Janne 'Loffe' Carlsson

Janne 'Loffe' Carlsson

Рождение : 1937-03-12, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden

Смерть : 2017-08-31


Janne 'Loffe' Carlsson


Stall-Erik and the Snapphans
Stall-Erik och snapphanarna is a Swedish film project that began filming in 1996 with a preliminary premiere in 2025. Director, producer and lead actor is Anders Olofsson. Olofsson is entirely responsible for the financing of the project and the casting.
På palmblad och rosor
Proppen Oskarsson
Real estate broker Oskarsson visits a cabin deep in the woods. There he finds a bedridden and mute old woman who seems well cared for. There has recently been a fire in the stove, there is food in the fridge, but no trace of who cares for her.
Who Pulled the Plug? 3
Janne Andersson
Years after winning a race down the Göta Canal, life for a family of shipbuilders gets complicated when they get entangled with the mafia.
Rally Chicks
Redaktör Melin
Follows two girls living in Sweden in the 1960s who both dream about becoming rally drivers.
Persona non grata
A young woman is trying to clean up her past. A senior citizen who live a simple and quiet life, is suddenly pulled into a conflict.
Who Pulled the Plug? 2
Janne Andersson
Andersson's boatyard remains after 25 years, still chased by the same stringent, but misfortuned debt collector. TV producer Vonna Jigert wants Andersson to compete against an Italian company and their boat Fortuna in a race on Göta Kanal – live on TV. The race is broadcasted as a reality show. Same gangly canoer like 25 years ago also has a canoeing vacation on the canal when the race starts.
All it Takes is a Miracle
He refuses to accept charity and he does his morning exercise, he makes a living collecting cans and exists without a home, personal number or social control. In itself quite an achievement in today’s Sweden. The film is about this man getting one last chance as he unexpectedly receives a large amount of money. About his path to reconciliation with the people he thinks he let down thirty years ago. It’s a journey filled with temptation and ambivalence. But also one about an important friendship with a young hitchhiking girl.
По высшей воле
Лето 1975 года. Стокгольм охвачен небывалой жарой. Днем Хуан пакует фрукты в «Арстахалларна», как и его брат, который живет с ним. Вечером начинается его вторая работа — уборщиком в ресторане быстрого питания. Через неделю в Стокгольм приедет его жена, и поэтому все должно быть идеально. Недосып и угнетающая жара делает его одиночество более очевидным. Однажды рано утром его место на автобусной остановке оказывается занятым красивой женщиной Юли. После пары случайных встреч, ночные свидания с Юли становятся самой важной вещью в жизни Хуана. Если будет на то воля божья, фантазия может стать реальностью.
Strawberries with Real Milk
Rolf lived his whole life for his TV-show. He's neglected the people close to him year after year; he never seemed to have any time left over for his wife, his kids or his friends. One day Rolf learns that the TV-network that he so devotedly worked for is now aiming for a younger audience and his show is terminated. His life crumbles. Suddenly he finds himself contacting friends and relatives he left behind a long time ago and the people Rolf meet lead him to events that forever changes his life.
Viking Larsson
A recently separated ladies' magazine reporter, a young couple who are in love, an unfaithful but jealous crane driver, a longing father and his unknowing daughter, the home coming fisherman's son who seeks reconciliation with his parents, the farmer who thirsts for tenderness. We meet them all in Svenska hjältar, a modern saga about the chipped heroes of everyday life.
A movie by Jon Lindström
Är du inte riktigt fisk?
Big Business
Gösta Eriksson, a hairdresser, buys a car from used-car dealer Bertil Planåker. But Gösta soon discovers that the car is a wreck. Planåker won't give him his money back, in fact he denies ever having seen Gösta. Gösta's brother Rolle is released from prison and promises to help him. They form an investment company, Parabola, and convinces Planåker to invest a lot of money in it. Planåker has a lot of shady business colleagues who also invest their money. Gösta's and Rolle's scam becomes much bigger than they had bargained for.
Big Business
Gösta Eriksson, a hairdresser, buys a car from used-car dealer Bertil Planåker. But Gösta soon discovers that the car is a wreck. Planåker won't give him his money back, in fact he denies ever having seen Gösta. Gösta's brother Rolle is released from prison and promises to help him. They form an investment company, Parabola, and convinces Planåker to invest a lot of money in it. Planåker has a lot of shady business colleagues who also invest their money. Gösta's and Rolle's scam becomes much bigger than they had bargained for.
Big Business
Gösta Eriksson, a hairdresser, buys a car from used-car dealer Bertil Planåker. But Gösta soon discovers that the car is a wreck. Planåker won't give him his money back, in fact he denies ever having seen Gösta. Gösta's brother Rolle is released from prison and promises to help him. They form an investment company, Parabola, and convinces Planåker to invest a lot of money in it. Planåker has a lot of shady business colleagues who also invest their money. Gösta's and Rolle's scam becomes much bigger than they had bargained for.
The Smuggler King
Albert Jansson
It's the early 20s, just after World War I. In Sweden, restrictions on alcohol are harder than most people like and so, smuggling is abundant. In this particular little town, smuggling is ruled by one man, who is the king of smugglers. The smugglers who work for him don't get to keep much of the profit themselves, but if they don't work for him, they get in trouble, which his henchmen make sure. However, Albert Jansson arrives in town and starts taking up the competition with the smuggler king. Meanwhile, the police, together the customs office, try to catch the smugglers.
