Bruno Solo

Bruno Solo

Рождение : 1964-09-23, Paris, France


Bruno Solo


20 years after Caméra Café
Self - Actor
To celebrate the release of a new movie for their 20th anniversary, this documentary offers some behind-the-scenes footages.
Already 20 years of Caméra Café
Now irrelevant in this 2.0 company, Jean-Claude is fired! Hervé is charged by the management to make Jean-Claude clear off quickly and without a scene. In doing so, they will tear down their memories, mixing the great and the small history of the past 20 years. Over the course of these memories, Hervé and Jean-Claude will renew the bonds of a lost friendship.
Already 20 years of Caméra Café
Hervé Dumont
Now irrelevant in this 2.0 company, Jean-Claude is fired! Hervé is charged by the management to make Jean-Claude clear off quickly and without a scene. In doing so, they will tear down their memories, mixing the great and the small history of the past 20 years. Over the course of these memories, Hervé and Jean-Claude will renew the bonds of a lost friendship.
le Père Victor L. (voice)
In the small village of Heartwood lives Edgar, a young vampire who unlike his illustrious ancestors feeds exclusively on love.
Camera Cafe: The Movie
Original Series Creator
Jesús Quesada, an incompetent executive, is appointed as the new director of a company in decline whose survival will now depend on both the ingenuity and ambition of his former colleagues.
Antoine, an international wine negotiator in his fifties, receives an unusual phone call from Moscow. No voice, just a breath. Shaken, he leaves everything behind, his job, his partner, to go immediately to Russia to look for the woman he loved passionately and who has mysteriously disappeared for four years.
La Dernière Partie
Christophe Maquet will receive the Legion of Honor. But he learns that his father, seriously ill and extremely diminished, with whom he has been angry for years, has decided to organize "his departure" on the very day of his ceremony. Shocked by the news but suspecting his father of knowingly stealing his day of glory, Christophe decides to spend 3 days with him to attempt a final reconciliation.
Dix ans après
Les Duos mythiques de la télévision
Serge (voice)
Февраль 1939 года. Не справляющееся с потоком республиканцев, спасающихся бегством от диктатуры Франко, французское правительство размещает их в лагерях. Двое мужчин, находящиеся по разные стороны колючей проволоки, становятся друзьями. Один – жандарм, другой – художник. От Барселоны до Нью-Йорка, правдивая история Хосепа Бартоли, борца с режимом Франко и исключительного художника.
The Unexpected Child
Married and with a daughter, Johanna is happy, until the night she unexpectedly gives birth. In shock, she abandons the child. She is now accused of attempted infanticide. Johanna doesn't understand, adamant that she hadn't been pregnant.
L'heureux élu
Sur la route de la grande vadrouille
Karim, thirty-seven years, seven months, five days, seven hours, and twelve seconds old, has reached the exact midpoint of his life. Like every human who arrives at half time, he receives a visit from a surprising messenger who gives him the choice between continuing to live his life as it is now, or starting it all over again. He has fifteen minutes to decide.
On refait le boulevard
Un homme d'État
Sébastien Leyrac
Just a few weeks before elections, the outgoing President of Republic, Jean François Vanier (Patrick Braoudé), is at the lowest in the polls, leader of the most powerful right wing party he is trying to find a mainstay.
La face
Paul Berthier
Paul Berthier, an ambitious public prosecutor, is witness to the accidental drowning of a young girl in the Charente but does nothing to help. It starts to look like the girl was murdered, and the case lands on Berthier's desk. Suspicion turns to Guillaume Vauban, the rich son of a local industrialist and ex-boyfriend of the dead girl. Paul Berthier finds himself entangled in a web of lies as he opens the case against Guillaume, who has now been arrested. With a conscience far from clear, Berthier agrees with the judge's decision to remand the young man in custody. Through cowardice Berthier clings to his reputation, determined to save face at any cost. Drunk with judicial power, he's caught in a downward spiral.
