Davor Janjić

Davor Janjić

Рождение : 1969-11-18, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Davor Janjić


Operation Storm
Follow the story of the people who were expelled from Krajina in 1995 and the suffering of the Serb people in Croatia.
Luča, daughter of the retired secret service inspector Petar went missing. Wanting to find the reason of her disappearance, Petar digs deep into his past and his world of lies slowly starts to crumble.
Liberta - The Birth of the City
The first film saga about Novi Sad, a work signed by directors Gvozden Đurić and Žanko Tomić, and will show the interweaving of Serbian culture and tradition with European ideals and challenges of the 18th century.
Bitch, A Derogatory Term for a Woman
Eva is a young artist who smokes, drinks, occasionally takes drugs, parties and finds no creative inspiration. She also has a strange love affair with her mentor, her best friend is moving to Berlin, her pay check is three months late and above all so is her period. She realizes she needs to change her lifestyle and turns to a web browser for help. Bitch is a film about a period in life where you simply get stuck and do not know how to move on.
Boris Robič is, as we say, an ordinary kind of bloke. One evening, however, someone tries to shoot him. The investigations reveal nothing. No enemies, no suspects. You could say that Boris is the last person anyone would want to kill. After the police close the investigation, Boris decides to make his own inquiries. As he searches for the suspect, we see the tragi-comedy unfold of a man who discovers that a lot more people hate him than he ever realized and that the way he sees his own life was an illusion.
Dačetov oče
When the water supply cuts out in a small town, turning the dystopian society into a war zone, three hustlers struggle to find the real enemy before it's too late.
I am Frank
Two brothers are torn apart after finding out they will inherit few millions from their father.
По млечному пути
История о любви, происходящая в период боснийской войны.
Ghosts of Sarajevo
Two guys from Sarajevo have a megalomaniac idea to restore destroyed cable car that was once used during 1984 Winter Olympics. A pretty female student suddenly enters their lives.
Rooster's Breakfast
After being fired, a young car mechanic Đuro gets recommendation to look for another job in a remote village. His new boss is warm, old fashioned and naive - completely opposite from the world he's coming from. The peaceful atmosphere is shaken when Đuro falls for a regular customer's wife.
L... Like Love
About young people from ex-Yugoslavia, who live and work in Prague - "center of emigrant crosses". The story follows a young film director Gina, who is about to shoot her first feature film, but doesn't have the script or money. The only thing she is certain is that it has to be about love, true love. Before consciously finding the right story to tell, she begins to make a movie about her life and life of her closest friends. The involvement of a mafia spy, President Bush doll, Transvestite flat mate, an ex-boyfriend, a sclerotic grandmother and mafia boss, not only causes a lot of surprises, danger and broken hearts, but also emotional struggles and unexpected comical situations.
Years after the end of the Bosnian war, a woman finds evidence that her young daughter, who disappeared during the war, might have survived and been adopted by a German family.
Desperado Tonic
L.V. Strocki is a traveling film projectionist in the best years. He is a representative of the first generation who watched partisan films, lived to see the invasion of the television and ended up among vampires. In the coastal region town he is preparing a film projection on the town square and a television team is making a documentary about this event. During the film projection about the heroines and heroes of an occupied town, a Heroine in a seductive outfit comes to see Strocki in his projection booth.
Жизнь как чудо
Главный герой — Лука — немножко сумасшедший железнодорожник, который строит тоннель между Балканами и остальным миром. Жена Луки — Джарданка — певица, сбегает с венгерским музыкантом. Их сын Милош мечтает стать футболистом, однако таланта к игре у него не слишком много. Странная семейка постепенно распадается: жена сбегает, сына забирают в армию, отец всё дальше углубляется в связующий разные культуры тоннель… Разрешится ли сложный, коварный конфликт отцов и детей? Может ли новая женщина отца стать препятствием в отношениях с сыном? Победит ли любовь, или бессильно голодное сердце, алчущее любви, против барьеров, установленных обществом?
(A) Torsion is a 2002 Bosnian short film directed by Stefan Arsenijevic. A singing group, trying to escape war-torn Sarajevo, has to wait for a tunnel to clear. While they wait, a cow has difficulty giving birth because of the "torsion" affecting its calf (i.e., it's in a twisted position inside). Fortunately, one of the choir members has some veterinary training, and with help from the chorus to drown out the sounds of war, the cow gives birth. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.
Seventeen year old Natasha, a daughter of a murdered police inspector, tries to discover her father's killers.
Sweet Dreams
Prodajalec plošč
Egon Vittori (Janko Mandic) is thirteen years old and does not have a record player. It is the beginning of the seventies and Yugoslavia seems to be the land of prosperity. Goods are being imported from the West, and these include American music, films and fashion. Everybody but Egon owns a record player. Finding his path among his family members, hippie owners of music records, schoolmates, teachers, communists and dissidents. Egon gets his record player in the end. And grows up somewhere along the way. Written by (Slovenian film fund)
