Cinzia Mirabella


7 часов на соблазнение
Искусство соблазнения — это наука, и, научившись её приёмам, можно добиться расположения любой красотки всего за 7 часов. В этом твёрдо убеждена Валерия, чей курс по соблазнению пользуется огромной популярностью у одиноких мужчин. Однажды к ней записывается Джулио, который хочет вернуть расположение своей бывшей невесты. Валерия помогает ему разработать план действий. Однако в ходе реализации этого плана Джулио и Валерию ждут неожиданные открытия. Так ли предсказуема любовь или это загадка, которая не подчиняется никаким законам?
Dalle parti di Astrid
Astrid's mother
This high-energy three part comedy has a strong undercurrent of melancholy, as it shows three different women coping with difficult situations which are usually sexual in origin, even if the moment of romance is long past. In the first tale, Aurora has gotten used to a cozy, wealthy life, but begins to see her world destroyed when her husband is caught in bed with his secretary. Later, he flees the country to avoid getting arrested for something else he has done. Carmela is just welcoming her wayward son back to their slum home after he has spent a stint in "reform" school. Not only has he just confessed to her that he's gay, but he has become a heroin addict.Finally, Libera works at a newsstand outside of Naples as the sole breadwinner for her family. She is tired of her husband lounging in their house when he is not out tomcatting around with prostitutes, and decides to do something about it. So she secretly has him filmed in bed, and is marketing the tapes at her newsstand.