Patrick Tam

Patrick Tam

Рождение : 1969-03-19, Hongkong, China


Patrick Tam (Chinese: 譚耀文; born 19 March 1969) is a Hong Kong actor and singer.


Patrick Tam


Cyber Heist
Kwok plays a cyber security engineer who develops an AI programme with the potential to disable the region’s entire networks, but then has to prevent it falling into the wrong hands.
Where the Wind Blows
Yim Hung
In the 70's, Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption(HKICAC) was founded. The mission to hunt down corrupted detectives unveiled a new chapter of the colonial Hong Kong. Lui Lok (Aaron Kwok) and Nam Kong (Tony Leung) who used to be two rightous police officers wanted to change the status quo. They built an empire of corruption by controlling organized crimes and eventually took the position of Chief Chinese Detective. However, power struggle has always been the cause of chaos between the triad and police. Lui Lok’s wife, Tsai Zhen (Du Juan) was targetted by the triad for helping her husband in gaining his position. Even the most loyal detectives Fat-Bee (Michael Chow) and Yim Hung (Patrick Tam), almost turned their backs to Lui Lok. A new episode of history has begun when HKICAC issued the wanted notices for Lui Lok and Nam Kong. Their era has officially come to an end. Where the wind blows, Hong Kong is no longer where it used to be.
Breakout Brothers 3
Big Roller
Former warden Tang is imprisoned for accepting bribes, while Jun who failed to escape from prison returns to prison to continue serving his sentence. Jun sees that Tang is familiar with the prison and lures him into cooperating in the breakout plan. The two hit it off, and even tried to create trouble and blame it on Big Roller. Jun soon discovers that Tang has other tricks, forcing him to team up again with Big Roller, Mak and new warden Ma to crack Tang`s conspiracy.
На грани
1997 год. Накануне передачи Гонконга Китаю в городе активизируется криминальная деятельность.
Breakout Brothers 2
Big Roller
Ho Chun, a young entrepreneur, is sent to jail. By implementing his philosophy in the business world that money can solve any problems, Ho Chun offers Big Roller, Kin-Tin, Scar and Ho-Ching a considerable amount of money for assisting him to breakout from jail.
Showbiz Spy
Dr. K
Cercis Lui goes undercover as an member of the "International Association for the Physical and Mental Health Development of Underage Boys and Girls" dedicated to protecting young boys and girls from being exploited in their pursuit of pop stardom. When tasked with taking down a shady talent show and its mastermind, Big Boss, Cercis must disguise himself as a woman to enter the competition. Only then can he get close enough to gather the evidence to take down the criminal ring. Joining this outlandish operation are entertainment reporter Helianthus, wannabe popstar Circle O, notorious artist Lilium, and Circle O's cousin from the U.S., Oval O. But does this ragtag team have what it takes to triumph over the shady side of the business?
Joe Chan
A young man is accused of killing the daughter of Hong Kong’s richest tycoon after a drunken tryst. His poor shop owner grandmother insists he is innocent and seeks legal aid.
Перекрёстный огонь
Yuen Ka-po
Честный и принципиальный полицейский Бон отказывается прогнуться под начальство и пойти на сделку с совестью, из-за чего его команду не берут на спецоперацию по захвату давно разыскиваемого преступника. Но на месте появляется банда неизвестных в масках и убивает почти всех копов, в том числе начальника Бона. Оказывается, бывший полицейский Нго, некогда подававший большие надежды, вышел из тюрьмы и теперь жаждет расквитаться со всеми, из-за кого его жизнь пошла наперекосяк.
I Still Remember
Wong Kowk-Wai
Chi is a lousy real estate agent who muddles through life. Growing up, his mother has always told him to lead a simple life, until he reunites with his primary school P.E. teacher, Mr Wong. Mr Wong, who’s been increasingly ill, wants to keep his promise to his late wife to finish a 10k race; At the same time, his student, an overweight student called Tin Sum aims to finish her first ever 5k race just so she can run with her idol. As Mr Wong and Tin Sum fight for their goals, Chi, discouraged, stands at a crossroad and roams aimlessly in life. Until one day, memories from 20 years ago light up Chi’s world. For once in his life, Chi swears to cheer himself on.
