Lori Nelson

Lori Nelson

Рождение : 1933-08-15, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Смерть : 2020-08-23


Lori Nelson was an American actress born in Santa Fe, New Mexico on August 15, 1933. She began as a performer, dancing at the young age of 4, as well as winning a Little Miss America title. Many of her early auditions were unsuccessful. However, in 1952, she made it into her first role as Marjie Baile in Bend of the River. Many of her roles were large, but were mostly in 1950s B-movies. Today, she is acting sparingly, most recently in The Naked Monster. She costarred with Barbara Eden in the series How to Marry a Millionaire (1957–1959). However, she also had a well-remembered role as Mara, the Mayor's daughter, opposite Van Johnson (who played two roles) in the 1957 made-for-TV musical film The Pied Piper of Hamelin, a motion picture which premiered on NBC and then went on to be syndicated and shown annually on local television stations. Description above from the Wikipedia article Lori Nelson, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Lori Nelson
Lori Nelson
Lori Nelson


The Naked Monster
Dr. Helen Dobson
Using soundtracks and extensive footage from many old movies, this spoof/homage of 1950's science-fiction films brings back many favorite actors from these classic movies, some reprising their former roles, to help destroy a giant stop-motion monster that is threatening to destroy Los Angeles.
Back to the Black Lagoon: A Creature Chronicle
Documentary about the making of and legacy of The Creature from the Black Lagoon included in The Legacy Collection box set.
Mom, Can I Keep Her?
Timmy Blair has the usual twelve-year-old's share of problems: his father is too busy at work, his new stepmother loads him with chores, and school life is as difficult as ever. When a furry friend follows him home from school, Timmy is delighted. There's only one problem. His new-found buddy is a 500 pound gorilla
Secret Sins of the Father
Mrs. Lieber
Louis (Lloyd Bridges) is a farmer in small-town Nebraska. All seems well in his quiet life until the town's spiteful sheriff, Tom (Beau Bridges), who is also Louis' son, unexpectedly charges Louis with the murder of his mother. Louis knows he's innocent and thinks that his son is merely out to get him because he's been having a heated affair with Tom's former lover. Can father and son put their bad blood aside for the sake of the family? Or will Tom's vengeance prevail?
The Pied Piper of Hamelin
The singing, rhyming citizens of Hamelin hope to win a competition with rival towns for royal recognition. To this end, the mayor outlaws play (which is a bit hard on the children) and refuses to help a rival town when it's flooded. But rats (seen only as shadows), fleeing the flood, invade Hamelin in droves; a magical piper, whose music only children (and rats) can hear, strikes a bargain...which, once the rats are gone, the Mayor and council renege on, to their subsequent regret.
Outlaw's Son
Lila Costain
A young boy grows to adulthood believing his father was the man responsible for a murder committed during a bank robbery.
Untamed Youth
Jane Lowe
Sisters Jane and Penny are arrested for hitchhiking on their way to Los Angeles when they stop for a quick skinny dip in a rural town. Local agricultural magnate Tropp is a sponsor for a local prison work program and the women get put in the fields to work off their sentence. Tropp is dating the widowed judge in order to ensure a stable supply of cheap labor in order to undercut his competition. The prisoners suffer ill treatment, but the judge's son has signed on as a hired hand and begins to figure out the scam as he begins falling in love with Jane, and Penny dreams of making it big in showbiz.
Carol Kingsley
Rich momma's boy Wade Kingsley Jr. an Eastern dude, tries to follow in his murdered father's footsteps by returning to the West to partner up with Slim Moseley Jr.,the son of his father's former partner. Wade overcomes Slim's initial reluctance to accept him by using his fortune to buy a prize cow and new car to help Slim in his job as foreman on the Kingsley family ranch, currently under siege by a gang of outlaws called "masked raiders." Wade generously tries to pay off the ranch's mortgage with $15,000 of his own money, but unfortunately neither "pardner" realizes that respected banker Dan Hollis, the son of their fathers' murderer, is the leader of the gang.
Hot Rod Girl
Lisa Vernon
After his kid brother is killed in a street race, a champion drag-racer quits racing. However, a new kid comes to town determined to force him back into racing so he can take his title--and he's already taken his girlfriend.When his younger brother, Steve, is killed racing a hot-rod, Jeff Northup blames himself for the accident since he had built the car for his brother and had encouraged him to race it, with other boys on a special course provided by police detective Ben Merrill, who is working to reduce the city's hot-rod fatalities by providing supervision for the dangerous hobby. Jeff withdraws from participating in races on Merrill's course and, without his leadership, reverts to racing on the streets. "Bronc" Talbott, a newcomer, makes a play for Jeff's girlfriend, Lisa Vernon. Eventually, the taunting-Talbott forces Jeff into a race which results in the death of a bicycling child, and evidence seems to indicate Jeff was at fault.
