Hans Kesting

Hans Kesting

Рождение : 1960-10-06, Rotterdam, Netherlands


Hans Kesting


A Little Life
Caleb / Luke / Traylor
No novel has captivated and moved millions of readers during the past few years like A Little Life by American author Hanya Yanagihara. Ivo van Hove adapted Yanagihara’s novel to theater and created a penetrating performance. Ramsey Nasr won the Louis d'Or (best male performance) for his portrayal of Jude.
No. 10
A stubborn stage actor navigates single fatherhood, a strenuous theatre project, an adulterous love affair, and the confounding dreams awakened by a puzzling street encounter with a mysterious stranger.
Roman Tragedies
In Roman tragedies, Ivo van Hove and Jan Versweyveld have created a unique arena in which Shakespeare speaks about our time more than ever and the political game in all its facets.
Kings of War
Richard III
Kings of War merges Henry V, Henry VI and Richard III into one explosive performance about leadership. In successive kings, Shakespeare sketches an image of political leaders, face to face with the ultimate responsibility for life and death in times of war. Shakespeare’s kings are political leaders who come face to face with the ultimate responsibility: they must make the life-or-death decision of whether to go to war. Shakespeare draws us into the psychology of the rulers, while also revealing the machinations of their courtiers and advisors. Kings of War lays bare the mechanisms of decision-making in times of political crisis, exposing the dichotomy between national interests and self-importance.
Открытое море
father Jacob
Трое друзей учатся и прожигают молодость в Амстердаме. Внезапная смерть отца, одного из парней, меняет полностью жизнь всех. В этот неспокойный период они пытаются освободиться от родительской опеки и прошлого, ощутить смысл дружбы и узнать, кто они на самом деле.
A Little Life
Caleb/Brother Luke/Dr. Traylor
When four classmates from a small Massachusetts college move to New York to make their way, they're broke, adrift, and buoyed only by their friendship and ambition. There is kind, handsome Willem, an aspiring actor; JB, a quick-witted, sometimes cruel Brooklyn-born painter seeking entry to the art world; Malcolm, a frustrated architect at a prominent firm; and withdrawn, brilliant, enigmatic Jude, who serves as their center of gravity.
Well-known novelist and literary monument, 55-year-old Jan Meerman's successful life is thrown upside down when his 85-year-old mother, Josée Verbeke, unexpectedly has a severe stroke. Jan no longer recognizes his once lively mother as her verbal witticisms have been replaced by pitiful cries and gibberish. In these difficult times Jan faces the upcoming deadline of his new novel. The confrontation he has to engage with the decline of his mother makes him question his priorities.
Mr. Dorsman
When popular college kid Max sees his finals at risk, he calls in the help of his long lost and nerdy friend Ruben. Together with the comedic help of "chick-magnet" and Marroccon street hustler Youseff, they decide to throw the biggest exams-party ever dreamt possible, while getting to know themselves and each other in a thorough manner.
Just when Timo is trying to win back his ex-girlfriend by convincing her with his new and improved life, he and his friends are caught up in a drugs conflict. To stay alive, four ordinary guys need to sell 22 kilos of drugs within a week.
Волшебник Виплала
Что не говори, но семью Бломов нельзя считать успешной. Ведь на плечи отца семейства после смерти супруги легла вся ответственность за двух несовершеннолетних детей. Да и должность учителя в местной школе – это не гарант финансового благополучия. Но самое главное – это то, что в этой семье никто не унывает, даже самый младший Йоханнес – самый впечатлительный и безропотный. И так уж случилось, что именно он обнаружил в своем доме на кухне маленького человечка, который очень любил арахисовое масло. И все бы ничего, но Йоханнес попросил своего гостя об одном одолжении.
Oom Henk
Henk de Koning
Handsome, clever final year law student Koen avoids being beaten up by street thugs by claiming he's a maternal cousin of crime baron Henk de Koning. The next day, 'uncle' Henk praises Koen's wit and commandeers his 'cousin's' help to retrieve the treasure presumably hidden by disloyal accomplice Sjon de Nooyer, who was released from jail to a retirement home, by volunteering as an orderly, posing as Sjon's distant relative. Dirty police detective Uitenhaage is after the same fortune, and leans independently on innocent Koen to spy on Sjon.
Код синий
Болезненная, почти бесполая из-за чрезмерной худобы Мариан работает дежурной медсестрой в отделении для безнадежно больных. Кажется, что интуитивно чувствуя боль умирающих и беззвучно оплакивая их, она находится с каждым в невидимом родстве. Только привязанность Мариан к людям — двойственна, ведь для некоторых она становится ангелом смерти.
Sterke Verhalen
Barman Swift
Comedy about the adventures of a group of friends in Amsterdam, who are planning a party during their summer holiday. When the ticket sales are disappointing they think of a new and exiting way to attract more people to the party.
A rich American couple, a family of Dutch criminals, a French gay couple, a working class family from Germany and an illegal Moroccan youth and his kid brother, are all in Amsterdam, each with their own story. Different reasons make their paths intertwine, leading to a dramatic climax that changes their lives for ever.
