Tom Crockett
Rip-roaring big star, big budget semi-historical story about cattle baron Devereaux Burke, who is enlisted by an aging Andrew Jackson to dissuade Sam Houston from establishing Texas as a republic. Burke must fight state senator Thomas Craden, in the process winning the heart of Craden's newspaper-editor girlfriend Martha Ronda.
The King
A young boy trades the family cow for magic beans.
A producer takes over a small film studio and - sensing that it'll be a good movie- begins investigating an old murder of a silent film director shot in his office years ago. He finds that his life is threatened as he digs deeper into the mystery.
Bill Franum
Retired actor Jack Holt is raising Christmas trees for sale at a cost which permits every family to have one. A commercial tree company tries to drive Holt out of business. Roy saves the day, of course.
Самсон — израильский богатырь, прославившийся в войнах с филистимлянами. Однажды на него напал лев, и Самсон растерзал его голыми руками. Много раз враги израильтян, филистимляне, покушались убить его, но всегда безуспешно. Любовь к филистимлянке Далиле погубила Самсона. Узнав, что сила героя заключается в его длинных волосах, она во время сна остригла ему волосы и передала в руки филистимлян.
Язычники, выколов глаза, посадили Самсона в темницу. Согласно Ветхому Завету однажды мучители вывели Самсона на всенародное поругание в свой языческий храм. Самсон попросил отрока, водившего его за руку, подвести его к двум колоннам, на которых держалось все здание, чтобы прислониться к ним. Помолившись Богу, он уперся в столбы руками и сдвинул их с места. Здание обрушилось. Под развалинами здания погибли все филистимляне, бывшие там, а с ними и сам Самсон.
Board of Inquiry Chairman
A Maritime Board of Inquiry investigates the loss of the merchant ship, the Black Rover . Its captain, Jim Parker, offers the following testimony on his own behalf: Jim is recommended by Fred Winthrop to his father, owner of the Winthrop Shipping Line, to command the Black Rover after its captain and crew refuse to make the voyage. Jim, who has just received his captain's papers, agrees, unaware that Winthrop is illegally running a cargo of contraband weapons. The film has never had a theatrical release. Production began in 1930 under the title "Contraband," stopped when the producers ran out of money, then began again under the title "Contraband Cargo." Production soon stopped again and was not resumed until 1939, when new footage was shot and footage from HELL HARBOR (1930) was edited in. The film was still deemed not suitable for theatrical distribution, and it was not until 1949 that it was finally released... for late night airing on television.
Conti Peruzzi
The tiny independent duchy of Ferrara is located between Casare Borgia's Rome and Venice, and Borgia has plans to conquer Venice via Ferrara. He murders his sister's husband and makes it appear that Alfonso D'Este of Ferrara was behind the killing. To avenge herself against Ferrara and D'Este, Lucretia Borgia marries D'Este and intends to poison him. But...she falls in love with him.
Father Vallejo
A convent-raised woman (Martha Vickers) learns of her American Indian heritage through romance with an educated Navajo (Philip Reed) during the 1880s.
Western Saloon Set Hero
Молодая жизнерадостная Пирл Уайт ни минуты не может прожить без музыки, пения и танцев. Работая с утра до вечера в швейном ателье, она мечтает о театральных подмостках. Однажды ей выпадает неожиданная удача: клиентка ателье, актриса Джулия Гиббс, приводит её в театр, а затем и на съёмки киносериала "Злоключения Полины". Этот сериал приносит Пирл мировую славу.
Rodeo Official
An elderly rodeo rider, his young grandson and their injured horse help transform the lives of various citizens in a small town. Released in 1946.
Carter J. Latham Jr.
An orphan boy on his way to live with his uncle picks up a stray dog, and the two become fast friends. However, the uncle doesn't want the dog, and when chickens are found dead, the uncle accuses the dog of killing them. The boy decides that it's time he and the dog hit the road so they run away, and meet up with an elderly man who also ran away from a home where he believed he wasn't wanted either.
