A Martinez

A Martinez

Рождение : 1948-09-27, Glendale, California, USA


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.   Adolfo Martinez (born September 27, 1948) is an American actor and singer with roles in the daytime soap opera Santa Barbara and the primetime dramas L.A. Law and Profiler.


A Martinez
A Martinez


Ветеран Уилл Шарп отчаянно нуждается в деньгах, чтобы спасти смертельно больную жену. Он обращается за помощью к брату-преступнику Дэнни, и тот уговаривает его ограбить банк. Однако всё идет не по плану, и братьям приходится угнать машину скорой помощи вместе с двумя заложниками — врачом и раненым полицейским.
Carl Wittig
JT Dalton, professor, runs the mentoring program at the local university. Shawn Wittig, spoiled heir to a playboy father, is ordered to attend the program. Professor Dalton's discipline sparks a connection between them. The professor finds herself involved in an affair with her student. The university finds out and suspends JT. Shawn's father forces his son to give up their relationship.
Christmas on the Range
Brick McCree
Kendall's one holiday wish is to keep the family ranch solvent. Her rival's charming son offers help-and maybe more-but can he be trusted?
An Accidental Studio
Charts the early years of HandMade Films seen through the eyes of the filmmakers, key personnel, and the man who started it all: former Beatle George Harrison.
In Embryo
Sean lives a harsh but successful life as a criminal in Los Angeles's rough suburbs. He has, in spite of a chaotic and violent childhood, created some order in his life. As long as order is maintained, he - along with his partner in crime Peter - can ensure that his criminal life does not fall apart. But like in any Greek tragedy, things are doomed to go wrong when he one day falls in love with the waitress Lilly. Sean thinks he can bring order to her life too, but the all-consuming heroin addiction can not be tamed so easily.
California Winter
Miguel Morales
Young real estate agent Clara Morales encouraged risky loans to her clients during the housing boom. She must now rescue her father’s home from foreclosure - a consequence of the loan she advised him to take.
Проклятие Чаки
Father Frank
В центре событий окажется молодая женщина по имени Ника тяжело переживающая самоубийство матери. Ее старшая сестра Барбара — властная, волевая женщина, — приезжает вместе с семьей к Нике, чтобы поддержать ее и уладить дела матери. Пока сестры заняты делом, малолетняя дочь Барбары находит в доме посылку пришедшую от неизвестного адресата, а в ней рыжеволосую куклу Чаки. Вскоре происходит череда кровавых убийств. Ника начинает подозревать, что в убийствах неким образом замешана кукла. По ходу дела выясняется, что у Чаки во всем этом есть особый интерес. Он решил закончить работу которую начал 20 лет назад, и в этот раз он намерен довести дело до кровавого и шокирующего финала.
Джимми Пикард
Bear Willie Claw
Фильм расскажет о солдате Джимми Пикарде — индейце из резервации, которого после Второй Мировой войны начинают беспокоить психосоматические заболевания. Сюжет строится вокруг дружеских и профессиональных отношений эксперта в этнопсихоанализе Девере и его пациента.
Калифорнийское соло
Лахлан МакЭлдоних называет себя «ленивым шотландцем». Он всеми забытый бывший гитарист популярной в 90-е рок-группы, живет и работает на эко-ферме недалеко от Лос-Анджелеса. Каждую ночь он напивается до оцепенения, запирается в комнате и записывает в подкаст свои воспоминания о трагических обстоятельствах, сопровождавших смерть великих музыкантов. Однажды после одной особенно жёсткой попытки залить своё горе в местной забегаловке, его арестовывают за вождение в нетрезвом состоянии. Эта преступление, осложнённое давней судимостью за преступление, связанное с наркотиками, означает для Лахлана департацию. Чтобы остаться в США ему нужно доказать, что его отсутствие самым тяжелым образом скажется на супруге или родственнике — и это заставляет его вспомнить о существовании дочери, которую он не видел уже много лет.
