Barbara Archer


Up the Junction
A young woman trades her upper-class existence for a new life in an economically depressed suburb of London.
Эскадрилья 633
Rosie, barmaid at the Black Swan Inn
Действие происходит в 1944 году. Летчики британской эскадрильи 633 получают опасное задание уничтожить сильнозащищенный оружейный завод нацистов в Норвегии.
Devil's Bait
Switchboard Operator
The police, with the help of a baker, try to find the owner a loaf of bread accidentally poisoned with potassium cyanide.
Ветеран Второй мировой войны, страдающий частичной потерей памяти, обвиняется своим бывшим сослуживцем в самозванстве...
In the Wake of a Stranger
An unfortunate sailor gets implicated in a murder he never committed. After a bookie is murdered, the sailor is caught in an ever-tightening vice that would trap him as the killer unless he can clear himself. Along the way to struggling free and tracking down the real culprits, several unsavory characters cross his path as well as a rather interesting woman who sets romantic sparks flying.
Model for Murder
Betty Costard
An American officer scours Britain in search of his dead brother's girlfriend and becomes involved in a jewel heist.
Джонатан Харкер прибывает в замок Дракулы с намерением убить легендарного вампира, но ему это не удаётся, более того — он сам превращается в вампира и погибает от руки Ван Хельсинга. Тем временем Дракула объявляется в родном городе Харкера и начинает преследовать его возлюбленную.
Strangers' Meeting
Rosie Foster
A fateful Stranger's Meeting leads to a maelstrom of crime, deception and murder in this 64-minute British programmer. The beautiful Delphi Lawrence heads a stellar cast, including such reliables as Victor Maddern, Norman Rossington, Conrad Phillips and Reginald Hearne. The plot centers around acrobat Peter Arne, falsely accused of murder. Escaping from the authorities, Arne hides out in a rustic inn, allowing first-time director (and former cinematographer) Robert Day ample opportunity for dark, menacing shadows and sinister underlighting. The genuine murderer is revealed just seconds before the culprit's death. Stranger's Meeting was held back from release until Robert Day's "official" directorial debut, The Green Man, had made the rounds.
Дорога без конца
Shop Girl
По роману Д. Арси Найленда «Обуза» о бродячей жизни австралийского рабочего Маколея и его маленькой дочери Бастер, которые в поисках куска хлеба бродят по стране.
The Good Companions
The story revolves around the Dinky Doos, a provincial musical troupe living from hand to mouth.
The Passionate Stranger
Doris (uncredited)
Judith Wynter is a happily married novelist whose romantic works are eagerly devoured by scores of female readers. When Carlo, a handsome young Italian chauffeur, arrives to work for Judith and her husband, a professor currently recovering from an attack of paralysis, he causes quite a flutter; when he then reads the manuscript of Judith's latest novel, he jumps to a rather unfortunate conclusion... and life in the Wynter household becomes very complicated indeed!
The Feminine Touch
Nurse Jenkins
Following a group of five very different student nurses during their first year of training at an NHS hospital in London called St. Augustine’s Hospital (filmed at Guy's Hospital), where they live in a dormitory. Susan (Belinda Lee) is reliable and sensible; Pat (Delphi Lawrence) is flighty and open; Maureen (Adrienne Corri) is Irish and loud; Ann (Henryetta Edwards) is a typical public school girl; and Liz (Barbara Archer) comes from a typical working class background. As they get to know each other, they bond in spite of their differences.
Козлёнок за два гроша
Madam Rita's Workroom Girl (uncredited)
Мама маленького Джо работает в ателье господина Кандинского швеёй, и Джо иногда бывает у неё на работе. Они кое-как сводят концы с концами на мамину зарплату, но в их бедном квартале есть соседи, которые даже голодают. Джо не знает, как помочь всем этим людям и маме, но очень хочет этого. Кандинский однажды говорил ему, что любое желание человека может исполнить только единорог из сказки. Джо покупает на свои сбережения маленького козлёнка, у которого по-особенному растут рожки. Он решил вырастить собственного единорога…
Jumping for Joy
At the racetrack, cleaner, Willy Joy is tricked into buying Lindy Lou, a useless greyhound, who's not too healthy either. While getting the dog back in shape, Willy crosses paths with a gang of crooks who's specialty is fixing the races with doped dogs.