Bernard Mature
Перу известного французского писателя Жоржа Сименона (1903 - 1989) принадлежат не только книги о комиссаре Мегрэ, но и так называемые "трудные" романы, в которых, как правило, высвечивается судьба человека, вырванного из привычных социальных связей, отброшенного в бездну собственных страхов и неврозов, поставленного один на один со своей бедой. Роман Сименона "Кончина Огюста" относится к жанру социально-психологического. В этот жанр автором было внесено много своего, оригинального, не похожего на то, что писали его современники. После внезапной кончины хозяина ресторана "У Овернца" 78-летнего мсье Огюста Матюра, не оставившего завещания, встал вопрос о его наследстве...
Iqbal, a Tale of a Fearless Child
Russ Meyer - Le Saint Des Seins
Gad Elmaleh - 20 ans de scène !
Un petit jeu sans conséquence
Claire and Bruno have been an established couple, an "institution" for twelve years. During a day in the countryside gathering all their loved ones, they will, by play, pretend that they separate. Resumed in 2015 with Bruno Solo, Isabelle Gélinas, Bruno Salomone, Constance Dollé and Lionel Abelanski who takes over the role of Patrick already held in 2004 in the film. Live broadcast on April 27, 2015 live from the Paris theater on France 2.
Настольный цитатник
Один день из жизни кафе "Ласточка", на небольшой пригородной площади перед кладбищем. С открытия в 6:30 до закрытия в 22:30 клиенты приходят, пьют, разговаривают, выходят, возвращаются, снова пьют и снова разговаривают. Они сочиняют забавную разговорную оперу, нежную и смешную музыку, гимн мучительных мыслей в углу удовольствия быть вместе, бокал белого вина в руке. Народный гений танцует.
Смертельное лето
Джули мечтает изменить свою жизнь, - она хочет сбежать из глухой деревни и от скучного мужа. Ее планы меняются, когда Луи, ее любовник, исчезает в неизвестном направлении.
La station Champbaudet
Would I Lie to You? 3
Eddie, Dov, Yvan and the others ... Our warm friends have migrated from the moribund Sentier to the flourishing suburb of Aubervilliers ... Where the old Jewish entrepreneurs left the ground to young courageous and dynamic Chinese wholesalers ... The little band is as close to each other as in previous episodes, and life goes on at the mercy of small family events and business. Dov still seems frivolous, enterprising Eddie, chilled Yvan, casual Karine, resolute Sandra, naive Chochana, irresponsible Serge and mythomaniac. As for Patrick, he is in love and the happy elected is far from easy to access. Everything would be fine until a bad wind brings its share of adversity seriously compromising the cohesion of the group. Will they succumb under the storm to the turmoil, or, once again, by mutual aid, cunning and skill, will they triumph over the crisis with panache?
Новая Белоснежка
Старая добрая сказка о Белоснежке в стиле французских музыкальных фильмов 60-х годов XX века.
Au bistro du coin
Samuel Van Herzel
Accusé Mendès France
Pierre Mendès France
600 кг золота
Несколько отчаянных искателей приключений объединяется, чтобы купить золотодобывающую шахту в Гайане. Когда рискованная сделка срывается, героям приходится спешно скрываться на вертолете, который терпит крушение в непролазных джунглях. С собой у путешественников 600 килограммов золота. Вскоре эта ноша становится слишком тяжелой…Вскоре инстинкт выживания берет верх над жаждой богатства, но никто не хочет оставаться в дураках. И вот уже золотая лихорадка превращает бывших товарищей в смертных врагов….
Смерть Беллы
Simon Andrieu
Кристина и Симон Андрие представляют из себя необычную пару: она предпочитает не вспоминать о чудаке-муже в то время, как он полностью занят своей коллекцией макетов поездов и железных дорог, расположившись в одиночестве в подвале дома. К новому учебному году они пускают на жительство английскую студентку Беллу Шерман, которая через несколько дней будет обнаружена задушенной в своей комнате. Подозрения падают на эксцентричного Симона...
Однажды в Версале
«Однажды в Версале» - творение, от первой и до последней минуты пропитанное любовью к Парижу, к романтике и неординарным историям, коих тут целое множество. Фильм соткан из огромного количества микросценок, практически скетчей, складывающихся в общую картину нашей жизни. А точнее, ее слегка идеализированную версию. В кадре появляется целая плеяда знаменитых французских актеров, включая, например, Катрин Денев, Матье Амальрика, Тьерри Лермитта, Жозиан Баласко.
Le séminaire Caméra Café
Hervé Dumont
Six employees of the Geugène company travel to Paris to take part in a motivational seminar.
