Bill Sollner


Карнавал душ
Lake Zombie
Автомобильная катастрофа. Машина падает с моста в реку. В живых остается только юная Мэри Генри. Она переезжает в маленький городок и хочет начать новую жизнь в качестве органиста местной церкви. Вскоре она начинает замечать странные вещи: нормальные люди в городе, кажется, не видят ее, а приветствуют только бледнолицые типы, которые выглядят мертвыми и прогуливаются в заброшенном парке за городом.
Why Study Home Economics?
Two sisters are trying to decide which classes to take next semester. When one wants to take home economics, the other is stunned. Why should anyone need to study home economics?
This public-school educational film warns of the dangers of cheating. John Taylor is struggling with his algebra course, and convinces his friend Mary to show him her answers during the tests. But when he is caught, his reputation among his fellow students, along with his student-council seat, is put in jeopardy.
The Outsider
Susan, a pretty high school student, has everything going for her—except popularity. She can't figure out why she is so "out of step" with the rest of the crowd. She finally comes to realize that her habit of "hanging back" and "not trying to fit in" is making her unpopular. She vows to change her ways and go along with the crowd, which means that people will like her.