Michael Copon

Michael Copon

Рождение : 1982-11-13, Chesapeake, Virginia, USA


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Michael Copon is an American actor, model, producer, and singer. He is known for his role of Felix Taggaro in the television series One Tree Hill, playing Vin Keahi in the television series Beyond the Break, and starring in Power Rangers: Time Force. Description above from the Wikipedia article Michael Copon, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.​


Michael Copon


As Good as Dead
An ex-cop in self-imposed witness protection in Mexico becomes a target when a fight video of his apprentice goes viral.
Beaus of Holly
When Holly boldly proposes to Phil, he confesses he needs to first work things out with a long-ago ex. Having booked a romantic holiday sleigh ride, despondent Holly pours her heart out to sleigh driver, Jake, who takes a refreshing interest in her, until Phil returns.
Mad World
It is the year 2037. Our world is dying, slowly, from a virus that has rendered mankind infertile. Not a single child has been born in 25 years. Governments are now powerless puppets for the biggest corporations and Biocorp, the world's biggest, keeps promising a cure that never comes
Black Creek
Returning to their family’s cabin in the dark, Wisconsin woods to scatter the ashes of their father, a troubled young man and his brash sister are terrorized by signs that an ancient, Native-American spirit, awakened by a ritual murder, has marked them for death.
Worth The Price
Worth The Price
Worth The Price
Jake Williams
Tommy / Agent Diego Chavez / Michael Copon
A sequel to Music High, Fearless is a teenage beach bathing suit Musical-Comedy, filled with plenty of gorgeous gals and guys on the beach re-imagined from movies of the past Beach Party (1963) and Bikini Beach (1964) and Blue Crush (2002).
Идеальные каникулы
Группа незнакомых людей просыпается на острове, где за ними охотятся похитители органов.
Killer Holiday
Taylor, a former juvenile delinquent, convinces straight-'A' student, Cammi to join her and her friends on a Spring Break road trip through the California desert. Ignoring evil premonitions from Cammi, the 8 friends party heavily as they get farther and farther away from civilization along old Route 66 with a killer in pursuit. Anxiety builds as each stop along the way proves stranger and stranger until the group is lured to an abandoned amusement park with a mysterious past far off the main highway. There the group discovers that the park comes complete with broken down vintage carnival rides, shocking surprises, the smell of death, and an enticing, young tattooed serial killer named Spider.
Killer Holiday
Taylor, a former juvenile delinquent, convinces straight-'A' student, Cammi to join her and her friends on a Spring Break road trip through the California desert. Ignoring evil premonitions from Cammi, the 8 friends party heavily as they get farther and farther away from civilization along old Route 66 with a killer in pursuit. Anxiety builds as each stop along the way proves stranger and stranger until the group is lured to an abandoned amusement park with a mysterious past far off the main highway. There the group discovers that the park comes complete with broken down vintage carnival rides, shocking surprises, the smell of death, and an enticing, young tattooed serial killer named Spider.
247 градусов по Фаренгейту
Четверо друзей отправляются в дом на берегу озера, чтобы весело провести выходные… Но уик-энд превращается в настоящий кошмар, когда трое из них оказываются запертыми в горячей сауне. Температура стремительно растёт… Каждая минута дорога в борьбе за выживание.
It's 1982 and Brad Roberts is the best high school quarterback in the country. He dates the sexiest girl in town and is extremely popular, but Brad is not satisfied. He wants to prove that he's more than just a hot-shot quarterback; Brad tries to turn his heavy metal band into the first ever boy band, and they reject him. So Brad, the jock, teams up with a stoner, and an ex-figure skater, and a couple of reject break-dancers from the Bronx to make their mark in this sweet film.
Ночь демонов