Le Système Ribadier
Леди Кровавый Бой
Le chauffeur de taxi
Американка Джейн – любительница хорошо подраться. Девушка отправляется в Гонконг, чтобы участвовать женских боях, куда приезжают такие же как она со всего мира. Но её главная цель - не победить, а найти пропавшего отца, который 18 лет назад участвовал в этом же турнире и пропал.
13 French Street
A neo-noir tale of a man who seeks out an old friend, only to succumb to the will of a beautiful, mysterious woman.
Mariage Surprise
Le responsable de la piscine
Le Bénévole
In a Mediterranean city, the association of volunteers The Rescue is expecting a new director. A former trade unionist, Birgos, who’s just escaped from an asylum with Cleo, another internee, is believed, by mistake, to be this new director.
Pur week-end
Former school friends get together one weekend a year, this year in the mountains.
The Red Sofa
Maxime Senard
Marie returns to live in La Rochelle, the city of her childhood, with her husband Marc, a policeman, and meets Nadia. The two young women scour the city's stores, looking for a red sofa. They soon discover one in the store of Maxime, a second-hand dealer. A few days later, Nadia seems tormented when Marie mentions the sofa. During a visit, Marie discovers Nadia's lifeless body.
The Colonel
Le commandant Reidacher
A "Reformed Colonel" is found dead in Paris, a couple of decades after Algeria's struggle for independence was won from France. Lieutenant Galois is assigned the investigation of this murder. She receives the diary of Lieutenent Guy Rossi who served under The Colonel in Algeria in 1956, and has been reported as missing in action since 1957. The revelations found in Rossi's diary go far beyond The Colonel's actions in Algeria, and give an insight on how dirty Algeria's War for Independence really was.
Un an
Victoire wakes up one morning to find the body of her partner, Felix, lying on the floor of her bedroom. Without being able to reconstruct the course of the last few hours, but convinced that she was not completely to blame, she decides to flee. Wherever she is, all bridges are cut, a certain Louis-Philippe, however, curiously always knows how to find her and keeps her informed of the outcome of the "affair". But Louis-Philippe does not tell everything. What is he hiding? Who is who? Who is lying, fabricating, denying, who is the other's denier? And what really happened?
Un an
Victoire wakes up one morning to find the body of her partner, Felix, lying on the floor of her bedroom. Without being able to reconstruct the course of the last few hours, but convinced that she was not completely to blame, she decides to flee. Wherever she is, all bridges are cut, a certain Louis-Philippe, however, curiously always knows how to find her and keeps her informed of the outcome of the "affair". But Louis-Philippe does not tell everything. What is he hiding? Who is who? Who is lying, fabricating, denying, who is the other's denier? And what really happened?
Espace détente
In the middle of the Veule, imaginary French province, the Geugène Electro Stim, a medium-sized company, which survives thanks to the manufacture and sale of the C14, an old but inexpensive electrical stimulation device.
Espace détente
In the middle of the Veule, imaginary French province, the Geugène Electro Stim, a medium-sized company, which survives thanks to the manufacture and sale of the C14, an old but inexpensive electrical stimulation device.
Espace détente
Hervé Dumont
In the middle of the Veule, imaginary French province, the Geugène Electro Stim, a medium-sized company, which survives thanks to the manufacture and sale of the C14, an old but inexpensive electrical stimulation device.
Livraison à domicile
Ils livrent tout... n'importe comment !Ludo et ses amis rêvent de trouver l'idée de génie qui les rendra riches, et de créer leur propre entreprise. Sans le sou, ils décident de se lancer dans les livraisons en tous genres. Cochons de foire, betteraves ou jambes cassées, ces livraisons frisent parfois le ridicule... jusqu'au jour où la commande du siècle tombe du ciel : livrer en quatre jours une voiture de luxe dans le sud de la France...
Don't Worry, Be Happy
Désiré Loncle
With his vitriolic pen, Désiré Loncle, does not make the life of filmmakers easy. But chickens come home to roost, don't they? As a matter of fact, Désiré gets his due punishment when Manu, his girlfriend, kicks him out of home. At a loss, he finds refuge with Alex, a young actor. He is soon joined by Eduardo, an Italian producer, dumped like him by his wife. While Désiré tries to rebuild himself, the three men decide to write a film script that will be the basis of a vehicle for Alex.
