Andreas Lust

Andreas Lust

Рождение : 1967-03-20, Vienna, Austria


Andreas Lust


Milk Teeth
Skalde lives in a small rural community, far from a world that may no longer exist. She is an interloper in her own home, having been born to an ‘outsider’ mother and therefore marked by a social stigma she cannot easily erase. Displaying a loyalty to the codes of the community, she has earned the respect of the village elder. However, when she encounters a mysterious girl in the local woods, Skalde risks everything by befriending her, eventually giving the girl a home. She attempts to hide her subterfuge to maintain her standing with the villagers, but her plans threaten to unravel.
А завтра весь мир
Учёба сближает студентку юрфака Луизу с антифа, и вскоре девушка включается в борьбу с неонацистами. Левая молодёжь ратует за общество равных возможностей для всех, предполагая, что крайне правые хотят построить мир, основанный на ненависти и насилии. Но как антифа должны бороться за свои идеалы? Является ли насилие адекватным ответом на угрозу фашизма? Некоторые товарищи Луизы уверены, что добро должно быть с кулаками. От уроков самообороны левые студенты переходят к активным действиям. Однажды и Луиза возьмёт в руки оружие.
Королевская игра
Johann Prantl
Фильм снят на основе одноименного романа Стефана Цвейга. Чтобы выдержать психологические пытки гестапо, адвокат, заключенный в тюрьму нацистами, спасает себя, проигрывая в голове шахматные партии и вспоминая при этом моменты жизни, в которые они происходили.
Fox in a Hole
When Fuchs starts his new job as a teacher in a prison school, replacing the old and unconventional teacher Berger against her will, he is forced to confront his biggest fear, triggered by the mysterious, withdrawn inmate Samira.
Lindenberg! Mach dein Ding
Lude Reeperbahn
Long before his big stage breakthrough in 1973 in Hamburg, and 4.4 million records sold, the rock musician Udo Lindenberg from the Westphalian province, the man with the long hair and the hat, had many adventures. Before it all started, he moved from the remoteness of Gronau to Hamburg, where he met Paula, who was not his great love, but was quite a hottie. When the team of three was complete with Steffi Stephan, the idea of founding a band developed. But the road to get there was a long one: he drummed as a jazz drummer in bands, had a highly dangerous performance in a US military base in the middle of the Libyan desert and always believed in making it to the very top.
Tot im Wald
Harald Kurtz
Shillings from Heaven
Tyrol, 1932: The world economic crisis is at its peak, radical political movements emerge. In a small Austrian community, the engine driver Michael Unterguggenberger accepts the mayor's office against better knowledge. But how is he supposed to save Wörgl? The power of despair and the support of his wife Rosa form the breeding ground for a daring experiment: Unterguggenberger wants to print his own money without further ado - so-called work confirmation notes. For this he not only has to convince the community of his city, but above all to rebel against the mighty banking.
До начала съёмок ремейка знаменитого фильма Райнера Вернера Фассбиндера «Горькие слёзы Петры фон Кант» остаются считанные дни, а исполнительница главной роли до сих пор не найдена. Вера, режиссёр картины, устраивает одно прослушивание за другим. Партнёром звёздных претенденток на роль выступает Гервин — неудачливый актёр, который так и не смог начать карьеру и теперь подрабатывает на кастингах…
Norbert Flasch
Harri Pinter, 46, has his best days behind him, not only on the outside: in the 80s, the notorious "drecksau" won the Klagenfurt ice-skating team KAC its master title. As trainer of the youth team, he likes to reminisce about his past successes in dim bars drinking beer. When his longtime girlfriend Ines risks making the break with an university professor, his worldview and self-perception starts to falter...
The Eremites
Albert grew up on an isolated mountain farm in the middle of nowhere in the Alps. Although he’s already in his 30s, his omnipresent mother Marianne still pulls the strings in his life. Not intentionally and only because of his mother’s pressure, Albert went to live in the nearby valley to make his living in a marble quarry. Marianne wants to protect him from the poor and lonesome life on the mountain and is even willing to denounce their bonds to the tradition of the farm, that has existed over centuries. Like an abandoned animal that keeps coming back to its territory, the introverted farmers son keeps sneaking back to the mountain as often as possible. When his father dies accidently whilst repairing the roof, Marianne fears, that Albert will take over the role of his father and return to the farm. Instead, she decides to hide the death from Albert and the outside world—and buries his corpse on the mountain.
Summer of '44 - The Lost Generation
Summer 1944, Schwäbisch Hall. Contrary to the war propaganda and the decreed heroism, the 16-year-old boys dream of Swing music, sex and freedom - and of Lore, the air force helper from the air base, who attracts all eyes in her red swimsuit. At the same time, uncle, Knuffke, Bubu, tongue kiss and Hosenmacher suspect that they will not escape the horror of the front. "Stay tuned," Lore calls after them. But tongue kiss gets it first and also pants maker will not survive the war.