Sandy McTavish
Lee Preston, aka Leland Bruce, kills a man in self defense but flees to the redwood country when the law makes it a murder charge. There he meets Lynn O'Malley, the niece of Sandy McTavish who runs the trading post. Lee learns the reason why this is good trapping country is because the timber barons across the lake are ruthlessly cutting the trees and driving the animals across the river. The trappers appeal to him to take a petition to the Governor which would prohibit the timber people from coming to their side of the lake. At first, because he is a wanted man, he refuses but does so later for the sake of the people even though he knows it will lead to his arrest.
Capt. Rawson
Мадагаскар. Веками этот остров был самым кровавым местом среди всех морей - именно здесь пираты захватывали корабли идущие из Индии. Потом пираты собирались в потаенных местах и делили добычу. Среди них самым жестоким был капитан Кидд. Это его пиратская шхуна, пришвартовавшись как торговое судно к борту английского галиона «12 апостолов» варварски разграбила судно и уничтожила всю команду. Закопав награбленное в пещере, пират вернулся в Лондон и вошел в доверие к королю, выдав себя за богатого купца-морехода. Получив назначение капитаном на судно, которое должно сопровождать очередной галион из Индии, Кидд набрал команду из бывших пиратов с целью повторить нападение на охраняемый ими же корабль и умножить свои богатства. И это ему почти удалось, но как бы не был хитер флибустьер, последнее слово осталось за Адамом Мэрси - сыном капитана галиона «12 апостолов», который единственный остался в живых из команды. Он разоблачил двуличного «капитана» Кидда и сдал его властям.
Judge Polson
Fanning has his men rustle horses and then blame it on a wild horse named Wildfire. Happy and Alkali arrive and immediately get into trouble with Fanning and his men. When Alkali is shot, Happy catches the outlaws but the Judge not only releases them, he discharges the Sheriff and tries to arrest Happy for rustling. Happy escapes and he and the Sheriff then set out to prove who the real rustlers are.
The Sacristan
Тела египетского священника Хариса и его возлюбленной принцессы случайным образом находят в одном из болот Луизианы. На место находки прибывает археолог Джеймс Холси, который собирается доставить останки в музей, но у его ассистента оказываются совсем другие планы на мумию Хариса.
Dad Courtwright
A group of cowboys ending their cattle drive in Abilene find that cattle prices are being kept artificially low, driving down the price they'll get for their beef. They set out to change the situation.
Louisiana Judge
Richard Dix as Dan Taylor and Preston S. Foster as Paxton Bryce are two longtime friends seeking their fortune in Texas after the war. The two men decide, not without problems, to establish a cattle empire. Paxton becoming too ambitious, distances himself from Dan and Abby, Paxton's wife. It will only be after a personal tragedy that he will come back to his senses.
Senator Huyler
The tumultuous presidency of 19th-president Andrew Johnson is chronicled in this biopic. The story begins with Johnson's boyhood and covers his early life. During the Civil War, Johnson stays a staunch Unionist and upon Lincoln's reelection in 1864, becomes his Vice President. After Lincoln's assassination, Johnson becomes the President and became the first U.S. president ever to be impeached.
Colonel Mallory
Hoping to increase its box-office allure by adopting the title of a popular song, Deep in the Heart of Texas (clap!clap!clap!clap!) was the first Johnny Mack Brown western of the 1942-43 season. The plot concerns a group of insurrectionists who intend to keep Texas separate from the rest of the USA.
Judge Ezra Binns
It is now an accepted fact that the best of Johnny Mack Brown's Universal westerns were directed by the talented Joseph H. Lewis. Boss of Hangtown Mesa may not be in the same league as the Brown-Lewis classic Arizona Cyclone, but it comes awfully close. This time around, hero Steve Collins (Brown) comes to the aid of Betty Wilkins (Helen Deverell), who has taken over the telegraph-line business established by her uncle John (Henry Hall). The latter was murdered by outlaws who don't cotton to having the territory linked up electronically with the rest of the world.
Dr. Thad Morgan
A cowboy heads for the town where his father was murdered to find out who was responsible.
General Sam Houston
A Chicago reporter (Robert Stack) and photographer focus on a Confederate outlaw (Brod Crawford) in post-Civil War Texas.