Возвращение титанов
Dr. Diego Ortiz
После того, как разновидность гигантского питона появляется на болотистых равнинах, смотрители местности решают запустить туда самцов-аллигаторов, чтобы уничтожить питонов. Сражение грозит стать крупнейшим в истории человечества…
Sheriff Reed Carpenter
Небольшая группа боевого спецназа - единственные, кто может противостоять киборгам, захватившим под свой контроль планету.
Little Girl Lost: The Delimar Vera Story
Angel Cruz
Luz Cuevas baby daughter Delimar disappeared in 1997 after their house caught fire during a party, The police reported that she was killed in the fire. However, Cuevas suspects that she was kidnapped and that the fire was staged by an outsider. Six years after the fire, Cuevas meets Valerie Valleja former wife of one of Pedro's cousins, who was also at the party. She has a six-year-old girl with her, named Aaliyah. The girl bears a resemblance to Cuevas and she suspects it is Delimar. Cuevas begins an investigation…
Кулак воина
Anthony Black
Наемный убийца решает «завязать с прошлым» чтобы «спокойно спать по ночам». После того, как он отказывается от очередного заказа, бандиты убивают его подругу. Теперь мужчиной правит только одно желание — отомстить — но, по злому року, бывший киллер оказывается втянутым в водоворот разборок между бандитом и коррумпированным полицейским.
Desolation Canyon
Following a bank robbery, the responsible gang stops by the home of one of their members and kidnaps his son. The sheriff enlists the aid of a retired gunfighter, who is the boy's grandfather. On the gang's trail, they find there are two bounty hunters also after the gang for crimes in Mexico.
Once Upon a Wedding
El Comandante
A week before her marriage, a woman injures a man in a car accident. As she helps nurse him back to health, she starts to doubt the course her life is taking. Her father, a powerful dictator, is not pleased with the change of plans.
Debating Robert Lee
Mr. Alonzo
A group of jaded high school students sign up for a debate class taught by a tough, combative teacher from the Georgia Military Academy who teaches them that life is debate and DEBATE IS WAR.
Killer Instinct: From the Files of Agent Candice DeLong
Bobby Mazariegos
Candice DeLong is Clarice Starling in "Silence of the Lambs," Samantha Waters on "Profiler" and Nicole Scott on "MISSING" all rolled into one tough female FBI agent. Lifetime's spine-tingling Original Movie is inspired by DeLong's harrowing real-life experiences in the field. DeLong (Jean Smart) is on the verge of retiring from the FBI so that she can spend more time with her son, when a serial rapist and murderer attacks one of her best friends. As a single working mom, she feels torn between her child's needs and avenging her girlfriend. Things get more complicated when she has to work the case with her married lover (played by A Martinez). This top cop's decisions will put her life in serious danger. Hold on, it's going to be a suspenseful ride!
Ordinary Sinner
Three college students, two guys and a girl, encounter bigotry and violence in a small town, and solve the murder of a gay friend.
Wind River
The 1854 Wyoming historical drama is based on Tom Shell's adaptation of the true life memoirs of Pony Express rider Nick Wilson.
Что готовим
Daniel 'Danny'
Фильм рассказывает о четырех очень разных семьях, которые собрались вместе, чтобы отпраздновать День благодарения и подпортить друг другу нервы.
Cruel Justice
Jerry Metcalf
A man seeks revenge after his daughter's rapist is found not guilty in court.
A Memory in My Heart
Joe Vega
Jane Seymour stars in this made-for-TV drama as Rebecca Blake, a bookstore employee who lives contently in San Pedro, California with her construction-worker husband Joe (A Martinez). A chance meeting with a woman named Lynn Wyman (Cathy Lee Crosby), coupled with her recent nightmares and searing headaches (one of which has prompted a spectacular collapse at her local grocery store), lead Lynn to the inescapable conclusion that she is an amnesiac--and that she might be Abbie Stewart, who has another family in Fillmore County. Journeying to Abbie's hometown to learn the truth, our heroine is put off somewhat by the curiously mixed reaction of the man who might be her "other" husband, school principal Chase Stewart (Bruce Davison). The key to mystery may not be the surrealistic dreams experienced by Rebecca/Abbie, but instead that painful-looking gash in her head.
