Þórunn Magnea Magnúsdóttir


Успешный кардиохирург Финнур наслаждается жизнью благополучного европейца, чья жизнь — перманентная зона комфорта. У него хорошая работа, огромный особняк, а всё свободное время он проводит, занимаясь велоспортом. Выйти из этой зоны комфорта ему придётся, когда он узнает, что его старшая дочь ведёт асоциальный образ жизни: не учится, не работает, а папины деньги тратит на наркотики. Финнур решает наказать тех, кто затащил его дочь на социальное дно. И никакая клятва Гиппократа не остановит обезумевшего врача...
Lolita #5
Ex-family man, avid womanizer, heavy-drinking, parliamentarian, Leifur, is forced to go into rehab by his political rival, following a well publicized art exhibition brawl. Full of denial, Leifur throws a party before checking in, but when it´s time to leave – very few do, turning the night into an adventure exclusively for those old enough to vote.
The tragicomic story of lone rebel Boddi Steingrimsson who lives in a small town in Northern Iceland. Boddi hates materialistic modern society in its entirety and on his blog-page he comically criticizes everything and everyone. Before long he has become an outlaw in his own hometown, just like his viking hero, Grettir. After a series of dramatic mishaps, he snaps and goes riding down south to the big city on his sturdy steed Nietzsche. He's got a gun in his pocket. He's ready for the revolution.
Глава семьи, в которой случилось страшное несчастье - смерть пятилетней дочери из-за генетической мутации её мозга - пытается найти корень зла. Параллельно инспектор Эрлендур отыскивает спрятанную в квартире убитого пожилого мужчины фотографию могилы умершей тринадцать лет назад маленькой девочки и идёт по следу.
The Dance
Móðir Haraldar
Águst Guðmundsson directed this Icelandic period drama, adapted from the short story We Must Dance by William Heinesen, and set on an island in 1913. Pétur (Gunnar Helgason) narrates, recalling the days when mainlanders arrived for a wedding. Flirtatious Sirsa (Pálína Jónsdottir) marries Harald (Dofri Hermannsson), son of a wealthy landowner on the island. Offshore, a ship is sinking, so the men form a rescue party, returning with the captain, the engineer, and several sailors. With a storm gathering, the engineer dies. The clergyman requests an end to the festivities as a mark of respect. Sirsa protests, but her new husband brings the celebration to a halt. The group then fragments into different activities, drunken or otherwise, and the sensual Sirsa directs her attention toward the handsome Ívar (Baldur Trausti Hreinsson). The film's score features traditional folk music.
the Colours of the earth
Mummi, a sixteen year old farmers son falls in love with Sigrún, but when it comes to love, Mummi has no experience and thus must figure it out for himself.
Conquering insecurity is easier said than done. Icelanders Eva and Vidar find out the hard way, as they take their relationship to the next level.