Oh Tae-kyung

Oh Tae-kyung

Рождение : 1982-12-16,


Oh Tae-kyung


In 2025, South and North Korea unified. It was triggered by a sudden explosion in Midnight near the North of DMZ by a forest fire in December, 2024. The South Korean army unwittingly ended up helping to put out the fire. Such cooperation caused their unification. And 10 years later, A koreanAmerican Documentary Director Steven, working for USA tv-station NXN visits to korea. He is searching for information about the mysterical Green-light appeared in that forest fire in 2024. After some dangerous twists and turns, He found a huge secret of the DMZ fire and green light.
I Haven’t Done Anything
Oh Tae-kyung, once an up-and-coming actor, starts a YouTube channel. He starts to produce content where he grants people's wishes, borrowing a concept from the movie “Oldboy”.
Si, Nario
Han Kyeong-tae
Kyeong-tae, a film director who writes poems, started backpacking some time ago. Now he really needs to find another job. But what should remain to be desired, and what should be restarted? First, he started to backpack at the playground in front of his ex-girlfriend's house. The three-day playground backpacking journey of a film director, who dreams to become a poet.
Cheer Up, Mr. Lee
Chul-soo is a man with an intellectual disability. One day, Chul-soo finds out that a young girl, Saet-byul, who is in hospital is his daughter. And soon, Saet-byul sneaks out of the hospital and travels by herself to a faraway city for her friend's birthday. As Chul-soo accompanies Saet-byul's journey, friendship develops between the two.
Believe It or Not
Over many years of division, North and South Korea have become like a hall of mirrors where it is difficult to tell the real from the false. Inspired by real people who have traveled between North and South amid this division, this film depicts a relationship between the two that is so deeply skewed that it is impossible to tell what anyone is working to achieve.
Несколько лет назад мошенник международного масштаба Чан Ду-чхиль провернул финансовую афёру, в результате которой множество семей лишилось последних сбережений. По стране прокатилась волна самоубийств — многие потеряли не только деньги, но и близких людей. Сам же Чан Ду-чхиль умудрился сбежать из страны по поддельным документам, которые изготовил Хван Ю-сок, позже найденный повешенным. Официальная версия — самоубийство, только сын Хвана в это не верит и отправляется на поиски Ду-чхиля, чтобы любой ценой прижать негодяя.
Я тебя жду
Отца Хи-джу убили, когда ей было семь лет. Он был детективом и расследовал дело о серийном маньяке, которого в итоге поймали и посадили на пятнадцать лет. Прошло пятнадцать лет, отбывший наказание убийца выходит из тюрьмы, он так долго ждал свободы. Но и Хи-джу тоже долго ждала его освобождения. Здесь только одна причина, почему она этого ждала целых пятнадцать лет − месть! Перед преследующей убийцу своего отца девушкой, один за одним начинают происходить похожие серийные убийства. И план, который Хи-джу вынашивала на протяжении долгих лет, сталкивается с совсем неизвестными трудностями.
Night Watcher
Night Watcher
A man who works at a general facilities center watches a pharmacist in a pharmacy across from his store. The protagonist witnesses a suspicious man chasing a pharmacist after the pharmacist leaving the office, finds out that she is in danger and follows her, but is in a situation where he is misunderstood as a stalker.
In the dead of winter, a screenwriter travels to his friend's closed cabin resort in the mountain with the intention of working on his script. Instead of being alone, he finds himself in the company of annoying strangers, from intrusive townsfolk who welcome themselves in to vacationing skiers who won't take no for an answer. On top of that, mysterious sounds at night hint of something sinister in the woods. He realizes that he may have opened the door to a killer when dead bodies begin to turn up. Five years after his acclaimed debut Daytime Drinking, indie director Noh Young Seok returns with his second indie feature Intruders, applying dark comedy and satire to an unsettling cabin-in-the-woods suspense thriller.
Мой путь
Корея под японской оккупацией. Ким Джун-щик мечтал стать следующим Сон Ги-джоном (корейский марафонец, который выиграл олимпийское золото в период японского колониального господства), чтобы соперничать с лучшим японским чемпионом Хасэга Тацуо. Джун-щик не хотел идти на войну, а Тацуо был горд служить своей стране. Оба были вынуждены вступить в армию.
A Good Night Sleep For The Bad
Noontime on a damp summer day. The contemptible youth are falling apart just like that.
On the Pitch
Soldier Ahn Gye-soo