Spion van Oranje
The Netherlands are being threatened by a weird terrorist. The only one who can save The Netherlands from this terrorist seems to be Francois. He is a gay couturier who very much looks like the terrorist. They turn out to be twin brothers. Francois takes on the duty to pose as his brother to stop the terrorist activities.
Метод Ботокса
Evert-Jan Kroonenberg
Фильм «Красотки-убийцы» это комедия с элементами черного юмора, в которой рассказывается о приключениях трех гламурных подружек - жен богатейших бизнесменов. Они праздно ведут свою жизнь, которая сводится к одному – к борьбе за ушедшую молодость. Постоянные посещения пластических хирургов откладывают отпечаток на их мозги, внешность, да и на всю их жизнь вцелом. И так бы всё и продолжалось, если бы одна из подружек Кити, не стала подозревать своего мужа в измене, а когда подозрения укрепились, подруги решаются пойти на крайний шаг…
Love Is All
Presentator 2
A romantic comedy told with a set of interwoven Christmas tales about life, love, forgiveness and caring. A heroic vagrant becomes a TV sensation Santa Claws, while a prince takes a menial job at a department store to woo his sweetheart.
Alexander Dumouge
Xander's parents are murdered by criminals. Xander is housed by the police with his uncle; potato farmer Jaap.
Anna is a vital woman who is married and has two daughters. She picks up her old passion of writing again after frequent requests by a colleague and a friend, but she had not foreseen the consequences of family and friends reading her stories...
Anna II
Not a single word is spoken in the mini-drama Anna II. The sounds and glances produced by the leading character, the cow Anna II, are telling enough. Her mooing and smacking minutely convey her displeasure with her farmer's budding conjugal bliss. When, on the morning after the wedding night, he enters the cowshed but does not pay enough attention to his prize cow yet, Anna II has had it. The cow's sultry gaze registers how the bride brings the farmer a cup of coffee.
A Happy Hand
By alternating documentary with fiction, a portrait is drawn of Peter van Straaten, eminent draughtsman of political cartoons, the long-term Parool serial Agnes and a countless series of painfully comical sketches of everyday life. Interviews with Van Straaten - outside, at home and at work - smoothly merge with dramatised excerpts from Agnes (played by people like Renée Fokker, Pierre Bokma and Hans Kesting). 'That's me, dressed up as a woman', he says about this creation. The camera peeks over his shoulder when Van Straaten makes his black-and-white drawings with pen and ink. His humour is harsh; he draws people in all their spinelessness, sadness and dishonesty, with a remarkable eye to facial expressions and postures. Through his drawings and stories, he also talks about his personal experiences with alcohol, relationships, family, health and sex - and his lifelong love for birds in the open field.
Юный Кеес
Амстердам, 1895 год. У 12-летнего Кееса Бейклса тяжело болен отец. Спасаясь от мрачной реальности, мальчик все больше склонен к фантазиям. Ведь там, в своем воображении, он может лихо спасти свою сверстницу, останавливая экипаж лошадей, там можно победить в поединке учителя по фехтованию и уметь виртуозно играть на скрипке, и там возможно стать богатым и знаменитым, что поможет спасти обувную лавку отца от банкротства. Но отец умирает, и Кеес наконец понимает, что только он сам может позаботиться о себе и своей матери..
Harrie de Haringman
По роману Анни Шмидт. Журналист Тибе начинает публиковать в местной газете сенсационные разоблачающие статьи. Через некоторое время выяснилось, что всю информацию он узнавал от Мурли — девушки с душой кошки. Однажды Мурли выпила загадочное зелье и превратилась в хорошенькую девушку с кошачьими повадками. Она пришла жить к Тибе, истала ему поставлять сенсационные новости, которые узнавала от всех котов округи.
Jan Maan
Отец, судебный пристав Дребенхабен, человек замкнутый, немногословный и безжалостный, один раз переспал со своей служанкой, и через какое-то время та объявила ему о беременности. Предложение о браке он сделал в такой форме, что та не просто ему отказала, но и зарядилась ненавистью до конца дней своих, распространив это чувство в какой-то степени и на сына Якова Катадреффе. Фильм начинается с того, что Якова обвиняют в убийстве родителя, а далее от лица Якова следует рассказ о его жизни, объясняющий суть патологического конфликта, вызванного гордыней и жутким "характером", в чем-то передавшимся от папы к сыну.
Punk Lawyer
A young Amsterdam lawyer seems to be doing well, but occasionally he is overwhelmed by an unstoppable need for booze. During one of his delirious episodes, he witnesses the death of a squatter at a police station. Worried about his career, he hesitates to speak out.
Aletta Jacobs, Het Hoogste Streven
C.V. Gerritsen
Винсент и Тео
Andries Bonger
В центре сюжета художник Винсент Ван Гог и его брат — Тео, на чьих трех письмах и основана эта история.
Lily Was Here
Lily works as a checkout girl at the local supermarket. She becomes pregnant, but before the child is born, the black father is attacked by skinheads and killed. Following his death, she flees to the city, where she soon finds herself under the wings of a pimp, Ted. Escaping Ted, she commences a one-woman spree of thefts, culminating in running from the police and the press. In the end, Lily must make a choice between freedom, and her baby.