Fritz Rasp
Рождение : 1891-05-13, Bayreuth, Germany
Смерть : 1976-11-30
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Fritz Heinrich Rasp (13 May 1891; Bayreuth – 30 November 1976; Gräfelfing) was a German film actor who appeared in 104 films between 1916 and 1976.
His most notable film roles were J.J. Peachum in The Threepenny Opera (1931), as Meinert in Diary of a Lost Girl (1929), and as "Der Schmale" ("The Thin Man") in Fritz Lang's Metropolis (1927). Many of the scenes in which he appears in the latter film are part of the Metropolis footage long believed lost until their recovery in 2008.
Rasp's obituary in Der Spiegel described him as "the German film villain in service, for over 60 years." He played numerous scoundrels or shady characters during the Golden Age of German cinema in the 1920s. He is considered to be one of the most successful film villains in German film history.
The Thin Man
In 1984, Academy Award winning composer Giorgio Moroder introduced Fritz Lang’s science fiction epic Metropolis to a new generation of filmgoers. Working in collaboration with film archivists globally, Moroder supervised a special reconstruction, with color tinting, fewer intertitles and newly restored footage. A pioneer in the field of digital music, Moroder backed this special edition with a throbbing new score, punctuated with pop songs from some of the biggest stars of the early MTV era: Freddie Mercury, Pat Benatar, Adam Ant, Bonnie Tyler, Loverboy and others.
Der alte Merz
Gustaf Haertlein
After the death of the owner of the house Lina Braake is living in, the house is accrued to the bank. During the complete refurbishment of the building, the 81-year old woman is thrown out of her flat and is put in an old people′s home. There she meets 84-year old Gustaf. Together, the lively seniors come up with a plan to trick the bank with a smart credit fraud and take their revenge. They need the money to buy a country house on Sardinia and leave Germany for good. Although their coup proves to be successful, the bank soon finds Lina. But due to her old age she cannot be tried anymore.
Major Gedouard
A talk with actor Fritz Rasp about his career.
Der alte Hilse
Der Sargtischler
Kurt Hoffmann's remake of his own 1953 movie based on the play by Curt Goetz.
Corbaccio, alter Edelmann
Две гангстерские группировки держат Лондон в страхе и шантажируют миллионеров: если они откажутся платить или позвонят в полицию, им грозит ужасная расправа. Секретарша мистера Таннерса, узнает, что ее боса тоже шантажируют, и сообщает об этом инспектору из Скотланд Ярда.
Rechtsanwalt Shaddle
Strange fortune hunters are behind a girl's murder in this Edgar Wallace tale.
Lord Kingsley
В приходе отца Брауна происходит таинственная смерть. Отец Браун подозревает, что это убийство и начинает расследование…
Lord Godley Long
A creepy German-made Wallace thriller about the ghost of a hanged man who returns to fulfill his promise. All of his accusers must die!
Таинственная серия убийств держит весь Лондон в мучительном страхе. Состоятельные горожане подвергаются наглому шантажу. Жертвы, не выполнившие требования или обратившиеся в полицию, безжалостно убиты. На месте преступления убийца оставляет знак – зловещий красный круг. Горячий след приводит детективный дуэт – инспектора Парра из Скотланд Ярда и частного детектива Деррика Ялла к подозреваемому в Париж
Kardinal Loaisa von Sevilla
Ezra Maitland
Инспектор Скотланд Ярда и американский детектив-любитель разыскивают преступника по кличке «Лягушка». Это прозвище он получил за маску с выпученными глазами, в которой он совершает преступления, и за татуировки лягушек у него на руках. Следствие приводит их в поместье загадочного миллионера, в дочку которого влюбляются и американец, и преступник…
Vater Massieu
Minister von Treysa
Inspector Hemingway
Privatsekretär Delbecq
Dr. Frobisher
Jacob Marley
Adventure film based on a Rilke poem.
Hospitalverwalter Artemij Fillippowitsch Semljanika
Director William Dieterle's 1956 film biography of classical composer Richard Wagner stars Carlos Thompson, Yvonne De Carlo, Rita Gam, Alan Badel and Valentina Cortese.
Herr Süpplein
Inspector Kick
Waldemar Hunke
After WWII, Berlin lies in ruins. For Gustav, Willi and their friends the rubble provides an adventurous, dangerous playground. Especially for Gustav, it helps pass the time, as he longs for his father's return from a POW camp. One day a stranger arrives, looking helpless and hopeless.
der Magister
Драматический фильм 1943 года режиссера Георга Вильгельма Пабста, основанный на жизни великого немецкого доктора Филиппа фон Хоэнхайма (Парацельса).
Feinmechaniker Stülken
Alois, Wendelin, Schani and Franz operate an auto repair shop in Vienna. One evening, Alois fishes the suicidal Hannerl out of the Danube and takes her to live with him. The timid and taciturn woman soon disappears however, and with her, a large amount of cash out of the shop's cash register. A disappointed Alois wishes to forget about her, but his three friends look for Hannerl and the money. As it turns out, she's married to the smuggler Kerrylis, who forces her to take part in his business; that's why she tried to kill herself. When Kerrylis is found dead, Alois is suspected of being the murderer.