Sköna juveler
In a dystopian future two private detectives try to find a stolen bracelet.
Pettersson is a hard working director in the porn industry with two strippers and a naked gay in his shows. One day, after a little bridge accident, he meets Henrietta and falls in love. The film is based on a novel named "Henrietta skall du också glömma" by Stig Claesson.
One-Week Bachelors
Gary's wife goes away for a week and Gary expects a week of hard work at the office. After having left her at the airport, he misses the bus. But the car mechanic Lasse gives him a ride. Although they are unlike each other, they get to know each other. Gary makes a mess of everything and can't avoid Lasse.
Who Pulled the Plug?
Janne Andersson
To secure an order for 1 000 cruise ships from an Arab prince, two companies have to compete by racing each other by canal from Stockholm to Gothenburg. A small family owned company on the brink of bankruptcy is pitted against their major competitor and they both have to resort to dirty tricks in order to reach the goal line first. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Erik Gyttorp
Satire showing what can happen when a charismatic but unknown person gets a chance to share their political views in a TV programme.
Sverige åt svenskarna
This farce cocerns Sweden's King Gustav (Per Oscarsson who plays all the lead roles). The royal monarchs of three major European countries are patiently or not-so-patiently hovering on the sidelines while watching the future King Gustav closely. No single king appears to possess the brains he was born with, so history seems to be made by default, as it were. Gustav does blunder around, but not enough to miss being crowned king. As a result, France, England, and Germany invade Sweden hoping to take by force what they could not gain by incompetence.
The Call-up
Oskar Löfgren
It's time for Jonsson to return to his old regiment to rehearse what he learned during conscription a few years ago. He meets his old friends, platoon leader Larsson and the music loving captain 'Beethoven'. Jonsson and his comrades doesn't take it very serious - but they have a jolly good time. A female journalist follows the exercise to write an article, and gets interested in him. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
The American Dream
The film depicts the events surrounding the last public executions in Sweden.
Around the World in 80 Days
The immortal story of Phileas Fogg and his servant Passepartout.
Drummer (uncredited)
Этот фильм является данью уважения к той форме искусства, что привела Тати в кино — пантомиме. Он переносит свои номера со сцены мюзик-холла, где они появились сорок лет назад, на арену цирка и сам предстаёт перед нами в образе актёра и конферансье, хозяина цирка...
Карлсон который живет на крыше
Семилетний мечтатель Малыш чувствует себя очень одиноким, ведь у него совсем нет друзей. И вот в один прекрасный день в распахнутое окно его комнаты влетает «обаятельный и в меру упитанный мужчина в самом расцвете сил» с маленьким пропеллером на спине и представляется как «лучший в мире Кар-л-с-сон». Малышу очень весело с новым другом, хотя и достается за его проделки. Но родители, старший брат и старшая сестра уверены, что Малыш просто выдумывает все эти истории про Карлсона…
Vem älskar Yngve Frej
Nisse Pettersson
A tragicomic story about rural extinction and the meeting between the local shoemaker Gustafsson and Pettersson from Stockholm.
47:an Löken Blåser På!
Niklas and the Figure
Farm Hand
Young Niklas and his friend the Figure are looking for the homeless dog for Niklas.
47:an Löken
47:an Löken and his friends get into mischief in the army.
17-летняя Лена разрывается между двумя мужчинами - молодым скромным Яном и более старшим Хельге, который постоянно ее преследует, любит садомазохистские отношения, фотографирует ее в обнаженном виде и потом шантажирует. Как-то раз, Лена сбегает из дома и путешествует автостопом. Она знакомится с раскрепощённой в сексуальном плане семейной парой и приводит их в загородный дом Яна..
Lyckliga skitar
"Blushing Charlie" - Truckdriver and bachelor Charlie meets homeless and seven months pregnant Pia. They both dream of finding someone to share their lives with. Charlie then faces a dilemma whether to take part in a demonstration in favor of Cuba, and in addition with his employer's truck.
In the fall of 1967, intermedia artists Ture Sjölander and Lars Weck collaborated with Bengt Modin, video engineer of the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation in Stockholm, to produce an experimental program called Monument. It was broadcast in January, 1968, and subsequently has been seen throughout Europe, Asia, and the United States. Apart from the technical aspect of the project, their intention was to develop a widened consciousness of the communi - cative process inherent in visual images. They selected as source material the "monuments" of world culture— images of famous persons and paintings.
The Devil's Instrument
the drummer
A jazz bassist who surveys a beautiful girl at a gig decides to try to get her home. But the devil is getting into the game too.
Anderssonskans Kalle
Anderssonskans Kalle is the typical 'Söderkis'. It's a boy growing up on Söder in Stockholm and he is very fond of practical jokes. His mother sees him as a good natured boy but his victims, mostly the local policeman and two old crones in the same house, see him as the devil himself.