Max's Father
When Kelly and Max, two 13-year olds from widely different social backgrounds, form an unlikely alliance and take off in Max's father's Ferrari for an illegal trip to Brighton. On the way they discover more about life and each other than they had bargained for.
Советский танцовщик Николай Родченко бежит на Запад, надеясь обрести там свободу. Но однажды случается так, что самолет, в котором танцовщик летел над территорией СССР, сажают на военный аэродром, и Николай вновь попадает «домой».
Его начинают усиленно обрабатывать, чтобы он «добровольно» остался на социалистической родине. Николай совершает новую отчаянную попытку побега.
Colonel Crichton
Many incarnations of the Doctors and their old companions are taken out of time and deposited in the Death Zone on Gallifrey. There, they must battle the Master, Daleks, Cybermen and Yeti in order to reach the Dark Tower and discover the Tomb of Rassilon.
Rusty Regan
Фильм снят по роману Рэймонда Чендлера. Частного сыщика Марлоу нанимает престарелый генерал, которого шантажируют. Как это обычно и бывает, из одного дела постепенно вырастают несколько, каждое со своим трупом...
A group of gold-skinned aliens known as the Axons land on Earth and offer wondrous technology in exchange for fuel. The Doctor, however, isn't fooled, uncovering the Axons' true nature and once again facing his archenemy the Master...
David Talbot
A young woman's highly ordered and structured life is turned upside-down when she meets a handsome stranger at a party. Friendship soon develops into romance and for the first time in her life she is truly happy. This happiness is short lived, however, as little by little she discovers her partner has been lying to her about his past. It is soon revealed that he and his friends have been planning to rob the auction house that she works for and they require her inside knowledge in order to pull off the crime.
Lt Carstairs
The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe arrive on an unnamed planet. At first believing themselves in the midst of World War I, they realise it to be one of many War Zones overseen by the War Lords, who have kidnapped large numbers of human soldiers to form the greatest army the universe has ever seen. At the helm of this plot is the War Chief, another renegade Time Lord like the Doctor. The creeping realisation sets in that the Doctor cannot solve this problem alone, and that his days of wandering may be at an end...
Job Anderson
Based on Robert Louis Stevenson's novel.