Yu Jun-sang

Yu Jun-sang

Рождение : 1969-11-28, Seoul, South Korea


Yu Jun-sang (유준상) is a South Korean actor.


Yu Jun-sang
Yu Jun-sang
Yu Jun-sang
Yu Jun-sang
Yu Jun-sang


The Boys
Choi Woo-sung
A story about an investigating team leader, Hwang Joon-cheol, in charge of investigating boys who are suspected of robbery at the local town's supermarket, 'Woori Super'.
Honest Candidate 2
President of the Republic of Korea
As a politician, Joo Sang-Sook (Ra Mi-Ran) attempted to run for the fourth time as a member of the nationally assembly. After visiting her grandmother, Joo Sang-Sook was unable to tell a lie. Now, Joo Sang-Sook attempts to return to the political world.
Light As a Feather
방송국 pd
An NGO worker in South America returns to Korea. During her month-long stay in Korea, she tries to spend as much time as possible with him, but the man is busy with his work at the TV station. They become disappointed with each other, and start quarrelling frequently. The woman now spends more time alone at home. Actor Yu Junsang has directed and starred in this film about two people who struggle to accept their differences. Although they are together, they are two different people who see the same things from different perspectives.
Light As a Feather
An NGO worker in South America returns to Korea. During her month-long stay in Korea, she tries to spend as much time as possible with him, but the man is busy with his work at the TV station. They become disappointed with each other, and start quarrelling frequently. The woman now spends more time alone at home. Actor Yu Junsang has directed and starred in this film about two people who struggle to accept their differences. Although they are together, they are two different people who see the same things from different perspectives.
Spring Song
One winter, Yu Jun-sang and Lee Jun-hwa, the two members of a band “J and Joy 20” get on a flight to Japan with an impulse to film a music video. They set off to Japan, without any actors or themes prepared and armed only with an ambitious plan to make a song for spring. As Japanese musical actor Nakagawa Akinori and two Korean actors Kim So-jin and Jung Soon-won gather together, a joyful production of the music video unfolds on a snowfield with Mount Fuji in the background.
Spring Song
One winter, Yu Jun-sang and Lee Jun-hwa, the two members of a band “J and Joy 20” get on a flight to Japan with an impulse to film a music video. They set off to Japan, without any actors or themes prepared and armed only with an ambitious plan to make a song for spring. As Japanese musical actor Nakagawa Akinori and two Korean actors Kim So-jin and Jung Soon-won gather together, a joyful production of the music video unfolds on a snowfield with Mount Fuji in the background.
Spring Song
One winter, Yu Jun-sang and Lee Jun-hwa, the two members of a band “J and Joy 20” get on a flight to Japan with an impulse to film a music video. They set off to Japan, without any actors or themes prepared and armed only with an ambitious plan to make a song for spring. As Japanese musical actor Nakagawa Akinori and two Korean actors Kim So-jin and Jung Soon-won gather together, a joyful production of the music video unfolds on a snowfield with Mount Fuji in the background.
Spring Song
One winter, Yu Jun-sang and Lee Jun-hwa, the two members of a band “J and Joy 20” get on a flight to Japan with an impulse to film a music video. They set off to Japan, without any actors or themes prepared and armed only with an ambitious plan to make a song for spring. As Japanese musical actor Nakagawa Akinori and two Korean actors Kim So-jin and Jung Soon-won gather together, a joyful production of the music video unfolds on a snowfield with Mount Fuji in the background.
Spring Song
One winter, Yu Jun-sang and Lee Jun-hwa, the two members of a band “J and Joy 20” get on a flight to Japan with an impulse to film a music video. They set off to Japan, without any actors or themes prepared and armed only with an ambitious plan to make a song for spring. As Japanese musical actor Nakagawa Akinori and two Korean actors Kim So-jin and Jung Soon-won gather together, a joyful production of the music video unfolds on a snowfield with Mount Fuji in the background.
It's Not Over Yet
Junsang, who participated in the Seoul Jazz Festival as a band “J n joy 20” is hurt by the people’s comments on the internet. He goes on his second musical trip with his bandmate Junwha to USA to write better songs, but doesn’t work out easily. On the way to Cleveland, the police pulls over their car and Junwha gets arrested due to unknown reason, Junsang gets left alone on the highway.
It's Not Over Yet
Junsang, who participated in the Seoul Jazz Festival as a band “J n joy 20” is hurt by the people’s comments on the internet. He goes on his second musical trip with his bandmate Junwha to USA to write better songs, but doesn’t work out easily. On the way to Cleveland, the police pulls over their car and Junwha gets arrested due to unknown reason, Junsang gets left alone on the highway.
It's Not Over Yet
Junsang, who participated in the Seoul Jazz Festival as a band “J n joy 20” is hurt by the people’s comments on the internet. He goes on his second musical trip with his bandmate Junwha to USA to write better songs, but doesn’t work out easily. On the way to Cleveland, the police pulls over their car and Junwha gets arrested due to unknown reason, Junsang gets left alone on the highway.