Milky Way
Two married couples of different religions and social status decide to swap their wives so they could all emigrate to New Zealand in an easier way.
Hop, Skip & Jump
Two former lovers worlds collide during the tragic background of The Bosnian War.
The Mountain Wreath
Adaptation of Prince-Bishop and poet Peter Petrovic Njegoš's epic poem.
Blues for Sara
Private detective Emil Marlovsek can boast a wealth of solved cases of run away and lost dogs. He is assisted in his work by his secretary Beba and Milivoj, a retired officer of the Yugoslav National Army. One evening, Emil encounters the beautiful Sara in the bar where he occasionally plays the piano and falls in love at first sight. The next morning Sara disappears. Not long after he is paid a visit by entrepreneur Grubelic whose wife is missing. Emil soon realizes that she is Sara and immediately starts to search for her. He discovers that Sara is being held prisoner by the mafia, on account of her husband's fishy business involving people in high places. The story's outcome is completely unexpected.
Добро пожаловать в Сараево
1992 год. Осажденная столица Боснии Сараево лежит в руинах. Гражданское население живет в постоянном страхе перед артиллерийскими и снайперскими обстрелами. Несмотря на постоянную смертельную опасность, международная команда тележурналистов во главе с бесстрашным Флинном ведет репортажи из разрушенной войной страны, сообщая миру о творящихся здесь ужасах. А британский репортер Хендерсон вопреки «журналистской этике» пытается с помощью сотрудницы американской гуманитарной миссии Нины вывезти в безопасное место детей из сиротского приюта, находящегося на самой линии фронта…
Sead Mulahasanović - Sid
A teenager, son of an army officer moves with his family to Ljubljana in the fall of 1979. In the new surroundings, he'll fall in love, make friends and discover the world of punk rock. The latter will put him into the troubles with his strict father.
Идеальный круг
История боснийского поэта Хамзы, который живет со своей семьей в Сараево во время Боснийской войны. Отправив жену и дочь в Хорватию, он вскоре встречает двух братьев-сирот, сбежавших от резни в их деревне. Они пришли в боснийскую столицу в поисках давно потерянной тети. Хамза решает помочь ребятам искать родных и выживать в условиях ужасов войны и полной блокады города. После долгих поисков Хамза узнает, что их тетка перебралась в Германию. Но переправить мальчиков туда неимоверно трудно, учитывая, насколько смертельно опасны любые выходы из осажденного Сараево.
The Awkward Age
Adaptation of the highly popular children's novel by Branko Copic, who in this book resembles his school and college days in Bihac, Bosnia, in the years before WWII.
Gorilla Bathes at Noon
Bum 1
A Red Army major caught between East and West Berlin finds his wife gone and somebody else moved into his apartment.
This film is based on the true story about Jovan Stanisavljevic alias Charuga, the bandit who became a legend in post-WW1 Slavonia, Croatia.
Holiday in Sarajevo
A group of thieves return from Western Europe to Sarajevo during Christmas and New Year holidays. Back home they meet some old friends, their families, their lovers, but they also have to ...
The Border
Marko Topić
The story interleaves the destinies of two families, a Serbian from Bosnia and a Hungarian, in a village on the border.
Regular Trains Station
In the fifties, a young Belgrade teacher girl, after finishing her school, and by the Ministry of education order, arrives to a remote town to educate people. Unready and inexperienced, she fails in building a bridge between herself and the environment where she was brought against her will, and conflicts start. The conflict with others soon causes the conflict with herself, which causes the tragedy...
Young social worker falls in love with a delinquent girl on the run.
The Last Waltz in Sarajevo
Anton Valič
The last film made in Yugoslavia, tells a story about Sarajevo during the last days of Europe, better known as the "Belle Epoque", between the years 1910-1914. A time of troubled events in the Balkans and an assassination attempt of Franz Ferdinand, which caused the beginning of the First World War.
After the release from prison, small-time criminal is marrying his girlfriend and lives a straight and poor, but happy life with her and her daughter. However, his happiness is shattered by wife's infidelity. Driven mad by jealousy, he kills her and her lover and runs into mountains, thus escaping law for months. This film is based on the true story about Junuz Kečo, last Bosnian outlaw.
My Uncle's Legacy
Martin Kujundžić
In this politically charged drama, the turbulent times just following Marshal Tito's rejection of ties to Moscow comes to life. Interestingly, even in the first few years after the Yugoslavian leader's death, the subject matter of this film was considered too hot to handle, and the director had to appeal to the courts for permission to shoot it. In the story, Martin is a schoolboy with a sense of the absurd and a willingness to use ridicule to amuse himself and his classmates. He has an uncle who is high up in the nation's bureaucracy who protects him and his grandfather now that his father has died. His grandfather is too stubborn to give his farm to the local farming collective, and Martin himself is in hot water with the principal for making fun of his girlfriend, one of the students at the high school. However, as long as the uncle is able to protect them, they remain out of hot water.
A Little Bit of Soul
A bitter coming-of-age story about boy who grows up in a remote Bosnian village shortly after World War II.