Carsten Neuer
German businessman Carsten Neuer travels to Norway to finish the impossible translation of some Norwegian poems by Tarjei Vesaas into Chinese, a project of his late wife. He hires Niko, a down-on-his-luck tour guide, to drive him to the poet's home and places of inspiration to stimulate his own translation. On the road, the ghost of Carsten's wife appears to him, while Niko struggles with the sudden consequences of his girlfriend's pregnancy. On this journey, two very different men come to realize the transforming power of love, the limits of language, and the human need for friendship.
Выбор короля
Hartvig Pohlman
On 9 April 1940, German soldiers arrive in the city of Oslo. The King of Norway faces a choice that will change his country forever. The King's Choice is a story about the three most dramatic days in Norway's history, the royal family's escape and King Haakon's difficult choice after Nazi Germany's invasion of Norway.
Kreuz des Südens
After suffering a severe head injury on the job, criminal investigator Tommy Wehrschitz is being suspended - for his own good. In order to deal with the changes in his life he decides to go to southern Burgenland, to sell property he inherited from his estranged father. Barely arrived, Tommy is invited to see the circus, which is currently in the village, but the colorful spectacle is cut short when a flying knife misses its target and kills an audience member instead. But was it really just an accident? Tommy begins to dig and the deeper he gets, the darker the secrets he uncovers until he has to fear for his own life.
One of Us
Police Officer Werner
A huge supermarket is the only social meeting point for the inhabitants of an industrialized suburb in Austria. This is where Julian, a lively 14-year-old, meets the misfit Marko, 16. One night, brimming with youthful enthusiasm, they break into the supermarket. The film is based on a true event.
Der Blunzenkönig
Naked Among Wolves
Taking place at the Concentration camp Buchenwald at the end of March 1945, prisoner Hans Pippig discovers in a carrying case of an incoming prisoner a Jewish child. If reported the three-year-old is sure to die. On the other hand, a violation of the rules of the camp would threaten the long prepared uprising of the concentration camp prisoners against the SS.
Der Metzger muß nachsitzen
Kommissar Pospischill
Like a Cast Shadow
Sibylle, a pragmatic architect, mother and wife, witnesses a suicide of a woman her age while on vacation in Italy. Devastated by this incident, it causes the perception of her life and her family to change. Something inside of her has been set in motion that seems to endanger everything which she has defined herself by...
Жизнь ради футбола
Conny Heidkamp
Курт Ландауэр собирается покинуть Германию накануне Второй мировой войны, но когда он видит свою большую любовь, футбольный клуб «Бавария», лежащий в руинах, он решает рискнуть, остаться и возродить клуб.
Julia und der Offizier
Pfarrer Magnus Weber
Die verbotene Frau
Photographer and journalist Verena has a well-paid job that she enjoys and a loving partner. When she meets the Arab Khalid, she falls in love with the charming man who fascinates her greatly. The two meet again in Dubai
Tod in den Bergen
Mountaineering on enclosed terrain, the young doctor Clara Lang discovers a mummified corpse. Apparently, the dead has been in the ice for years. No one knows who it is at the bottom of the valley. When Clara's friend David wants to inspect the site more closely, he too is deadly. Clara is devastated. Her grief is compounded by the suspicion that David was murdered. Abandoned by the authorities, Clara stretches out her tentacles on her own and begins to investigate.
Nicht ohne meinen Enkel
Markus Roth
Two men and one woman are involved in a dramatic triangle between love and passion, transgression and betrayal. Florian Flicker has set Karl Schönherr's "Der Weibsteufel" in Austria's borderland shortly after the turn of the last century. In the remote swamps next to the March River, Hans and Jana are living in a criminal idyll that comes tumbling down when a young soldier enters the picture.
Im falschen Leben
Holger Siebrecht
Marie thinks to return to her job one year after the birth of her daughter Nora. Her husband Holger is already looking forward to two-month parental leave in which he wants to be totally there for her daughter. Her daughter? They rush into an emotional hell without warning. The youth welfare office informs them that their child has been swapped in the clinic. Sandra, the other mother with the exchanged and actually biological child of theirs, is a single-parent student. While Sandra outwardly comparatively seems to handle it with ease, Marie is completely overwhelmed. Sandra's life situation leads to a dispute with Holger, because Marie can not accept that "her" daughter should grow up with a poor single parent. When the press also gets wind of the matter, there is no turning back: The children must be exchanged.
Очень горячий номер
Thomas Sonnleitner
Der Mann mit dem Fagott
Baron von Thalen
Bremen, 1891. Udo Jürgens' grandfather Heinrich strolls thoughtfully about the Christmas market. For days, the young man has suffered a momentous decision: should he emigrate to America or seek his fortune in Moscow? The touching performance of a street musician playing a Russian song on his bassoon gives him an unexpected decision-making aid. Henry sets off for Russia - and thus begins a fateful story that spans three generations and two world wars.