As the World Cup gets started in 2002, a North Korean squad commander (Lee Seong-jae) stationed at the DMZ who is crazy about football is frustrated that he cannot participate in the excitement in the South. He loves football so much that he even memorizes all the names of the members of the South Korean national team. One night during a search operation in which the leader and his troops chase a boar to satisfy their hunger, they come face to face with soldiers from South Korea. It doesn’t take long for the soldiers to discover that they share a love of football and they begin secret radio communications so they can listen to matches together. When their secret is uncovered, the squad leader and his troops must find a way out of the situation.
Убийство в тени
Min Soo-hyun
Кёнсон, 1910 год. Хон Джи-хо - репортёр, подрабатывающий розыском сбежавших жён, копит деньги и мечтает уехать в Америку. Боясь быть обвиненным в убийстве, к нему обращается студент-медик, случайно нашедший в лесу тело пропавшего без вести сына министра внутренних дел, и просит помощи в розыске настоящего убийцы.
The Cut
Seon-hwa is a new student at an elite medical school, and she is initiated into a dissection class headed by Dr. Han along with five other students, including her boyfriend Ki-beom. After the first class the students all start to share the same nightmare involving a one-eyed surgeon, and one by one they start to be murdered, the victims being discovered with their hearts removed. Seon-hwa and Ki-beom are convinced that these events are related to a beautiful cadaver with a rose tattoo on her breast, and they begin an investigation to uncover her identity.
Hwang Jin Yi
The story follows Hwang Jin Yi, a kisaeng (female entertainer) who lived in 16th century Korea. Hwang Jin-Yi was a beautiful, talented and intelligent young woman who was able to read and write well, but because she was an illegitimate child, she had no other recourse but to become a kisaeng where she used her position to gain favor with the noble classes.
Woman on the Beach
Big Seafood Restaurant Employee / Motorcycle Man
Stymied by writer's block while crafting his latest script, director Kim Jung-rae persuades his friend Won Chang-wook to drive him to a beach resort where he promptly becomes involved with Chang-wook's girlfriend. Abandoning her and taking up with another woman, Jung-rae winds up creating enough drama to inspire his writing.
Lump of Sugar
The daughter of a poor rancher, Si-eun's only hope is to one day, become a jockey. With her mother passing away at her birth, her favorite horse, Chun-doong, has become not only her friend, but also a soul mate. She is devastated when Chun-doong is sold to another owner, but when they are reunited two years later they have a chance to create a miracle by teaming up in a race.
Forbidden Quest
A noble, high-class scholar starts to write erotic novels in 18th century of Chosun dynasty and falls in love with a king's woman.
If You Were Me 2
Commissioned by South Korea's National Human Rights Commission, If You Were Me is an innovative omnibus film project to promote tolerance and human rights and shed light on the hardships disadvantaged people face in Korea. After the success of the first anthology, a second series, If You Were Me 2, was released this year. Five notable Korean directors - Park Kyung Hee (A Smile), Ryoo Seung Wan (Crying Fist), Jung Ji Woo, Jang Jin (Guns & Talks), and Kim Dong Won - participated in the second installment, creating shorts on human rights issues of their choosing.
Точка R
Sergeant Jang Young-soo
1974 год. Война во Вьетнаме. Отряд спецназовцев, посланный на задание в самое сердце вьетнамских джунглей пропадает без вести. Через полгода, на военной базе, радист ловит позывные этой группы и просьбу о помощи. Командование собирает группу из 10-ти профессионалов и забрасывает её в джунгли. Цель коммандос — найти пропавший отряд и выяснить, что с ним произошло…
Young Dae-su
1988 год. Обычного человека по имени О Дэ-су, заботливого отца и любящего мужа, похищают прямо по дороге домой. Он приходит в себя в странном помещении, представляющем собой импровизированную тюрьму. Дэ-су мучается вопросом «за что», но не находит ответа. Спустя год в новостях он видит репортаж о гибели своей жены. Самое страшное, что убийцей считают его. После пятнадцати лет заточения бедняга, наконец, выходит на свободу…
Присмотрите за моей кошкой
Eom Chan-yong
Пятеро подруг, живущих в портовом городе Ичон, изо всех сил пытаются сохранить близкие отношения между собой, постепенно вливаясь во взрослую жизнь после окончания средней школы. Когда одна из девушек, Хэ Чжу, переезжает в Сеул, остальные справляются с потерей по-разному. Чувствуя себя наиболее отвергнутой, застенчивая Чжи Ён находит утешение в новой дружбе с мятежной Тхэ Хи.
Passage to Buddha
A young boy mourns the death of his father, and begins a quest to find his mother. He encounters many people on the way who quote Buddhist precepts: an eccentric monk, a girl who grows up into a young woman, a prison inmate, a foul-mouthed doctor and the young son of a hard drinking astronomer. Each of them tell the boy to seek someone to help him find the truth and his mother.