Liv Sandvik


Junk Mail
Dimwitted, somewhat misanthropic Oslo mail carrier Roy's quiet life changes dramatically on the day he steals a set of keys and lets himself into the apartment of a deaf woman who seems to be in trouble with a psychotic criminal. Though he doesn't know it at the time, his and her fate are about to intertwine and this is not going to be to his benefit.
История непростой семейной жизни выдающегося норвежского писателя и его жены, бывшей актрисы, Марии, рассказанная на фоне политических событий конца 30-х — начала 50-х, когда Гамсун из властителя дум и гордости нации превратился в предателя и был подвергнут остракизму. Как известно, писатель симпатизировал нацистам во время войны, за что был привлечен к суду и осужден за измену родине.
Ноль градусов Кельвина
Действие фильма происходит в мрачной обстановке: лачуга в Гренландии, где трое человек, нанятых охотниками на тюленей, очень быстро сходят с ума.
Stork Staring Mad
A married couple, unable to conceive, search for a male donor, but jealousy creates problems when the husband spies on his wife while posing as her brother.
Stork Staring Mad
A married couple, unable to conceive, search for a male donor, but jealousy creates problems when the husband spies on his wife while posing as her brother.
The Perfect Murder
Assistant Director
Film director Pierre is making an erotic thriller with his girlfriend Greta. When men start disappearing, parallells between the movie and real life becomes obvious.
The Perfect Murder
Film director Pierre is making an erotic thriller with his girlfriend Greta. When men start disappearing, parallells between the movie and real life becomes obvious.
Белый викинг
Production Manager
999 год нашей эры. Сын властителя Исландии Аскур и его невеста становятся пленниками безжалостного кунунга Норвегии, недавно крестившего свой народ и желающий теперь обратить в христианскую веру исландцев. С этой целью он посылает Аскура на родину, угрожая юному викингу насильно взять в жены его суженную в случае неудачи. Теперь Аскур должен пройти суровое испытание, мечем и словом склонить на свою сторону собратьев-язычников, отомстить за оскорбление жестокому кунунгу и вызволить свою невесту из непреступного монастыря, в который он заточил ее.
The Polar Bear King
After his father is killed, Prince Valemon ascends the throne, only to be turned into a polar bear by a bitter witch who wants to be his queen.
Death at Oslo C
Assistant Production Manager
A young boy named Pelle falls in love with the drug addict Lena. Then he and his friend Proffen tries to save her from the drugs.
Death at Oslo C
A young boy named Pelle falls in love with the drug addict Lena. Then he and his friend Proffen tries to save her from the drugs.
The Dream Castle
Assistant Editor
The families are talking about moving together in a house, and finally does it. After a year renovating, they are to celebrate their new collective. But the year living together has taken it's toll on their relations.
Burning Flowers
Assistant Production Manager
Herman works as a delivery boy for a flower shop after school. One day delivers a bouquet to Rosa Stern, a woman in her early 40s who lives behind heavy curtains in an apartment filled with a mysterious atmosphere. In the coming weeks, Herman will receive more bouquets to be delivered to Rosa. Rosa's visits are becoming increasingly important to him.
Farewell Illusions
A harrowing and ironic story about the first big and well educated generation born after WW2, living without any major concerns between 1965 and 1975.