Конец девятнадцатого века, эпоха «золотой лихорадки», охватившей Аляску. На Клондайке правят лихие людишки: ловкие мошенники, алчные дельцы и сорви-головы всех мастей, адела чаще всего решаются с помощью кулаков и безотказного шестизарядного помощника по имени Кольт. Джон Уэйн исполняет роль капитана Роя Гленнистера — честного бизнесмена, у которого силой пытаются отсудить прииск. За вероломной аферой стоит коррумпированный чиновник Александр Макнамара, сговорившийся с местным судьей. Вместе со своей любовницей, очаровательной певицей Черри Малотт, Рой изо всех сил пытается противостоять козням негодяя законным путем, однако, восстановить справедливость можно лишь взяв в руки оружие.
Texas Ranger Major McNeil
Texas Ranger Buck Dunne is assigned to round up a gang of bank robbers. The leader of the gang turns out to be the "respectable" Judge Longstreth, making life difficult for Dunne inasmuch as he's in love with Longstreth's niece Barbara.
Warden Burke
Henry Courtney, a wealthy importer is found murdered and the famous DeNormand necklace has been stolen. The false testimony of two witnesses, Rand and Hobbs, puts Jim O'Brien in the shadow of the hangman's noose. Martha Courtney, widow of the murdered man and Jim's former sweetheart is convinced he isn't guilty, and promises crooked lawyer Roger Lanning the necklace - which Jim doesn't have - if he can arrange for Jim's escape. Rand and Lanning killed Courtney, but Lanning doesn't know that Rand has the necklace.
Hedda Hopper plays hostess at a party for her (grown) son William (DeWolfe Jr.). Hopper, attends the dedication of the Motion Picture Relief Fund's country home and goes to the Mocambo. There is also a sequence dedicated to the Milwaukee, Wisconsin world premiere of the first short in this series attended by more that a few film stars.
Фильм снят по мотивам одноименного романа Александра Дюма-отца.
19-ый век, Корсика. В семействе графа Франчи большой праздник: его жена вот-вот должна родить наследника. На это торжество съезжаются все родные и близкие графа. Но радость вельможи сменяется на отчаянье: он узнает о рождении сиамских близнецов. В это же самое время коварный барон Колонна, давно враждовавший с Франчи, решает одним махом покончить с ненавистным ему семейством и устраивает кровавую резню, уничтожив всех представителей древнего рода. В живых остаются лишь новорожденные младенцы. Доктору, другу семьи Франчи, удается разделить сиамских близнецов и он отправляет одного в Париж, а другого - в горы на острове. Проходят годы и первый становится уважаемым джентльменом, а второй лесным разбойником. Братья узнают друг о друге и решают объединить свои усилия и отомстить барону Колонна.
Texas Ranger Major McNeill
Based on Zane Grey's tale of a man who gains an unfair reputation as a gunfighter while out to avenge his father's death.
Ward Beecham
Commissioner Tredwell is the law of the land and he gets whatever he wants with the help of hired guns and lackey lawyer Conners. The only one who publicly stands up to Tredwell is Beecham of the Clarion. Beecham has his paper burned to the ground and when he starts a petition to make Wyoming a state, taking the power away from Tredwell, he is killed. But when Kansas Kate comes in to visit her son Conners, she sees what is going on and she takes over the paper and keeps the pressure on Tredwill. With this Conners has mixed emotions, but the boys do everything they can to protect Kate and the paper. Written by Tony Fontana
Court Attendant
Главная героиня Анна Холм запрещает держать в доме зеркала. Лицо Анны изуродовано шрамом, однако ее потрясающая красота все еще отчетливо дает о себе знать. Ожесточенная женщина предстает перед нами безжалостной шантажисткой, которая не способна на человеческие чувства. Ситуация меняется, когда пластический хирург предлагает ей свою помощь…
Don Miguel Murphy
Frontiersman Kit Carson fights off Indian attacks on the trail to California.
Colonel Tom Ryder
Calvin Drake employs a group of low-lifes to drive away land owners along the path of a new railroad; Red Ryder opposes this strategy.
Father McKim
Edited version of the 1938 Republic serial "The Lone Ranger."
Commissioner McNeill
A reporter and a lawyer investigate a women's prison and help an inmate who does not belong there.