Double Tap
Johnny Escobar
A drug-lord targets an undercover FBI agent and the hit man she falls in love with while tracking.
The Cherokee Kid
Juan Cortina
Isaih Turner didn’t want to be a hero-all he wanted was revenge. Orphaned when both his parents were cruelly murdered by the wealthy and powerful Cyrus Bloomington, the young Isaiah grew up with one air in mind: to find the man who killed his folks and take him down.
Sweet Dreams
Chief Doug Harrison
A girl awakes from a coma to find her world has collapsed around her and she remembers nothing. But as she does remember she finds out all is not how it should be and someone is out to get her.
Гранд Авеню
В каждом городе, на каждой улице ежедневно происходят самые разные происшествия. Какие-то из них обыденные, какие-то необычные, а какие-то люди пытаются скрыть от посторонних глаз. Но не всем это удается.
Where's the Money, Noreen?
Lou Gardella
Двойная жизнь Сары Винсент
Thriller about an advertising executive Kelley who leads a double life, looking for men in dive bars at night. However, when she goes missing, it causes her best friend Ticotin to turn detective and infiltrate the seedy underworld to discover what happened.
She Led Two Lives
Mike Lewis
A married woman is reunited with her childhood sweetheart, and marries him too, forcing her to live two lives at once.
Criminal Behavior
Pike Grenada
Female lawyer is stalked by a killer. The last in a long line of con artists, defense lawyer Jessie Lee Stubbs (Farrah Fawcett) has every intention of staying on the right side of the law. But a suitcase packed with $3 million, a missing Hollywood starlet, and a trail of dead bodies draw her deeper into a deadly intrigue of desire, deception, betrayal and murder.
In the Nick of Time
Charlie Misch
Santa Claus is up for retirement after his 300 years, and he searches New York City for a replacement.
Не из этого мира
Sheriff Tom Conway
Из далёкого космоса прилетело инопланетное существо и начало питаться земной электроэнергией, получая возможность расти и убивать. Оно выросло до огромных размеров. Кажется, что ничего уже не сможет остановить космического убийцу, но нашлись смельчаки, работающие на электростанции, которые жертвуя собой, сумели найти способ остановить и уничтожить злобного пришельца…
Малопривлекательная домохозяйка Рут Пэтчетт мстит бросившему ее мужу и разлучнице, известной писательнице любовных романов Мэри Фишер.
Manhunt: Search for the Night Stalker
Gil Carrillo
Based on the true story of Richard "The Night Stalker" Ramirez who terrorized California in 1985 and the two Los Angeles police detectives who try to track him down.
Powwow Highway
Buddy Red Bow
Two Northern Cheyenne men take a road trip from Montana to New Mexico to bail out the sister of one of them who has been framed and arrested in Santa Fe. On the way, they begin to reconnect to their spiritual heritage.
Hunters Are for Killing
Jimmy Ramirez
A man comes home after serving time in prison to claim his share of his deceased mother's estate. However, his stepfather, who holds him responsible for his own son's death, intends to fight him for everything.
Walking the Edge
A Los Angeles taxi driver helps a distraught woman on the run from gangsters after they murder her husband and young son.
Почетный консул
Доктор Эдуардо Пларр практикует в Буэнос-Айресе, а хотел бы в парагвайских областях. Его отец — политический заключённый в Парагвае. Доктор ждёт вестей от своего отца, и наконец-то Леон, старый друг доктора, связывается с его отцом. Леон раньше был священником, но оставил церковь. Сейчас он работает в парагвайской подземке. Леон пытается вызнать у Пларра, когда состоится визит посла США в Парагвай. У Леона есть свой план для освобождения политических заключённых из парагвайских тюрем, в том числе и отца Эдуардо Пларра. План прост — захватить посла и обменять его на заключённых. Источником для информации у Пларра является бывший алкоголик Чарли Фортнум, а сейчас британский советник. Жена Чарли Клара — любовница доктора Пларра. Похищение посла идёт не совсем гладко, и своим предательством Пларр ставит под угрозу жизнь Чарли.