Kritiker Porphyr Philippowitsch Kruglikow
1865. Katharina goes to a ball in Moscow. There she meets again Tchaikowsky, her first and only love. The young, who is now married to wealthy Michael Iwanowitsch Murakin, a man she does not love, has not forgotten Piotr Illich, the (not yet) famous composer. Both are still in love with each other but Piotr is engaged to Nastassia, a dancer, while for her part Katharina cannot leave her husband. Tchaikowky's first love then decides to sacrifice her happiness to the success of the composer, sponsoring him in secret. Something Piotr will learn only years after. When Katharina finds herself free at last it is too late: Tchaikowsky is dying of cholera and she only has time to close his eyes.
Theo - Haushofmeister
Баскервилли прокляты. Согласно легенде, каждому наследнику этой старой семьи обещана страшная смерть, которых пожирает чудовищная и призрачная собака. Сэр Чарльз Баскервиль жил в страхе. Он умер в страхе. Следы гигантских лап, обнаружены рядом с его трупом, и вызывают тревогу у его друга, доктора Мортимера, и толкают его, чтобы он обратился к известному детективу на Бейкер-стрит, 221б, в Лондоне.
The clever Zacharias Bräsig is a good friend to all and tries to help out, where he can. Bräsig also meddles in the relationships of young people, so that by the end of the film, there's a double marriage.
de Groot, ihr Vormund
Viktor Schott, daredevil and womanizer, is charged by his father, a jeweler, to go to Istanbul and purchase a valuable emerald necklace from a rich Persian and to bring it back by ship to Marseille. A pair of criminals are watching him and attractive Delia, with whom Viktor is in love, is used as bait. His boyhood friend Sibyl, who is in love with Viktor, warns him of the criminal ship owner and the captain, who intend to steal the jewel during a masked ball on board. Shortly before reaching the coast of France, an explosion causes the ship to capsize.
Lord Babberley
Charley Wyckham and Jack Chesney pressure fellow student Fancourt Babberly to pose as Charley's Brazilian Aunt Donna Lucia. Their purpose is to have a chaperone for their amorous visits with Amy and Kitty, niece and ward of crusty Stephen Spettigue. Complications begin when Fancourt, in drag, becomes the love object of old Spettigue and Sir Francis Chesney.
Sebastian Geyer
Nothaas, Grenzhofbauer
In the year 1810, the Tyrol is suffering under French occupation. A servant, who believes himself oppressed and disenfranchised by the peasants, dreams of being allowed to play Christ in the yearly Passion Play. Instead, he is forced to play Judas and soon the lines of reality blur: he betrays the location of Andreas Hofer, hidden by the farmers, breaks under the weight of his guilt and suffers Judas' fate.
1933 German film.
Rechtsanwalt Maurice Meister
A shifty lawyer is threatened with death within two days by a criminal who supposedly died in Australia.
Professor Bock
When a suspicious man bribes Emil with chocolate in return for a bundle of cash, the young lad thinks of a plan to catch him.
Direktor Rappis
German-Italian crime drama with a racing milieu: The International criminal, "The Paw", who kills his victims with a prosthesis, has struck again! An engineer, who has designed a new racing car for the Italian firm Alberti has been found beaten to death. The plans for the car have been stolen. Rappis, the firm's director, takes part in the race and hits the finish line at the same time as the German racer, Peter Kruger. Then Rappis is found beaten to death, too.
Frank Sutton
"Tropical Nights" - The young violinist Alma comes to Simbali with an orchestra led by conductor Zangiacoma, hired for a series of performances at the Schomberg hotel. Both the conductor Zangiacomo and Schomberg are obsessed with Alma. One evening, when Alma is, as usual, forced to entertain the guests she meets Mr. Heyst from his island Sourabaya, where he lives in solitude. He takes Alma to his place on the island.
По мотивам одноименной пьесы Бертольда Брехта. Знаменитая история любви дочери короля нищих Лондона Полли Пичем и молодого бандита Мэкки-Ножа.
Suspicion surrounds a lieutenant for killing his father; based on Dostoevsky's novel.
During lunch break at the movie studio, the extras rush to the canteen Hans Adalbert Schlettow, Maria Paudler and Luis Trenker are chatting. Eva von Loe a beautiful young extra rushes past; she is looking for her fiancé, Paul Wessel, who is also an extra. She has to return to the set where the famous director Regisseur Hall is shooting a scen. He is dissatisfied with his star, Carla Marventa, who is wrong for the scene he must photograph. Hall notices Eva, but laughs at her desire to replace Marventa. At that moment Conrad Veidt comes on the scene and assumes that Eva is the star.
Major du Paty de Clam
In late nineteenth century Alfred Dreyfus, a French army officer of Jewish heritage, is falsely accused of espionage. Found guilty of treason he is drummed out of the army and sent to prison on Devil's Island.