A federal agent and his partner hang out in Mexico to check a revolution.
Senator Timothy Nolan
Rancher Autry takes a job singing on the radio to aid farmers and ranchers whose lands were destroyed by raging floods. Blaming crooked politicians, he goes to Washington and tries to put through a food control bill and finds he has a lot to learn. In this classic release, Gene introduces his immortal theme song, "Back in the Saddle Again," which has gone on to become a piece of American History.
Sheriff George Glenn
When his well-meaning sidekick (Smiley Burnette) buys a cow farm instead of a cattle ranch, singing cowpoke Gene Autry prepares to embrace the dairy business. But with a corrupt association bent on driving up milk prices, it's up to newly elected Sheriff Gene to clean up the mess. Country music icon Patsy Montana sings "I Want to Be a Cowboy's Sweetheart," while radio crooners the Texas Rangers perform alongside Autry.
Padre Dominic
Gene Autry and his sidekick Frog look into a phony oil scam being perpetrated on a mission orphanage.
Milt Brower
A rustler's son (Roy Rogers) courts a rancher's daughter (Mary Hart) during a range war.
Dave Carson
The Mesquiteers capture a horse thief who escapes justice through a crooked judge. They gather signatures urging the governor to investigate but a friend with the petition is murdered. Stony is accused.
General Barbezier
Король Франции Людовик XI находится в отчаянном положении. Он осажден в Париже бургундцами и подозревает, что при его дворе есть предатель. Переодевшись, он идет в кабак, чтобы увидеть, кто принимает сообщение от врага. Находясь там, он забавляется выходками поэта Франсуа Вийона, который украл еду из королевского склада. По ходу дела Вийон, угощая друзей, хвастается, чтобы он сделал, если бы он был королем. Во время затеянной драки от руки Вийона погибает главный констебль Д’Эссини, прежде чем он арестован как предатель. И хотя Людовик раздосадован потерей ниточки, ведущей к главному изменнику, он в шутку назначает Вийона новым констеблем, хотя планирует его казнить через неделю…
George Brennan Westmore (Editor)
A variety of people are searching for a long-hidden treasure somewhere on an island. Chapter titles: 1.The Isle of Fear 2.The Ghost Talks 3.The Phantom Duel 4.Buried Alive 5.The Girl Who Vanished 6.Trapped by the Flood 7.The Cannon Roars 8.The Circle of Death 9.The Pirate's Revenge 10.The Crash 11.Dynamite 12.The Bridge of Doom 13.The Mad Flight 14.The Jaws of Destruction 15.Justice
Father McKim
In 1865, Captain Mark Smith of the Confederate Army leads a band of deserters to conquer Texas and rule it as a dictator. In one of his first actions, he captures and assumes the identity of Texas' new Finance Commissioner, Colonel Marcus Jeffries, after having the real man murdered. When a contingent of Texas Rangers enters the territory, Snead, one of Smith's men, leads them into an ambush by Smith's "troopers". The Rangers are apparently wiped out, although one injured survivor is left. The survivor, nursed back to health by Tonto, swears to avenge the massacre and defeat "Colonel Jeffries" and his men.
Sheriff Matt Doniphon
Deputies Gene Autry and Frog go up against modern cattle rustlers. These rustlers use technology such as, airplanes, radios and refrigerated trucks to steal the cows, butcher them in the field and ship them out before getting caught. This causes the town to bring in a modern NYC detective to catch the crooks, but will Autry and Frog be permanently out of a job?
Banker Maxwell
When war breaks out between oilmen and cattle ranchers, Gene sides with the ranchers until he learns that oil will bring a railraod to town.
Crown Justice Sewall
When a young woman named Barbara Clarke has an affair with adventurer Roger Coverman, it causes a scandal in the Puritanical town of Salem, Massachusetts. After a meddling girl arouses their suspicions, the town's elders accuse Barbara of being a witch. She is tried, convicted of sorcery and sentenced to death. As the townspeople prepare to burn Barbara at the stake, Roger tries desperately to save the woman he loves.