Sal Espinoza
Ida McBride decides to drill for oil on her ranch, against her son Tom's wishes. A contentious crew of wildcatters arrives, including a stalwart drilling magnate, his tool-pusher and a young roughneck associate, who endeavor to save the ranching empire by trying to bring in a methane gas well.
Police Story: Confessions of a Lady Cop
Julio Mendez
Shoot the Sun Down
Couple of strangers arrive in a small town, each one after a different thing.
Raphael Torres
A professor, who has been paralyzed in an attack by mob hitmen, builds a suit that enables him to walk and fight crime.
Joe Panther
Billy Tiger
A young Seminole indian boy comes of age outside the Florida Everglades by trying to enter the establishment (white man's world). He gets work as crew member on (Brian Keith's) fishing boat, hunts for alligators and has cathartic encounters with bad guys trying to bring illegal aliens into Florida on fishing boats.
Mallory: Circumstantial Evidence
Roberto Ruiz
In this pilot film, Mallory is a prominent lawyer with a tarnished reputation who defends a young man charged with committing homicide against a sexual predator in prison.
Death Among Friends
Officer Manny Reyes
Shirley investigates the murder of a millionaire who was strangled on his tennis court.
The Abduction of Saint Anne
Angel Montoya
A cynical detective and a Roman Catholic bishop team up to investigate the reported miraculous powers of a 17-year-old girl being held captive in the home of her father, an ailing syndicate kingpin.
Опытный детектив из Сан-Франциско Снид получает назначение в маленький полицейский участок в Нью-Мексико. Его новый босс рассчитывает на нового сотрудника и надеется разобраться, наконец, с местной мафией. Приехав, Снид вступает в контакт с мафией и в то же время успешно борется с отдельными преступными группировками…
Starbird and Sweet William
Music Director
A plane crash survivor draws upon the sensibilities of his Native American ancestry in order to stay alive in a rugged outland.
Starbird and Sweet William
A plane crash survivor draws upon the sensibilities of his Native American ancestry in order to stay alive in a rugged outland.
Starbird and Sweet William
A plane crash survivor draws upon the sensibilities of his Native American ancestry in order to stay alive in a rugged outland.
Once Upon a Scoundrel
Luis Manuel
After falling for Alicia, greedy and powerful Mexican landowner Carlos has her fiancé thrown in prison on a bogus charge. To trick Carlos into releasing her man, Alicia teams up with her Aunt Delfina and tries to convince Carlos that he's a ghost.
Carlos Lobos (as A. Martinez)
Pilot for sci-fi detective series "Search." Hugh O'Brian as Lockwood, a high-tech private eye, was outfitted with two electronic implants (one to hear what was said at HQ and a dental contact he could bite to communicate with HQ--one bite for yes and two bites for no) and a button-sized "scanner" that combined a micro-miniaturized television camera that could also see in infrared spectrum, microphone, medical sensors, and transmitter, putting him in constant contact with a room full of experts monitoring his actions and vital signs and supplying him with encyclopedic information.
Cowboy Cimarron
Джон Уэйн играет ранчеро, потерявшего свой скот после того, как помощники начинают бастовать, если только ему не удастся превратить мальчишек в ковбоев. По роману Уильяма Дейла Дженнингса.
The Young Animals
A small Arizona town is plagued by violence created from the tension between Anglo and Mexican-American youths. Tony (Tom Nardini) is the idealistic new kid in school who tries to alleviate long-time tensions between the rival factions. The Mexican gang is led by Paco (Zooey Hall), a hot-tempered youth with good reason to resent some of his Caucasian counterparts due to past prejudices. Bruce (David Macklin) is the leader of the white gang. Patty McCormack and Joanna Frank are the female interests who become victims of the gang struggles. Tony, formerly from San Diego, attempts to change the attitudes of the polarized and violent groups. Simms (Russ Bender) is a bigoted educator who fans the flames of hate, and Wilson (Arthur Peterson) is the school principal who is helpless to stop the violence between the two factions.