It's Not Over Yet
Junsang, who participated in the Seoul Jazz Festival as a band “J n joy 20” is hurt by the people’s comments on the internet. He goes on his second musical trip with his bandmate Junwha to USA to write better songs, but doesn’t work out easily. On the way to Cleveland, the police pulls over their car and Junwha gets arrested due to unknown reason, Junsang gets left alone on the highway.
It's Not Over Yet
Junsang, who participated in the Seoul Jazz Festival as a band “J n joy 20” is hurt by the people’s comments on the internet. He goes on his second musical trip with his bandmate Junwha to USA to write better songs, but doesn’t work out easily. On the way to Cleveland, the police pulls over their car and Junwha gets arrested due to unknown reason, Junsang gets left alone on the highway.
Отель у Реки
В гостинице у замерзшей реки Хан, всего два постояльца: поэт в думах о смерти и девушка с разбитым сердцем... Стареющий поэт Юнгхван, бесплатно живущий в отеле, вызывает к себе своих сыновей, так как чувствует, что его смерть близка. С сыновьями Юнгхван давно перестал общаться и никогда ни о чём не говорил с ними. После предательства любовника в поисках поддержки девушка вызывает подругу. Поэт проводит день с сыновьями и пытается закончить незавершенные дела. А потом он видит девушку и ее подругу после неожиданного и невероятно сильного снегопада... Прозрачный воздушный черно-белый фильм переплетает различные драмы своих героев на фоне белоснежной зимы.
С Богами: Два мира
Trapped Firefighter
Спасая ребёнка из горящего здания, пожарный Ким Джа-хон погибает героической смертью. И тут же три ангела смерти сопровождают его в мир мёртвых, где смертному предстоит пройти 7 судов и держать ответ перед 7-ю Богами. Ангелы будут его защитниками, и если Джа-хона признают безгрешным, он получит возможность реинкарнироваться и начать новую жизнь.
Ты сам и твоё
Lee Sang-won
В разговоре двух друзей один из них заявляет, что девушка другого на днях напилась и устроила драку в баре. Друг ему не верит, но все же вечером решает расспросить об этом свою возлюбленную. Та всё отрицает, герои ссорятся и решают какое-то время не общаться. Вот только парень не может прожить и дня без любимой, а девушка флиртует с другими мужчинами и не особо грустит.
The Map Against The World
Heungseon Daewongun
Kim Jeong-ho's father died due to an erroneous map. Because of this, Kim Jeong-ho has a strong desire to make his own map. He begins a complete block map of Joseon.
Things That I Learn From You
Things That I Learn From You
Things That I Learn From You
Things That I Learn From You
Things That I Learn From You
Right Now, Wrong Then
Ahn Seong-gook
Chun-Soo arrives in Suwon one day earlier than scheduled. He has a special lecture to give the next day. Chun-Soo decides to visit a palace and meets Hee-Jung there. Hee-Jung is a painter and she lets Chun-Soo see her workroom with her paintings. In the evening, they go out eat and drink together. There, Chun-Soo reveals something unexpected to Hee-Jung.
Angry Painter
A mysterious man, "Painter" is a chaser, who is always with "Driver." Driver is in a relationship with an Estonian girl, who works at the US soldier’s club. She was drifting several regions because of her father’s gambling debt. One day a soldier goes mad for their relationship, and kill her and her boyfriend in front of Painter. Being so angry Painter turns into a mad creature and mysterious power leads him to Estonia.
A Matter of Interpretation
One winter day, nobody comes to see a play. One of the drama’s actresses becomes angry and leaves the theater. She goes to a park, drinks and meets people.
Chief Detective Song
Некогда бывший наемник Ё Хун, пытается жить обычной жизнью. И у него это в принципе хорошо получается, но однажды он отправляется в офис по поручению и обнаруживает там труп. Вот так мужчина и становится в одночасье главным подозреваемым. Его разыскивает не только полиция, но и наемные убийцы. Как выбраться из этой передряги, доказать свою невиновность и при этом остаться в живых?
Кулак легенды
Lee Sang-hoon
В школе Док-кю был лучшим бойцом. Теперь он взрослый, и у его дочери неприятности, поэтому приходится вспомнить молодость и согласиться на участие в телешоу «Кулак легенды».
Ничья дочь Хэвон
Студентка Хэвон чувствует себя брошенной. Ее мать собирается эмигрировать в Канаду, а в это время Хэвон решает положить конец своему роману с одним из ее профессоров из-за его равнодушия к ней. Сокурсники Хэвон узнают про их отношения, но ее женатый любовник все равно не желает с ней расставаться…
Park Dong-sik
A story about a three-part family with lots of stories to tell and the first episode of the '3 life parts' that is completed henceforth.
Взвейся в небо
Major Lee Cheol-hee
Летчик-истребитель Чжон Тэ-Хун, служащий в элитном отряде ВВС «Черный Орел», совершил дерзкий поступок, сорвав авиа-шоу. После этого летчик был вынужден перевестись в авиаотряд F15K, лучшим пилотом которого является Ли Чхоль-Хи. Тэ-Хун — свободолюбивый летчик, любящий нарушать всевозможные правила и не терпящий над собой давления, а Чхоль-Хи, наоборот, любит следовать всевозможным правилам. Так что конфликт между двумя такими противоположными, но сильными личностями неизбежен.