Breakout Brothers
Big Roller
Triad leader Roller and life-sentence inmate Scar maintain the balance of power as the bosses of the prison they're incarcerated at. Life at the prison gets disrupted by the arrival of new inmate Mak, who has run-ins with both Scar and Roller. With things going so badly for him in prison, Mak has no choice but to join in the breakout plot being hatched by Chan. However, Roller and Scar also end up being part of the plan!
Fatal Visit
The story tells of Yanny (Charlene Choi), who leaves Hong Kong to escape a love affair gone bad. She goes to San Jose to visit Ling (Sammi Cheng), an old friend she hasn't seen in years. It seems like Ling and her husband Tang (Tong Dawei) lead an ideal, carefree existence. But during the short span of five days, Yanny uncovers the truth hidden behind the façade as she discovers the unspeakable secrets that propel all three down a fatal path shattering their American dreams and imperiling their lives.
All's Well, Ends Well 2020
Tam Tai Ngok
The Yau's brothers are a trio of scammers who make punishing baddies their mission. A misunderstanding leads them to fellow con artists the Lui's sisters, and they join hands to scam a notorious mob boss. Through a myriad of ingenious tricks and disguises, they bring the mobster to justice as romance blossoms swiftly—all's well that ends well.
Неожиданный свидетель
Bull Yiu
Операция по обезвреживанию грабителей ювелирного магазина закончилась кровавой бойней, а главарь банды смог скрыться. Однако это станет только началом череды криминальных и запутанных событий, в которых не все так очевидно, как казалось полицейским на первый взгляд.
Смертельный рейд
Tam Ka Ming
Спустя 20 лет после кровопролитной перестрелки выжившая мадам Фун возглавляет новый отряд в погоне за безрассудными молодыми анархистами, терроризирующими Макао. Ещё один выживший после того рокового дня устраивает финальный поединок с воинственными женщинами-полицейскими из отряда мадам Фун.
Шторм P
Sum Kwok-Keung
Уильям Лук отправляется в исправительное учреждение в качестве заключенного, чтобы провести внутреннее расследование для выявления фактов коррупции и криминала среди сотрудников тюрьмы.
Мастер Z: Наследие Ип Мана
Ma King-Sang
После поражения от Ип Мана Чун Тинь-Чи решает исправиться и вести тихую мирную жизнь, но зло само нарывается на неприятности.
Super Model Fantasy
At a celebration feast, the supermodel An Weiwei, who seemed to be calm but was jealous, announced a break in public because of her boyfriend's betrayal. After breaking up, impulsive drag racing suffered a car accident, the lower leg was amputated, and fate fell into a trough. After a short period of pain and struggle, she decided to use her prosthesis to return to the T stage, and a dream-by-dream battle slowly began ...
Шторм L
Wong Hoi-wo
Начальник специального отдела налоговой службы Уильям Люк расследует очередное дело о коррупции и отмывании денег, но процесс заходит в тупик. В это время в отдел внутренних расследований поступает информация, что Люк сам замешан во взяточничестве в особо крупных размерах. Теперь инспектору придется очень сильно постараться, чтобы отмыть свое честное имя и разоблачить продажных членов государственных структур.
Soccer Killer
Yuan Yan Hong Lie
In the Song Dynasty, a group of patriots play soccer against the traitor with a team of foreign enemies, royal pro-nobles, bandits, martial arts masters and embrace the country hatred to compete for the first time in the history of China International soccer match.
Mr. Lau
The movie is based on a true story about a repented gangster preaching the word of God and guiding his brotherhood to turn over a new leaf. Chen once was the leader of the famous gang "The 13 Tsz Wan Shan", he lost his family, lovers, brothers and finally ended up imprisoned for his drug abuse and trafficking. After jail, he devoted himself to save the lost fellows and was selected as "The JCI Hong Kong Ten Outstanding Young Persons". Being respected by the world, Chen is always asked to solve the most difficult situations between evil and good. People give him a nickname "The Fixer". However, there are two sides of a coin, Chen can work out any problem of others, but he does not know how to deal with his personal knot with his love, with whom he has had guilty conscience all his life. Can he fix it eventually?