Notorious jewel thief Roger "Tiger" Brown sneaks into the trust of diamond dealer Thomas Morland. Not only does Morland's jewels appeal to him, but also his fiancée, Lady Edith Trent. But when Morland acquires the largest diamond in the world in Amsterdam, Brown decides against Edith and for the diamond, takes it and runs away.
Walt Turner
Ученый Георг Манфельдт выдвигает теорию, что на спутнике Земли находятся крупные залежи золота, но осмеян коллегами и вынужден влачить жалкое существование. Однако, вскоре к нему приходит незнакомец с предложением выкупить его материалы по этой работе. После этого следует цепь странных и загадочных событий.
Тимьян – наивная, изнасилованная помощником отца девушка, которую родители запрятали в исправительную школу. После многих испытаний она счастливо выходит замуж, но клеймо падшей и воспоминания не дают ей жить спокойно.
One of the last of the silent Sherlock films.
Moritz Stiefel faces expulsion due to poor marks. When he is caught with an essay titled “Shame and Lust”, he is indeed kicked out – instead of classmate Melchior Gabor, who actually penned it. Gabor was drawing on his experiences with neighbourhood girl Wendla. Then Wendla turns up pregnant. Stiefel descends into despair ... Exploitation between Eros and Thanatos in this “sexual tragedy of youth” based on Frank Wedekind’s play. Setting the film in the 1920s provided a chance to explore “modern” youth culture, complete with cigarettes, jazz music, the gramophone, and a goodly bit of alcohol. Richard Oswald, a master of films of manners and young sex beginning in the 1910s, fully explores the temptations of the youthful body, even early childhood flirtatiousness. At the same time, with his target audience in mind, the film laments the bigotry and double standards of the adult world.
The Doctor
When Hamburg ship's mate Klaus Brandt catches a thief one night at the port, his downfall is pre-ordained. For the thief turns out to be a young, attractive woman and the otherwise upright sailor allows her to slip away. Jenny is the star of a local dive bar, with a side-line in smuggling.
Col. Jellusic - Ivan Stepanov, English version
The mastermind behind a ubiquitous spy operation learns of a dangerous romance between a Russian lady in his employ and a dashing agent from the government's secret service.
Heinrich Benzel
In the Crimea, the Reds and the Whites aren't done fighting, and Jeanne discovers that the man she loves is a Bolshevik (when he kills her father). Penniless, she returns to Paris where she works for her uncle. Soon after, her lover Andreas is in France to organize the sailors in Toulon. So also is a thief, traitor, and libertine, Khalibiev, who wants to seduce Jeanne. His schemes, Jeanne and Andreas's naivete, and a lost diamond bring the lovers to the brink of tragedy.
Heinrich Voss
Children's Souls Accuse You is a 1927 German silent drama film directed by Curtis Bernhardt and starring Albert Steinrück, Nathalie Lissenko and Walter Rilla. It was made with an anti-abortion theme.
The Thin Man
Метрополис — город будущего, разделен на две части. Под землей находятся жилища рабочих, над ними цеха с машинами. В верхнем городе расположены офисы, богатые кварталы и сады развлечений. Вся власть в городе принадлежит магнату Иогану Фендерсону. Его сын — Фредер догадывается о несправедливости, царящей в метрополисе. Спустившись в машинную зону, Фредер приходит в ужас: он видит страшного Молоха, пожирающего людей. Не в силах смириться с увиденным, он начинает борьбу со злом.
Directed by Aleksandr Razumnyj.
"Comedians" - Axel Swinborne is a celebrated stage star. Although much in demand, he now wants to recover and travel by train on vacation. He leans out of the window at full speed, as happens a momentous mishap: his jacket gets tangled on the window lever so unhappy that it ejects the suction force out of the window.
During a dinner given by a wealthy baron and his wife, attended by four of her suitors in a 19th century German manor, a shadow-player rescues the marriage by giving all the guests a vision what might happen tonight if the baron stays jealous and the suitors do not reduce their advances towards his beautiful wife. Or was it a vision?
The neglected young wife of a workaholic businessman looks for love.
По мотивам рассказов Льва Толстого «Чем живут люди» и «Крестный сын». Сапожник и его жена становятся родителями маленькой девочки, но они никак не могут найти желающего стать крёстным отцом новорожденной. Деспотичный помещик также отказывается от такого бремени. Только молодой странник Михаэль, которого сапожник подбирает на обочине дороги, соглашается стать крёстным девочки. С тех пор Михаэль живёт и работает с семьей сапожника. Когда помещик внезапно умирает в результате инсульта, распространяется слух, что сапожник его отравил. Но с помощью Михаэля его невиновность была доказана.
Sally Pinkus is an German-Jewish boy who takes a job as a shoe store clerk after being expelled from school for goofing around. Soon fired for trying to court the owner's daughter, Pinkus lands another job in a more 'upmarket' shoe salon, only to be fired again, before charming a rich benefactress to fund his ultimate dream: Pinkus' Shoe Palace.