Father José
A masked hero called "The Eagle" leads California ranchers in a struggle against Russian Cossacks who are plotting to take over California and turn it into a Russian colony.
Crash Corrigan, a recent graduate of Annapolis, and Diana, a go-getting reporter, join Professor Norton for a search for the source of a string of earthquakes, Atlantis. They ride Prof. Norton's rocket submarine searching the sea and little Billy Norton, the professor's son stows away, of course. When they find Atlantis they are caught in a war between peaceful Atlanteans, note their white capes, and war-monging Atlanteans, note their black capes. After many harrowing moments for Crash, Diana, Prof. Norton and Billy, they barely get away with their lives when they escape a tower of Atlantis raised to the surface for the sole purpose of dominating or destroying the Earth (Which one depends on the compliance of the upper world dwellers.)
Gordon Gaunt
15-Chapter Serial about a scientist that discovers a formula for making synthetic gold and the people that want it.
James Fitzpatrick
The feature length version of the serial by the same name. A mystical medicine arrow, the key to a lost gold treasure, is lost in one of many Indian attacks. It is recovered by the only two survivors, a Major and his daughter, who become the targets of those who wish to possess it. General George Armstrong Custer and army scout Kid Cardigan attempt to stop the ensuing war over the arrow, but fail in their efforts, which becomes the historic Custer's Last Stand.
Bill Mason
Ranger Ray plans to marry stage driver Bill Mason's daughter Mary, but there are problems ahead....
James Fitzpatrick
Kit Cardigan seeks the killer of his father...among other plot threads leading up to the famous historical incident.
Pop Wiley
A half Mexican, half Irish gunman called The Irish Gringo and his pals come across a little girl wandering in the desert. It turns out her grandfather was murdered by a gang looking for the Lost Dutchman mine, a map of which is drawn on the shirt she is wearing, and now the outlaws are after her.
John Wellington / Rand
When his young son is shot, John Wellington kills the culprit and flees. But his son Johnny recovers and is raised by Sir George. Some twenty years later Johnny sets out to find Sir George's missing granddaughter.
El Toro
When the outlaw El Toro saves Hoppy's life, Hoppy agrees to find his missing grandson.
Sam Oreham - Banker
Three cowboys buy a ranch but have to fight off gunmen to keep it.
Crusades Actor
Semi-documentary of a typical "extra girl" on a C.B.DeMille film.
Hugo, Duke of Burgundy
Иерусалим захвачен войском Саладина - владыки Сирии и Египта. Жителей продают в рабство. Третий крестовый поход уже начался. Король Англии Ричард Львиное Сердце решает принять участие в походе, чтобы избежать женитьбы на принцессе Франции, дороге он женится на Беренгарии, но она попадает в плен к Саладину, и тот отвозит ее в Иерусалим. Жизни Ричарда грозит смертельная опасность.
Mr. Mallory - Sheila's Dad
Special Insurance-Investigator Dan Kennedy and his wonder dog, Tarzan the Police Dog, are called in to investigate the persistent robbing of a shipping-and-storage warehouse in Los Angeles.
B.J. Dexter
A high-speed train becomes the star of the film as it rushes from Chicago to Hoover Dam to transport an iron lung to a needy patient.
Joe Larkins
Trouble starts when Bill Larkins and his two sons move in with his brother Joe. They start rustling cattle and then kill Rod's father with Joe's gun. The Sheriff and Rod think they did it and are after proof.
48 год до н.э. Клеопатра приветствует прибытие Юлия Цезаря, стараясь укрепить свою власть в Египте под протекторатом Рима. Но Цезаря убивают, и она передает свою привязанность Марку Антонию, ослепляя его роскошью своего двора…
Gov. Bellingham
In the seventeenth century, in Massachusetts, a young woman is forced to wear a scarlet "A" on her dress for bearing a child out of wedlock.
Col. Curtis
An action-filled film with outlaws-of-the-clouds at war with the men of the U. S. Flying Service. A young pilot, Nick Ferris, fights to track down a dangerous gang of smugglers and clear his name of an undeserved stigma.
Paul Franklin, Sr.