Thailand's Love
Insomnia Lover
An Ding, a freelance insomnia therapist meets a beautiful girl at a beach in Shenzhen. After finding out that she needs help in going to sleep, he makes her falls to sleep on her beach chair and sticks on her chest his business card sticker. In a nightclub he meets his goddess who disappears after he comes back from the toilet. That same woman goes to his clinic to seek treatment accompanied by her girlfriend Xiao-chen and An Ding finds out her name is Miao Tiao. Miao Tiao works in an insurance firm. Later, in the same nightclub Miao Tiao and Xiao-chen are saved by An Ding and his friend Fei from two male patrons of the nightclub that are harassing them. Thus begins a one-sided love affair between An Ding and Miao Tiao. The movie ended happily with Miao Tiao finally accepting An Ding's love and reciprocates. (via Wikipedia)
Love in Late Autumn
Patrick Wong
Ип Ман 3
Ma King-Sang
Мастеру Ип Ману снова приходится использовать вин-чун по прямому назначению, когда бандитская группировка пытается подмять под себя местную школу.
Порт назначения
Гонконг, 2009 год. Полиция вызвана на место преступления, явно произошло убийство, но тела нет.
Wong Ka Yan
In 1992, on a small island in Hong Kong, a boy fell for Yan crazily searched for her by dozens of unbelievable means. Although every 'Yan' he met turned out to be someone else, they did bring life-changing influences to each other. 22 years later, when the story is finally unveiled, middle-aged Yan is deeply moved.
The Merger
An ardent youth Yip Ka-ka, whose adoptive mother Bao Choi-yi was her birth mother Yip Heung-heung's best friend, heads her schoolmates to demonstrate against the demolition of the extraordinary school library. In spite of failure, her optimistic personality causes her to shift focus on the preservation of the valuable books together with her geek-looking teacher Chan Ka-keung. Due to their extreme personalities, they argue a lot and seem like to be quarrelsome lovers through the sifting process of less valuable books. Unexpectedly, Ka-ka discovers her birth mother Heung-heung's diary and the truth of her birth parents' love story...
The Spirit of the Swords
The young swordsman (Nicholas Tse) only for the completion of the master’s last wish before his death – to find ancient Central Plains nine left enduring famous sword, from the north to the Central Plains Penglai. Prior to submission of the court already Martial Shandong, Qingping swordsman and white space Using young swordsman contest Cheat Death, became buried in the court martial of the Black Hand
Два больших пальца вверх
Johnny To
Большой Ф, который только что вышел из тюряги, начинает искать своих старых товарищей. Как выясняется, он хочет ограбить грузовик, перевозящий за границу деньги. Вот только грузовик этот на самом деле — катафалк, а деньги упакованы в трупы, да ещё и другая банда оказалась заинтересованной в этом деле.
Just Another Margin
Just Another Margin is a 2014 Chinese comedy film directed by Jeffrey Lau and starring Betty Sun, Ronald Cheng, Ekin Cheng and Alex Fong. The story centers on celestial beings who come down to earth affecting the people in unexpected ways.
Когда гаснет свет
Mr. Tan
Фильм посвящен героической работе гонконгских пожарных. Начинается история с рядового, незначительного пожара на ликерном складе. Но ситуация с огнем быстро выходит из-под контроля, грозя ввернуть весь Гонконг в темноту накануне Сочельника. Узы братства всегда более сильны, когда вы связаны опасными для жизни ситуациями, и когда большое значение имеет, насколько вы доверяете тому, кто находится рядом с вами.
Три друга присоединились к банде Триада. На них обрушились богатство и слава. Но только один из них может стать главарём банды. Смогут ли они сохранить дружбу?..
The Detective 2
Inspector Lo
Bumbling private detective Chan Tam is enlisted by police pal Fung Chak to help in the investigation of a serial murder case. The victims a middle-aged man killed at home, a dead woman found in the trash dump, and a teenage girl slain in the park were all killed in grisly manners, but they didn't seem related to one another. With no clue to follow up on, Tam is decidedly at his wits' end.
Deadly Will
Detectives receive a anonymous letter asking for their help in solving the murder of the world's richest man.
Chase Our Love
Vincent Mann
This romantic comedy follows three introverted guys, ZaiZai, Nick and Jacky. All three are finding it tough when it comes to the matters of love. Jacky, a homey guy only goes out when he sees the opportunity to be with Mindy, an actress. Elsewhere, when ZaiZai comes to the aid of the pretty Diana, his good intentions gets misunderstood and his girlfriend breaks up with him. Feeling guilty, Diana gets confused with her feelings for ZaiZai, and tries to hook up her friend, Lucy with ZaiZai’s best friend, Nick. The two hit it off at first, but as their relationship progresses, Lucy starts to question her relationship with Nick. As the 3 guys deal with their heartache, follow their lives in the city, as they long for the love they find hard to reach.
