Charmion King

Рождение : 1925-07-25, Toronto, Canada

Смерть : 2007-01-06


Убийство в чужом городе
Lady on the Train
Лихо распрощавшись с прошлым, Клэр покидает Монреаль, надеясь обрести счастье в Торонто. Совершенно не зная английского, растерянная искательница приключений не догадывается, что с первых же минут в новом, чужом городе она невольно стала главным героем безумной аферы с бриллиантами и жестокими убийцами-контрабандистами. Вездесущей полиции и безжалостной мафии очень не нравится загадочная Клэр, и они заставят ее отвечать за чужие грехи, если она срочно не возьмет ситуацию в свои руки.
Jackie, Ethel, Joan: The Women of Camelot
Rose Kennedy
They were more than Washington wives. They were part of an American dream known as Camelot. With strength and cunning they upheld their public image by concealing their private truths. Jackie, Ethel and Joan had little choice. They were Kennedy women. What really unfolded behind the monolith of Kennedy power is revealed for the first time: the true story of the Kennedy reign told through the eyes of the three women who lived it.
Last Night
Various citizens of Toronto anxiously await the end of the world, which is occurring at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Day.
Broken Lullaby
Natalia Rostova
Rich Hungarian-born orphan Katya Davidov commissions Jordan Kirkland to research her past starting from a photograph, showing her as a child next to an elusive Fabergé music box. Luckily experienced Yankee-Hungarian treasure hunter and womanizer Nick Rostov gently forces his help upon her, although Jordan stubbornly risks dealing with his dodgy competitor Gudrun Kuper and her ruthless employer, count Borodin.
Shadow Dancing
Grace Meyerhoff
Jess, a struggling dancer, is trying out for a part in a musical about Medusa. As she practices, the director notices how much she resembles his former lover, a ballerina who died in a bizarre on-stage accident while performing the exact same dance that Jess is doing. As more unexplainable coincidences surround the production, someone or something must be behind them all. But who? Or what?
Энн из Зеленых крыш
Aunt Josephine
История о девочке-сироте, удочерённой пожилыми братом и сестрой. Наделённая пылким воображением, Энн постоянно попадает в какие-то переделки, но природное обаяние и умение располагать к себе людей всегда помогают ей с достоинством пройти все жизненные испытания.
Don't Let the Angels Fall
The lives of a businessman and his family begin to spiral downward after he has an affair at an insurance convention.
Nobody Waved Goodbye
Mary Marke, Peter's Mother
18 year-old Peter lives with his parents in a middle-class Toronto suburb and rebels constantly against their imposed middle-class goals and conventions and the materialist values they represent. He constantly mocks and belittles his family with his only real ally being his girlfriend Julie. Peter's relationship with his parents reaches its boiling point when he borrows his father's new car without permission and is left by him to spend the night in jail after Peter is arrested for reckless driving. Peter runs away from home and moves into a rooming house, and eventually gets a shady job as a parking attendant. His relationship with Julie becomes exponentially more complicated and he finally realizes that being alone in the real world is much harder than he ever imagined.