир, где внезапно встречают свою одноклассницу.
Самурайский марафон
Для подготовки воинов к возможным нападениям иностранных захватчиков проводят марафон: 58 километров по горным тропам. Вассалы присоединяются к состязанию, чтобы получить обещанный приз. Тем временем правительство Эдо ошибочно принимает марафон за государственную измену и направляет к «предателям» наёмных убийц. Дзиннаи Карасава выглядит как обычный самурай, однако на самом деле он — шпион центрального правительства. Дзиннаи узнаёт о недоразумении и, чтобы остановить убийц, начинает отчаянный забег.
Чудеса универсама «Намия»
2012 год. Три подростка, изрядно нашкодив, бегут ночью от полиции и прячутся в стареньком универмаге под вывеской «Намия». Решив переждать здесь до утра, один из парней находит в почтовом ящике письмо, где неизвестный человек хочет проконсультироваться по поводу собственных проблем. Письмо датировано 1980-м годом, и ребята понимают, что почтовый ящик волшебным образом связан с прошлым. Они решают написать ответ.
Kiseki: Sobito of That Day
Based on the true story of 4 member Japanese pop group "GreeeeN.” Jin is the producer of “GreeeeN” and his younger brother Hide is the lead member for the group. Their song "Kiseki" is released as their 7th single and becomes a huge hit. Hide and the other 3 members have others jobs including working as a dentist.
Лев, который идет против ветра
Врач Коитиро Симада оставляет благополучную Японию и едет в Кению, чтобы спасать людей, страдающих от бедности и войн.
Her Granddaughter
Tsugumi Dozono works at a large electronics company in Tokyo. She likes to spend long vacations at her grandmother’s house in the countryside. When her grandmother dies, Tsugumi Dozono decides to live in the house full-time, and to work from there as well. However, one day she encounters a middle-aged man in the house, who tells Tsugumi that her grandmother gave him a key to the annex house when he was her student. The two share the property, although Tsugumi still does not know the exact relationship that her grandmother had with this man.
Хочу обнять тебя
В результате аварии Цукаса оказалась прикована к инвалидной коляске. У неё парализована левая часть тела, она испытывает нарушения памяти, быстро забывая людей и события. Но Цукаса не падает духом, она ведет деятельную жизнь, занимается спортом и не избегает любовных увлечений. Однажды девушка знакомится на баскетбольной площадке с таксистом Масами, большим любителем баскетбола. Они начинают встречаться, их отношения крепнут. Несмотря на неодобрение родственников с обеих сторон, влюблённые решают пожениться.
April Bride
On April 5, 2007, a couple married in a church. At first glance, it was a typical wedding. The bride, however, was suffering from late-stage breast cancer and had been given only a month to live. A young woman is diagnosed with breast cancer but keeps the information from her boyfriend. When he finds out, he decides to plan a wedding even though she only has one month to live. Based on the true story of Chie Nagashima, a women afflicted with breast cancer and her husband Taro Akasu.
The Triumphant Return of General Rouge
A year after the celebrated cracking of “The Glorious Team Batista” case, the talented medical staff at Tojo University Hospital once again finds itself embroiled in a web of intrigue and scandal.The scandal occurs this time in the ER when a mysterious letter arrives for Dr. Kimiko Taguichi. The letter reads: “Chief Surgeon Hayami of the Emergency Center has a collusive relationship with a medical supplies maker. And the head nurse is in on it with him.” An unimaginable truth then awaits.
Сигнал 252: Есть выжившие
Чepeз нecкoлькo нeдeль пocлe зeмлeтpяceния нa Toкиo oбpyшивaeтcя oгpoмнoe цyнaми, пoгpeбaя пoд тoннaми вoды пpибpeжныe чacти гopoдa. Элитный oтpяд cпacaтeлeй, кoтopый oтпpaвляют в paзpyшeнный paйoн пoлyчaeт cигнaл, paздaющийcя из пoд тoлщи вoды и зeмли — 252, чтo oзнaчaeт для cпacaтeлeй тoлькo oднo: ecть выжившиe! Pиcкyя cвoими жизнями, oтpяд нaчинaeт oпepaцию пo cпaceнию пoпaвшиx в cмepтeльнyю лoвyшкy людeй.
Your Friend
While researching a story on a school for problem children, Nakahara meets Emi, a college volunteer with a compelling tale of her own. After overcoming her initial reluctance to open up to the writer, Emi talks about her busted leg and her childhood friendship with the chronically ill Yuka.