Ещё один ящик Пандоры
General Xia Hou
Странствующий проходимец Цинг встречает девушку с мечом, намертво вложенным в ножны. Совершенно случайно ему удается достать ее меч, и девушка извещает его, что это знак — теперь он должен на ней жениться. Однако в планы Цинга это не входит, поэтому он удирает он невесты в прошлое, во времена Троецарствия, воспользовавшись легендарным Ящиком Пандоры.
Fortune King Is Coming to Town!
Flower Buyer
"Here Comes Fortune" is about the God of Fortune coming down from heaven to spread some love and wealth to humans in need. The movie is developed by talking about stories which took place in three cities: Shenyang, where a kind-hearted teacher is willing to give up a billion dollars in order to save her adopted daughter; Shanghai, a love story about 533, a female God of Fortune falling in love with a blind pianist; and Beijing where an ugly duckling story of Xu Jie, the boring introverted office lady.
Властелины стихий 2
Безжалостный повелитель Японии решил завоевать Китай. Он поработил огромное количество воинов, среди которых оказались Облако и легендарный мастер Безымянный. Ветру удалось спастись, однако все трое были тяжело ранены приспешниками Лорда Тьмы. Облако остался жив лишь благодаря помощи Чу-Чу, которая закрыла его своим телом от удара Повелителя. Над Миром нависла смертельная угроза, и многие оставшиеся мастера боевых искусств пожертвовали своими жизнями, чтобы спасти героев, в надежде, что те смогут одолеть армию Тьмы и спасти страну.
To Live and Die in Mongkok
Set within Mongkok, Hong Kong, an area known as the most crowded in the world, a schizophrenic ex-con views his Mongkok surroundings as a prison he can't get out of after he is released from a 30 years jail sentence.
Lady Cop & Papa Crook
Donald Ng
A corrupt red oil kingpin enlists the aid of a female police officer to help find his son.
Trivial Matters
Magazine editor
7 Short Story Collection from Hong Kong popular director, Elmond Pang. All about social problem in Hong Kong, delivered in a satirical way.
In Love with the Dead
In Hong Kong, the successful designer Ming lives with his beloved girlfriend Wai Luk and her younger sister who loves ghost story comic books. When Wai is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, Ming's life is turned upside-down, and he sacrifices his career to spend more time with Wai. He finds a new job in a lower position and out of the blue he finds that his new boss, Chu Fong, was his old friend in elementary school. When Wai gives up chemotherapy she decides to treat herself in accordance with the traditional Chinese medicine guided by her aunt. She has a weird behavior at home, and her frightened sister insists that she is a ghost. Meanwhile, Ming gets closer to Fong, who is a successful entrepreneur but a woman needy of love. During a trip to Peking, they have one night stand. Over the next days, Ming and Fong have a love affair and Ming believes that Wai is a spirit resolving her issues to move to the next level.
Who's Next
Naraka 19
Dr. Yan
When Rain, a beautiful university year 4 student receives an SMS on her mobile phone - "Do you know what the 19th Gate of hell is?", the nightmare begins for her. It is not too long before she realizes that she is unwittingly trapped in a terrifying mobile phone game from hell and this game is larger than life.
Simply Actors
When undercover cops start losing their lives to drug lords who blame their demise on "poor acting", the Police Force counters by sending Hong Kong's Finest to acting school.
Luxury Fantasy
Китайская история
One of Five Great Sect
Фильм о фантастическом приключении монаха и его трех учеников. На их пути к городу Шач, монах спасается от нападения демонов. Пытаясь спасти своих учеников, он попадает в плен к Королю рептилий, где его держат под охраной жуткого Мейана, уродливого демона, который влюбляется в монаха.
General Xu Gui
Главный герой — археолог, ведущий раскопки в местах древних городов и захоронений. Снимая слой за слоем, пробираясь через толщу веков, пытливый исследователь погружается в древность и мистическим образом перевоплощается в воина, от которого много веков назад зависела судьба целого народа. Миф становится реальностью…
City of SARS
Dr. Chen
Three tales about a morally-questionable doctor, a quarantined relationship, and a rich businessman sent spiraling into debt due to the SARS outbreak. Each person is "affected" by SARS in their own unique way.