1934 drama of man's inhumanity to man, starring William Farnum and Anita Louise, directed by Edwin Carewe, screenplay by Harold Sherman. This film was meant to denounce Hitler prior to US involvement in WWII
Charles Waltham
After being convicted of stealing some jewels, Annette Eldrige is sent to a reformatory administered by a sadistic and corrupt female warder. However, one of the board of trustees takes an interest in the new arrival and begins to investigate the management of the institution.
Judge Flynn
A chorus girl gets stranded in a small midwestern town. Against her better judgement, she hooks up with a smooth-talking con artist who says he can help her get out of town.
Squire Beamish
When the fiendish Sinclair Sable arranges the kidnapping of the beautiful Benecia Beamish, only the members of the Beer and Bicycle Club can save her.
Nicky Hammond
After her brother's death, Roma Courtney becomes the heiress to his fortune. When fake psychic Paul Bavian claims to have a message from Roma's dead brother, he coaxes Roma into participating in a séance. Although Roma's fiancé, Grant, first believes the séance is nothing more than a scam, he eventually realizes that the vengeful spirit of an executed murderer has possessed Roma's body.
Rev. John MacDougall
The teenage daughter of a puritanical Reverend promises him she will not marry until she is older, but after a night of heavy drinking she wakes up to find she has a husband.
Henry Ramsey
A ranch manager falls in love with a banker's daughter, but after a quarrel with the girl's parents, flee across the border into Mexico.
William Belmont
Во время путешествия по Южным Морям на борту парусной яхты, заключается пари, о том, что Стив не сможет выжить на пустынном острове без принадлежностей цивилизации. Приняв пари, Стив со своей собакой приплывают на берег и начинают воссоздавать свой мир Парк Авеню, в виде различных приспособлений а-ля Руби Голдберг, сделанных из местных материалов. В это же время на соседнем острове, молодая девушка убегает со своей договорной свадьбы. Она приплывает на остров Стива за безопасностью, после чего ей дают прозвище «Суббота». Вскоре их атакуют мстительные соплеменники с соседнего острова. Выживут ли Стив и Суббота?
Captain Len Andrews
A sadistic, evil ship captain lusts after a beautiful young girl he spots in town. It turns out that she's the girlfriend of a young man whose father the captain had blinded and cast adrift on the ocean many years before.
The Drifter
A man known as The Drifter returns home to his cabin in the woods and winds up getting involved with an escaped convict, a gunfighter, lumber company rivals, mysterious family ties and murder.
U.S. Marshal
A Wild West spoof by The Masquers Comedy Club of Hollywood.
Malcolm 'Mal' Todd
Dot starts out as a bartender in Havana when in walks Dingo Mike (Charles Bickford) and orders up a drink that sounds like something you'd consume on a dare. He drinks the concoction down in one swallow and also manages to outsmart Dot's boss and his rum-running hooligans. You see, Dingo is a bootlegger himself. He literally sweeps the lady off her feet and they set up housekeeping in a tropical hotel full of colorful characters, some of whom are in the bootlegging business too.
King Arthur / Inventor
Экранизация знаменитого пародийного романа Марка Твена "Янки из Коннектикута при дворе короля Артура".
Водевильный комик Уилл Роджерс в роли делового янки конца XIX века Хэнка Мартина, который после сильного удара по голове теряет сознание и в забытьи попадает в эпоху короля Артура - героя многих рыцарских романов. Там коннектикутского парня в соломенной шляпе ждут удивительные приключения.
Joe Morgan
A man's heavy drinking drives away his family and threatens to destroy his relationship with his little daughter.
Cash Holbrook
Пересекая Аризонскую равнину с востока на запад, два давних друга Бил Кэш и Джеф Кэмерон находят оставленный фургон переселенцев, а в нем брошенного грудного ребенка. Друзья решают усыновить мальчика и назвать Биллом Бойдом, но кто станет приемным отцом? Из-за этого вопроса друзья в одночасье становятся заклятыми врагами и только спустя двадцать лет, когда мальчик вырастет и станет настоящим мужчиной, конфликт будет исчерпан. Билл Бойд заставит прежних друзей примириться, и забытьразногласия, которые становились все более и более ожесточенными за эти годы.