The Glorious Team Batista
Toho university hospital has established an outstanding coronary surgery team under the leadership of a up and coming, star, U.S. trained surgeon that specializes in the highly risky "Batista" procedure to shrink the size of enlarged hearts. Normally this procedure has only a 60% success rate, but "Team Batista" has achieved a run of 26 straight successes....when suddenly 3 patients in a row die on the operating table. Very disturbed, the lead surgeon requests an independent investigation. The hospital turns to Dr. Taguchi who is a specialist in psychosomatic disorders who is shocked to at the assignment because she knows nothing in particular about surgery. Assured, however, that this very lack of insider specialized knowledge is in fact the "objectivity" required, she diligently begins to investigate in her own polite, but persistent manner.
Life Tengoku de Kimi ni Aetara
Follows the life of Natsuki Iijima, a windsurfer from Japan, as he battles and ultimately loses his life to liver cancer. The first and only windsurfer to compete for 8 consecutive years in the World Cup Competition, Natsuki's diagnosis overwhelms him with fear and panic. Despite this set back, with the love and devotion of his wife Hiroko and four children, he decides to live life the best he can, to the fullest, without having his life prolonged with further treatment
Blue Song - Proud of My Voice
Story concerns teen amateurs trying to make their musical marks, set in Mutsu, Aomori, Japan.
Guitarist Ko-chanis a mess of sexual repression after a childhood at the mercy of two elder sisters eager to use him as a guinea pig for their make-up skills. Bassist Gaku-chan keeps a bucket in the wings for whenever his nerves get the better of him, and drummer Momo-chan is doomed to forever carrying the botched childhood attempts at self-tattooing. It's not until this foursome is forced to look for an additional guitar player after Jin's dad burns his Stratocaster, that attitude and musical ability enter into the equation. Leather-clad, shade-wearing Tani (Tamaki), inseparable from his black Les Paul, is introduced as the king of R'n'R cool and Jinnai keeps him firmly seated on his throne throughout the film, retroactively proclaiming the guitarist, rather than himself, as the band's true hero.
Dragon Head
Teru Aoki (青木 輝) is on a train to Tokyo after a school trip. A disaster occurs which partially destroys the train and blocks a tunnel. When Teru awakes, he finds all his classmates and teachers are dead.
Naoto, the son of a wealthy family, suffers from Werner syndrome, a premature aging condition; Dai is an overweight child troubled by his penniless father's drunken violence; Jun, a gifted student, is the foursome's natural leader; and Tetsuro is average...
When dead people starts returning to the small Japanese town of Aso, government official Kawada is dispatched to uncover the “truth”.
Red Shadow
The secret warriors of feudal Japan were the ninja. Sent on impossible missions, the ninja were trained to work in shadows, gather information and defeat the enemy to build a world of peace. Akakage, Aokage, and Asuka are rookie ninjas under the tutelage of Shirokage. Their life is a series of perilous missions that entail intrigue, deception and intimidation.
A man is shocked to find out that after a deadly car accident involving his wife and daughter, his wife died, but her mind somehow got transfered into their daughter's body.
The Exam
Togashi, an enthusiastic marathon runner and his wife are occupied with their daughter Mayumi's grade school entrance examinations, but he becomes jobless when his company folds. To regain his confidence Togashi decides to join the marathon that is taking place on the very day of his daughter's examination and the all important interview.
Самурайская история
Главный герой фильма — молодой, еще глупый и горячий сын советника клана Хэйсиро Инукаи. Злодей Ранносукэ Кадзамацури крадёт одну из реликвий клана, меч, 80 лет назад вручённый главе рода самим сёгуном Токугавой. Хэйсиро вместе с двумя друзьями против воли отца отправляется в погоню за Кадзамацури, чтобы вернуть меч. Отец отправляет вслед за ними двух лучших ниндзя клана, чтобы убедиться, что сын не наделает глупостей.
That's Cunning! Shijo Saidai no Sakusen?
Comedy about a group of chemistry students who organize a cheating scam during their final exams. Amuro Namie, the top pop music sensation, plays one of the students.
Kokkai e ikô!
A close look at the inner workings of Japan's political underbelly.
Playtime Never Ends
Remade in Korea as Going by the Book.
Love of Sawako
Sawako, working in a bank, tired of the usual everyday life, once she met the chef of French cuisine Yukio Goto and spent the night with him. Sawako pretends to be the daughter of an upscale hotel owner and has an affair with Yukio.
Honba Jyoshikou Manual: Hatsukoi Binetsu-hen
Two childhood friends fall for the same boy.
Sailor Uniform: Lily Lovers
Two high school girls, in sailor suits, are in love. That is, until one of them is back in a relationship with a boy and jealousy drama ensues.