My Troublesome Buddy
Ken Siu Man
A-Gan is a mean and stingy but successful salesman. One day he has a car accident and meets his own conscious. His Conscious just gives him 7 days to live. A-Gan convinces it to let him live on if 7 people come and visit him. Disappointed by his colleagues' attitudes, A-Gan meets A-Tong, a girl who is as rude and mean as him. They finally change their bad personalities and A-Gan saves his own life by having 7 visitors.
The Wall
Kai Dik Chan
A modern HK Cinema throwback to eighties triad dramas. Jordan Chan is Cho, a recently released ex-con who was imprisoned when he took the heat for a killing performed by his childhood buddy Dik (Patrick Tam). Now free, Cho only wants to be rid of the triad life, but finds himself inexorably drawn back in when Dik reappears. Dik is now a top triad lieutenant, and only wants to repay Cho for his loyalty and friendship. The two reforge their friendship, but it's an uneasy alliance which is complicated by Dik's seeming enjoyment at the violence of the triad life. Matters reach a head when Cho romances San (Cherrie Ying), the girlfriend of Dik's triad boss, leading to an explosive confrontation between the two longtime friends. Directed with smart, low-key precision by Marco Mak, The Wall is a tense action drama which recalls the righteous triad dramas of old!
The New Option
Faced with early retirement and difficulty recruiting, Stone is forced to lower his standard of acceptance. When a vicious, military-trained group of criminals commit a chain of big-time robberies, the Flying Tigers are called into action once again.
Воины Зу
King Sky, the sole disciple of the Kun Lun Sect, falls in love with his master Dawn. Dawn is killed when Insomnia destroys the Kin Lun Mountain. King Sky waits for two hundred years and meets Enigma, who is the reincarnation of Dawn, and in love with her again. However, Insomnia's Blood Clouds is ready to destroy Zu...
Рождённый диким
Молодой человек расследует смерть своего брата-близнеца и открывает темный мир подпольного бокса.
Ah Lee
Джон и Уэйн – двое случайно выбранных мужчин, которые должны произвести революцию в дизайне бюстгальтера: для оживления застоявшейся индустрии японские боссы известной компании дают своему отделению в Гонконге в лице Саманты привлечь к созданию «супербюстгальтеров» для мужчин. Парочка поначалу не очень представляет, зачем женщинам вообще нужны эти штуки, но вскоре они понимают, что дело не просто в двух кусочках ткани, сшитых вместе.
Boddy Puzzle
Body Puzzle is a Crime-Thriller starring Kent Cheng.
Sung Ping
Michael is a cop chasing uncommon serial killer Sung Ping, who one day kills off a scummy triad on almost a whim. Liking the aftermath, he proceeds to plan his next few killings much to the dismay of the local triads. Meanwhile, reporter Hak makes the real-life crime drama the fodder for his crime fiction serial. Before long, Ping begins using the fiction to fuel his own plans, and soon Hak is concerned that he may be responsible.
Homicidal Maniac
Li Ye Kin
Lots of familiar faces populate this drab thriller about Patrick Tam, who may or not be a psycho killer. This much is true: he’s overly obsessed with Angie Cheung (as many are I'm sure) and spends his time acting wacky. Ultimately, what we discover is that he’s wacky, but still not as wacky as we were led to believe.
Killers from Beijing
The Emperor
Этим воинам нет равных в поднебесной. Над Великой Китайской империей сгущаются тучи коварного заговора. И в это неспокойное время древнюю столицу облетает сенсационная весть: непревзойденный мастер боевых искусств Ку-Синг вызывает на поединок гения кунг-фу Снежного Саймона! Одновременно в городе происходят странные события: неуловимый злодей убивает знаменитых воинов и ремесленников. Подозрения па-дают на Снежного Саймона, но бесстрашный имперский агент Девятый Дракон уверен в невиновно-сти своего лучшего друга, ставшего жертвой таинственных интриг.