Cynthia Stanhope
An artist working in a remote army post is juggling the storekeeper's daughter, his fiancée newly arrived from the east, and the Indian Chief's daughter. But when a vengeful settler manages to get the army and the braves at each other's throats his troubles really begin.
День, когда Земле пришел конец
Louise Madison
В преддверии ядерного апокалипсиса Джим успел соорудить надёжное убежище и заготовить достаточное количество провизии, так что после катастрофы ему и его близким оставалось только дождаться, пока уменьшится радиационное загрязнение. Однако с появлением новой парочки уцелевших, а также мутанта, объявившегося в близлежащем лесу, их выживание оказалось под вопросом.
I Died a Thousand Times
After aging criminal Roy Earle is released from prison he decides to pull one last heist before retiring — by robbing a resort hotel.
Sincerely Yours
Sarah Cosgrove
He dazzled America for decades with his musical artistry. Now fans as well as those curious about this exciting entertainer’s unique appeal can relive the Liberace magic in his only starring film, Sincerely Yours. In a poignant story scripted by Irving Wallace, Liberace plays a concert pianist threatened by deafness. Plunged into despair, he finds escape from personal sorrow by secretly involving himself in the problems of strangers. Liberace touches the heart and delights the ear with sparkling renditions of 31 selections from Chopin to Chopsticks. Along the way he romances Joanne Dru and Dorothy Malone, trades barbs with old pro William Demarest and in a warmly humorous nightclub scene, pokes fun at his own image as the 1950s matinee idol of the little-old-lady set. From beginning to end, Sincerely Yours perfectly captures the charisma and sheer musicality of the legendary Mr. Showmanship.
Месть Твари
Helen Dobson
Пойманного в джунглях Амазонки монстра транспортируют во Флориду и делают из него экспонат местного аквариума. Однако чудовище слишком жаждет крови и свободы, чтобы его можно было удержать взаперти.
Ma and Pa Kettle at Waikiki
Rosie Kettle
Ma and Pa, along with daughter Rosie, go off to Hawaii in answer to cousin Rodney's call for help running his pineapple farm while he recovers from an illness. Pa soon causes a major explosion and gets himself kidnapped.
Под водой!
Два друга-дайвера, Ричард и Доминик, осуществляя погружение в Карибском море, обнаруживают на дне испанское судно 17-го века. Вернувшись в город они нанимают яхту и, прихватив с собой подруг Терезу (Джейн Расселл) и Глорию, отправляются в опасное путешествие, на поиски сокровищ затонувшего галеона.
Заместитель шерифа Дестри
Martha Phillips
Небольшой пограничный городок находится под контролем безжалостного босса мафии Дэкера и его приспешников. После того, как местный шериф погибает при загадочных обстоятельствах, Дэкер устраивает так, чтобы новым шерифом назначили местного пьяницу, думая, что от него не будет проблем. Но новый шериф нанимает Тома Дестри, сын известного шерифа, своим заместителем, чтобы вершить правосудие…
Walking My Baby Back Home
Claire Millard
A young man from a wealthy New York family pursues a career as the leader of a dance band.
Laura Saunders
Jim Harvey is hired to guard a small wagon train as it makes its way west. The train is attacked by Indians and Harvey, hoping to persuade Aguila, the chief, to call off the attack due to Harvey's having saved his son's life, leaves the train to negotiate. He is captured and the rest of the train is wiped out except for two sisters. Escaping and showing up in town later, Harvey is nearly hanged as a deserter, but gets away. Eventually caught by the sheriff and his posse, they are attacked by Indians. This time the Indians are defeated and Aguila, captured and dying, reveals the identity of the white man who engineered the initial attack on the wagon train, just as the perpetrator rides up behind them.
The All American
Sharon Wallace
A family tragedy causes a college football quarterback to re-think his goals in life.
Все, чего я желаю
Lily Murdoch
Наоми Мердок давным-давно бросила детей и мужа и покинула родной город. Сделать это ее заставила роковая страсть к другому мужчине — сознавая, что тайна скоро станет достоянием общественности, Наоми без объяснений оставляет семью. Возвращается она по просьбе дочери, которая заканчивает школу и мечтает, чтобы мать увидела ее первое серьезное выступление на сцене. Наоми приезжает, и драматическая ситуация, ставшая когда-то причиной ее бегства, повторяется.
Francis Goes to West Point
Barbara Atwood
Francis the talking mule gets his owner in and out of trouble while he is taking basic training at West Point.
Излучина реки
Marjie Baile
Пятидесятые года XIX века. При сопровождении каравана фургонов через горы, через прерии в Портленд, в поисках новой жизни Глен МакЛинток спасает от линчевания Эмерсона Коула, подозреваемого в краже скота. Благодарный Коул помогает Глену и его друзьям отбить неожиданную атаку индейцев, так они становятся друзьями.
Ma and Pa Kettle at the Fair
Rosie Kettle
Ma and Pa are trying to raise enough money at the county fair to send their daughter Rosie to college. Ma competes in baking and Pa enters a trotter in a horse race, while Rosie takes up with handsome young Marvin Johnson.