La Crème de Caméra Café, Volume 1
La Crème de Caméra Café, Volume 1
Hervé Dumont
Madame Sans-Gêne
In August 1792, on the eve of the attack on the Tuileries, Catherine Hubscher, a laundress in Paris, met a sergeant and an artillery lieutenant who would become respectively Marshal Lefèvre and Emperor Napoleon I. 1810. Napoleon was about to marry Marie-Louise. Fearing the inconstancies and moral lessons of Marshal Lefebvre, the emperor asked her husband to keep her away from the wedding ceremonies. He is unaware that the hotheaded young woman has received a personal invitation from the Austrian embassy.
Would I Lie to You? 2
Eddie, Dov, and Yvan are back, still working in Paris' Sentier textile district, This time they're confronting the high-stakes world of large distribution after striking a deal with Eurodiscount, a European hypermarket chain.
Светские львы
Когда уютному кафе «Бар Бомбей», расположенному в парижском пригороде, угрожает банкротство, его владельца Джимми осеняет блестящая идея: привлечь в него престижных клиентов из светского общества. Джимми уговаривает безработного актера Майка, никогда не расстающегося с джинсами и футболкой, сыграть роль аристократа, завести друзей среди богатых и титулованных особ и переманить их из шикарных аристократических клубов в «Бар Бомбей».
Tombé du nid
Yvon Andrieux
Max, a teenager, is having a difficult time coming of age. At 16, he is constantly in conflict with his parents. His father, Yvon, a lock and alarm manufacturer, does not understand this rebellious son. Worried about his future, he drowns Max's ambitions in a clumsy speech. Himself a bit clumsy, he doesn't know how to show him his affection. A gap is growing. One day, Max goes out without his parents' permission to attend a party organized by a friend. There, he meets his first true love, Audrey. But the young man is also insolent and is soon expelled from his school. His father reacts violently, and the teenager decides to run away.
Following the death of their best friend, four guys and the dead men's sister steal his body and burn it on a beach in Italy to fulfill his last wish.
Ivre-Mort pour la Patrie
Un soudard
Professor Choron recounts with his memories as a child of a barrier guard, the 2nd World War with its horrors and the trains he saw during those years leaving for Germany or coming from there, full of French or German soldiers, in conquest or in rout according to the period
Restons groupés
A group of French tourists goes on an organized trip to visit the American West. A dream trip from California to Las Vegas, passing through national parks and grandiose sites immortalized by the western.
Grève party
While France is on strike, Jean, a Parisian bookseller, opens his shop. A former trade unionist, he has in fact decided not to take part in the movement. However, a phone call from his friend René awakens his enthusiasm.
Les Fans
Les Fans
Les Sœurs Soleil
This gently satirical French comedy centers on the resulting brouhaha that erupts when the preadolescent daughter of a very conservative bourgeoisie couple gets the chance to appear in a raucous music video starring a raunchy, aging female rocker. When pipe-puffing patriarch and solid citizen Brice learns that his daughter Clemence has been to selected for the music video with tacky has-been rocker Gloria, he nearly comes unglued. His prim wife, Benedicte, the organist for the local congregation, has a different perspective and understands her daughter's eagerness. She quietly agrees to secretly accompany Clemence during the shoot. Once there, the two are filmed dancing around and having fun. Neither realize that they will become special-effects victims by time production on the film ends and find themselves apparently dancing amongst men who but for the presence of small rubber sea creatures, would be buck naked.
Это правда, если я вру!
Стать евреем трудно, но можно! К каким только ухищрениям не прибегает главный герой фильма Эдди, чтобы доказать, что он самый евреистый из евреев и этим самым добиться покровительства богача, благоволящего к этой нации. А ведь хочется еще завоевать и расположение красавицы Сандры, дочери магната. Но стоит ли бороться за эту любовь, если ты не еврей? Оказывается, стоит, если возлюбленная узнает, что все безрассудства совершаются только ради ее прекрасных глаз.
Tom est tout seul
After his fiancee leaves him, Tom finds himself alone and helpless. He has to wash his clothes himself and so goes to the laundromat. There, he meets a quaint tribe and opens up to a new world and incredible horizons.