Leslie Sands

Leslie Sands

Рождение : 1921-05-19, Bradford, West Yorkshire, England, UK

Смерть : 2001-05-09


Leslie Sands


Gas and Candles
Black comedy play about two pensioners struggling to manage on an old-age pension and living in a high-rise block of flats.
Тайна семи циферблатов
Sir Oswald Coote
Уик-энд в респектабельном загородном особняке обещает стать чрезвычайно занятным: на повестке дня катание на лодках, уморительные шутки и шалости, и… таинственное убийство… Леди Эйлин Брэнт бесстрашно мчится на своем велосипеде по дороге тайн и загадок, окутывающих преступление, а ей вслед слышится заговорческий шепот членов тайного общества.
Узы крови
Элизабет Рофф — наследница фармацевтической гигантской империи, оставленной ей отцом, погибшим при весьма загадочных обстоятельствах. Она уверена — это убийство, и следующей жертвой обречена стать она сама. Но — кому выгодно убрать ее с дороги? Любому из многочисленных родственников, отчаянно нуждающихся в деньгах… А еще — вышедшему из низов удачливому бизнесмену, которого Элизабет любит — и который на первый взгляд платит ей взаимностью…
One Fine Day
Alan Bennett's play about the mid-life crisis of an estate agent.
The Littlest Horse Thieves
Foreman Sam Carter
When the owner of a Yorkshire coal-mine decides to mechanize to increase profits, the mine's pit ponies are scheduled to be destroyed. So, three children plan to steal them to keep them safe. But when they're caught, it's up to the mine owners and the miners themselves to decide what's right
The Ragman's Daughter
Doris' father
Based on the Alan Sillitoe short story. Tony, a worker at a cheese factory, is also a petty thief. He moves from robbery after robbery until he meets Doris, the daughter of the local ragman. Slowly, he falls in love with her and must decide whether he will stay a thief or start a new life with Doris.
One More Time
Inspector Crock
London nightclub buddies Salt and Pepper link Pepper's dead twin to diamond smugglers.
If There Weren't Any Blacks You'd Have to Invent Them
Set in a cemetery, the film tells the story of a young man whom a blind man wrongly imagines to be black, and explores the nature of human prejudice.
The Lump
The Lump is an uncompromising exploration of exploitation and resistance within the building trade.
Дело самоубийцы
В центре сюжета агент секретной разведки Великобритании Чарльз Доббс, расследующий самоубийство сотрудника Министерства иностранных дел, которого обвинили в шпионаже.
First Gendarme
Agnes, a lonely teenage girl, and her father befriend an escaped convict, named Joseph, who arrives at their farm in Brittany, France. When Joseph develops an attraction to Agnes, her father threatens to break up the union.
Life for Ruth
John Harris finds himself ostracized and placed on trial for allowing his daughter Ruth to die. His religious beliefs forbade him to give consent for a blood transfusion that would have saved her life. Doctor Brown is determined to seek justice for what he sees as the needless death of a young girl.