Davon willst du nichts wissen
After un accident that has caused the death of a young man, a man have to struggle with his guilty and some strange threatning messages push him and his wife to the unknow.
The Cameramurderer
What starts out as a relaxing weekend at lake Neusiedl ends in fear and horror for two friendly couples. Three children have gone missing from the neighbouring village. As tensions increase people start showing their true colours.
Johann Rettenberger
Фильм рассказывает историю Йоханна Реттенбергера, бегуна-марафонца, который в перерывах между тренировками обчищал банки от излишек наличности, делая это в маске Рональда Рейгана. История основана на реальных событиях и могла бы стать основной сценария какого-нибудь голливудского боевика, но у австрийцев это экзистенциальная драма. Герой в процессе своих пробежек растерял почти все социальные связи и стал похож на золотую призовую статуэтку: ни эмоций, ни желаний, ни чувств, только потребность в движении. Банки он грабит тоже чисто из спортивного интереса, деньги ему особо ни к чему... Участник основной конкурсной программы Берлинале-2010.
В красном районе Вены Алекс работает шофером у владельца борделя, он ведет тайный роман с одной из проституток Тамарой. Безвыходность ситуации приводит к тому, что Алекс решает ограбить банк… В австрийской сельской местности, Роберт и Сюзанна построили уютный дом и пытаются построить семью. Он работает полицейским в селе, она работает в местном продуктовом магазине и по воскресеньям берет своего престарелого, овдовевшего соседа в церковь… Что может пойти не так?
Balkan Traffic
This documentary feature addresses the question of how gay men lived and could live their lives under 'real socialism'...
News Crew at Fürstenfeldbruck
Агент МОССАД и его группа выслеживает и методично уничтожает палестинских террористов, повинных в смерти израильских спортсменов в аэропорту Мюнхена после Олимпиады 1972 года…
1944 год. На всех фронтах с фашистами сражаются не только отважные солдаты, но и гениальные суперагенты. Завладев шифровальной машиной «Энигма», союзники теперь намерены проникнуть на секретную фабрику, производящую это смертоносное германское чудо. Но как бесстрашным разведчикам попасть туда, где работают только нордические фрау? Чтобы выполнить эту нелегкую миссию, трем чопорным британцам и одному отчаянному американцу придется освоить искусство макияжа и переодевания, надеясь, что их мужественные ножки введут в заблуждение бдительное гестапо.
SS First Lieutenant Hermann Worthoff
18 января 1943 года. Нацисты собираются раз и навсегда покончить с евреями варшавского гетто, отправив их в «последний путь» — в концлагерь Треблинка. Но их зловещие планы были разрушены: вооруженные мужчины и женщины из «Еврейской Боевой Организации» дали отпор фашистам!
Suzie Washington
Nana Iaschwili, a teacher from East Europe, wants to emigrate to America to start a new life. After landing in Vienna, the authorities notice her falsified visa and arrest her. Nana, threatened with deportation, would prefer anything except being sent back and escapes. She must keep on the move constantly. The police are hot on her trail. Together with other illegal aliens, Nana, alias "Suzie Washington", flees to the so-called "green border", the no-man's-land between East and West. The police, cows and lonely men keep getting in her way.
Opera ball
Polizist Amon
The Vienna State Opera on Thursday before the Carnival. As every year the large ball rather is attended by celebrities from politics and the media. Just the arrival of newcomers is finished and the Polonaise faded as it is in the best tradition: "Alles Walzer". transferred with 20 cameras live throughout the world. Television journalist Fraser (Heiner Lauterbach) views the event from the control room, outside in the hall leads his son has one of the cameras. Suddenly all hell breaks loose: poison gas flows from hidden containers, hundreds of guests die in agony, millions of horrified spectators experience it on the TV screen...
At Swim-Two-Birds
A Dublin student writes a novel about a tavern keeper about the parishioners in his tavern (including the student), who in turn write novels featuring the innkeeper and the student, and other novel composers about other novelists.
Thomas, a student drop-out, keeps his head above water with a life of petty crime. Passing himself off once again as a ticket inspector on a tram to extract money from fare-dodgers, he is confronted by Erich, a genuine inspector, or so it seems... However, Erich won his inspector's identity badge at cards. The two begin to meet regularly. Thomas doesn't realise until too late that he is to play a major role in Erich's long-planned coup. The well thought out plan succeeds. Unfortunately, however, Erich has failed to consider how he can convert his booty - a lorry load of valuable carpets - into hard cash. Their problems are just beginning...
I Promise
In a small army base at the Eastern border of Austria a young recruit is trained to be a soldier to protect his country in case of war. He has to stay for 8 months and during this time he escapes in his own fantasy world...
Männer wissen warum
Three young soldiers in a car have twelve hours to spare and only one thing on their minds: WOMEN. They are accompanied on their journey by the music of Freddy Quinn: "Destiny strikes aimlessly; today it's you, tomorrow me".