Gabriel Yammine


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Perfect Strangers
Do we truly know one another? Every one of us has three lives: a public, a private and secret one. What we once stored in our memories is now being stored in our phones - what happens when these are made public?
Сломанные ключи
В раздираемом войной ближневосточном городе, где музыка была запрещена исламскими экстремистами, Карим, блестящий музыкант, изо всех сил пытается восстановить свое разрушенное пианино, пытаясь сбежать в Европу.
Good Morning
A former Interior Security Forces General of 80 years old, and a former Army doctor of 84, go every day to the same coffee shop, to sip quietly their espresso, and to make crossword puzzles, to avoid loss of memory, Alzheimer's disease.
Jenny was made for love and Lana for gambling. In this old-fashioned country, Lebanon, women have no say. Defying everyone and everything they will fight for their freedom whatever the cost.
Melodrama Habibi
Dans les années 70 Bruno Caprice a connu un succès éphémère avec "Quand tu t'en vas", son premier et unique 45 tours. Aujourd'hui oublié, il gagne sa vie comme réceptionniste dans un grand hôtel parisien. Mais un coup de fil inattendu va changer le cours de sa vie...