В другой стране
Анна замужем и изменяет мужу. Другая Анна — разведена. Третья Анна — снимает кино. Все три однажды оказываются в одном городке, в одном отеле и на одном пляже. Встречаются с одними и теми же людьми, говорят одни и те же слова, попадают в похожие ситуации… Но окружающие не замечают этой странности. Ведь живут все три Анны в одной голове…
Over a slice of chocolate cake, a mother and daughter tensely discuss the good-for-nothing relative whose money troubles have brought them to the seaside town of Mohang. For now they have nothing to do but wait, so the younger woman, Mihye, composes a list of goals for her involuntary vacation — a list which she seems to fulfill almost accidentally, as she and her mother wander, eat, drink, and meet with fate, here in the form of a clumsily flirtatious film director.
The Day He Arrives
A film director who no longer makes films, Seongjun arrives in Seoul to meet a close friend. When the friend doesn’t show up, Seongjun wanders the city aimlessly for three days, grabbing drinks and meeting women, with each day playing out like a version of the last.
The Last Blossom
Middle aged housewife Kim In-Hee's mother-in-law has Alzheimer's disease, her physician husband is always tired and indifferent to her needs and her children has become wayward. For her family, Kim In-Hee has devoted her life as a daughter-in-law, wife and mother. Kim In-Hee then learns that she has terminal cancer and is dying. The mother accepts her fate and sets up the most beautiful goodbye to her family.
Park Min-wook
Рю Хае-гук приезжает в глухой городишко на похороны своего отца, с которым он не виделся практически с детских лет. Его радушно встретил местный Голова, бывший полицейский детектив Чун Енг-дук и несколько местных жителей из его окружения. Рю всегда был дотошным парнем, за что попадал в неприятности с полицией или прокуратурой, работнику которой, прокурору Паку Мин-уку он даже умудрился испортить карьеру. И здесь, сидя за столом на поминках у него вдруг возникает тревожное чувство, что все вокруг от него что-то скрывают и всеми возможными способами пытаются побыстрее спровадить его обратно в Сеул. Но зачем? Почему? Неужели за смертью его отца что-то стоит, быть может она не случайна? И молодой человек бросается в этот черный омут, что называется, с головой, даже не догадываясь о том, что его ждет впереди…
Ha Ha Ha
Bang Joong-sik
Over drinks, two friends agree to swap fond memories of their recent trips to the same seaside town. As the stories unfold in flashback, it becomes evident their accounts take place at the same time and with the same people.
Where Is Ronny...
With just one punch, a foreign merchant named Ronny (Mahbub Alam) knocks out In-Ho (Yu Jun-Sang) during one of his Taekwondo training classes. In-Ho then goes to find Ronny to recover his dignity. However, what comes next is separation from his wife and being imprisoned..
Like You Know It All
Director Ko
Delightfully comic exploration of the emotional and social geography of an art-house film director.
Kang Wook-Han
A young boy experiences anesthesia awareness while undergoing surgery. Unable to respond because of a muscle relaxant administered to him, the boy is severely traumatized. The result is his killing of a young girl soon after the operation. The boy is admitted to a mental institution, and with the help of a team of psychiatrists, his memories are blocked and he is able to lead a normal life. Twenty years later a series of events unlocks his memories and once again transforms him into a murderer. As the killings continue, the secrets from twenty years earlier are slowly revealed.
Wedding Campaign
A 38-year-old single man, Hong Man-Taek is a petty farmer still living with his mother. Seeing a neighbor married to an Uzbekistan bride and frightened by the fact that his own grandson will never get married, Man-Taek's grandfather decides to send Man-tek to Uzbekistan to find a bride.
Show Show Show
San-hae has a habit for chasing unreachable dreams but never attaining them. His best friend, Sang-chul, is yet to find direction in his life but always lives by his life motto: to live and die for his friends. Dong-leung, a naive and timid student, consistently lacks the courage to live on his own and always submits to his father's orders. Although radically different in personalities, San-hae, Sang-chul, and Dong-leung are the best of friends. Then one day, while gambling on a card game, they inherit a run-down bar. Initially excited about their earnings, the three friends later realize that running a bar is far from easy. Then San-hae comes up with an idea to bring in customers; he decides to create a bartending extravaganza entitled "The Show", a brand new concept in Seoul during the 1970s.
Месть с того света
Закончив университет, Хе-джин готовится поступать в аспирантуру. Однажды ее навещает школьная подруга Сон-э. Этот визит очень удивляет девушку, потому что они не общались с тех пор, как Сон-э уехала за границу. К тому же старая знакомая считает, что ее кто-то преследует. В школе они состояли в клубе, и чтобы разобраться в ситуации, Хе-джин встречается с семью членами клуба и чувствует, что те от нее что-то скрывают.
Tell Me Something
Kim Ki-yeon
In Seoul, parts not matching of severed copses of three men are found in cars and bags left in public spaces.