Crying Heart
Mrs. Fat is slowly succumbing to cancer, but her biggest worry is her only child, the 30-year-old Bee. Possessing the mind of a toddler but the hormonal urges of a sexually aroused rhino, Bee finds himself in trouble with the gangster boyfriend of his neighbor May. After the thug is killed for stealing some heroin, the pregnant May becomes severely disabled -- and after Bee's real mother dies, the surrogate mother for her new friend.
Легенда о скорости
Избалованный деньгами матери гонщик Скай не боится ничего и никого — он привык получать все, что хочет, не встречая при этом серьезного сопротивления. Получив вызов от очередного претендента на звание Короля Скорости, он предлагает тому поставить на кон ногу и, выиграв, ломает ее без всякого сомненья. Вышедший на свободу после долгих лет тюрьмы брат несчастного — Тан Фун — назначает ответную гоночную дуэль, в которой погибает девушка Ская, Келли, а он сам становится беглецом от правосудия. Теперь Скай должен собраться со всеми силами, чтобы вновь сесть за руль.
Purple Storm
O. B.
Khmer Rouge terrorist Kieron Chow and his unit arrive in Hong Kong for their latest mission. Todd, Chow's son and fiercely loyal right-hand man, sustains a serious head wound. Now a total amnesiac, Todd wakes from a coma to find he's been given a new life, one that may be the death of him. With the help of psychiatrist Shirley Kwan, anti-terrorist officer Mark Chan tries to convince Todd that he is actually an undercover cop sent to infiltrate Chow's group. As fragments of his shattered memory return, Todd is forced to choose between his dark past and this one shot at redemption
Century of the Dragon
Tong Man-Chun
Rookie policeman Shing (Louis Koo) grapples with right and wrong in this action-packed story about Hong Kong gangsters. Assigned to go undercover, Shing is so successful in playing the part of a gang member that he becomes right-hand man to gang leader Fei Ling (Andy Lau). Shing comes to respect Fei Ling and question his original motives, but the troubled cop must make a crucial decision before rival gangs and impatient cops move in for the kill.
The H.K. Triad
Two childhood friends become mortal enemies after their lives take drastically different paths and they discover that they are both in love with the same woman.
My Loving Trouble 7
Jim Si-Bon
Patrick Tam plays James, a director of TV commercials who becomes infatuated with Julia, a mysterious woman he happens to notice walking across the street one day (and since Julia is played by Shu Qi, who can blame him?). She is actually a high-tech industrial spy, and plans to quit the service after completing one more mission, with the help of her new partner Candy (Tien Hsin). When the women realize that they have been set up, James tries to help them and the initially hostile Julia begins warming up to him.
Love in the River
Ching is a voluptuous widow whose thre short marriages have each ended with her husbands dying due to unknown causes. To seek the truth, journalist Ho befriends Ching. Gradually Ho becomes addicted to the mysterious Ching, who can foretell his future. Ho now finds himself stepping into the same fatal trap as Ching's dead husbands, and is helpless to do anything to stop it.
Операция «Миллионер»
Чеунг Чи-Хо зарабатывает на жизнь похищениями близких людей миллионеров — продержав свою жертву пару дней в клетке, он получает выкуп и тихо-мирно отпускает заложника восвояси. Но черт его дернул войти в долю с психопатом и просто крутым гангстером Циклоном, который начинает медленно, но верно тянуть своих новых компаньонов на дно.
Beast Cops
Ruthlessly realistic, and vivid and unremitting in its uncompromising brutality and honesty, Beast Cops is a visceral and hard-hitting exploration of the dichotomous existence of two cops charged with upholding the law, while balancing on a moral knife-edge. Compelling and controversial, with a breakout performance of startling intensity from leading man Anthony Wong, this raw and enticing action-thriller has mesmerized audiences worldwide with its disturbing examination of the subjective and marginal morality, which inhabits the uncertain and ambiguous world of law enforcement.
Point of No Return
Woefully underrated HK action drama concerning hitmen and gangsters. Circa 1990, were there any other characters befitting of a HK film? Nope! Jacky Cheung dresses the part as a hitman who falls for the lovely Joey Wong. Wong is reduced to the part of a flower vase but the juice of the film is the loving early 90's HK action. Some crazy characters in this one. Look out for the colorful hitman duo of Ken Lo as 'Puma' and Ling Gwai-yuet as Lily. Are there better action films from this era? Sure. But this one doesn't disappoint.
My First of May
Fight For Tomorrow
Killer and Undercover