В пользующемся дурной славой особняке Бруссаров, где восемь лет назад бесследно исчезло шесть человек, а прознавшая об этом хозяйка покончила с собой, Мэдди Кертис, Лилли, Сюзанна и Анжела устраивают вечеринку, на которую заявляются их бывшие дружки Колин и Декс. После того, как шумных гостей увозит полиция, ребята обнаруживают, что их телефоны не работают, ворота поместья заперты и какая-то сверхъестественная сила удерживает их в особняке.
Dark House
A troupe of actors hired for a haunted house attraction soon find that they are working in a true house of horror.
Царь скорпионов 2: Восхождение воина
Молодой Масьюз видит смерть своего отца, самого великого воина его народа. Всем известно кто убил его. Годы проходят и Масьюз становится воином Черным Скорпионом, готовым служить своему царю, человеку, что убил его отца. Как его остановить, если царь — владеет черной магией и поддержкой Богини Смерти.Масьюз встретится с Минотавром и попадет в Подземный мир и все ради мести.
Добейся успеха: Всё за победу
Отважные «Ракеты» Восточного Побережья самоуверенно и храбро побеждают в соревнованиях последние несколько лет. Сейчас предприимчивые «Акулы» с Западного Побережья решили, что настал час заполучить корону в свою команду. Когда мечте привести главный приз домой угрожает опасность, лидеры обоих команд понимают, что им придется работать вместе, чтобы добиться успеха, как никогда раньше!
Всё, что есть у тебя
Artie Sanchez
История двух конкурирующих женских волейбольных команд колледжа, которые проводят свои битвы на тёплых пляжах солнечной Южной Калифорнии. После произошедшей трагедии эти ожесточённые конкуренты вынуждены объединиться, чтобы пересмотреть свои культурные и социальные ценности.
Power Rangers Time Force: Quantum Ranger -  Clash for Control
Lucas Kendall/Blue Time Force Ranger
Archeologists dig up a mysterious box and the evil Ransik sends Brickneck, a mutant, to retrieve it. At the site, he's confronted by the Power Rangers and the Silver Guardians, an elite security force. As they fight, Guardian Eric takes the box and discovers that it holds the Quantum Morpher. With it, he transforms himself into the Quantum Ranger.
Power Rangers Time Force: Clash for Control
Lucas Kendall/Blue Time Force Ranger
Archeologists dig up a mysterious box and the evil Ransik sends Brickneck, a mutant, to retrieve it. At the site, he's confronted by the Power Rangers and the Silver Guardians, an elite security force. As they fight, Guardian Eric takes the box and discovers that it holds the Quantum Morpher. With it, he transforms himself into the Quantum Ranger.
Power Rangers Time Force: Force from the Future
Lucas Kendall (Blue Time Force Ranger)
In the year 3000, another race beside Humans are around known as Mutants who are often discriminated by Humans themselves.
Power Rangers Time Force: Dawn Of Destiny
Lucas Kendall
Locked in a fierce battle with Venomark, the Rangers are bitten by the venomous mutant...except for Wes, the Red Ranger, who runs to his father's lab for the antitoxin. Saved by the serum, the Rangers, Q-Rex and Shadow Force Blue defeat the vicious Venomark. Jen, warns Wes that his Dad's serum must be destroyed or the future could be in danger of shifting. But Mr. Collins refuses. It's too profitable to give up, he says. Desperate for the antivenom, Ransik and his mutant Severax attack Bio-Lab and unbeknownst to Wes, they severely injure his father. Suddenly, a mysterious figure from the future appears and the Rangers are stunned to see it's Alex, the original Red Ranger. They thought he was dead - killed by Ransik. The future has shifted, he says, and he has been sent back to fix it.
Power Rangers Time Force: The End Of Time
Lucas Kendall
Jen, Katie, Lucas and Trip receive a panicked call from Alex. Frax, he warns, is building Doomtron, a super-robot that will destroy the city. If the teens don't return to the future (3000) now, the won't survive. Wes, however, must stay in his own era-2001-so the teens stay and help him fight.
La Migra
Agent Diego Chavez
Love is tested within criminal violence. A childhood crush defines these two from a border town. Romance blossoms as they stand on opposite sides of the law. They strive to untangle the web that threatens their romance and lives.
Datu Lapu-lapu
It follows the journey of Ferdinand Magellan, who led the Spanish expedition and was one of the first Europeans to travel to Asia. He reached the archipelago that is known as Philippines today on March 16, 1521.