Julian Johnson


Lucky Cisco Kid
Cisco and Gordito arrive to find there is an outlaw operating in the area who is assumed to be the Cisco Kid. When a reward is offered for his capture and a large shipment of money goes out, Cisco is on hand. Seeing the gang rob the stage he goes after them only to be wounded. The gang leader leaves Cisco's handkerchief at the scene and now he is wanted for the murder he tried to break up.
With Byrd at the South Pole
With Byrd at the South Pole (1930) is a documentary film about Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd and his 1st quest to the South Pole beginning at the Little America-Exploration Base. The film's soundtrack consists mostly of music and sound effects, with narration read by Floyd Gibbons. The film won at the 3rd Academy Awards for Best Cinematography.
With Byrd at the South Pole
With Byrd at the South Pole (1930) is a documentary film about Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd and his 1st quest to the South Pole beginning at the Little America-Exploration Base. The film's soundtrack consists mostly of music and sound effects, with narration read by Floyd Gibbons. The film won at the 3rd Academy Awards for Best Cinematography.
Wing Foot (Richard Dix), is a Navaho educated in an otherwise all-white school. In the course of the story he experiences prejudice from both the whites (because of his race) and the Navahos (who disown him because of his upbringing). Thus, Wing Foot is looked upon as neither Indian nor white, but simply a "redskin."
The Wheel of Life
British officer Capt. Leslie Yeullat is at present on leave in London. Falling in love with Ruth Dangan, the wife of his commanding officer, Yeullat does the gentlemanly thing by suppressing his own emotions for the sake of the Regiment. He goes so far as to resign from his commission and returns to India as a civilian.
Wolf Song
In 1840, Sam Lash heads west for adventure. He meets up with some Mountain Men, and they head for the Rockies to trap beavers and cats. In Taos he meets Lola, a beautiful Mexican girl from a proud and rich family. They fall in love and he persuades her to elope with him. After they get married, Sam is torn between his love for Lola and his yearn for traveling.
Paramount's first all-talking picture, Interference was dismally directed by Roy Pomeroy, whose lofty status as the studio's "technical wizard" did not necessarily qualify him to be a director. Evelyn Brent heads the cast as scheming Deborah Kane, who sets out to blackmail Faith Marley (Doris Kenyon), the above-reproach wife of Sir John Marlay.
Пристани Нью-Йорка
Один из последних фильмов заканчивающейся эпохи немого кино. Неповоротливый кочегар Билл (Джозеф Бэнкрофт) вытаскивает бродягу Мэй (Бетти Компсон) из воды. Они оказываются в шумном салуне и в спешке обещают друг другу жениться. При этом они почти не осознают, что блефуют, обманывают друг друга и себя. Утренний свет приносит опустошение, разочарование, отрезвление, и Билл уходит, чтобы получить наказание за украденное для Мэй платье.
Пристани Нью-Йорка
Title Designer
Один из последних фильмов заканчивающейся эпохи немого кино. Неповоротливый кочегар Билл (Джозеф Бэнкрофт) вытаскивает бродягу Мэй (Бетти Компсон) из воды. Они оказываются в шумном салуне и в спешке обещают друг другу жениться. При этом они почти не осознают, что блефуют, обманывают друг друга и себя. Утренний свет приносит опустошение, разочарование, отрезвление, и Билл уходит, чтобы получить наказание за украденное для Мэй платье.
Картина рассказывает о жизни русского императора Павла I.
Forgotten Faces
A petty thief (Clive Brook) just robs the very rich at speakeasies, and gets away with it because the rich don't want the bad publicity, finally is caught and sent to Sing Sing. After good behavior, he gets an emergency permission for a return home, so that he may save his daughter from the hands of her disreputable mother (Baclanova). However, he must first promise not to kill his wife while he is out of prison.
Street of Sin
Abie's Irish Rose
When a Catholic and a Jew wed they find themselves disowned by both of their families.
Beau Sabreur
The film is about a desert-bound member of the French Foreign Legion who exposes a betrayer to the Legion and is then sent on a mission among the Arabs to conclude the signing of a crucial peace treaty.
Rolled Stockings
Though billed second, the stunningly beautiful Louise Brooks is the focal point of the campus comedy Rolled Stockings. It's the old one about two collegiate brothers, Jim and Ralph Treadway (James Hall, Richard Arlen), in love with the same girl, Carol Fleming (Brooks).
The Sorrows of Satan
Geoffrey is desperately in love with Mavis, who lives at his boardinghouse and is also pursuing a writing career. Unable to marry her because of his poverty, in his anger he curses God for abandoning him. Soon Geoffrey meets Prince Lucio de Rimanez, a wealthy, urbane gentleman who informs Geoffrey that he has inherited a fortune, but that he must place himself in the Prince's hands in order to enjoy the fruits of his inheritance. What Geoffrey doesn't know is that Prince Lucio is actually Satan.
The Sorrows of Satan
Title Designer
Geoffrey is desperately in love with Mavis, who lives at his boardinghouse and is also pursuing a writing career. Unable to marry her because of his poverty, in his anger he curses God for abandoning him. Soon Geoffrey meets Prince Lucio de Rimanez, a wealthy, urbane gentleman who informs Geoffrey that he has inherited a fortune, but that he must place himself in the Prince's hands in order to enjoy the fruits of his inheritance. What Geoffrey doesn't know is that Prince Lucio is actually Satan.
Robert J. Flaherty's South Seas follow-up to Nanook of the North is a Gauguin idyll moved by "pride of beauty... pride of strength."
Robert J. Flaherty's South Seas follow-up to Nanook of the North is a Gauguin idyll moved by "pride of beauty... pride of strength."
В руках мужчин
Служащая крупного нью-йоркского магазина Тесси (Глория Суонсон) - одна из тех, кому хорошо известно, что такое давка в метро, и что такое с трудом сводить концы с концами. Её жених Джимми работает в автомастерской, он изобрёл прибор, который существенно экономит расход бензина в автомобиле. Джимми надеется продать изобретение и разбогатеть, ну а пока он работает на двух работах, времени на Тэсси не остаётся. Тэсси и сама мечтает подняться по социальной лестнице - тем более есть интересные предложения. Впрочем за ними таятся коварные ловушки... Критики не зря называли этот фильм одной из самых удивительных комедий американского кинематографа
Who's Your Servant?
Theatre Play
When Rear Admiral Bancroft discovers the plans missing for his new battleship, suspicion falls on Lt. Clifford Bruce, his daughter Madeline's suitor, who was seen climbing out of the Admiral's window. In reality, Bruce, attempting to keep his courtship with Madeline a secret, was retrieving a love letter that he had written the Admiral's daughter. Madeline, suspecting Ito, the house servant, of stealing the plans, takes advantage of the fact that the servant is in love with her and visits his room that night. He shows her the plans which he boasts will bring him a fortune so that the two can elope. Madeline then attempts to gain possession of the papers, and in the ensuing struggle, Ito is stabbed to death. The supposition that he has committed "hari kari" avoids any further investigation, the plans are returned, and the lieutenant wins the consent of the admiral to marry Madeline.
Onze filmsterren
First episode of a series of reports on movie stars. Those seen include Douglas Fairbanks, Montague Love, Mary Miles Minter and James Kirkwood and various film studios.