Cassie Nova
A valuable necklace has gone missing, and Harry Knuckles, AKA Special Agent Spanish Fly, is on the case. But getting his hirsute hands on the prize isn't going to be easy for the diminutive dynamo. There's more to this case than meets the eye. Armed with a lethal arsenal of kung-fu moves, a hair-trigger temper, a fistful of moxie and a seemingly endless supply of potassium-rich bananas, Harry's ready to knuckle up against any and all comers.
Wresting Girl #2 / Praetorius' Patient #2
Иисус Христос спускается на грешную землю, чтобы с помощью своих навыков в боевых искусствах одолеть разбушевавшихся в Канаде вампиров.
Opening credits girl #2
Harry Knuckles (code name Spanish Fly) must stop his nemesis who has kidnapped his daughter and poisoned her. Harry and his partner, Santo must find the serum that can save her and stop the ancient Aztec Mummy and it's evil zombies that pursue.
Mock trailer for the fictional grindhouse kung-fu Mexploitation action epic "Harry Knuckles."