Peter Carrodus


Wog Boys Forever
Steve is still single and working as a taxi driver. Brianna Beagle-Thorpe, the Minister for Immigration, hatches a plan with her brother to exact their revenge on Steve for destroying their late mother Raelene's political career.
Певица на всю голову
У каждой девушки есть заветная мечта. Милли занимается управлением фондами, но мечтает совсем о другом — стать певицей. Она решает оставить нелюбимую работу и своего бойфренда, чтобы стать ученицей оперной дивы Меган Джеффри-Бишоп, живущей в глубинке Шотландии. Та соглашается обучать героиню пению, предупредив, что это будет истинное страдание. Но Милли готова пойти на всё, лишь бы оказаться на большой сцене.
Великолепный мистер Данди
История об актере Поле Хогане, знаменитом Крокодиле Данди, который должен получить награду за вклад в комедийный жанр. Его агент просит Пола не делать никаких глупостей и ничего не испортить до проведения церемонии, однако, несмотря на это, за следующие шесть недель имя и репутация актёра будут полностью уничтожены.
Celeste is a renowned opera diva who retired early for the man she loved to live on a crumbling and beautiful estate in the heart of a rainforest in Far North Queensland. Ten years after the tragic death of her husband, Mateos, in a boating accident, Celeste is set to return to the stage for her final performance. Her husband’s son Jack, still haunted by the past, arrives amidst the preparations for the performance and finds Celeste is as he remembered – beautiful, intoxicating and dangerous. Celeste wants Jack to stay at the estate, but needs him to perform one last request.
Winter at Westbeth
In New York's West Village, the elderly residents of a unique artist community continue to question, challenge and create as though there is no tomorrow.
Looking for Grace
When rebellious 16-year-old Grace takes off, her exasperated mum and dad enlist the help of a close-to-retirement detective, and begin the long drive from Perth out to the West Australian wheatbelt to try to find her. On the journey, the two must confront the realities of their changing relationship to one another, and to their daughter…
Бешеные гонки
Бывший гонщик работает инструктором по вождению. Однажды он становится невольным соучастником преступления — один из его учеников оказывается вором, который прямо во время их занятий грабит банк, а затем насильно заставляет инструктора быть его водителем…
Dangerous Remedy
The ABC telemovie event Dangerous Remedy tells the fascinating story of Dr Bertram Wainer. Living and working in Melbourne in the 1960s, Dr Wainer put his life at risk to expose police corruption in an effort to change the law on abortion and put an end to the illegal operations that were killing young women. It’s a truly inspiring story. Dr Wainer’s determination, even when his own life and that of his family’s was threatened, never faltered. He was living proof that one person can make a difference and change the status quo. With the support of Dr Wainer’s family, the filmmakers have endeavoured to capture the essence of his struggle to expose police corruption and change the law.
Чарли и Бутс
Отец и сын путешествуют от Виктории до Кейп-Йорка, чтобы осуществить своё заветное желание покинуть северный край Австралии.
Big Reef
A story of romance and humour set in Australia's far North East. Former journalist Tom Stopple escapes Brisbane and heads north to find himself immersed in a world of immense beauty, bounty hunting and a three-way fight for the girl of his dreams.
Странная парочка
Однажды пожарный Вине узнает, что в законодательстве есть пункт, предусматривающий снижение налогов для пар нестандартной сексуальной ориентации. Загоревшись идеей сэкономить немалые деньги, он предлагает своему приятелю Ральфу сделать вид, что они живут вместе и таким образом уйти от налогов. Идея хороша до тек пор, пока сообщники не узнают, что они должны убедить в своей «нестандартности» налогового инспектора. На что пойдут находчивые друзья?
Тухлые яйца
Бен Киннер и Майк Пэддок — детективы элитного подразделения «Ноль» полиции Мельбурна. Когда странным образом убивают местного чиновника, они неожиданно попадают на страницы местных газет, но Бен с Майком продолжают исполнять свои обязанности полицейских. Бен обнаруживает странную связь между убийством и темными делишками босса местного казино, и друзья решают, что они больше не могут закрывать глаза на коррупцию, разъедающую их коллег…
When two medical students find themselves dangerously indebted to a sadistic loan shark, they become embroiled in an illicit black-market organ transplant scam in order to save their lives. 'Muggers' is a twisted, hilarious, pitch-black comedy about friendship, poor choices and the drag of student debt.
Dogwoman: Dead Dog Walking
Margaret O'Halloran is a dog trainer with a unique talent and a nose for a mystery. Now an old lady has been savaged to death, her faithful dog is the prime suspect. But Margaret smells a murderer of the two legged variety.
Dogwoman: A Grrrl's Best Friend
An eco-bomber is terrorizing the city. Margaret O'Halloran and Kelty are called in to assist only to discover that the bomber could be Margaret's idealistic younger cousin.
Two Girls and a Baby
Catherine and Liz want to have a baby - well, Catherine does anyway. Doesn't she realize this will change everything? Probably not. Spending hours on the phone with the sperm bank doesn't leave a lot of time to think about family matters. A humorous drama dealing with the current debate on the very real issue of gay and lesbian couples starting families, IVF programs and the evolving community attitudes towards these changes. A buoyant and entertaining journey through dial-up sperm banks, relationships and baby clothes.
Mr Reliable
All Wally Mellish, an ex-convict in 1960s Australia, wants to do is live a quiet life with his girlfriend Beryl. Unfortunately when two police officers come around to disturb this, a misunderstanding quickly becomes out of control, resulting Wally, Beryl and her child being trapped in their house, surrounded by armed police under the impression that Wally is holding everyone hostage. Events quickly spiral into a media circus as, through the siege, Wally - inadvertently - manages to become a symbol for the anti-war movement.
Lawyer Jeff Warren takes over a compensation case after the sudden death of one of his legal partners. His subsequent investigations, and growing obsession with the enigmatic Ellen Fielding, compromise his values and his view of himself as a winner. His attempts to solve the complex intrigues lead him to be accused of the murder of Ellen's husband, Harry, and even his longtime partner and friend, Alison, finds it difficult to believe that he is innocent. His moral dilemma leads him into a final graphic confrontation, with unexpected results.
Five teens get stuck in the basement in an attempt to see the Beatles in a local hotel.
The Big Steal
Danny wants two things in life more than anything else, one is a Jaguar and the other is Joanna Johnson. After he is conned into trading his Nissan Cedric for a 1973 Jaguar, he plots to win Joanna and get revenge against the sleazy car dealer Gordon Farkes.