Louis XV
Jeannette Vaubernier, an impulsive shopgirl en route to deliver a hat, dreams of luxury and position as she saunters through the woods, and attracted by a pool of water, she disrobes and plunges in. Cosse de Brissac, a handsome private in the King's Guards, comes to her rescue and they become sweethearts. Meanwhile, Jean Du Barry, a shrewd roué, takes note of her at the millinery shop and tricks her into staying at La Gourda's, where she soon becomes a favorite among the men.
Patsy Ruth Miller stars as the romantic bone of contention between pearl divers Malcolm McGregor and Wallace MacDonald. When McGregor's brother is murdered, Miller is arrested for the crime. The actual killer, however, is MacDonald, who does an expert job covering his tracks.
John Marble
John Marble, a construction engineer is stricken by paralysis and begins to envision the growth of love between his wife Marion and his best friend, Bob Alten. Bent on suicide, however, the shock of seeing his wife and child endangered on a broken bridge shakes him to recover from his illness and discover that his suspicions were all imaginary.
Billy Buell
Billy Buell (William Farnum), a stranger involving himself with a long-standing mountain feud. The Benchleys and the Camps have been feuding ever since Lew Camp (J. Morris Foster) learned that his daughter Nellie (Doris May) was stolen by Jacob Benchley (Arthur Morrison) to replace a dead Benchley baby. Buell, who has fallen in love with Nellie, returns her to her mother (Virginia True Boardman). That doesn't sit well with the Benchley clan, who arrive for a final shootout.
Stephen 'Flash' Lanning
"Flash" Lanning returns to Bozzam City from the East to put an end to cattle rustling. Gloria Hallowell, who has known him by reputation, falls in love with Lanning but believes that he loves Ellen Bosworth, an eastern "lady." Campan, the leader of the rustlers, hoping to lure Lanning into a trap, kidnaps both girls. Lanning rescues the girls, punishes Campan, and indicates to Gloria that she is the girl for him.
Dick Leighton
When the ability of Dick Leighton (William Farnum), Sheriff of Randolph, Oregon, to enforce law and order is tested by the leader of the political opposition, he stands his ground and overpowers the unruly element.
Ned Connors
Ned Connors, a prospector, has a happy marriage with his wife, living in the hills, until fate brings a sick visitor to their shack. The guest, Dr. Martin, is cared for by Connors' wife, who falls in love with him. When Connors returns to the shack after striking it rich, he finds his wife and Martin together.
John Gibbs
Gibbs is a laborer at the docks who, through his hard work and good judgment, becomes a millionaire on Wall Street. He becomes acquainted with the Van Dusens, who have lost their fortune. Mrs. Van Dusen pushes her daughter Marie into a loveless marriage with Gibbs so that the family can retain its social standing. Gibbs realizes, however, that his money cannot buy his wife's affection.
Richard Hall
Richard Hall is a successful writer, while his wife, Alice, is interested in pursuing a career as a singer. She meets James Hamilton, a musical agent, who arranges an opera engagement with Rimini, an impresario. Hall quarrels with his wife over this, and they separate, with Hall taking their daughter Grace.
Drag Harlan
William Farnum is Drag Harlan, a tough cowboy vigilante. After learning about a gold mine from a dying man, he seeks his daughter (Jackie Saunders) as well as the gold. He falls in love with her, but the same gang that shot the old man is after the gold.
François Villon
J. Gordon Edwards silent adventure melodrama about a famous poet who is allowed to rule France for a week!
Buck Duane
Buck Duane guns down the man who killed his father and flees from the law. He rescues a girl he once loved from outlaws, but the wife of outlaw chief has her own designs on him.
In this western, William Farnum plays yet another Zane Grey character. Duane Steele (Farnum) is a Texas Ranger who is determined to get the outlaws out of his part of the Lone Star state for good.
Lassiter / Shefford
Following in his dad's footsteps, Shefford devotes himself to freeing his community from the grip of a particularly despotic Mormon sect. In so doing, he rescues his foster sister Fay Larkin, who is coveted by lecherous Mormon elder Wagoner. As was the case in Riders of the Purple Sage, the Mormons are villains simply because they are Mormons.
