Elisa Tovati

Elisa Tovati

Рождение : 1976-03-23, Paris, France


Elisa Tovati
Elisa Tovati
Elisa Tovati
Elisa Tovati
Elisa Tovati
Elisa Tovati
Elisa Tovati


Enrico Macias, l'inattendu
Enrico Macias is best known for his songs and his commitment to peace. He is less known for his self-mockery, his humor and his fantasy. Talents that Philippe Bouvard or Maritie and Gilbert Carpentier have highlighted in their variety shows, since the 70s. A taste for comedy that opened the doors of the cinema, at over sixty years, in the film "La Vérité si je mens". Through rarely broadcast archives, it is an unexpected portrait of Enrico Macias, virtuoso artist, discoverer of talents and great showman, which takes shape thanks to his complicity with Mireille Dumas and his friends.
3 mariages et un coup de foudre
The Last Mirage
A thriller about the disappearance of a manuscript from the Baghdad Museum, during the US-offensive in Irak. Feat. Livingstone, a biologist + explorer, Abdallah a police officer combining fine detective flair + shrewd psychological acumen.
A Greek Type of Problem
"Everything will be fine" the doctor promised Jo while she was giving birth to her first child. But, some forty years and four sons later, nothing is happening like it should be during this month of August: as she arrives on Greek soil to organize her traditional festival with her tribe, Jo learns that the latter has been cancelled, courtesy of the economic crisis. The hour seems to be tragic but the maternal instinct grows stronger, she is ready to do everything for the happiness of her sons. Between squabbles and blood and destiny blows, this summer will be like no other.
Would I Lie to You? 3
Eddie, Dov, Yvan and the others ... Our warm friends have migrated from the moribund Sentier to the flourishing suburb of Aubervilliers ... Where the old Jewish entrepreneurs left the ground to young courageous and dynamic Chinese wholesalers ... The little band is as close to each other as in previous episodes, and life goes on at the mercy of small family events and business. Dov still seems frivolous, enterprising Eddie, chilled Yvan, casual Karine, resolute Sandra, naive Chochana, irresponsible Serge and mythomaniac. As for Patrick, he is in love and the happy elected is far from easy to access. Everything would be fine until a bad wind brings its share of adversity seriously compromising the cohesion of the group. Will they succumb under the storm to the turmoil, or, once again, by mutual aid, cunning and skill, will they triumph over the crisis with panache?
Aurore Diamentais
Open Bed
Девушка и волки
Séréna danseuse
Начало 20-го века. Мэр французской деревушки Эмиль Гарсин мечтает проложить на живописных альпийских просторах железную дорогу и построить там горнолыжный курорт. Но его корыстным и амбициозным планам мешают полоумный горец Джузеппе и стая диких волков, приводящих в ужас жителей окрестностей. И только юная Анжель готова пойти на все, чтобы спасти этих красивых и отважных зверей…
99 франков
Октаву нет равных во вселенной: ведь он занимается рекламой! Это он решает, чего вам захочется завтра. Для него «человек — это такой же продукт, как и все остальные». Октав трудится в крупнейшем рекламном агентстве. У него полно денег, женщин и кокаина, но, тем не менее, его терзают сомнения. Две вещи в корне меняют жизнь Октава: роман с Софи, самой красивой сотрудницей агентства, и совещание в гигантском молочном концерне «Мадон» по поводу рекламного ролика. Октав срывается с катушек и решает взбунтоваться против системы, которая его породила, саботируя свою же рекламную кампанию.
Zone libre
Римская империя: Нерон
Poppaea Sabina
Отравив императора Клавдия, его жена и сестра Калигулы Агриппина расчищает путь к императорской власти для своего сына Нерона. Но, не желая делиться с матерью властью, Нерон приказывает убить ее. Освободившись заодно и от своей нелюбимой жены Октавии, Нерон женится на Поппее, самой прекрасной и самой развращенной женщине Рима. После пожара, уничтожившего почти весь город, Поппея убеждает Нерона обвинить во всем христиан. Но ситуация уже выходит из-под контроля императора…
Sexes très opposés
Ideally, a love story should last for life… But this is often not the case. Does this indicate that men and women are meant to fall in love several times over? Why do people tire of each other? What events lead to a break-up? If they could be identified, could we then eradicate them? Four stories delve, by way of personal accounts and illustration, into relationships that went astray before they should have. Men and women of different ages and social conditions recount their stories. Four couples, four break-ups, four attempts at an explanation – combined with the ambitious aim to amuse!
Would I Lie to You? 2
Chochana Boutboul
Eddie, Dov, and Yvan are back, still working in Paris' Sentier textile district, This time they're confronting the high-stakes world of large distribution after striking a deal with Eurodiscount, a European hypermarket chain.
During a happy evening, the famous professor Levy, one of the masters of cardiac surgery, collapses, struck by a heart attack. His whole life comes back to him, and in particular his childhood, enlightened by a loving and beloved mother.
Золотые яйца
Rita (El primer amor, 47 kilos)
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