Lassiter quits the Texas Rangers and spends his life in pursuit of a group of Mormons who kidnapped his married sister. In a town on the Utah border, he meets the Withersteens and falls in love with their daughter, Jane. He also befriends Venters, and helps him track down some bandits who have been rustling the Withersteens' cattle.
Bob McKeever
True Blue begins with the marriage of black-sheep British nobleman Gilbert Brockhurst to the daughter of a Western rancher. When he learns that he has inherited his father's title and estate, Brockhurst deserts his wife and young son Bob. Upon attaining adulthood, Bob becomes the boss of his grandfather's ranch.
Bill Stratton
In New York, Bill Stratton saves a friend's marriage, but Bill's fiancée, Evelyn, misinterprets the situation and believes Bill to be unfaithful to her. She breaks her engagement, and Bill, in remorse, goes to Alaska. In the town of Yellow Gulch, Bill meets "Silver" Jack Belmont, the man responsible for nearly ruining the marriage of Bill's friend.
Jean Valjean
Jean Valjean, a good and decent man who has committed a minor crime, is imprisoned but escapes. He is pursued thereafter for years by Javert, the cruel and implacable arm of the law.
Larry Smith
Story based on a Saturday Evening Post story entitled "The Painted Lady," which was written by Larry Evans. First mate Luther Smith returns to his home port to discover that his sister has died after being raped. Not long after, his mother dies from grief. Smith swears revenge and ships out on a boat manned by Sutton, "the worst captain this side o' hell". Smith doesn't realize yet that Sutton is the one who ravished his sister, but at sea, his brutalities become obvious.
Sam Houston
The life of Sam Houston, soldier, statesman, patriot and one of the founders of the Republic of Texas, is depicted.
Charles Darnay / Sydney Carton
At the outbreak of the French Revolution, Charles Darnay goes to Paris to rescue an imprisoned former family servant. He is himself imprisoned and condemned by the revolutionary forces there. His wife, the former Lucie Manette, is secretly loved by a gentlemanly wastrel, Sydney Carton. Carton embarks on a daring plan to save the husband of the woman he loves.
George Baxter
George Baxter presents his new wife, Margery. Paul Sneed, Baxter's neighbor, knew Margery before the marriage. When Baxter returns home unexpectedly one night, he finds Sneed and his wife together. As Sneed runs away, Baxter shoots and kills him. Both Margery and Sneed's father, Judge Randolph Sneed, witness the shooting.
Stephen Orry/Jason Orry
The narrative hinges on Jason's vow to wreak vengeance on his father for abandoning his mother. But his father dies, and Jason turns his desire for revenge against Sunlocks, his father's son of another wife. Both Sunlocks and Jason are in love with Greeba, daughter of the governor of the Isle of Man. Sunlocks and Jason go to Iceland, and are confined in prison. Jason not knowing Sunlocks, saves his half-brother from death in the mines. Jason is freed, but Sunlocks is condemned to death. Greeba pleads for Sunlocks' life, and Jason sacrifices himself by taking Sunlocks' place and dying for him. -- Wikipedia
Maurice Brachard
Marcus Superbus
In 64 A.D., Marcus Superbus is Prefect of Rome. When the Emperor Nero decides to renew persecution of the Christians, Marcus opposes him, fearing for the safety of Mercia, the Christian woman whom he loves. Through the machinations of the Empress Poppaea and other women at court, Tigellinus, Nero's agent in the war against the Christians, convinces Nero to have Mercia arrested. Marcus appeals to the emperor for mercy, but is told that she can be saved only by renouncing Christianity. Waiting to enter the arena to be killed, Mercia steadfastly refuses to reject her religion, despite Marcus' pleas. Finally, Marcus is converted by her and they enter the arena to face death together.
Roy Glenister
The Spoilers is a 1914 film directed by Colin Campbell. It is set in Nome, Alaska during the 1898 Gold Rush, with William Farnum as Roy Glennister, Kathlyn Williams as Cherry Malotte, and Tom Santschi as Alex McNamara. The film culminates in a spectacular saloon fistfight between Glennister and McNamara. It was adapted to screen by Lanier Bartlett from the Rex Beach novel of the same name.